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Apr 8, 2017 12:14 PM
Nov 2013
Personally, I believe that Shinji never grows as a character, and he never proves anyone wrong.

I think for the most part, Gurren Lagann did a much better job of portraying a likeable main character who grew during the series and truly became a hero in the end.

For me, Shinji never did that, and the way he was bullied by mostly every other character in the show really evoked in me a feeling of hopelessness that I just do not like in a show.
Apr 8, 2017 12:24 PM

Aug 2016
There are plenty of reasons to hate it.

The episodic early episodes
Unneccessary religious symobolism
The beta af MC
Lack of animation, especially with the last two episodes
Fanservice and overused archetypes

And probably a lot more.

People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
Apr 10, 2017 1:22 PM

Jun 2011
I didn't think this show can stand the test of time. It may have been good for its time, but it starts to get annoying overtime. These characters have not gotten over their trauma even if they happened at least 10 years ago and still remain bratty, whiny, introverted depressed characters. Like Misato needs to lay off the drinking, Asuka needs to lay off the brattiness, Rei needs to lay off the shyness and Shinji needs to lay off the ball-up-and-be-passive behavior. All of the other characters seem to be nothing but perverted or just mean people who do almost nothing to help these characters with problems.

Most of the time, they just remain calm and patient and treat them like the fragile individuals they are. No therapy, no psychiatrist, no medication, no counselling, no discipline, no sitting down and talking to them about their problems or anything like that. Well, Shinji is the one who had received the most scolding, but everyone else didn't get that.

The show is emotionally manipulative (though maybe not Clannad emotionally manipulative but in a different way) with forced drama and the characters can be absurd. The show is very violent and Asuka is probably the most screwed up of the characters and it baffles me. She kicks doors, she is so narcissistic, jealous, moody and erratic that she only trusts very few people and is overall, just not that friendly to be around. But all the other characters I wouldn't be friends with neither, because like Shinji, he's always crying and almost never does fight, Rei is normally nice but she doesn't talk much, do much, or socialize so it can make her boring and submissive, and Misato is always drinking, which could be the cause of some of her angry behavior and such and such.

I also wasn't a fan of the animation or the voice acting, Tiffany grant just comes off as arrogant and crazy, Hikari sounds like a southern girl, and the other girl voices don't sound that individual.

The fact that it has such mean characters in it should've been left to the angels, which are the real villains of the series unless possibly if they had some kind of redemption and wanted to correct their mistkaes but it still probably wouldn't have made a difference.

I even hated Asuka and Shinji's 'friends', Hikari seems to be nothing more than a pointless stereotype to appease Asuka while Toji and Kensuke are just buttholese who Shinji should stay away from.
Angry_Anime_NerdApr 10, 2017 4:44 PM
Numbuh 3, you've got to get off the couch, you cannot sit in that tree house, girl you like Rainbow Monkeys so grab your little shit and then swing!

Hand tracks be tracking me to different doorways. In a maze, and I don't know what to do. Guaranteed though, Ima find the emeralds.
Apr 10, 2017 1:30 PM

Jul 2014
It's perfectly understandable in my opinion, and this is coming from a guy who considers it one of the all time greats. The plot can be hard to follow near the end, some may find the characters obnoxious and it has inconsistent animation. It's not a series for everyone.
Take care of yourself

Apr 24, 2017 12:39 PM
Apr 2017
I think reason why people hate it is because of the ending it was trash, cancer, osteoporosis, and depression. Basically it was a waste of time.
May 23, 2017 11:50 PM

May 2015
For as bizzare..and low budget..the last two episodes were (WITHOUT the knowledge of EoE), everything before then was some amazing stuff. Like, wonderful. Brilliant, in every way. And totally, completely worth every single bit of praise it's given. I'd take an ending ten times worse just for the good stuff. Great stuff.

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May 24, 2017 1:20 PM

May 2016
VARice22 said:
Because they gave us a philosophy shit show instead of an actual ending. What happened to Askua? What about Lilith? What the fuck is the black moon? the last two episodes are completely fabricated and useles.

I hate to state the obvious, but have you seen End of Evangelion?
Jun 15, 2017 12:53 AM
Jun 2017
The show is 21 years old and is still widely debated today, the final episodes were probably the most daring ones an anime ever did. Almost all the characters have good development and the animation is gucci. The fact that many shows that came after that took darker psychological spins were inspired by Eva just shows how influential it is. The whole anime industry was affected by the show.

Ok, now eliminating the pretentiousness of the comment, let's analyze Eva: at the time it was launched, there wasn't much to be compared to it, you can say that there were many animes that did the teen angst psychology way before Eva, but the level of realism (or intended realism) in Eva was way better. Maybe the reason it's so loved is because it was the first thing many people were exposed to that had such depth, and for that reason those who have watched exaggerate the depth to make something out of it that's more than it is. It was in the right place at the right time to be not only the north American gateway anime but the anime that smashed the gates to pieces.

Now the fanboy part, aside from the themes that are dark, but are the basis of humanity like our fear of death, the will of humanity to survive, feelings of inadequacy, awkward feelings of sexuality, the pains and trials of growing up, etc etc, the fact that there are so many hidden meanings in the show that still to this day are analyzed, and how the mention of eva sparks so many comments in on itself proves how, well, controversial it is, at least. And like it or not, it did impact the industry, after all.

On a side note, for those who have already watched the cartoon, the movie and the rebuilds, i totally recommend a fanmade doujin of Eva called Re:Take, it's totally worth reading. It basically is a story where a post-3rd Impact Shinji goes back in time to the moments of episode 16 of the anime, i won't give much detail about it but it's basically a "what-if" scenario where a "reformed" Shinji can basically change everything. It's really good though, you guys should see it.

Jul 26, 2017 12:47 PM

Dec 2009
Because several reasons, but most of it:

- Very few actual explanations of the story and the backstory.
- Shinji whines way too much. I mean, I was suicidal in my teens, several people I know were quite depressed too. But I never actually met someone with as much pussy-ness as Shinji.
- The overall sexual frustration of the main characters exhibited along the entire anime. Freud would say that Asuka, Shinji and Misato (less) are definitely psychologically ill because of the lack of sex and obsession with it (they think it gives them meaning) which makes them invent all the problems they have.
- Mixing of the Christian symbolism with Jewish folklore which makes it all a soup of mysticism. I mean, you don't put Jesus and his cross into Judaism.

If I didn't read this, I would have remained confused about the whole anime which failed to inform us about some key points.

I don't get the 10/10 ratings. I mean, if it changed you as a person and you were like Shinji - completely dependent on other people's opinions, then I might get it.
hardrock13Jul 26, 2017 12:50 PM
Jul 30, 2017 12:32 PM

Feb 2015
To get it out of the way: the first part was actually really great. I really liked the comedy/ecchi parts. My hate began when NGE started getting mindrape-y.


-It was extremely hard to follow at first. (Well this is my fault, I admit, but the subs went way too fast, and I had a ton of trouble keeping up, but after a few episodes I adapted and I understood what was going on)

-It's extremely pretentious. I felt like NGE was going to go REALLY deep, but ultimately it boiled down to "Shinji is an insecure sack of shit and NGE is basically about his quest for finding self-worth and meaning in life". Okay, I get that. It's fine if you like that sort of story, too. But really, why am I supposed to care? Why is it important? I don't care at all.

-Those scenes with extremely long periods of silence and those scenes that kept repeating (like that one scene with Asuka) were REALLY grating and annoying, to say the least.

-That ending. What the hell? What happened?

-Everyone got quite hateable at the end. Shinji got way too angsty, Asuka got way too edgy, and Rei's just really odd.

Honestly, it'd be better if it ended with everyone dying, imo.

Oct 7, 2017 6:20 PM
Jun 2016
On_the_Lam said:
I personally believe that someone who has never felt depressed at least once during their lifetime won't be able to understand/enjoy Evangelion.
mmm when i watched the show i was depressed and i really like the show
Oct 11, 2017 12:08 PM

May 2015
DeciBel said:
VARice22 said:
Because they gave us a philosophy shit show instead of an actual ending. What happened to Askua? What about Lilith? What the fuck is the black moon? the last two episodes are completely fabricated and useles.

I hate to state the obvious, but have you seen End of Evangelion?

EoE was not directly apart of NGE, as semantical as that sounds it's bothering to some.

Not liking the episode, I get it. But thinking the last moments of the series somehow invalidates the rest of the great stuff is something I don't understand.

Even if the ending was complete utter garbage with no rhyme of reason of happening, which it isn't, the series as a whole would still be great.
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Oct 11, 2017 12:11 PM

May 2015
Nishi_23 said:

-Those scenes with extremely long periods of silence and those scenes that kept repeating (like that one scene with Asuka) were REALLY grating and annoying, to say the least.


yeah it did that to pad out the budget, and it was annoying..but out of all scenes to pick, I don't understand aiming for the elevator one. where the silence was used to its utmost advantage.
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
Oct 14, 2017 12:00 AM

Nov 2016
Because people dont know what the fuck is going on.
Oct 14, 2017 2:42 AM

Dec 2015
@ashfrliebert If I remember well, the scene was also kept for the second Shin movie (though the silences were reduced).
I want to cite another good usage of such "annoying long periods of silence": the one with Shinji and Misato & co. at the train station.
Oct 16, 2017 8:15 AM

Jun 2016
I have high expectations this show was going to be great. But It Dissapoint on many levels.

First the plot is so slow every episode is beating monsters call the angel In the series. Thats just It,nothing besides that no main villian just beating Angels.

Second The lack likeable characters. I hardly care about any of the characters.I only like Rei Ayanami who for me is the best girl In the series. I extremely hate Asuka is so despicable and stupid bitch.she is my hatest In this show right now.

Rin Tohsaka from Fate series>>>>>Asuka from Neo genesis evangelion by 100 times.

Third I just don t know where is this plot heading or even heading too?I am on episode 18 half of the episodes without Rei Ayanami is hell of boringness.

Lol I watch this far only Rei Ayanami and Shinji Ikari to some extent.

Oct 16, 2017 8:16 AM

Nov 2016
I have no idea. It's pretty freaking great. The manga is also great too. Worth reading if you haven't. Not a fan of Asuka, Misato is best Eva girl.
Oct 16, 2017 9:20 AM

Feb 2016
Many people don't like complicated Animes like that and also they don't like whiny main characters and Mecha shows. Also because it's pretty popular and many people can't deal with that. I love NGE but I seriously think it's not for everybody.

I will not believe that everything is controlled by fate.

ll X ll
Oct 16, 2017 4:16 PM

Jan 2013
It always sounded silly to me when people say that NGE is a bad show because Shinji is a weak, emotional teenager that runs away from his problems. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! Shinji Ikari is the anime representation of millions of depressed, insecure, young men. Many of whom watch anime themselves. Shinji's running away from his duty to pilot the EVA mirrors the escapism of otaku, losers, hardcore gamers, and other outcasts.
leunam6Oct 16, 2017 4:21 PM
Nov 14, 2017 6:51 AM
Nov 2017
I think the answer is rather easy: because it's bad. I fully understand that it was a daring thing when it came out and really was a singular work at the time and I appreciate and respect it for what it did for the medium; however, that doesn't change that it is objectively bad.

It's a character-driven work about the suffering these characters go through and the toll it takes on them, but it has no characters that are even remotely relatable. The characters don't have to be likeable but it is imperative that they can connect with audiences, which they really just don't do. There is no spectrum to their actions and they all end up very one-dimensional, completely consumed and defined by either rage, narcissism, weakness, shyness, or are basically just cardboard cutouts there to espouse weak exposition and world-building. I didn't just hate Shinji as a person, I hated him as a character, because he was weak as both. For being a story about a character's discovery of self-worth and purpose in the face of great adversity, you have to have a character that matters to the audience and shows change and Shinji just doesn't. He has meme-levels of depth at best because he is written as a meme of the weak, snivelling, inept adolescent; there is no balance to his character or qualities which give him any sense of weight or reality. The same is true for the whole cast. Nobody is believable as something even remotely resembling a human.

Personally, I enjoyed the visuals. They definitely show their age, but the art design is often very clever and well-presented. The still shots were also really nice when placed appropriately(the elevator being a capital use). There were many times when it was clearly just used to pad time, though. But, overall, I thought it was a visually interesting and appealing venture.

The sound design and music were also rather enjoyable. The opening theme is iconic and really belongs to a different show that deserves such a quality introduction. The voice-acting is honestly pretty bad, but the talent pool just wasn't there for the medium at that time, so I'll give it a pass on that. Though some of the lesser characters are startlingly bad, even given the context of time and market.

The story is awful and told awfully slow. It clearly started as a typical "robot fights the new weekly baddie" anime and then Anno decided to feign intellectual wealth and depth with the latter half of the outing. It is so painfully obvious that it is an attempt at making something poignant and "deep" by somebody who has nothing poignant or "deep" to say. Anno had nothing to say, but decided he needed to sound intelligent saying it. There is nothing wrong with a layered narrative that delves deep and hides itself behind snippets and clippings of the esoteric, but it must be communicable, and Anno's work is anything but communicable. The mixture of random names, ideas, and iconography from ancient and modern religious mythos was just derivative fluff thrown at the audience as a smokescreen to divert the mind from the fact that the show was weaving a yarn of intellectually bankrupt nonsense. If a show needs a million interviews with the creator (in which Anno himself admits he just picked things that were "cool" and inserted them) and 17,000 rewrites to still be at the level of controversy we have today about major events in the story, it is objectively bad writing. Open-endedness and being left to interpretation for the viewer of the art to project themselves onto is one thing, but EVA is a series of nonsensical drivel being strung together to make a "story".

Yes, the last episodes are nonsense, even compared to the rest of the narrative, and the congratulations buffoonery was simply insulting to the viewer, even to one as uninvested as I was in the work. It only changed the period at the end of my train of thought of, "wow, what a waste of my limited time," to an exclamation point of anger.

In summation, and to keep this from turning into any more of a rambling diatribe than it already has been, it's just bad in all the wrong places. It could have been decent had it stuck with being low-concept, fun mecha work. I'd say the animation, overall visual design, and music and sound design were actually very good for their time and context and I would gladly watch those elements without the rest of the show. However, Anno decided to stand his show on its two weakest legs: characters and story. And they just couldn't support the weight of the work.

All this said, if you like it, you like it. And if you don't, you don't. Everybody has and is entitled to their opinion, so go enjoy it if you do. I'm happy people do. I just figured I'd give you an actual answer since I recently had this discussion with the friend for whom I watched the show in the first place. Needless to say, he was rather disappointed in my review.
Nov 15, 2017 11:19 AM

Oct 2017
Because its a garbage overrated anime with some of the most obnoxious characters in anime (Shinji and Asuka), tries way too hard to be D E E P and ends up being laughable as a result. The plot is a trainwreck too, starts out as a generic monster of the week show and ends up with stupid mindfucks

The fanbase is also pretentious as hell. Overall it was still fun it but thats because it was an unintentionally hilarious trainwreck for me.

@AncientStiffy Great detailed post, couldn't agree more!
Aardwolf94Nov 15, 2017 11:28 AM
Nov 15, 2017 12:13 PM

Aug 2016
I'm going to start by saying this. The series did have plenty of good things going for it, so I can definitely see why it's garnered the fanbase that it has.

However, there was also a lot I personally found wrong with the execution of the series.

While some of the characters were indeed well-written and interesting in their own ways (Though I didn't like her as a person, Asuka in particular was believable and actually grew a fair amount by EoE), the rest of them were either stagnant in development (Shinji), one-note (Rei's sole personality trait was her backstory), or just kinda... there with no real purpose. That's a point against the series in my book.

While the concepts and plot points of the story were interesting, it was a terrible move on the part of the writers to rely on materials outside of the anime to convey those crucial details.

That's like if somebody handed you a puzzle telling you to complete it, but only handed you half of the pieces, and the guy then says you have to go to Wal-Mart to buy the rest. If you're going to deliver a story with vague elements, that's fine. Gakkougurashi's manga for instance does this well on several occasions. But there is a difference between subtle implication and complete lack of explanation, a difference that Eva never truly grasped. So that's another point against the series.

I would talk about the ending as another problem, but the previous point sums up one of the more major problems with both endings.

Instead, let's talk about symbolism and philosophy. Symbolism is hard to talk about because it's always open to interpretation as to what exactly it means. Take Silent Hill and Persona as good examples of that. But there's a problem here. It's impossible to tell what's symbolic and what's there just because Anno thought it looked cool. Going back to Silent Hill and Persona, virtually everything in the former was symbolic, so everything's free to be interpreted, while the latter drew a clear line between its non-symbolic mundane elements and its symbolic supernatural elements. Evangelion is inconsistent about this aspect, to the point where even after thinking about it extensively, I wholeheartedly believe that the symbolism didn't really mean much of anything. As for philosophy, it wasn't particularly deep in that sense either. At least, all of its themes would be helpful to somebody like Shinji, but for me, who just lived a normal life, the philosophical messages just seemed obvious and trivial to me. I wouldn't be too disappointed with that, but unfortunately, in both endings, it just explains those themes to the viewer outright, rather than letting the story do the talking.

And then the last nail in Eva's coffin for me was its dwindling budget, which came to the point where there was a lot of overused reused footage, still-frames and long-shots, which rarely felt like they existed for any purpose aside from saving a few bucks.

So, while there was a lot to like about the series, the reasons to dislike it simply outweighed those in my opinion. I dislike it not because it was too deep, nor too psychological, nor too philosophical. Just one look at my favorites, such as Murasakiiro no Qualia, Reina Kamisu, and Death Note, will tell you the contrary. I disliked the series because in its attempts to do everything, it ended up failing at everything.

But of course, I'm just one person. The fans like it for their own reasons, even if I don't agree with them, and even other people who dislike the show may do so for reasons that differ from my own. While it's important to look at all sides of the argument, there is no critical voice more trustworthy than one's own.
TwilightCelicaNov 15, 2017 12:16 PM
Nov 22, 2017 12:52 PM
Jan 2010
I don't like this show, because I don't like this show.
I hate this show due to "2deep4u" fans.

Phichology and philosophy are good, but it does not go alongside the story, it goes instead of the story. That's the main problem. Too many questions left unanswered, too many plot holes. We need to read plot explanations in art-books, instead of watching it in anime.

Three main characters are really deep and good, but I am not interested in their problems in general.
The only interesting character for me is Gendo Ikari. He is bad guy, but I have sympathy for him. I would rather watch 25 and 26 about his angst, not Shinji's.
Other adult characters, in their 30's, still have selfish childish problems "father/mother left me, due to work and his/her own goals, to have money to feed me. I hate people!"
In general I am not interested in "meaning of life", "philosophy", "soul-searching"
That's why I don't like the show.
Yeah I agree, it deserves beeing classic and to be named "great work". But i found nothing interesting for me in it.

I think there is no reason for explanation why I hate this. =)
Guys who repeat "you don't understand", "it's intellectual", "deep symbolism" - just make this show annoying. Go play Xenogears =)
Nov 22, 2017 1:03 PM

Jun 2011
Spady said:
I don't like this show, because I don't like this show.
I hate this show due to "2deep4u" fans.

Phichology and philosophy are good, but it does not go alongside the story, it goes instead of the story. That's the main problem. Too many questions left unanswered, too many plot holes. We need to read plot explanations in art-books, instead of watching it in anime.

Three main characters are really deep and good, but I am not interested in their problems in general.
The only interesting character for me is Gendo Ikari. He is bad guy, but I have sympathy for him. I would rather watch 25 and 26 about his angst, not Shinji's.
Other adult characters, in their 30's, still have selfish childish problems "father/mother left me, due to work and his/her own goals, to have money to feed me. I hate people!"
In general I am not interested in "meaning of life", "philosophy", "soul-searching"
That's why I don't like the show.
Yeah I agree, it deserves beeing classic and to be named "great work". But i found nothing interesting for me in it.

I think there is no reason for explanation why I hate this. =)
Guys who repeat "you don't understand", "it's intellectual", "deep symbolism" - just make this show annoying. Go play Xenogears =)

I pretty much have to consistently tell people to "read the manga" with comments like this. The manga did take 20 years to write after all. ;)

I mean, if you are interested in unanswered questions and other characters getting backstories and yeah you do get more Gendo.

And it doesn't feel so selfish in the manga. I think because it explains everything just a lot better. So, I have the anime for my trippy dementia goodness. And I have my manga for the questions I wanted answered, and the ending I wanted. But it is still a psychological, meaning of life thing which is fully against the idea of child soldiers. Just seems to do a better job of saying why sending 14 year olds out to war is a bad idea.
Energetic-NovaNov 22, 2017 1:08 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Nov 22, 2017 1:11 PM
Jan 2010
Energetic-Nova said:

I pretty much have to consistently tell people to "read the manga" with comments like this. The manga did take 20 years to write after all. ;)

I mean, if you are interested in unanswered questions and other characters getting backstories and yeah you do get more Gendo.

And it doesn't feel so selfish in the manga. I think because it explains everything just a lot better. So, I have the anime for my trippy dementia goodness. And I have my manga for the questions I wanted answered, and the ending I wanted. But it is still a psychological, meaning of life thing which is fully against the idea of child soldiers. Just seems to do a better job of saying why sending 14 year olds out to war is a bad idea.

yup. manga is rather good. But it does not help the series.
I want to see answers in anime itself, not outside of it.

And yup. Manga misses dementia stuff a lot. )
SpadyNov 22, 2017 1:20 PM
Nov 22, 2017 1:26 PM

Jun 2011
Spady said:
Energetic-Nova said:

I pretty much have to consistently tell people to "read the manga" with comments like this. The manga did take 20 years to write after all. ;)

I mean, if you are interested in unanswered questions and other characters getting backstories and yeah you do get more Gendo.

And it doesn't feel so selfish in the manga. I think because it explains everything just a lot better. So, I have the anime for my trippy dementia goodness. And I have my manga for the questions I wanted answered, and the ending I wanted. But it is still a psychological, meaning of life thing which is fully against the idea of child soldiers. Just seems to do a better job of saying why sending 14 year olds out to war is a bad idea.

yup. manga is rather good. But it does not help the series.
I want to see answers in anime itself, not outside of it.

And yup. Manga misses dementia stuff a lot. )

I think the manga would be fab to animate though. I don't think the trippy dementia stuff works well in manga format.

I think it does help the manga series. It isn't some dry essay that is for sure. It is canon material. I cry reading the manga everytime. I think... it wouldn't have has as much an impact on me had i not had the 90's one. Mostly because I wanted so much more for Shinji....
The anime community in a nutshell.
Nov 22, 2017 1:59 PM
Jul 2018
well shinjis a whiny bitch and asukas just a bitch so thats most of it probably. Also some of it doesnt seem to make sense but thats part of the reason i like it, just the ramblings of someone struggling with their existence.
Nov 22, 2017 2:52 PM

Nov 2017
Not reading any of the thread, my own opinion, found it boring, but mechs etc - def not my wheelhouse, YMMV
Nov 23, 2017 11:51 AM

Dec 2015
Spady said:
I would rather watch 25 and 26 about his angst

Yes ! I always thought the episode 25 would have benefitted from a "in the case of Ikari Gendô" segment ! I would have rather take this kind of addition over the theatric end. (well, I won't complain, the TV conclusion did it for me)

Energetic-Nova said:
It is canon material.

In what extent? o_O
(nothing against the manga, I loved to drool over Sadamoto's drawings.)

@Energetic-Nova Sorry, I'm bad in english. I thought "being cannon" was a way to refer to "cannonic events", in other words, things that actually happend (so in a fiction with an original story and several reinterpretations, the "facts" and "infos" displayed in the original story).
But, reading you (and this Shin Eva example) and some english-spekaing websites, I realize I just put too much "french thinking" in the word. XD

PS: I was't reacting about what was supposedly the best variant, the author's view or the later reinterpretations. I did'nt even give an opinion about that here.
Rei_IIINov 24, 2017 12:30 PM
Nov 23, 2017 12:07 PM

Jan 2014
For starters, Rei was injured in the very beginning. Why didn't Shinji's father just replace her with a clone/new parts? It's pretty obvious the creator or whatever just made it up as he went along.

The symbolism was repetitive and didn't leave much to the imagination, but that's just a personal preference.

The show literally spent a whole episode of Asuka and Shinji trying to work together. Why didn't they just kill the Angel when it was sleeping?

Shinji saves Asuka in this episode with lava. But somehow Shinji was fine in the lava??

The show's ending (not the movie) was terrible.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 23, 2017 1:20 PM

Jun 2011
Rei366 said:
Spady said:
I would rather watch 25 and 26 about his angst

Yes ! I always thought the episode 25 would have benefitted from a "in the case of Ikari Gendô" segment ! I would have rather take this kind of addition over the theatric end. (well, I won't complain, the TV conclusion did it for me)

Energetic-Nova said:
It is canon material.

In what extent? o_O
(nothing against the manga, I loved to drool over Sadamoto's drawings.)

It is THE Neon Genesis Evangelion manga. There isn't another. And he truly did a better job with the story. Probably because of having more time.

It isn't one of the parody manga.

He was able to add in a lot of stuff they always talked about, scrpited and scrapped for the series for budget reasons. Kaji's backstory hits hard if you know about WWII aftermath orphans. And I knew that is exactly where he was drawing from. Kaji teaches Shinji that if people die because of him, if he dies, what good was the sacrifice and that nobody deserves happiness. Kaworu is not random note one off. And really shows why he is there as a character. To teach Shinji to protect what he says he cares for or it will die. That it will be Shinji's fault too. Not to run away from allies when they need him even emotionally or bad things will happen. And he pushes Shinji to the absolute brink. And the completion of turning into a hero happens at the right time with Misato
. And running off to save Asuka having realized only he has the power and even if he is still sad, he should not allow his other friends to die.

But, Shinji still goes from suicidal and breakdowns and has a few setbacks mentally. But the end actually shows what the original ending always meant to me.

(also you do know the rebuilds are part of the canon too... sooo like, honestly, I would rather just.... say the manga's version of events are better)
Energetic-NovaNov 23, 2017 1:42 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Nov 24, 2017 2:55 PM

Jun 2011
Rei366 said:

PS: I was't reacting about what was supposedly the best variant, the author's view or the later reinterpretations. I did'nt even give an opinion about that here.

Well, even thinking of it that way, the first volume of the manga came out before the anime officially released. Granted, it was just to promote the anime, much how many anime have OVA to promote the manga. But it does run through mostly the same events just slightly differently. Added conversations, events, and by the end. But, sometimes, the adaption is the more definitive version of events.

Personally, I feel Gravitation's anime is better than it's manga (and it is very different from it's manga. And Kids on the Slope has such a frame by frame adaptation that reading the manga after watching the anime will be like "wow would be better with that sweet soundtrack.

And it will all come down to your values for Neon Genesis Evangelion as to which you prefer. If you are an Anno thumper or not. Or if you feel the demenia qualitie of the last 3 episodes, the animation direction, and voice cast because yeah Megumi Ogata is great- outweigh the well paced, cohesive story of the manga.

I feel it is pretty much equal for me. But when we compare ending to ending to ending. Damn the Manga wins. However, I still like the last 3 episodes more then EOE. XD

Just a lot of what people complain about, is not present in the manga.

Like, dislike Kaji in the anime. Like him in the manga. Feel Kaworu is out of the blue and from nowhere in the anime and fixed that in the manga. Never really connected to Rei's struggles or even really understood what they were until final episodes but even on rewatches I am like.... yeah still don't connect with Rei and prob not supposed to- but I felt like I understood what she was about more in the manga.

Shinji was all together better in the manga despite being my favorite in the original. And Gendo is just more cruel but by consequence more awesome. I loved Toji more in the manga and cried more in the manga over Toji. Who I kinda didn't care about at all in the anime.

The manga does a good job of saying why to care about anyone other than Shinji. XD Everyone else just seemed like such assholes and then EOE had to make Shinji an asshole. And omg thank you manga for not doing.

When you are the watcher who cares most about Shinji, Aida and Pen Pen: yeah the manga helps.

Infact, every good show where EVERY.CHARACTER. is easy to hate such as Oniisama e, they usually don't put the protag in such a position to be hated like in EOE. which is why I hate EOE. It broke the rules of hatable casts.
Energetic-NovaNov 24, 2017 3:11 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Dec 14, 2017 6:39 AM

Feb 2017
@Taz_ We need you to show these fools here the jizz-inducing beauty that is, "Evangelion"
Dec 14, 2017 7:30 AM

Apr 2016
I suppose for the strange end, but in general is a nice series!!!
Dec 14, 2017 8:59 PM

Jul 2015
Zelev said:
For starters, Rei was injured in the very beginning. Why didn't Shinji's father just replace her with a clone/new parts? It's pretty obvious the creator or whatever just made it up as he went along.

The symbolism was repetitive and didn't leave much to the imagination, but that's just a personal preference.

The show literally spent a whole episode of Asuka and Shinji trying to work together. Why didn't they just kill the Angel when it was sleeping?

Shinji saves Asuka in this episode with lava. But somehow Shinji was fine in the lava??

The show's ending (not the movie) was terrible.

"I have a small problem with 2 episodes in the show, I don't understand that character's have trauma and can't communicate with each other effectively, and I don't like when anime get metaphysical since it hurts my brain!"
Dec 14, 2017 9:02 PM

Jan 2014
Taz_ said:
Zelev said:
For starters, Rei was injured in the very beginning. Why didn't Shinji's father just replace her with a clone/new parts? It's pretty obvious the creator or whatever just made it up as he went along.

The symbolism was repetitive and didn't leave much to the imagination, but that's just a personal preference.

The show literally spent a whole episode of Asuka and Shinji trying to work together. Why didn't they just kill the Angel when it was sleeping?

Shinji saves Asuka in this episode with lava. But somehow Shinji was fine in the lava??

The show's ending (not the movie) was terrible.

"I have a small problem with 2 episodes in the show, I don't understand that character's have trauma and can't communicate with each other effectively, and I don't like when anime get metaphysical since it hurts my brain!"

I like how you provide literally nothing to counter the flaws in those episodes. Cool story.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 14, 2017 9:05 PM

Aug 2009
They're just going up their own asses about how the show goes up its own ass.


Dec 14, 2017 9:11 PM

Jul 2015
Zelev said:
Taz_ said:

"I have a small problem with 2 episodes in the show, I don't understand that character's have trauma and can't communicate with each other effectively, and I don't like when anime get metaphysical since it hurts my brain!"

I like how you provide literally nothing to counter the flaws in those episodes. Cool story.

Well, I kinda did, since I poked fun of your statement through exaggeration :p
Dec 14, 2017 9:19 PM

Jan 2014
Taz_ said:
Zelev said:

I like how you provide literally nothing to counter the flaws in those episodes. Cool story.

Well, I kinda did, since I poked fun of your statement through exaggeration :p

True, the flaws with those episodes are now fixed. :p

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 14, 2017 9:22 PM

Jul 2015
Zelev said:
Taz_ said:

Well, I kinda did, since I poked fun of your statement through exaggeration :p

True, the flaws with those episodes are now fixed. :p

These "flaws" are either too minor to warrant major criticism or aren't flaws because you don't get how humans work lol
Dec 14, 2017 9:24 PM

Jan 2014
Taz_ said:
Zelev said:

True, the flaws with those episodes are now fixed. :p

These "flaws" are either too minor to warrant major criticism or aren't flaws because you don't get how humans work lol

Lolwut. That has literally nothing to do with the characters (which I can rant about in a separate topic). It has to do with the inconsistent writing.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 14, 2017 11:20 PM

Jul 2015
Zelev said:
Taz_ said:

These "flaws" are either too minor to warrant major criticism or aren't flaws because you don't get how humans work lol

Lolwut. That has literally nothing to do with the characters (which I can rant about in a separate topic). It has to do with the inconsistent writing.

The "inconsistencies" you mention aren't detrimental to the show at all though. And you critiqued the characters in your post.
Dec 15, 2017 2:39 AM

Jan 2013
Because it's derivative from other works that "influenced" Anno the hack. ;)
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Dec 15, 2017 10:00 AM

Jan 2014
Taz_ said:
Zelev said:

Lolwut. That has literally nothing to do with the characters (which I can rant about in a separate topic). It has to do with the inconsistent writing.

The "inconsistencies" you mention aren't detrimental to the show at all though. And you critiqued the characters in your post.
Taz_ said:
Zelev said:

Lolwut. That has literally nothing to do with the characters (which I can rant about in a separate topic). It has to do with the inconsistent writing.

The "inconsistencies" you mention aren't detrimental to the show at all though. And you critiqued the characters in your post.

No? Quote the part where I critiqued the characters, then.

Also, I don't care if you think it made a difference or not. I'm not asking for your approval here, lmao. I'm just pointing out the objective facts. There was inconsistent writing.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 15, 2017 6:44 PM

Jul 2015
Zelev said:
Taz_ said:

The "inconsistencies" you mention aren't detrimental to the show at all though. And you critiqued the characters in your post.
Taz_ said:

The "inconsistencies" you mention aren't detrimental to the show at all though. And you critiqued the characters in your post.

No? Quote the part where I critiqued the characters, then.

Also, I don't care if you think it made a difference or not. I'm not asking for your approval here, lmao. I'm just pointing out the objective facts. There was inconsistent writing.

"The show literally spent a whole episode of Asuka and Shinji trying to work together. Why didn't they just kill the Angel when it was sleeping?"

Literally everything has "inconsistencies", but that doesn't mean that they're detrimental to the show. Objectively.

None of the points you mention harm the show in portraying the meaning of the work as a whole. In fact, some of your critiques aren't even true.
Dec 15, 2017 7:21 PM

Jan 2014

"The show literally spent a whole episode of Asuka and Shinji trying to work together. Why didn't they just kill the Angel when it was sleeping?"

It's because this is not the first thread where I state my critiques of Eva (this is like the 5th time), so I guess I was too lazy to type the full context of what I was thinking. You misunderstood my point; I was only referring to the episode where it spent the whole episode of them working together. My problem with that episode is that the duo Angel they were fighting went to "sleep" or whatever, so why didn't they just kill it right when it was in that state? I haven't watched Eva since like January or something, so feel free to explain that.

Literally everything has "inconsistencies", but that doesn't mean that they're detrimental to the show. Objectively.

Inconsistencies in writing = objective and can be pointed out. Whether or not it's "detrimental" = subjective and totally up to the individual. I don't think you understand what you're saying.

None of the points you mention harm the show in portraying the meaning of the work as a whole. In fact, some of your critiques aren't even true.

More subjective stuff. My point goes over your head. By all means, point out what isn't true besides your opinion on it.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 15, 2017 7:28 PM

Aug 2009
Keep it goin' guys. I need more butter for my popcorn.

Dec 15, 2017 7:41 PM

Jul 2015
Zelev said:

"The show literally spent a whole episode of Asuka and Shinji trying to work together. Why didn't they just kill the Angel when it was sleeping?"

It's because this is not the first thread where I state my critiques of Eva (this is like the 5th time), so I guess I was too lazy to type the full context of what I was thinking. You misunderstood my point; I was only referring to the episode where it spent the whole episode of them working together. My problem with that episode is that the duo Angel they were fighting went to "sleep" or whatever, so why didn't they just kill it right when it was in that state? I haven't watched Eva since like January or something, so feel free to explain that.

Literally everything has "inconsistencies", but that doesn't mean that they're detrimental to the show. Objectively.

Inconsistencies in writing = objective and can be pointed out. Whether or not it's "detrimental" = subjective and totally up to the individual. I don't think you understand what you're saying.

None of the points you mention harm the show in portraying the meaning of the work as a whole. In fact, some of your critiques aren't even true.

More subjective stuff. My point goes over your head. By all means, point out what isn't true besides your opinion on it.

When its dormant, it has a protective layer/shield covering it, so it can't be attacked.

Seeing if those "inconsistencies" are detrimental to the work as a whole can be objectively viewed as well. And sure, like everything ever, Evangelion has some inconsistencies. But are they enough to say it's shit?

As for what's not really criticism at all:

"For starters, Rei was injured in the very beginning. Why didn't Shinji's father just replace her with a clone/new parts?"

"Shinji saves Asuka in this episode with lava. But somehow Shinji was fine in the lava?"

I also think that the last 2 episodes of the TV series are great, but since that can be argued either way, I don't mind if people dislike it or not.
Dec 15, 2017 8:24 PM

Jan 2014

When its dormant, it has a protective layer/shield covering it, so it can't be attacked.

Do you happen to know the name of the Angel so I can confirm that? Or a time stamp with the episode number explaining that part is fine.

Seeing if those "inconsistencies" are detrimental to the work as a whole can be objectively viewed as well. And sure, like everything ever, Evangelion has some inconsistencies. But are they enough to say it's shit?

Lol I don't recall saying Eva was shit. It does have its problems, though.

Let's be honest: Eva is only acclaimed as it is because of the time period when it came out. The first "pioneers" tend to get the credit, after all. If Eva was never released and it were to be released next year as it is, then it's pretty obvious it won't have the same impact.

As for what's not really criticism at all:

"For starters, Rei was injured in the very beginning. Why didn't Shinji's father just replace her with a clone/new parts?"

"Shinji saves Asuka in this episode with lava. But somehow Shinji was fine in the lava?"

You might want to re-read what you said because you clearly stated "some of your critiques aren't true." I asked you to point out what isn't true, then you change it to "what's not really criticism at all." So in other words, you admit those are inconsistencies. There's nothing wrong with pointing out inconsistencies, and you can still like Eva for all I care.

I'm well aware that nothing is perfect and have even considered never scoring anything a 10/10, but I also like to use the full scoring scale.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Dec 15, 2017 10:23 PM

Jul 2015
Zelev said:

When its dormant, it has a protective layer/shield covering it, so it can't be attacked.

Do you happen to know the name of the Angel so I can confirm that? Or a time stamp with the episode number explaining that part is fine.

Seeing if those "inconsistencies" are detrimental to the work as a whole can be objectively viewed as well. And sure, like everything ever, Evangelion has some inconsistencies. But are they enough to say it's shit?

Lol I don't recall saying Eva was shit. It does have its problems, though.

Let's be honest: Eva is only acclaimed as it is because of the time period when it came out. The first "pioneers" tend to get the credit, after all. If Eva was never released and it were to be released next year as it is, then it's pretty obvious it won't have the same impact.

As for what's not really criticism at all:

"For starters, Rei was injured in the very beginning. Why didn't Shinji's father just replace her with a clone/new parts?"

"Shinji saves Asuka in this episode with lava. But somehow Shinji was fine in the lava?"

You might want to re-read what you said because you clearly stated "some of your critiques aren't true." I asked you to point out what isn't true, then you change it to "what's not really criticism at all." So in other words, you admit those are inconsistencies. There's nothing wrong with pointing out inconsistencies, and you can still like Eva for all I care.

I'm well aware that nothing is perfect and have even considered never scoring anything a 10/10, but I also like to use the full scoring scale.

Not really a big fan of the semantics game, but sure, my bad for phrasing it differently.

There was no need to replace Rei completely since she wasn't dead, and the reason why there were clones of Rei was to build an important character arc for her that was established since the beginning episodes. So Anno didn't just "make it up" as the series progressed. Shinji only stayed in the lava for a couple of seconds, while Asuka did for longer. So he wasn't under the lava long enough to get damaged.

10/10 don't have to be flawless. And nothing is flawless anyways, so judging something a 10 based off that is pretty stupid.
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