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Jun 2, 2015 9:13 AM

Jul 2013
That's grand, approved.

God, I'm moderating nearly every character creator on this thread and I still don't have a stamp. >.> Must get on that some time.
Jun 2, 2015 10:52 AM

Feb 2014
Name: CAPTAIN Jack sparrow
Age: (16-20) 17
Gender: Male
Grade: British citizen so year 12
Weapon/tool: his compass, sword and pistols XD

Power: His crazy wits, most the time running away and then in the end getting what he wants, also his compass shows what he wants most and it will lead him there. He is a master thief, like literally he can steal things while you’re looking right at him. His is kind of invincible (considering he survived Davey Jones)

A pirate ahead of his time in many ways, Jack Sparrow likes to consider himself as the epitome of a free spirit. He swishes his way through life with a slightly odd, but strangely wise attitude. He is perhaps a bit (Quite) crazy, for we learn he may have been over baked in the sun while marooned once or twice. But he still is smart enough to survive in a tough world without resorting to force to get what he wants. In fact he once said, "Why fight when you can negotiate?" This leads to some people seeing him as a coward and truth be told Jack is not heroic in the straightforward sense. He watches and reads people and gladly manipulates them for his own ingenious ends. That said, he avoids harming people for even his enemies only get what they truly deserve. Jack has a sense of right that may fluctuate by circumstance in the details, but he still has a sense of honour. When the chips are down Jack will come through, if at all humanly possible, for his friends or the greater good. Jack carries on his person little tokens or souvenirs from places he's been or people he's met. He has a habit of picking things up as he goes along, like the rings he wears. His hat is probably his favourite article of clothing. A compass that shows its user what he wants most in the world is another crucial possession. He also carries a black-plated pistol and a short cutlass. Jack's a good swordfighter, but compared to others not the most skilful. He probably wins in the creativity department though; he has used both an oar and a coconut as a weapon. He has a good eye and amazing aim, and is a bit of an acrobat. Jack also has an eternal love of rum, like many other pirates, and is immensely proud of the Black Pearl, originally the "Wicked Wench", and his ship.

Bio/legend: Jack Sparrow was born aboard a ship caught in a typhoon, possibly in the Indian Ocean where his father, Captain Teague, was Pirate Lord. Jack said his mother was an Indian maiden. Captain Teague was Pirate Lord of Madagascar in the heyday of piracy in that region, around the turn of the 18th Century. Spices, silks, gold, and diamonds were some of the booty to be had by pirating in those rich waters of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Madagascar was a haven for pirates sailing the lucrative Pirate Round. Teague's galleon, the 28-cannon Misty Lady, was registered at Madagascar. They are not sure if Jack's mother stayed long onboard with the family or settled on land.

When he was twelve years old, Jack ran away from his family and the only home he'd known, the Misty Lady.

His boyhood years have become the subject of a series of children's books, obviously written with much emphasis on the moral of the story and youth empowerment through fantasy. They're a good read even so, and the hidden truths of Jack's life are there for those who know the truth.

Now, Jack's last name. Pirate captains often took a nom de guerre to install respect and fear in others, so that alone explains why Jack and his father seem to have different surnames, "Sparrow" and "Teague" respectively. It is known, however, that "Sparrow" was a title given to a seaman who'd sailed in all the seas of the world and this Jack had done long before he became a pirate lord himself, so Jack may have chosen that nom de guerre early on. Perhaps the differing surnames are also attributable to the rebellious teen years when Jack tried hard to distance himself entirely from the pirate world. If that is true, I am certain it was something Jack regretted later when his relationship with his father was a source of pride and a well Jack often tapped when perplexed by the vagaries of the world.

Captain Teague is another story. He reefer’s to himself as "Edward Teague" and I had no desire to incur his displeasure by questioning his sources. The last name, though, invites conjecture on the part - Clan name, nom de guerre, or a proud combination of the two?

Teague is an Anglicized version of O'Taidgh, a Gaelic Clan from the wild and free West of Ireland. The name means "poet", a name well suited to Captain Teague, true enough.

Another possibility comes from the world of Teague and Jack itself, a world increasingly squeezed by the globally expanding British Empire. The East India Trading Company was the economic arm of this empire in Jack's Caribbean world. And if Cutler Beckett (shudder) had gotten his way, the military arm as well.

A "Teague" was an Irish-speaking Catholic, well known throughout the Empire as a trouble-maker. Teagues harbored an innate hatred of British authority and if ever an uprising or rebellion was in need of instigators, the British knew a Teague would be at the core.

They had no rights, Teagues, in the British Empire. And they were dirt cheap. They were sold as slaves in numbers exceeding Blacks from Africa in those plantation-building years of the Caribbean. Oh, the brutality raged on a Teague slave! The great weight on the hearts of mothers and fathers looking at their offspring with eyes of pain, for the child of a slave was slave as well... Those who dared an escape were hunted down and when caught, branded on the forehead with the letters "FT" - "Fugitive Traitor".

Was Jack's father once plantations slave? Did that influence a radical decision on Jack's part, one that propelled him back into the pirate world forever? Those were questions often on my mind as I'd look into the kind and weathered dark eyes of these two pirate lords. then marvelled at the audacity of dangling symbols of an outlawed religion threaded into the Black Irish hair, as the senior pirate leaned against the back wall of Tortuga's only remaining tavern. And wondered again if the crucifix there among the coins, beads, and crosses held meaning beyond what was known, beyond what many would deem rank superstition.

Well, a man of the sea needs training in the arts of self defence and Jack wasted no time. He taught himself to shoot by firing at rum bottles - emptied, of course - he'd throw over the side of his ship. Fine enough for pistoling and musketeering, but swordplay is not something perfected by repetition alone. So Jack traded a shipment of stolen Chinese silks for sword lessons from an Italian master. Even so, Jack, as you know, preferred to talk his way out of fights and his instinct was to run from battle.

Young Jack began his quest for adventure with his first ship the Barnacle; he and his crew freely sailed the seas from adventure to danger and back again. The abrupt departure of Jack never sat well with Captain Teague, however, and when Jack was a teen Captain Teague traced his tracks through port and vessel until finally catching up with his wayward son. It was at first a fearful reunion for Jack, but he soon understood that his father wanted only to set things right with him, only wanted Jack to realize that, sail around the world to his heart's content, his father would always be there for him. It was a promise Captain Teague would forever keep.

Comes a time when every man puts aside his youthful dreams and sets his sights on making his way in the world. Jack somehow became employed by the East India Trading Company and was given first command of the merchant vessel the Wicked Wench. Although... recalling a night when Joshamee Gibbs let slip over a tankard of rum that he first came to know Jack Sparrow when Sparrow was apprenticed to him as a cartographer. And that Jack learned the locations of many of the world's mythical places when he discovered a cache of old maps. But, it was a busy night and a boisterous crowd, perhaps I heard wrong.

Anyway, Jack becomes absolutely enamoured of his new ship, with her blazing white sails and golden hued sides, and he carries out his missions with joy. Until that one mission.

Jack stood unmoving as a stone as the line of manacled humanity made its way into the Wench's hold. never thought eyes could be darker than Jack's but when the hatch was lowered in place and locked, his eyes turned inward and became the blackest of voids that seemingly swallowed up the entire EITCo. Then he quickly looked up, gave the self-satisfied Cutler Beckett the sweetest of Captain Jack smiles and bade him farewell. Jack made straight for Africa and set free every slave. It was an act of courage far ahead of its time, an act of conscience that would not go unpunished.

Beckett learned of Jack's "betrayal" and hunted him down like an animal. An animal, I say! When Jack was caught, Beckett ordered the Wench to be set afire and sunk.

Then he turned his anger to Jack. Shackled from neck to ankle, Jack was forcibly thrown into the deepest of prison cells. There, Beckett himself burned into Jack's right arm the letter that would make him a hunted man for life.

It was the indomitable spirit of Jack Sparrow that saved his life. Somehow he escaped prison and once out, his overwhelming desire to free his beloved Wicked Wench drove him to sacrifice his life for her.

With his bare hands, Jack tried again and again to raise the ship to the surface, again and again he dove into the water to dig, scrape, prod, without the slightest movement from his beloved until he lost track of time and energy spent and his lungs were aching with want of air! But still he kept at her, his eyes seeing only her sails billowing free in the wind and nothing of the darkening surroundings and the surface so far above, so far... Jack remembers his body instinctively curling up as a babe and the sight of his hands floating helplessly in front of him and wondered would his father lament the loss of a branded son, when he felt a strength pulling him up, up to break the surface, and gasping he sucked in the sweet air and felt his legs hit solid wood and squinting against that bright, blessed sun, Jack turned to look straight into the yellow-rimmed eyes of Davey Jones.
He was running from some people and then got knocked out from a random boozer who he didnt see coming, next thing you know he was on a boat which had landed on a island unknown to him even though he had sailed the world a few times in the past.

Theme: {optional)

Additional Info: A fugitive of Davey Jones so may need help in the future
Unthinkable92Jun 8, 2015 10:09 AM
Jun 2, 2015 10:55 AM

Jul 2013

Jun 3, 2015 2:44 PM

May 2015
Iamtheecchiking said:
Aaron "The Danger Ranger" Mswati III

After making certain additions and edits, and also having a conversation with me on the rules, especially regarding plot based events, I have deemed his character to be viable. Especially with how the combat system works in this RP, it shouldn't be a problem.

Ecchi: Reapproved!
Jun 4, 2015 12:22 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Jack Albent "The Sole Survivor"
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: Freshmen
Club: Fencing Club (Serioujsly, I want this to be a thing badly.)

Weapon/tool: Spear, Shield, Sword, Courage, War Cry.

Power: He wasn't anything more then a Greek warrior before, but now he has been given the tools to level with the enemy forces. His spear is now imbued with being as light as a willow wand, but sturdier then a steel beam. His sword is sharp enough to cut through even the sturdiest of armor, and his shield is just as light as his spear, and will not break, nor be pierced. His helm gives him the ability to magnify his voice to ten times it's normal strength, and his chest and torso armor bolsters his courage to an even higher level then before. While he is wearing it, he will never doubt his own strength, nor stand down from a fight.

Personality: He isn't nice, nor is he mean, he isn't cruel, nor is he kind. He is brave, and some would say mad. Having fought in a battle against thousands of enemies and died before, he is not afraid to face death again. His only wish is that he does not die alone, but with the bodies of his enemies lying slain besides him.



Theme: {optional)

Additional Info?: (optional) He will not stand down, no matter what happens, but can be befriended with sweets. His favorite thing to say when hit or injured is one thing and one thing alone. "Tis but a scratch."
Jun 4, 2015 12:35 PM

May 2015

Awesome theme, btw! I'll get onto making the club
Jun 4, 2015 6:42 PM

Mar 2015
Thanks, I thought it suited the char perfectly.
Jun 4, 2015 9:39 PM

Feb 2015
Wym or somebody had saved Merlin already, look above. Sorry :V
Jun 4, 2015 9:42 PM

Oct 2014
Unthinkable reserved him
Jun 5, 2015 3:21 AM

Feb 2014
Sorry link XD
Jun 6, 2015 7:39 PM
Oct 2014
Gender: Male
Grade: 11
Club: None, at the moment.

Weapon/tool:Wings of Daedalus

These wax wings are the core of Icarus' myth, and can manifest on his back as a Conceptual Weapon, not needing to be carried around. On their own, they only act as workable flight if Icarus can flap his wings and glide well enough, but they manifest their true abilities with his Noble Phantasm.

[center]Noble Phantasm:[color=gold]Path to the Sun[/color]

Icarus' Noble Phantasm has a few purposes. By burning the wax holding his wings together with the power of the sun, and limiting his time in the air, Icarus can empower his wings, enabling him to move freely in midair, without any need for wing flapping or gliding. The more sunlight he uses, the faster and more agile he becomes, at the cost of lower and lower amounts of available time for flight. When only enabling himself to move in all directions at normal flight speed and react at normal speeds, the wax lasts for about ten minutes. At double speed and agility, it lasts half this amount, and it lasts only a third when he triples his flight speed and agility, also gaining a slight aura of fire due to the extreme heat of his wings. The most powerful use of this Noble Phantasm is as the Anti-Unit attack below.

[center]Solis Alis Lotus

In order to use this attack, Icarus must not melt any of the wax present via his Noble Phantasm beforehand. It is the ultimate application of Icarus' philosophy that a short life full of joy is infinitely superior to a long, dull one. This attack uses all available Wax in the Wings of Daedalus at once, causing them to glow with an unimaginable brightness similar to that of a flash grenade to all nearby opponents and allies as the attack is prepared. Once Icarus has chosen a target and recited the true name of his Noble Phantasm, Solis Alis Lotus(this translates to "Wings Bathed in Sun"), he launches at them with speed surpassing a thunderbolt, as his body and wing temperatures rise to levels near the sun itself. This attack hits in a fraction of a second, able to crush all but the mightiest of barriers that would oppose it. The average opponent who is only normally defended would be immediately incapacitated, and dodging is impossible for those without surpassing levels of agility, with all air near him increasing to extreme temperatures as well. He is only able to survive using this attack due to his conceptual connection to the Icarian Sea, a subset of the Mediterranean Sea named after him in pity of his death, is he able to divert enough heat to live. Even with this, he still recieves 2nd degree burns after each use, and is immediately knocked out after using it. Also, this doesn't destroy the wing set permanently, as it is a Conceptual Weapon, but it does remain unusuable until he is once again able to fight.

Personality:After his death, Icarus was nearly satisfied. While his death by drowning had been quite painful, the brief time of absolute freedom he spent flying high in the sky, nearly reaching out to touch the sun, had been more satisfying than a long life of engineering could have ever been. However, he had one wish after his death:to fly once again. Now, Icarus seeks to fulfill it, and fly high with both his wings and ambitions, even if he should come crashing down once again.

Bio/legend: The legend of Icarus is well known, but it can also be found in the following link.

Appearance: I've had some difficulty in finding an image for Icarus, as all of the greek painters of the time didn't seem to give any characters much clothes. For now, I'll just include an appearance description. Icarus is around 5'7 feet tall, with green eyes and a Greek physique. He wears normal clothes for modern day, which include slacks, a tee shirt, and tennis shoes.
CanaasJun 6, 2015 7:49 PM
Jun 6, 2015 7:50 PM

Jan 2013
hlanden said:
Wym or somebody had saved Merlin already, look above. Sorry :V

What?...I did not see him. he should have at least posted the name :( that sucks.
Jun 6, 2015 7:57 PM

Jan 2013
Icarus Approved should be interesting if he and the nun come to blows.
Jun 6, 2015 8:18 PM

Jan 2013
Name: Sun Wukong(aka Son Goku)
Age: 18
Club: (Don't worry if you can't find a thread for your desired club, just put it in and a thread will be made soon after)

Weapon/tool: Golden crown/jingu bang/flying nimbus

Power: The Crown limits his powers bay a massive amount. However he can remove it but only if his life is endanger. hen removed his strength and speed go up by a huge amount. he can even get more powers if the gods let him.

He can change into many beast. His jingu bang is unbreakable and can change size. It weighing 17,550 lbs (7,960 kg).
he can call on Nimbus to fly at high speeds.

Personality:Like to have fun and play tricks on people.



Theme: looking

Additional Info?
link102Jun 7, 2015 10:14 AM
Jun 6, 2015 9:07 PM

Jan 2013
So powers are basically like son goku correct? Monkey staff fairly strong dodges and is an idiot?

If so approved.
RedArmyShogunJun 6, 2015 9:12 PM
Jun 6, 2015 9:15 PM

Jan 2013
lol. more or less. Goku(bdz) as base off him after all. I also cut a lot of his powers.
Jun 6, 2015 9:26 PM

Jan 2013
also likely he ill kill your demon. after all if he take his crown off he can , cast spells that can command wind, part water, conjure protective circles against demons, and freeze humans, demons, and gods alike. Granted I am not likely to remove it anytime soon. lol
Jun 7, 2015 9:20 AM

Jan 2013
Hmm that might be a little OP so not approved untill Navy reads over it.
Jun 7, 2015 9:29 AM

May 2015
Yeah, if he can dispose of the main antagonist by merely lifting his crown then he would be OP. It's going to take a lot to beat RAS' character.
Jun 7, 2015 9:36 AM

Jan 2013
There are a lot of limits to it. if he has it oft to long then he dies. also i was just saying. i did not give him that power so he could not use it. lol. like i said i took a lot of his powers away.
Jun 7, 2015 9:43 AM

May 2015
If you can tell me what powers you limiting it to that'd be great. I mean, everyone gets a single power, so it'd make sense if you just picked one to have when his crown is off/on
Jun 7, 2015 9:52 AM

Jan 2013
I pm you it.
Jun 7, 2015 10:35 AM

May 2015
Jun 7, 2015 11:07 AM

Jan 2013
I may have a way around it anyways so if navy says its fine I have no objections.
Jun 7, 2015 7:41 PM
Apr 2009
Name: Lancellot "Lance" Savage
Age: 18
Gender: male
Grade: 12
Club: Skeet shooting club

Chainsaw hand (Only works when attached to the user's body)

Double-barrel shotgun

Iron glove that is controllable to replace his missing hand when he isn't using his chainsaw.

Power: His chainsaw is empowered by a some kind of power that used to defeat dark entities of the world that he has gotten a while back and gives him the ability to use the chainsaw without using any fuel but it will affect if the chainsaw is attached to him

Personality: Cool most of the time, laid back, loves classic rock, hates modern pop songs, Has no fear facing a dark entity, charming, doesn't like to bring up his past and why he has a chainsaw for a arm, and sometimes will be humorous.

Bio/legend: Lance's life was normal as a kid and family wise until at the age of 15 he witnessed demons that slaughtered his whole family as torture act to him. By this it made him so furious he was willing to avenge the deaths. When Lance was plotting on vengeance, the demons once again came back where he still lived at and try to possessed the Lance with their super natural powers but Lance somehow found a way to stop the him from becoming possessed. By this, it made his hand control itself as it was possessed. The hand was no longer useful to Lance since he couldn't control his hand anymore so he was forced to amputate himself to get rid of his cursed hand. When the demons left him alone he had time to plane how to equipped himself well. He experimented on several hardware and house appliances. He made a socket where his was at and thought a weapon that could be lethal to the demons when they come back and try to kill him once and for all. From scavenging he found a chainsaw and knew that is a lethal and controllable weapon to substitute his hand. He experimented on how to attach the chainsaw to his body and he finally found a way. Lance knew a chainsaw won't only protect him so he broke in to his dad's locker and grabbed his shotgun that his dad couldn't quickly get to. When the demons came back, They were in a rude awakening because they tried to use their power to possessed but back-fired and weirdly transformed into power that the chainsaw possessed. By this, Lance slaughtered all the demons crucially.

After the tragic events, Lance changes his personality and character than he used to be, He tries to find a place that would welcome his kind then found out there was a school keeping beings who were powerful in their very own ways. Lance is ready for his new life in this school and to see how it all goes.


Noble8Jun 8, 2015 11:09 AM
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Jun 7, 2015 8:42 PM

Jun 2015
Name: Angelina Inoue
Age: 16
Club: archery

Weapon/tool: two hand held pistols

Power: she can rapidly shot from a short to middle range

Personality:shes loves too socialize but is shy, she likes seeing new places and experiencing new things but is totally serious when she needs to be

Bio/legend: Angelina is from the future and was born and raised in japan until she was 6 until she moved to France for 5 years for her dads job and after moved back and during that time she never had to many friends and was always pushed to do better even when she made straight A's. even her last name mean "above the well (top)." until one day she took up archery when she moved back to japan when she was 12 and she became calmer and not always stressing to do her best. she even received her to pistols that was a family heirloom from her grandmother she practice with them and became better but could never make a long ranged shot. she was always a loner because she never knew how to socialize with other except when she talked all day and night around her grandmother.

one day there was an attack on her town and everyone was running away from
some danger and she ran to the temple her grandmother resided in and when she called out from her she heard nothing until she found her grandmother dead in her room. Angelina cried forever until she became angry,furious, the saddest she has ever been in her life she lost her most beloved family member and her best friend. she stepped out and seen many dead and many still running. she went back inside and grabbed her pistols and took out the entire army force there she became a legend many died but many was saved. she haven't heard of an attack like that before except in the past, but she didn't care she still didn't feel that empty and angry spot for her grandmother dead gone she was still hurting.

she went on with life as seeing as her parents were in France and she was in japan she didn't have anyone with her and she couldn't bring her self to leave the temple until 2 weeks later she receives a later from an academy and she decides to go so no one will have to experience what she had to experience.

Appearance:she has blond hair and red eyes shes regular size
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...

Jun 7, 2015 10:43 PM

May 2015
Both Approved!
Jun 8, 2015 3:22 PM
Oct 2014
Name:Daedalus of Crete
Age:Physically 20 years old, with a lifetime of knowledge.
Club:None at the moment

Weapon of Choice:Golden Thread of Ariadne

This weapon is the ball of thread suggested by Daedalus and crafted by Ariadne. It was used by Theseus to ensure his safe exit of the Labryinth after slaying the Minotaur. By carrying it through the Labryinth and letting the thread unspool as he continued, Theseus was able to retrace his path through the twisting maze, escaping completely the otherwise inescapable maze. The thread only assumes this form when summoned, yet not in combat use as a Noble Phantasm. In this form, small lengths of thread can be cut from it, allowing others besides Daedalus to possess keys in and out of the Labryinth, assuming it is successfully built.

[center]Noble Phantasm:Aurea Thread Ariadnam:Golden Path of Illumination

Under the control of Daedalus, what was formerly a simple ball of thread becomes an orb of light with multiple offensive and defensive capabilities. The simplest use of the thread is as a very quick high-power laser, extending out of the orb and obeying the command of Daedalus with quick turns. In this form, it can follow his specific command for each and every action. Even as a mediocre magus compared to others like Medea, being from the Age of Gods and as a result, being able to use High-Speed Divine Words in casting, makes it possible for Daedalus to precisely redirect the laser's movements without the use of Magic Circuits. While offense is a common use, attacking enemies with the laser directly, it is also possible to use this form to block some smaller attacks, such as bullets from modern weaponry or arrows, which are small enough to be incinerated easily by a single hit from the thread unless they carry extra power. The thread can only leave short laser trails behind its current position in this form, making it less suited for defense, but powerful for offense due to the high intensity of the beam, which can incinerate many obstacles and deal great damage to a foe unable to block or dodge it. It isn't powerful enough to pierce an enemy in one hit, but due to its speed it is more useful as a method of rapid attack, causing burns on impacts.

The orb has a second and more defensive use, projecting a light-speed beam, but lacking critically in being unable to inflict damage. When these lasers can construct the edges and corners of a two or three dimensional shape/object, the remaining area/volume can be filled in almost instantly with mana, reinforcing the construct into reality as a 'hard light' construct as long as Daedalus chooses to maintain it in that position. There are a number of ways this could be used. This style can create many types of barriers, while also being quite helpful for confining enemies, as Daedalus could much more quickly surround an opponent with a laser grid than in offense. While not deadly, this 'laser cage' could keep an opponent relatively immobile for a short time, assisting others in closing in to finish them off. Also, as this form is suited for creating geometric constructs and traps, it is impossible to turn the beam in a curved way when using it. Instead, the beam creates the outlines of constructs as fast as Daedalus can envision them, filling them with mana to solidify them very quickly. This form is completely dedicated to defense and trapping, being extremely fast in comparison, with near instant execution of chosen constructs with much longer duration than the short trails of the offensive form, at the downside of not dealing any direct damage.

It should be noted that this Noble Phantasm isn't actually a laser beam unless the second mode is used. The high-intensity beam of the offensive mode is actually a use of mana which radiates light and heat. However, it is still a relatively fast-moving beam.

The final use of this Noble Phantasm is as a key to finishing the ritual necessary to create Labryinthos, the ultimate fortress. However, many other components and materials are required to create this ultimate feat of engineering, as described in Additional Information. Unfortunately, using it in this inevitably means that its strength outside of Labryinthos will be drastically reduced: the majority of the literal thread ball would be absorbed into it, leaving Daedalus with only a low-function fragment when outside that could perhaps create very basic barriers or do very minor burn damage to enemies.

Personality:Daedalus is an extremely prideful genius. He cannot stand the concept of a rival, and will do anything in his power to prove himself utterly superior. He dislikes those he considers to be idiots, along with those who oppose his ambitious plans. For example, he considered his son to be acting very foolishly when he flew into a guaranteed death, blinded by his own stupefaction in flight.

Biography:The legend of Daedalus shows clearly his surpassing genius in architecture and engineering. In his lifetime, he invented the sail, the mast, the automaton, and carpentry. His greatest creations include the Knossos Labryinth, the key to flight, and numerous other inventions.

Appearance:Despite living to be quite old, Daedalus was summoned with a body only twenty years old. (Picture to be added)

Additional Information:

Daedalus is a specialized Caster. This gives him a high rank in Mana, but he is slightly below-average in strength, speed, endurance, and agility as a result.
He is also an architectural genius, and still possesses a great understanding of modern construction just as well as he understood construction in his lifetime. Similar to how the skill of Riding carries over into motorcycles for Saber, Daedalus' status of 'architectural genius' allows him to possess an advanced knowledge of modern physics and architecture.

Daedalus is capable of creating a massive fortress, Labryinthos. However, he requires large amounts of earthly materials and time, along with an extensive 2-day ritual of his own creation to complete it. This fortress acts as an extension of the Cretan Cultural Sphere, giving Daedalus and all other Cretan heroes maximum fame status while inside, altering their parameters(attributes) and enhancing their Phantasms. Inside the fortress, Daedalus has unrivaled power, with all of his parameters increased by the fame level more than any other Cretan hero, being the designer of the Labryinth, along with his Noble Phantasm becoming much stronger, finally remaining in its designed place of use. An area of 250x250 meters is required to construct the fortress. The first thing to be encountered when viewing this structure is a large, circular, wall, extending around the entire fortress. There are only two gates inside. Those attempting to knock down the gates or wall would find this massively difficult, as both can withstand scores of attacks by modern missle-based weaponry thanks to their reinforcement. After entering, either through knocking down the gates or somehow acquiring a key from Daedalus, all intruders must navigate through a massive, often shifting maze filled with countless high-caliber traps. Those allowed in would be guided by the thread, with a golden laser created by the power conduit pointing out the right path, and all security systems not affecting said person.Any remaining intruders or invading armies able to reach the inner gate would face much tougher difficulty breaking inside than even the initial gates, as they are closer to the origin of Aurea Thread Ariadnam, which is the power conduit throughout the entire fortress, also able to reinforce all current structures, create force-field like shielding, even for attacks coming from directly above the fortress, and perform much enhanced abilities compared to normal, now that it is finally in its proper place of use. This mana-based shielding means that a destroyed piece of the fortress wall, or a destroyed gate can still be replaced with lessened durability at the cost of continual mana projection in the appropriate shape, which would be much more taxing on the power supply than reinforcement. When Daedalus is not present in the fortress, systems are run by Talos, an AI that handles all systems, and controls all systems that Daedalus does not choose to control manually or deactivate. Normally, when the fortress isn't being attacked, Daedalus leaves control of the laser-defense system of traps and visual illusions in the Labryinth section to Talos, along with all automatic reinforcement systems for wall integrity, except in the case of an attack, where Daedalus will often redirect power manually for optimal effects. Aside from simply powering all functions, reinforcing all structures and maintaining the ability to fire lasers from any point in the fortress, Aurea Thread Ariadnam also can fire at locations outside of the fortress through four large mana cannons mounted at north, south, east, and west positions on the outer wall, which can fire EX level mana blasts, as well as using hundreds of minitaure cannons located throughout all of the walls, with the smaller cannons being unable to fire EX level mana blasts, even when Daedalus is present in the fortress. The effective range of the four main cannons is quite long, with potential beam curvature allowing for shots even slightly beyond the visible horizon. However, curvature is only possible to a small extent with these massive blasts, making it impossible for them to curve around any kind of defense. Also, the main cannons are able to change their firing angle, leaving no blind spots to their range. Even attackers from above can be targeted, with shielding preventing anyone from simply dropping into the central area unwanted. Daedalus can manually cut power to any area, like cutting the thread itself. This can be used as an emergency method of self-destruct if the fortress was in danger of being captured, as Daedalus could alter all of the power systems in a way that it would be impossible for anyone to connect them together again but himself.

While Labryinthos is a very formidable fortress, it is not invincible. For an example of its durability, the most powerful current Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm aside from (broken)Ea, Excalibur, could leave a path of destruction up to the inner gate, enabling other attackers aside from Artoria, who would be exhausted of prana, to enter the central area behind the inner gate through this path, with the interior still being intact. The power usage required to keep the inner area fully intact after this attack would render most defensive functions inactive for a large period of time.

The interior section contains living quarters for up to 30 people. There is a small hydroponic farm inside, which is good enough to feed up to 30 occupants indefinitely. Light is redirected for optimal plant growth through the power system. Aside from the living quarters and farm, the interior of the fortress is an extremely advanced laboratory for both modern science and magical use. The prana(mana) furnace at the center of the fortress powers the entire fortress through Daedalus' Noble Phantasm.

ong with being able to 'replicate' quite a few things. For example, it can manufacture sculptures so exact as to be animated with life, automotons, as Daedalus is able to do in legend. The rate of production is about 36 automotons per day, if the fortress is dedicated entirely to producing them. While this does mean the fortress can essentially have a defensive army given enough time to produce it, only a maximum of 20 can be maintained at a time when outside of the fortress and not powered by Aurea Thread Ariadnam, and this is only possible for a maximum of 3 days, due to a special procedure of modifying their capacity to store power, which eventually results in the overload of their systems. It is also only possible to maintain up to 500 automatons inside the fortress at a time without draining much power to defensive reinforcement, with each automaton only having the strength of an ordinary soldier, armed with a variety of possible weapons. Repairing weapons is easy enough to do here.

It is possible for the advanced laboratory inside Labryinthos to produce a functional Warp Gate, albeit difficult. However, due to power limitations, it wouldn't be possible to reach other star systems. It would be possible for this gate to reach astral and spiritual planes other than Earth, similar to what happened when the first Warp Gate was built. Anyone traveling through such a gate would have a period of 30 minutes to return, before it would be necessary to shut down the portal and recharge the Gate for another hour to reopen it. Sufficiently protected astral/spiritual realms would be impossible to reach, like Olympus or Hades/Hell. Opening portals to other places on earth would be quite possible, allowing Labryinthos to be as a fortress that never needs to open its gates. This also opens up the possibility of very quickly protecting places around the world under attack by forces of dark gods/demons, being a relatively safe place to escape to if the main school were to be taken over, or even invading the home base of an antagonist faction. Sufficiently protected antagonist planes would be unreachable. (It is up to the creator of an antagonist faction from another realm to decide if they can be attacked or not)By rerouting power, Talos will automatically cut off mana flow to the Warp Gate if anything were to go wrong, like another source attempting to enter the portal from another point, or the portal accidentally opening into a vacuum in space.

While the destruction of the fortress would certainly be a great loss, it would not be impossible for Daedalus to rebuild it. Destroyed sections of the fortress could be repaired given enough time, as long as the central prana furnace was not damaged, as his Noble Phantasm could construct through 'hard-light' connections of mana the basic blueprint necessary to rebuild the destroyed wall segment/gate, with available automatons inside repurposing themselves towards repairs. In practice, this also means the central nexus area can be extended vertically in floors like a skyscraper to accommodate more quarters and extra area for research and food production, up to the point where they are too distant to be properly connected to the power system.

The only way for the fortress to be impossible to ever build again would be if Daedalus himself died. If he died while it was still intact, the fortress would still remain active, with Talos taking control. However, the power system would be rendered permanently inactive if the prana furnace was destroyed, as Daedalus is the only one that can connect a rebuilt central prana furnace back to the power system, as only he can control his phantasm to a fine degree. Talos would be unable, not being the conceptual owner of the fortress, and being unable to repair embellishments that Daedalus has added to the original concept of the maze. Aldo, the destruction of Labryinthos returns Daedalus the full normal use of Aurea Thread Ariadnam, albeit no longer massively enhanced as it is in the fortress.
Inspiration of this fortress:
CanaasJun 10, 2015 4:01 AM
Jun 9, 2015 12:12 PM

Jan 2013
SleeplessVampire said:
Name: Reyna
Age: (16-20) 18
Gender: female
Grade: 12
Club: (Don't worry if you can't find a thread for your desired club, just put it in and a thread will be made soon after)

Weapon/tool: (It doesn't have to be something that harms someone else. Maybe you can support someone/something with your weapon? Maybe you have a weapon already associated with your character? A katana

Power: (Remember, the power is tied down to the weapon/tool - not the person) blue fire

Personality: Perverted kind caring gentle

Bio/legend: (You do not have to use a person from a legend if you don't want. You can create your own original character; a legend from the future or present, here as well. If you choose this route a bio with a minimum of 40 words is needed. If not, a link of the legend will suffice)

She grew up with perverted parents which rubbed off on her and she went through school normally keeping her perverted self locked away an she often dreams of having a harem but the dream soon died and then one day she got an offer to go to this academy then she decided that she would join the academy


Theme: {optional)

Additional Info?: (optional)
Wait, how did this get approved? The character isn't even dead, nor is she a legend. She's just a pervert.

Jun 9, 2015 12:20 PM

May 2015
Eh, don't know, I didn't approve it... Ah well :P
Jun 10, 2015 8:09 AM

May 2015
Canaas: Approved!
Jun 10, 2015 1:45 PM

Jan 2013
Name: Sonson
Age: (16-20) 16
Gender: Female
Grade: Junior
Club: Track Team

Weapon/tool: Power Pole or Jingu Bang. Nimbus.

Power: Her powers are simular to those of her great grandfather Sun Wukong.
She has superstrength, meaning she can easily overpower a normal human in brute strength, tho she is a bit weaker than Sun Wukong.
She has super speed and can move at a very high speed, she claims to be faster than Sun Wukong but it is debatable.
She is very agile much like a monkey. She's also very flexible making her able to move and bend her body in ways most people can't.
Her weapons does also posses some powers. Her Jingu Bang is a pole that can change size. Her Nimbus is a yellow cloud that she can call in order to travel on it. It is very fast and can only be touched by those with a pure heart such as Sonson herself.
Personality:Sonson is a fun loving girl. She is very cheerful and likes helping others. She has a pure heart and welcome everyone as a friend. She likes flying on her nimbus since she likes the fresh hair. Her short height has become some sort of complex for her. Altho in her past life many have told her not to worry too much about it her altitude towards that part of her hasn't changed. Sonson really likes boobs and is seen touching other woman's boobs quite often. This has led many people to believe that she is lesbian altho Sonson is straight. She just likes touching boobs. She does however have no complex for her little chest and does not envy girls with bigger breasts than her. Some consider her to be tomboyish.

Bio/legend: Sonson just like her great grandfather were not really people that existed. Infact they come from novels written by a legendary chinese novelist. Sonson's story is not has popular as Sun Wukong's but she was popular enought to be featured in many video games and other stories. Plenty of fictional characters based on her were also made and this made Sonson into a legend.

Sonson the great grand-daughter of the great monkey king Sun Wukong was a girl that lived in a very quite and little village. The people of the village were very loving and Sonson as a royalty was respected and loved. She spend most of her days lazying around and doing nothing but climping on threes and eating fruites. One night Sonson was woken up by alot of noise outside and when she went out to see why people were screaming she sees dark monsters literally eating the people of the village alive. She takes her staff and goes out to fight them. With the help of other villagers and her family the monsters were eliminated but at the cost of many lives. Including the one of her older brother, who was supposed to become the next heir. Wanting to understand why this happened, Sonson left the village late at night without the knowledge of her parents. She traveled the world in order to find the responsible for what happened in her village.

And so begane her adventures. She travelled to different locations making friends, rivals and enemies. Thanks to her kind personality and her constantly helping people whenever she could she became known as some kind of hero. People talked about her everywhere. Her prowess where sometimes exagerated. However after so many years of searching for the one responsible and not finding one single clue, Sonson's hopes were slowly dissapearing. But not long after she started giving up she heard that another village where under a similar attack as hers. Strange dark monsters where attacking and eating the villagers. With her hopes back, she travels for the village imediatly. When she arrives, she finds a totally consumed village. Unlike her village these people were nothing more than normal humans and couldn't do anything against these monsters. There she finds a wizard who was in search of these creatures as well. He informs her that they are called "Voids" and that their leader was called "Blackheart" a powerfull demon who wanted to conquer the world. She and her friends teams up with this wizard in search of this Blackheart.

This new Adventure led her many places where she made new friends and enemies. She also lost some of her friends as the journey was not a walk in the park. After almost 10 years of searching they find Blackheart but to their surprise Blackheart was a very calm demon who didn't expresse any kind of emotion. He never had the intention to attack all those villages and kill so many people and it seemed like he didn't even know anything about the voids. What was this? Did she spend 14 years searching a lie? (Ill continue later...)


Theme: She has two themes

Additional Info?: Just in case it wasn't obvious enough, she is Sun Wukong's great grandaughter. She has a huge appetite, be carefull with your food. I made her tomboyish as an excuse. I can't rp with feminin female character ;P. If you want to know where the original character is from, she is from a capcom game named Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes where she is presented as the grandaughter of Sonson who is the male protagonist of a capcom game with the same name and is based of Sun Wukong. The character is not done yet.
ChadNegroJun 11, 2015 4:50 AM

Jun 10, 2015 2:21 PM

May 2015
Jun 10, 2015 2:27 PM

May 2014
Wait, if the powers are similar, then so are the restrictions right? After all, a power woukd need a tool, and Sun Wukong here uses a crown to surpress it, only takes it off when in danger and could kill him if he toom it off too long. Read a bit up, its all right there ^^
Jun 10, 2015 2:33 PM

Jan 2013
She is weaker than Sun Wukong WITH the crown but faster and more agile than him since she is smaller.

Jun 10, 2015 11:44 PM

Oct 2014
(No real reason to make this character, not planning anything *coughs nervously*)
Name: Jacques de Molay
Age: (The real bloke died at 71 but I'm gonna make this his teenager self) 17
Gender: Male
Grade: 11
Club: None

Weapon/tool: A sword and shield.

Power: His sword can be used to call down 'Gods Judgement', which is a bolt of lighting that comes down from Heaven, hits Jacques' sword and shoots to wherever he is pointing. His shield can be used to call upon 'Divine protection' this gives him the ability to blind his enemies for a couple seconds, (one post), so he can recover or attack.

Personality: Righteous, Holy, Kind, Loyal, Compassionate, Forgiving. Oh and very, very clumsy...




(<--- Hair is white though)


Additional Info?: (optional) None
WymsicalJun 14, 2015 2:18 AM
Jun 11, 2015 7:49 AM

Jul 2014
Name: Decebalus aka: Decy Danubius
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Grade: 11
Club: art

Weapon/tool: Holly Blade
The legend says that rain and storm used to upset Zamolxis, Dacian God of Immortality, Sky and Earth, so Dacians used to shoot arrows at the sky to chase the clouds away, thus making their god happy. Decebalus once fought a war under heavy storm, so Zamolxis, because the people of Dacia under Decebalus made him so happy, granted her blade the power of lightning and gave it his blessing

Power: Zamolxis' Lightning
The blade can envelop in electricity when wielded, Decebalus can use electricity with both sword and hands, being able to electrify with palm strike, send lightning arcs with the blade, transfer lightning in metal armors or weapons as buffs/debuffs, summon a lightning (that unfortunately is not strong enough to instakill, it can at most stun for a bit or knock out, alongside a lot of damage) etc. She can instantly cast minor spells, but major spells need an incantation before hand.
Also, as it wears the blessing of the God of Immortality, it highly increased Decebalus' physical stats when wielded, most of all durability and speed, and it has a visual effect cause in her old time, in her final war, she looked like a young woman even if she was like 50.

Personality: Decebalus is a calm, quiet girl who is kind and protective towards allies and fierce and cruel towards enemies. Being the ex-ruler of a kingdom that was a threat even for the Roman Empire, Decebalus is a skilled fighter, a strict commander, a great strategist and a sneaky hunter. She is a smart, nice and reserved young woman who cares about chivalry and honor, but most of all allies. However, she is also a curios gal that likes to discover new things, and sometimes airheaded. She most often keeps a neutral face and acts in a royal manner, elegantly and polite. She is trusting, cause she believes in diplomacy of peace, but at first sight of ill intent she might draw her sword. Even if she's a good military strength, given her Dacian origin, she's prideful and hardheaded, choosing death over dishonor and might do rash and reckless decisions.

Bio/legend: Decebalus, last ruler of Dacia



Additional Info?: she has a passion for history, of course most European history, and is disgusted by the lies writen in history from her time. For example history books state that she's a man with brown hair and beard
LightSpark090Jun 16, 2015 8:31 AM
Jun 11, 2015 8:25 AM

Jan 2013
Hmm So Female Thor ehh, approved.
Jun 11, 2015 8:33 AM

Jul 2014
My BFF suggested "Dead Warrior Spirit Ressurection", but my reaction was "Nope!"
Jun 11, 2015 11:08 AM

May 2015
Wym: Approved!
Jun 11, 2015 11:10 AM

Jan 2013
Lol did not even see that one.
Jun 11, 2015 3:53 PM
Jan 2014
Name: Jay Ramos
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Grade: 12
Weapon/tool: A ring
Power: Telekinesis (the biggest thing he can lift is a car with concentration but it can cause him to get nauseated and make his nose bleed eventually leading to him passing out)




Additional Info?: He left behind a 2 little sisters and a girlfriend. He misses and loves them so much without him he sometimes can't control his emotions while thinking about them.
BonekrushaJun 11, 2015 4:43 PM
Jun 11, 2015 4:31 PM

Jan 2013
What are the limits to his power. For instance can he lift a ship, or just small items, what is the general range and limits of hte power. Other than that its fine. I just want to be sure I don't approve you, and you are throwing oil tankers with the power of your mind later on.

Approved. I'll treat it as mid to lower power range tele, with local reach.
RedArmyShogunJun 11, 2015 4:48 PM
Jun 14, 2015 6:49 AM

Jul 2013
Two weapons is the limit I believe.
Jun 14, 2015 5:28 PM
Aug 2014
Name:Riken Shade
Age: 16
Club: NA

Weapon/tool: 1 rapier one demonic sword

Power:The demonic sword can create shockwaves when it comes in contact with something such as a sword or person like a bomb but not as powerful each time the power is used it gets weaker it can be used total of five times before it dosnt do any damage Will take 10 post before recharges to full power

Personality:Arrogant cocky self entitled high and mighty

Bio/legend: “Its easier to believe that monsters and demons did what i did rather then believe that it was a human like you"
Riken was known as the demon king he wasn't really a demon but the name was earned by the things he did becoming a horrible person in history that he was changed to legend so that he seemed like he didn't exist Riken became the Demon king after gaining possession of the demon sword from a blacksmith what was the cost Rikens soul it granted him multiple powers such as draining a persons soul killed in battle so if someone gets a fatal strike on Riken the captured soul is killed during his reign as Demon King he genocided one race killed 1/3 of another population and enslaved the rest even turning some of the young girls into breeding stock he even salted land so nothing would ever grow there again but in one battle Riken just went mission his body was never found so its a mystery did he die or disappear but now that he’s been giving a second chance he’s going to try to make up for the atrocities that he committed.


Theme: {optional)NA

Additional Info?: (NA
LoveandHate91Jun 16, 2015 4:54 PM
Jun 14, 2015 7:51 PM

Jan 2013
The abilities are too OP really. More so when the cost for it is a bonus. I cannot approve.

Seeing an hour into the future, is more OP than freezing time for a Minute in all honesty, if this was a stricly PVE ability it could be debated on, but it isn't.

I can offer suggestions to improve it, or another Admin can deal with it if you wish to wait.

But as it is now, that is too prone to abuse, nvm I question why someone like that would be given another chance when his personality has shown zero Reform.

Not Approved.
Jun 14, 2015 7:54 PM

Feb 2015
It was dealt with and the conversation promptly deleted, ignore it, Red.

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Jun 15, 2015 11:08 PM

May 2015
Hmm, it's close to approving L/H

I need to know how many times this shockwave that's "like a bomb" can happen. Because anyone who does close to close combats won't have a chance... I don't mind the power in itself... But if he can do that every time to someone then they can't get near him?
Jun 16, 2015 12:51 AM

Oct 2014
Also, (just adding my random insignificant opinion here), that's not really a hero is it? xD
Jun 16, 2015 9:26 AM
Apr 2015
Name: Kiba
Gender: Male
Grade: 11th

Club: None Yet

Weapon/ tool : Twin (Dual) Katanas

Power: Tekkei (in this instance) the katanas allow him too increase agility and speed, he can also harden any one part of his body at a time.

Personailty: Apathetic, but a kind person.. Helps others

Bio/ legend: He was on orphan, and grew up in an orphanage,. He was learning martial arts from a very young age.. One day while he was gone from the orphanage, a group of bandits and ninjas attacking the orphanage.. He doesn't know what to do , so tries too use martial arts on them but fails, but just then the head of the orphanage , who was hiding, threw a set of keys too Kiba. He told him too go to the room in the back of the orphanage, and look behind the one of the pictures.. He sees the picture and takes it down, there he sees a safe unlocks it, and sees two katanas with the words " Protect" on one and "Courage" on the other. He picks up the two katanas and uses them too fight the guys. He overwhelms many of them. Only one left standing, he shows Kiba his special power by becoming bigger and stronger, to fight this new power Kiba uses the special ability of the swords too overwhelm this adversary and defeat him. He's exhausted from all the fighting and falls asleep, the next morning he wakes up and discovers he is on a sea train, that arrives at a mysterious island .......

DragonIncursioJun 16, 2015 10:35 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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