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May 6, 2015 3:46 AM

Jun 2014
HarusDS said:

W-why? Are busy in college? =l

There are probably some zoos around here, but I can't even remember the last time I went to one.

I like both cats and dogs...I have a dog, when he was really young, like 2~3 months old, I asked my parents to get a cat so they could be raised together... but they didn't wanted =(.
If I had to choose, yeah it would probably would pick dogs over cats.

Actually I am not really busy with college. I still have one month left on my study break. But I am bored out of my mind these days. Nothing is interesting me or making the inner me excited. Well other than Clash of Clans anyway. I have a hard time keeping up with all these new HSTs as well as the old, it has completely overwhelmed me to the point that I dont visit any anymore. It's just too hard to keep up with stuff ;_; There are soo many new people. You know how I am with people already. So its very hard for me to catch up and read about people. I also have this feeling that people just ask me questions for the sake of it than actually being interested to read my answers ._. I know it's my problem and I am trying to work on it. I will be a lot less active to figure things out, I guess.

I am scared of dogs tbh. I also cant really touch them because my religion dont allow it. It's said that a dog's saliva is extremely unhygienic and none should have them as pets or allow them inside ones house in Islam. You can have them as guard dogs if you livestock though. It's weird I know .__.

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 6, 2015 4:09 AM

Jun 2014
RayAdha said:

I see
I can only cook simple dish like Fried Rice, Cream Soup, Scrambled Egg, and Popcorn
....and also Milkshake :)
Have you ever thought of becoming a professional chef? It can be an alternative job

Thats cool x) I would love to eat some of your food :3

I have actually. But my parents completely rejected the mere idea of it when I presented it, mainly because as a pro, you will have to work with pig, and liquor. Islam bans both of them, so I just kind of quit even before I tried it ._. Besides, it was always a hobby, I dont think I would be good at it since I never do things on time xD My customers would just leave because of the lazy chef :/

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 6, 2015 4:11 AM

Apr 2015
L-love me like you d-do?
May 6, 2015 4:11 AM

Jun 2014
NoblePhantaZm said:
What are 5 things you truly aspire to do before you die?

1. Ensure my family would be able to live a good life without me by saving enough money or have good insurance money

2. Travel around the world

3. Eat all kinds of cuisines

4. Do something that would make me remembered as one of the people that changed the world.

5. Find love.

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 6, 2015 4:23 AM

Jun 2014
CO0K13Z4Lyfe said:
L-love me like you d-do?

Do you want some of my love <3 *hugs*

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 6, 2015 4:25 AM

Apr 2015
M_F_M said:
CO0K13Z4Lyfe said:
L-love me like you d-do?

Do you want some of my love <3 *hugs*

Can we stay like this forever ?

Now for a serious question, 3.14 or 42 ?
May 6, 2015 9:56 AM

Mar 2015
M_F_M said:

iStrawHat_Luffy said:
Haven't really been active for a few days so I figured I'd swing back by. Whats the most interesting thing that happened to you this week? My guess is that it wasn't you watching akame ga kill or I probably would've heard about it...........o_o

Not much man. I have been laying around at home or hanging out with my friends all day these days. Pretty bored and trying to find something in life. I smoked again after trying to stop myself for 2 weeks ;_;

The most interesting part would probably be listening to some of the guys in MAL in skype. You on skype btw?

I am going to watch it.. but someone spoiled me completely when I said I was going to watch it 2 days ago ._.

That's the only reason I am holding out again.. but this curiosity on how it will be without him makes me want to watch it.

Ah, boredom I see. You could always use that time to meditate . Do you have any hobbies or skills you could try to work on with your current down time? Like maybe learn an instrument, or a new language or something? I like to go hiking - maybe you should try to go for a day trip somewhere with your friends. Whenever I'm bored for a while with my friends I try to find an activity or event (like a concert or a festival or something) for all of us to go to so we have something to do/talk about for a little while - that usually jump starts things again.

Yeah I'm on skype, I really only use it through my xbox though. I'll send you my skype name in a PM.

Ah thats unfortunate that it got spoiled for you, but don't worry the rest of the show is equally unpredictable. You'll enjoy it. Some crazy stuff happens in the next few episodes from where you're at.
May 6, 2015 9:58 AM
Jul 2018
Do you have any hobbies like raising a fish tank or video games or cars?
May 6, 2015 11:10 AM

Jun 2014
CO0K13Z4Lyfe said:
M_F_M said:

Do you want some of my love <3 *hugs*

Can we stay like this forever ?

Now for a serious question, 3.14 or 42 ?

We can <3

That is hard. Very hard. I really want to choose Pi. But yeah 42 wins.

How about you?

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 6, 2015 11:43 AM

Jun 2014
lyfeofcarbon said:
How have you been? We haven't spoken in forever!

I am doing alright. I have been procrastinating a lot these days and I have been a bit lazy to stay around the forums. Yeah, its been a while! How have you been?

7starkiller99 said:
How has your morning been?

I woke up at 1 PM so morning was spent sleeping xD Probably one of the better mornings of the week xD

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 6, 2015 12:44 PM

Jun 2014
That's good~

Do you like perverted or innocent girls more?
A great protagonist once said, "It's only overpowered if you can't return the favor!"

May 6, 2015 12:46 PM

Apr 2015
M_F_M said:
CO0K13Z4Lyfe said:

Can we stay like this forever ?

Now for a serious question, 3.14 or 42 ?

We can <3

That is hard. Very hard. I really want to choose Pi. But yeah 42 wins.

How about you?

Also, question..Who's the beautiful gentleman on your set?
May 6, 2015 2:08 PM

Jun 2014
crushingmayhem said:
What show are you looking forward to the most?

Ore Monogatari!! I am also looking forward to One Punch Man. How about you?

7starkiller99 said:
What would your dream relationship look like?

I am guessing you are asking about romantic relationship. or is it about relationship in general?

Well if in a romantic relationship, my dream is to have a partner who completely understands me and accept me for who I am. Someone with whom I can share everything and someone who would be willing to tell me everything about herself. I want to completely give my heart to that one person, so I want her to have good hands and one who would treasure my heart. I dont want to give it to someone who would not take good care of it or stab it. I want to go around the world with her, and I want her to be open minded. Someone with whom I could have long discussions every day and still find myself interested at all times. Someone whose sight would make me feel lighter. Someone with whom I could just look at, have breakfast with, and just sit around without talking at all, and still feel as comfortable as ever. Someone who would let me have her heart as well as someone who wouldnt mind my dark side.

Someone who can see the bad things in me and try to accept them and help me work things out. And someone who has her own dark side which I could help with. So I guess my dream romantic relationship would be with someone who would accept me, and love me for who I am, and the one that would take my heart.

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 6, 2015 7:25 PM

Mar 2015
I have that sinking feeling tooo...not as active,not liking HSTs as I used too anymore.And you just fired shots at me lol.Sometimes I do ask questions for the sake of it.Maybe Im just too bored at home....what should we do?;_;
May 6, 2015 7:52 PM

Sep 2012
Tfw mobile is mean.

Cram it. Noted.
Lol. Same here. It sucks when the topics are related and the exams take from previous topics. ._. Your memory is good to remember it the first time. oO

How can one mange to study more than 12 hours? That's crazy talk to me. o_o
Oooo. Am I allowed to ask a question to different users in this thread?


I missed you and RCT! I don't remember what your voice sounds like. ;; Uhhh lets just say that drama happened before you were active. And me being busy irl. Have projects and finals now. Looking to get a job in the next few weeks once the projects are done.

And another question. Hmmmm. Since you like to cook, what do you think would be a good side dish to Kung Pao chicken or spicy chicken? Or what's your favorite cuisine?
May 8, 2015 10:53 AM

Jun 2014
Aricie said:

Mmm well ~
I wouldn't say that I still like it lol. I used to play it with my brother right, but I no longer feel like it & I'm not keen on watching it either..
I'd rather re-read Pride & Prejudice during that 90 minutes x)

That's mean lol. Who told you I only care about nerdy things!
I mean , I like reading & writing. Oh wait, that's plenty nerdy xD
& Hey , there's cooking.. & .. &.. Of course, reading manga & watching anime ^-^.

Shopping isn't one of my hobbies, sorry

Heeeh *-*.
Onii-chan ~
Will you throw up a party for me ?
One where you'll cross-dress & do a belly dance? * Bats eyes*
I can't wait ~
Oh, you should bring all the family!
I need to meet them!
Now that's an unnatural thing to say, hehe ~

I'll be old enough to drive indeed, but I'm totally green at it. & I don't feel like taking any driving course after I finish my finals. I'd still be plenty busy x').
& It will be Ramadan then, like 45°C here..
That's impossible Onii-chan, Impossible.

My 4th revision huh ..
That's a small number LOL.

But .. but..
Carrying me like this would make me feel dizzy.

I never knew you were this much of a sadist ='(.

Too bad again ~
We don't have a Muhammed, & Muhammed is my father.
That's interesting. My father would leak out info. Humf..
That's my dad for you. Until yesterday he used to tease me on how weird my anime sound. He definitely leveled-up xD!

Lol that's definitely some coincidence. But well, that's definitely a common name, Fazil-onii-chan.
Your name is nice by the way ^-^!

It's not like I care about marks or anything!
I'm okay with 5/10.
Just now you witnessed my worst lie ever.

It's okay lol. I should be the one feeling sorry here é_è!
But I'm afraid I can't make any promise when it comes to my cute death glare ~
It's a womanly weapon. * Nods nods *
Come to think of it, have you been busy lately? Has your break ended?

That's right. I just like the kind of novel that makes me feel the main character's emotions & somehow live the story. My imagination is indeed very wide, as I do have some writing skills.
Once I have enough free time, no actually that's a dream of mine, I want to write a novel later. I do not wish to become a fully devoted writer How would that even be possible when I study up to 14 hours of maths at school every week >o< but I don't want to give up on litterature.
Is it weird to be a science student yet like litterature that much =p?

Oh, my personality type huh.
Behold! Your imouto is:

Very different from you , right xD?

Right!! Takeo-kun is so cool *-*! Cooler than Suna & the majority of Shoujo Manga's male characters!
I can see why you want to become like him. That's great how he isn't shy even though he's not popular with girls. It generally doesn't collide lol.

Lol thanks ~ That's so nice of you.
Glad I'm useful at being both an imouto & a lucky charm ^-^.
*Poker face on *
What's with me planning something with Sparkly-nee-sama?
What are you talking about?

*Poker face off*
Onii-chan.. After I saw your fridge.. I became somehow curious about the food you'd cook lol xD!
Don't worry about that, Mom's become pretty strict with me. I feel as if I became 4 years old with her pestering me about eating é_è.

Okay.. you need a wife.
Don't forget to consult your imoutos x_x.
Oh wait, should we be the ones marrying you off ~?
Hehe, sounds funny xD!

Baka me, this is the part where my buracon should appear, right ._.?
I'm a failure as a sister with a brother complex.

I don't think I have yet something clear on my mind, but I kind of like Chemistry too, along with physics. Probability is great too ~

Oh right, dame.
Well it's the first part of dame desu, basically meaning, that's no good xD.
I meant, no good lol ~

I see. It is indeed more logical to be cheerful according to the people you're with. Hum..
I don't think I can give you any ratings of my cheerfulness lol. But I'm sure I don't really hit 10/10 xD No matter how close I am to the person.
At school I'm usually like in a serious mode, not really cheerful, & if bad mark, I can easily hit 1/10 lol.
At home I usually loosen up, & I am like 7/10 or 8/10 most of the times then.
Novels & anime/manga can affect me positively too ~
Should I be talking about my friend too? Would it feel too lonely either way xD?
Well ~
They can cheer me up but I don't really have someone I'd talk to about everything.. & I usually prefer leaving my problems to myself so huh .. But I do enjoy their company though! Do not be mistaken!

I do get angry easily though lol. Lately I can somehow controle myself but depending on the situation & the people I'm dealing with.. x)

Funny how hunger affects you.
How do you even survive Ramadan xD?
I agree on the part about driving. That's one of the reasons that make me so unenthusiasistic about driving.
Okay.. feeding you.
Got it.
* I shall prepare tons of food *

Heh ~ You're asking me about the best way to cool me down?
Shouldn't you be asking about the best way to survive it through? My anger that is ~
I think quick apologies are the best. If someone is too late, I might have a deathly cold attitude towards him or her. But sometimes I feel like cooling down alone, in my corner, & novels are definitely a good way too.
Mental support is good too, but I can't stand pity lol. & I might take it bad.
So in best cases, apologize quickly, then ran for your life.
* Just how cute can I get ~, woops, I mean scary *

Say Onii-chan, about the dare people, how come they skipped my comment? Was it too long?
How come you got busy on that day? & you were so cool about it?
Who are your wife-to be candidates?
What do you think about virtual romantic relationships? I mean, something like Mal waifus & husbandos?

Oh.. well sounds like a nerdy girl alright xD why did I get my hopes up that I could play football with you ;_;

I would rather make you watch the match with me at the stadium in those 90 minutes. Its amazing, the atmosphere, and the cheering :3

Well I like doing all those things too, but I like playing football and watching it as well. I like swimming too. Btw do you know how to swim?

Thank God. You are the perfect imouto then x). I dont like shopping either.. I do like buying ingredients for food I make though ^^

It's the least I can do for my favorite imouto :3

Oh wow.. a belly dance? >.<
I cant do that. I will wear a saree and do a belly dance just for you >///<
Oh dont worry, everyone will be there xD

Oh you dont like driving? I guess I will have to drive you around then xD I love driving, I was driving around the city yesterday for like 12 hours doing errands. It was tiring yet it was fun as well. Yeah Ramadan is just around the corner :3 I will be quite busy as well with staying at the mosque at nights as well. Also the food <3 Quite hot indeed, pretty much the same weather as Oman and the rest of the gulf eh?

Oh really? I guess I underestimated the power of nerdiness of my imouto then xD I have never had even one revision in my life ._.

ohh then I would do it more mildly like this:

Btw the first M in my name means Muhammed xD Can I ask what your name is, Ari-chwan?

I would love to talk to your dad one day xD I would just go up to him and say, I am your daughters onee chan. xD

I am listening to this right now btw

haha I knew you were lying the moment I read it xD You will always be a 10/10 an imouto to me :3

You know I have a death glare too.. but I will never use it on my imouto. I will use it to people who make fun of my imouto or bully her. :>

I have not really been busy tbh. I am bored out of my mind with this study break. I still have another month of it. Longest break from college tbh. 3 whole months. I am just laying around at home or hanging out with my friends all day these days. I want to find something that interests me, no amine or manga is going to quench my thirst. HSTs have become more of a burden to keep up nowadays with sooo many new people and I have been feeling that people ask questions only for the sake of it than actually being interested in discussing it. I am overwhelmed at trying to keep up with all the new HSTs and I ended up burning out I guess. I have been working on some way to keep myself interested and indulged in the HSTs but I think I have gone too far into it that I cant go any further. I am slowly but steadily becoming less active on the HST scene. I am only going to be answering in my HST, and going to ask questions to people I truly find to be interesting and fun to talk to, like you, Nova, Luffy and a couple others :) I guess I will slowly stop being around though :/

There's a saying in my language: "Too much of a good thing can make it bad."
I think I feel the same way about HSTs now.

Dw I will always be around as your onee chan in the forums :3

Oh that's nice :3 I would love to read that novel when you do finish it ^^ I think with your writing skills, it will be very popular x)
Aah It will definitely be difficult with that schedule but I am sure you will get some free time to write up something amazing that will make your onee chan puff his chest :3

Not at all, I like literature too and I am a computer science student x) But I am not good enough to have a dream like writing a novel ._.

Ikr! I think Takeo will only get cooler as the show goes on. A macho man indeed. x)
I agree he is a lot better than normal shoujo MC's. But Suna is pretty great as well. What a friend :').

*stares suspiciously*

I know something is up >.>

*keeps on staring with squinted eyes*

Well my fridge is a lot more organized than that normally xD The food I will cook for you will be anything you want M'lady ^^

oh you are a Mommy's girl eh xD

But I-I-I already have 2 kids with that mysterious woman xD

Oh you sound like you like the sciences as well as engineering then. x) Btw do you not like bio? I dont know why but I always thought you would be interested in medicine for some reason.

Aah I see. That makes sense.. when I searched for it;
google said:
Dame is a noble title and the female equivalent of the honour of knighthood in the British honours system and several other countries such as Australia and among European orders of chivalry.

I kind of got confused because of that >.<

haha I can totally see how you would be if you ever get bad marks. not that I would make fun of you xP I will cook you some good Indian food to cheer you up. :3
I guess you do give off the aura of a self sufficient person, but its also good to sometimes share your burdens with others as well as your pains. It helps a lot imo ^^ You are already my nakama, I will always be there for you if you ever want my help ^^

I have a scary imouto chan ;_; That's good, always control yourself :3 I will always be there to take in all your anger if you ever do get angry, because that's what a good oneechan does *winks*

Ramadan is just around the corner ^^ Yeah, I am kind of on the edge all through out Ramadan. I control myself by thinking about all the awesome food I will get to eat after Maghrib :3 I also get very busy during Ramadan with helping out in the kitchen and other things, being preoccupied keeps my emotions stable I guess. But I do get a bit angry for the little things at times ._.

Yeah driving is definitely not for the light hearted or those who tend to get angry or frustrated easily especially here in India where everyone drives likes there is no tomorrow >.>

That's a good imouto chan xD Feed me always.

Wait.. why do you need to prepare tons of food.. are you going to make me angry? =.=
*Stares suspiciously again*

I can survive through your anger with my special attack move. *super fluffy bear hug* xD

I see. I see. *Notes it down* I am good at quick apologies since I am also one of those people who tend to be late ;__; I am scared of the death glare
I am good at running away too.. even though I am quite slow ._.

haha yeah. They probably thought it was way too long to read through to find the questions xD Also no normal people will able to keep up with our conversation by going to and fro from the quotes xD

I actually had court those two days with my mom for the divorce case. I thought it was going to be rude if I dont reply to the questions, but these guys with their dare came over and just kept the thread alive and ensured no one really noticed my absence ^^. I kind of knew it was one of them dares from one of them clubs when I saw people replying to the questions asked of me in the HST, it was just a question of which club... and I found them, and it was one of the clubs that I had joined when it began itself and the people there are pretty cool as well, so I just went with it I guess.

wife candidates? xD

No, none yet. I have not met anyone whom I think would become my wife, not in this cafe anyway. I do have someone that I like, but I guess I am not sure whether it really is a like-like or just a simple crush in MAL though, its just I find her very interesting. I dont think I will go any further though, since I am quite oblivious at such things ._.

virtual romantic relationships?

I think they are very beautiful when they work out. Meeting someone in the internets from somewhere around the world, and being in love with them.It's something quite beautiful when they work out. I actually have a couple of friends who met each other through MAL and become rl bf and gf, Hotchy and soaru, they are my favorite couple ^^

But with the same way it is beautiful, it can be quite messy and dark as well. Especially with them internet predators, fake personas and internet personas. People dont always tend to be the same as they portray themselves in the internets. Internet is a place full of lies and deceits, noone can be truly trust worthy. There is always a huge risk and its quite dangerous to be involved with someone in the internets romantically. But taking that one step of trusting the other, taking both that risk and endangering yourself to get hurt, by completely committing to someone on the internets which make it all the more beautiful. As for me personally, I have had some bad experiences with it. I know how risky and dangerous that one step is, and I have yet to meet someone who truly would make me take that one step. I am not really good at flirting or showing my attraction to someone over the internets or in real life tbh, so it does look highly improbable for me to be in a virtual romantic relationship. Also I am not in an emotional state where I can truly be in a relationship either. But I also feel that someone could change it, if I meet someone who will truly take my heart then I suppose I would be in a relationship with them, be it irl or virtually.

MAL husbandos and waifus?

Personally, I take those words very seriously. I am not going to make someone my waifu without actually wanting them to be mine or truly making them real wife. I dont want to just have a waifu for the sake of it or for role playing or just for fun either. I have nothing against those that do btw. But I am just serious when it comes to things like that, I guess.
In the end, everything can change with just one person x3

BTW I take my relationships I have made in MAL quite seriously. :)

How about you? Do you have anyone in mind for being your husbando someone I should interrogate before letting you go with him? What do you think about virtaul romantic relationships and MAL Waifu and husbandos?

Also do you skype?

P.S: my eyes hurt with all this squinting.. so I am going to stop for now.
*stares normally*
M_F_MMay 9, 2015 2:21 AM

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 8, 2015 1:42 PM

Nov 2012
Did you know I have a labcoat?
May 10, 2015 1:02 PM

Jun 2014
Dars3 said:

Totally agree with you. It is a great generation of german players, with a few young players that I think will become world class too soon when they step up their game.

Exactly. Diego Costa would be the perfect addition to Brazil team. He's a great player, but I just don't think he fits in Spain. Not on that team. They're way too different. Just the same way I always thought Ibrahimovic was a great player, but not compatible with Barcelona at all when he played there. And yeah, Messi would be perfect for Spain. They would be undefeatable with Messi there. The way the liga BBVA is currently going, who do you think will be the best scorer, Messi or Ronaldo?

Totally. I always thought Guardiola would make a career like SAF at Barcelona. He truly had the potential. But he decided to leave at such a crucial time, making me wonder if he felt he couldn't manage the team when their form dropped. Very few managers can do it, so he must have thought it was best to leave on a high.

I don't think it's possible, either. If Pogba leaves Juventus, he's definitely going to Real. They're always the club breaking those records. They don't care how much they have to pay for a player. If they truly want to sign Pogba, they'll get him. Besides, Florentino Perez has said dozens of time that even if they're too expensive, it will still compensate because sooner or later they're getting their money back with publicity, selling shirts and such. They're a total different club. They're not a football club, they're a marketing club. xD
But I agree with you. Most players are overrated these days. Football is being inflated with Real Madrid breaking these records and all the millionaires buying football clubs. The revenue of UEFA was 1.8 times higher this season compared to last one and they're increasing the prizes for next season. The money around football these days is insane, an offense for the poor who can barely have the money to eat. @_@

I don't know how much each part of it costs here, because I paid for everything together, since it is cheaper that way. But everything together is cost 450€. I had a friend that paid 1000€ for it, so mine can be cheap compared to some. xD
It's always easier when you have someone teaching from the start. People who try learning to drive alone first tend to get some bad habits that they may find somewhat difficult to get rid of.

Yeah, there will always be work for people. It is just that they'll have to push forward on their education. Not everyone will be willing to do this, so that's where it may rise some controversy.

Their progress these last years have all been related to their movement. Detecting objects and moving around them, finding the right balance under different circunstances like different terrains, possible forces unexpected to them, etc. I don't know if I've been missing something that may have been developped recently, though. But that video is my favorite so far, because it focus not so much on how they move or how many questions they can answer, but more about learning new information by themselves. And the process of learning is imo one of the biggest challenges in robotics. It's one step closer to real intelligence.

The first time I saw Neil deGrasse Tyson was in a video I was watching about robotics and AI. He's now my favorite astrophysicist. :3
Maybe, who knows. But by the time we finally achieve AI, we have probably found those answers. xD

M_F_M said:
I am so sorry bro. I just kept holding up on it that day because I wasnt in the mood and I forgot about it ;_;

*bows down to dogeza for forgiveness*

Haha, don't worry. I do that a lot too. xD

I said that because I figured you had forgotten. But I waited some time first because I wasn't sure about it and I didn't want you to feel guilty. xD

Bayern got rekt by Barca 3-0 o_o Well Bayern did have most of its best players injured. Btw what do you think of the youngsters coming up the ranks in Portuguese football, anyone who would mesmerize us like CR7?

Yeah you are right. Ibra did not fit in at all with the Barca team then. Cr7 missed a penalty yesterday ._. Made it a draw with Valencia, pretty much handed Barca the title on a silver plate. I think Messi in Spanish football team would have added that all too important impetus in their football they are missing badly these days.I still think Ronaldo will pull through and win the Golden Shoe though. He just needs to go beast mode again xD

I am already hearing rumors of Guardiola moving to Man City now. Bayern has already won the league, but I have this feeling if they dont win the CL, he would probably move away.. >_> I thought Tito did well in the beginning, it looked like Barca was gaining shape again and then it happened. RIP Tito ;_;

There are all kinds of rumors on Pogba now, heard that P$G is after him as well. Yeah, RM's been breaking all kinds of records with transfers and its just going to keep going imo. Breaking records after records. I dont even get how so much money is spent on football which is albeit a very interesting sport, there are many alternatives which would benefit humanity greatly if such kind of money was spent on it. I know money is not going anywhere, its just moving from one pocket to another, and it can always be used for the good of the people. But all I see are just people getting their pockets deeper and deeper in the name of football. It's becoming more of an entertainment industry than a sport. The way its going, I woudnt be surprised everything ends up being fixed ._.

Wow. That IS quite expensive indeed. 450E is enough for a family of 4 to live for a month here. Economics I guess o_o

I think awareness about education is something that is extremely important in our current society. There are SO many people who overlook it or do not take it seriously, and drop out at a young age these days and suffer for it later. It definitely is improving in my country with all kinds of awareness programs by the Govt as well as the free education system that exists in several states. Uni education is also quite affordable compared to other countries here.

I see. That indeed is quite exciting. I fount the video very interesting too, the idea of a robot able to decide and interpret a completely new object to it, is quite interesting. What I am more interested is the use of internet, could it be integrated into the robot that it could identify everything and interpret it completely. Something like a google glass I suppose, but more like an AI. I think those could truly be helpful.

I loved Neal De Grasse Tysons interview with the Time magazine, and I have been following ever since I saw the video a couple years ago. He's very exciting and my favorite astrophysicist as well ^^

haha yeah. The answers might well be the reason we invent AI in the first place xD

Btw I saw this on 9 gag with the title: We are born just at the right time for the ocean.

What do you think about that?

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 10, 2015 1:06 PM

Jun 2014
novaxy said:
I have that sinking feeling tooo...not as active,not liking HSTs as I used too anymore.And you just fired shots at me lol.Sometimes I do ask questions for the sake of it.Maybe Im just too bored at home....what should we do?;_;

haha I guess we both got too used to it. It was not intended at you at all. I didnt mean to fire shots at anyone tbh. I was just speculating my observations in my own thread ^^
I think you put a lot of thoughts in the questions you have asked me so far, atleast I find them to be extremely deep. I cant ever think of such questions tbh.

I guess we just have to take a break and see how it goes, when we come back. I am going to answer my HST questions though. I have a few ongoing discussions that I want to continue and I want to try to reduce the amount of random questions~

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 10, 2015 1:23 PM

Jun 2014
Flowing said:
Tfw mobile is mean.

Cram it. Noted.
Lol. Same here. It sucks when the topics are related and the exams take from previous topics. ._. Your memory is good to remember it the first time. oO

How can one mange to study more than 12 hours? That's crazy talk to me. o_o
Oooo. Am I allowed to ask a question to different users in this thread?


I missed you and RCT! I don't remember what your voice sounds like. ;; Uhhh lets just say that drama happened before you were active. And me being busy irl. Have projects and finals now. Looking to get a job in the next few weeks once the projects are done.

And another question. Hmmmm. Since you like to cook, what do you think would be a good side dish to Kung Pao chicken or spicy chicken? Or what's your favorite cuisine?

I am sorry for the late reply. I have been hating on MAL for the last few days because of logging me out every time I come up with a reply, and making me re-type all that. I know its no excuse, and I am extremely sorry for this late of a reply.

Oh man. I feel you there. It would be really hard if they asked questions from previously tested syllabus o_o My memory is only good for a day though, I forget everything afterwards xD

Well I cant study anything till then, no matter how much I try. I find hard working people, or those who spend a lot more time studying to be incredible, and I admire them. Mainly because I just cant do it at all. No matter how hard I try, my brain wont switch on till the night before the exam. :/ One of the reasons why I cant get perfect scores or havent achieved enough in academics.

When I do get switched on, I have SO much portions left to study that I can no longer have the luxury of even looking at the clock. Only loud music, the text book before me and my spectacles stand in front of my eyes then. I would be reading at a hyper speed out loud, talking to myself otw as I understand each topic. Teaching myself, hitting myself, a whole lot of sudden push ups, coffee and red bull to keep myself energetic the whole time as I dwell deeper into the subject. Sometimes I get too into it that I forget about my sleep or about the time it is. I have had many times when my mom knocks on my door letting me know that my exams are in an hour.. while I havent slept or eaten all through out the night. I have weird study habits and my energy spikes are sometimes so high, I feel high. It is quite the crazy talk isnt it ._.

Yeah! You are allowed to ask questions to any of the people on their HSTs. I have met many interesting and amazing people through these HSTs. Many friends that I have understood quite deeply just through our discussions in the HSTs. Do check them out, and make one for yourself if you ever find the time x)

Thanks ^^ Now, I guess you heard my voice again.. do you remember it? xD

Aah I see. I wasnt around then, I guess. Flow, I hope it gets easier soon ^^ I think its better to be busy irl than not xD Are you looking for a part time job? I thought you were in HS.. are you in uni? o_o

I have my final year starting next month as well. I will probably get really busy and may end up going on a hiatus again till I find free time again. Final year project, campus interviews and a start up company to boot xS

Yeah! I really like cooking. I think Roti/ Paratha sounds like the perfect side dish to Kung Pao chicken for me. I also dont mind rice or ghee rice.

My favorite cusine is actually the Arabian cuisine, especially the Lebanese. I did all my schooling in Muscat, Oman and the cuisine there, is quite nostalgic and incredibly delicious. I love my shawarma , kebab, felafel and hummus xD

What's yours? ^^

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 10, 2015 1:24 PM

Jun 2014
Arcturnus said:
Did you know I have a labcoat?

Ofcourse I do. Did you forget who bought it for you, when you claimed that you would become a mad scientist back then xD

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 10, 2015 1:25 PM

Jun 2014
CO0K13Z4Lyfe said:

Also, question..Who's the beautiful gentleman on your set?

He is Sir Lancelot. Berserker from Fate/Zero ^^

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 10, 2015 1:44 PM

Jun 2014
7starkiller99 said:
That's good~

Do you like perverted or innocent girls more?

I find perverted girls to be more interesting for some reason ._.

I think its basically because I am a pervert myself and it would be nice if she could keep up with me and we could have some fun conversations xD I think I find them to be more open minded as well, maybe its because society stereotypes and considers woman to be creatures who do not use sexual slurs or such as well. Those who do tend to attract me mainly because of the way they choose to interact and most of them are not fake either. There are many among the so called "innocent" that are just feigning it. So I guess I would go with the perverted one ^^

How about you?

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 10, 2015 1:51 PM

Jun 2014
iStrawHat_Luffy said:

Ah, boredom I see. You could always use that time to meditate . Do you have any hobbies or skills you could try to work on with your current down time? Like maybe learn an instrument, or a new language or something? I like to go hiking - maybe you should try to go for a day trip somewhere with your friends. Whenever I'm bored for a while with my friends I try to find an activity or event (like a concert or a festival or something) for all of us to go to so we have something to do/talk about for a little while - that usually jump starts things again.

Yeah I'm on skype, I really only use it through my xbox though. I'll send you my skype name in a PM.

Ah thats unfortunate that it got spoiled for you, but don't worry the rest of the show is equally unpredictable. You'll enjoy it. Some crazy stuff happens in the next few episodes from where you're at.

haha I do spend time on meditation. My boredom is mostly mental though, meditation just makes it feel even more empty for some reason ._.

I guess the only hobbies I do have these days are driving around the city, cooking and hanging out with friends not sure if you can call these hobbies even. I spend pretty much all time on these three these days. I think I have gotten a lot better at driving as well. I would like to spend some time writing up some literature or a story, polish my written English as well as my means of verbal communication. My friends and I have been planning for this 300 km road trip to Munnar in the next couple of weeks, which I am quite excited about. ^^

There's not many concerts going on here, and if there are, none that really interest me ._. There are countless festivals going on around the country though, its just the matter of finding the right one to go with the friends. There was a mango festival here, which I went couple of days ago. It was really fun, eating all kinds of mango from around the country <3

I am on skype most of the time I am on the internets, I am free to talk or chat anytime you are on. I would love to talk to you about stuff xD

Yeah I have been watching it now. On episode 9 now, I will just let you know how it is after I finish it xD

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 10, 2015 1:55 PM

Jun 2014
Probably_a_Human said:
Do you have any hobbies like raising a fish tank or video games or cars?

Well I dont really raise any fish. But we do have 7 pet hens and 1 rooster. One other had to be butchered to make chicken curry last week ;_; We also have a pet duck and 12 love birds :3

I am not really big on video games nor am I really into cars.

But I do love driving my car, Maruti suzuki Ritz. I have been driving for around 3 years now, and I absolitely love it. I just came back from a road trip of around 300 kms total, to the country side with my family as a gift to my mom, on Mothers day ^^ It's very tiring, but I love it.

I also like cooking ~

How about you?

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 10, 2015 2:28 PM

Mar 2015
M_F_M said:

haha I do spend time on meditation. My boredom is mostly mental though, meditation just makes it feel even more empty for some reason ._.

I guess the only hobbies I do have these days are driving around the city, cooking and hanging out with friends not sure if you can call these hobbies even. I spend pretty much all time on these three these days. I think I have gotten a lot better at driving as well. I would like to spend some time writing up some literature or a story, polish my written English as well as my means of verbal communication. My friends and I have been planning for this 300 km road trip to Munnar in the next couple of weeks, which I am quite excited about. ^^

There's not many concerts going on here, and if there are, none that really interest me ._. There are countless festivals going on around the country though, its just the matter of finding the right one to go with the friends. There was a mango festival here, which I went couple of days ago. It was really fun, eating all kinds of mango from around the country <3

I am on skype most of the time I am on the internets, I am free to talk or chat anytime you are on. I would love to talk to you about stuff xD

Yeah I have been watching it now. On episode 9 now, I will just let you know how it is after I finish it xD

Well that's kind of natural to feel emptiness. The point of silent meditation or music meditation is to reach a state of "nothingness" - but thats a misleading term because it often has a negative connotation. The point is not to try and erase everything and "numb yourself" to achieve emptiness, as that would be a hollow emptiness aka the negative kind (which is why it is easy for this to happen sometimes). The point is to reach a state of calm where you are present in this moment, aware of your body and your thoughts, and to reach a state of emptiness as the base for deriving your infinite potential. Basically emptiness is the void from which you can pull out anything you want - joy, intellect, benevolence, depression, despair, negativity. Every person has infinite potential inside them, whether it is good or bad is up to us to decide which to manifest. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle: we obviously try to create an identity that isn't seen as "bad" by society because our ego tells us we don't want to be a bad person, but most of us don't want to be labeled as too "good" either - because that comes with an inherent responsibility to go out of our way to do good things, which may be inconvenient.

Basically my point is, reaching a state of emptiness is a good thing, now you just have to work on viewing that emptiness in a different light. One where you don't "feel" empty, but you BECOME empty. Do this in order to throw away any preconceived notions of the self and society, this way you can manifest whatever traits and whatever self you want to be FROM that emptiness. Our identity (aka the "self") is fluid. It can change at any moment if we have the desire and wisdom to do so. The only reason we think we are the same person we were a day ago, a week ago, because the "ego" tells us so. Our ego tells us we are unique, we are an individual, and we have established our identities for ourselves through massive amounts of experience. This idea that we convince ourselves of is the very reason many of us find it hard to experience true change. THAT is why you meditate to achieve emptiness. You essentially remove yourself from the "self" in order to change your "self". You empty yourself as a means of filling yourself back up with whatever it is you desire to be.

You sound a little depressed in this response - I hope all is well and if you do want to talk, I am on xbox all the time. And I check mal and my emails frequently. So if you're on skype and/or want to talk just throw me a PM. And remember, even if you're bored and have nothing to do - focusing on staying positive and exercising your mind is not time wasted, its actually time well spent! So viewing it that way may help to alleviate some of your boredom!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of akame ga kill. If you've seen through episode 9 then you can probably see how it is more of a feelsy anime than your typical shounen hahah. I've actually been watching a couple of good shows lately so I've been entertained. Watching psycho-pass right now and so far I like it.

Okay i'm rambling now, hope all is well by you though - stay well and think positive. ^_^
May 10, 2015 2:42 PM

Nov 2012
M_F_M said:
Arcturnus said:
Did you know I have a labcoat?

Ofcourse I do. Did you forget who bought it for you, when you claimed that you would become a mad scientist back then xD which timeline did this happen? I remember something completely different. :o
May 10, 2015 3:12 PM

Dec 2013
M_F_M said:

Oh.. well sounds like a nerdy girl alright xD why did I get my hopes up that I could play football with you ;_;

I would rather make you watch the match with me at the stadium in those 90 minutes. Its amazing, the atmosphere, and the cheering :3

Well I like doing all those things too, but I like playing football and watching it as well. I like swimming too. Btw do you know how to swim?

Thank God. You are the perfect imouto then x). I dont like shopping either.. I do like buying ingredients for food I make though ^^

It's the least I can do for my favorite imouto :3

Oh wow.. a belly dance? >.<
I cant do that. I will wear a saree and do a belly dance just for you >///<
Oh dont worry, everyone will be there xD

Oh you dont like driving? I guess I will have to drive you around then xD I love driving, I was driving around the city yesterday for like 12 hours doing errands. It was tiring yet it was fun as well. Yeah Ramadan is just around the corner :3 I will be quite busy as well with staying at the mosque at nights as well. Also the food <3 Quite hot indeed, pretty much the same weather as Oman and the rest of the gulf eh?

Oh really? I guess I underestimated the power of nerdiness of my imouto then xD I have never had even one revision in my life ._.

ohh then I would do it more mildly like this:

Btw the first M in my name means Muhammed xD Can I ask what your name is, Ari-chwan?

I would love to talk to your dad one day xD I would just go up to him and say, I am your daughters onee chan. xD

I am listening to this right now btw

haha I knew you were lying the moment I read it xD You will always be a 10/10 an imouto to me :3

You know I have a death glare too.. but I will never use it on my imouto. I will use it to people who make fun of my imouto or bully her. :>

I have not really been busy tbh. I am bored out of my mind with this study break. I still have another month of it. Longest break from college tbh. 3 whole months. I am just laying around at home or hanging out with my friends all day these days. I want to find something that interests me, no amine or manga is going to quench my thirst. HSTs have become more of a burden to keep up nowadays with sooo many new people and I have been feeling that people ask questions only for the sake of it than actually being interested in discussing it. I am overwhelmed at trying to keep up with all the new HSTs and I ended up burning out I guess. I have been working on some way to keep myself interested and indulged in the HSTs but I think I have gone too far into it that I cant go any further. I am slowly but steadily becoming less active on the HST scene. I am only going to be answering in my HST, and going to ask questions to people I truly find to be interesting and fun to talk to, like you, Nova, Luffy and a couple others :) I guess I will slowly stop being around though :/

There's a saying in my language: "Too much of a good thing can make it bad."
I think I feel the same way about HSTs now.

Dw I will always be around as your onee chan in the forums :3

Oh that's nice :3 I would love to read that novel when you do finish it ^^ I think with your writing skills, it will be very popular x)
Aah It will definitely be difficult with that schedule but I am sure you will get some free time to write up something amazing that will make your onee chan puff his chest :3

Not at all, I like literature too and I am a computer science student x) But I am not good enough to have a dream like writing a novel ._.

Ikr! I think Takeo will only get cooler as the show goes on. A macho man indeed. x)
I agree he is a lot better than normal shoujo MC's. But Suna is pretty great as well. What a friend :').

*stares suspiciously*

I know something is up >.>

*keeps on staring with squinted eyes*

Well my fridge is a lot more organized than that normally xD The food I will cook for you will be anything you want M'lady ^^

oh you are a Mommy's girl eh xD

But I-I-I already have 2 kids with that mysterious woman xD

Oh you sound like you like the sciences as well as engineering then. x) Btw do you not like bio? I dont know why but I always thought you would be interested in medicine for some reason.

Aah I see. That makes sense.. when I searched for it;
google said:
Dame is a noble title and the female equivalent of the honour of knighthood in the British honours system and several other countries such as Australia and among European orders of chivalry.

I kind of got confused because of that >.<

haha I can totally see how you would be if you ever get bad marks. not that I would make fun of you xP I will cook you some good Indian food to cheer you up. :3
I guess you do give off the aura of a self sufficient person, but its also good to sometimes share your burdens with others as well as your pains. It helps a lot imo ^^ You are already my nakama, I will always be there for you if you ever want my help ^^

I have a scary imouto chan ;_; That's good, always control yourself :3 I will always be there to take in all your anger if you ever do get angry, because that's what a good oneechan does *winks*

Ramadan is just around the corner ^^ Yeah, I am kind of on the edge all through out Ramadan. I control myself by thinking about all the awesome food I will get to eat after Maghrib :3 I also get very busy during Ramadan with helping out in the kitchen and other things, being preoccupied keeps my emotions stable I guess. But I do get a bit angry for the little things at times ._.

Yeah driving is definitely not for the light hearted or those who tend to get angry or frustrated easily especially here in India where everyone drives likes there is no tomorrow >.>

That's a good imouto chan xD Feed me always.

Wait.. why do you need to prepare tons of food.. are you going to make me angry? =.=
*Stares suspiciously again*

I can survive through your anger with my special attack move. *super fluffy bear hug* xD

I see. I see. *Notes it down* I am good at quick apologies since I am also one of those people who tend to be late ;__; I am scared of the death glare
I am good at running away too.. even though I am quite slow ._.

haha yeah. They probably thought it was way too long to read through to find the questions xD Also no normal people will able to keep up with our conversation by going to and fro from the quotes xD

I actually had court those two days with my mom for the divorce case. I thought it was going to be rude if I dont reply to the questions, but these guys with their dare came over and just kept the thread alive and ensured no one really noticed my absence ^^. I kind of knew it was one of them dares from one of them clubs when I saw people replying to the questions asked of me in the HST, it was just a question of which club... and I found them, and it was one of the clubs that I had joined when it began itself and the people there are pretty cool as well, so I just went with it I guess.

wife candidates? xD

No, none yet. I have not met anyone whom I think would become my wife, not in this cafe anyway. I do have someone that I like, but I guess I am not sure whether it really is a like-like or just a simple crush in MAL though, its just I find her very interesting. I dont think I will go any further though, since I am quite oblivious at such things ._.

virtual romantic relationships?

I think they are very beautiful when they work out. Meeting someone in the internets from somewhere around the world, and being in love with them.It's something quite beautiful when they work out. I actually have a couple of friends who met each other through MAL and become rl bf and gf, Hotchy and soaru, they are my favorite couple ^^

But with the same way it is beautiful, it can be quite messy and dark as well. Especially with them internet predators, fake personas and internet personas. People dont always tend to be the same as they portray themselves in the internets. Internet is a place full of lies and deceits, noone can be truly trust worthy. There is always a huge risk and its quite dangerous to be involved with someone in the internets romantically. But taking that one step of trusting the other, taking both that risk and endangering yourself to get hurt, by completely committing to someone on the internets which make it all the more beautiful. As for me personally, I have had some bad experiences with it. I know how risky and dangerous that one step is, and I have yet to meet someone who truly would make me take that one step. I am not really good at flirting or showing my attraction to someone over the internets or in real life tbh, so it does look highly improbable for me to be in a virtual romantic relationship. Also I am not in an emotional state where I can truly be in a relationship either. But I also feel that someone could change it, if I meet someone who will truly take my heart then I suppose I would be in a relationship with them, be it irl or virtually.

MAL husbandos and waifus?

Personally, I take those words very seriously. I am not going to make someone my waifu without actually wanting them to be mine or truly making them real wife. I dont want to just have a waifu for the sake of it or for role playing or just for fun either. I have nothing against those that do btw. But I am just serious when it comes to things like that, I guess.
In the end, everything can change with just one person x3

BTW I take my relationships I have made in MAL quite seriously. :)

How about you? Do you have anyone in mind for being your husbando someone I should interrogate before letting you go with him? What do you think about virtaul romantic relationships and MAL Waifu and husbandos?

Also do you skype?

P.S: my eyes hurt with all this squinting.. so I am going to stop for now.
*stares normally*

Gomen gomen ~, seems like I had a nerdy transformation after all xD!
I'm not great at sports actually. I'm only good at running, & not at very long distances actually x_x.

But but.. you know how I can't stand crowds right? It worns me out lol. Just being there, with lots of people is more than I can bear.

Gomen ne, Onii-chan

How come you're calling yourself Onee-chan by the way?
Have you become a girl x_x?
Sorry, that's too funny lol. Switching to onee-chan all of a sudden xD!

Well ~
I do know how to swim, more like, I know how not to drown xD!
It's been a while since I last swam, actually ^-^.
I bet you're Nanase Haruka in real life x).
A bigger version.. hihi

Lol.. You're a guy alright.
My big brother would nag everytime we'd go out, my sister, me & him shopping for clothes.
I think he developped a trauma actually. Like now he avoids shopping with my sister as much as possible ^-^.
Shopping for food is normal, doesn't really count xD!
But it gets easily annoying if you can't find fresh ingredients x_x.

Oh a saree is written that way. I thought it was sari.
They are really great by the way, but do they look good only on slender girls?
Tell me tell me
While belly dancing of course

I'm impressed. How can you drive for 12 hours x_x.
That's just impossible for me.
Oh did I tell you ~?
I have a terrible motion sickness. I take sleep pills everytime I travel so...
I can't drive! I mustn't drive!

Do you spend every night in the mosque at Ramadan =o? That's great.
& you help at cooking as well.. I respect you for that ^-^.
I don't think I have to tell you how Hellish Ramadan is for us girls, right xD?
Like guys sleeping/ playing & we have to stand the heat to cook FOR THEM. It's not like the food even last long oh my god.
More like 5 hours of lifespan.
& The following day we not only have to cook anew, but different dishes ._.

Last Ramadan was great actually. I spent it with my Mom & my sister.
Just the three of us.
We would cook just one side meal, & eat salad.
We sure slimmed up but we were happy.. such a happy Ramadan..

* That was my happy Ramadan story, let's move on *

You'd be crushing me Onii-chan, no thanks.
Also, you shouldn't be telling me how you never revised.. You're hurting my pride xD!
My nerdy pride.
Tsk !

I'm Rihab Onii-chan ~
Should you be asking for your imouto's name? What's that? So weird ~ =p.

That'd be great indeed. A big fluffy guy telling my dad that he is our elder sister.
That'd be GREAAAT xD!
You're very welcome to talk to him.

What death glare? Not the one from kung fu panda right xD?

I see.. Hsts became definitely too popular, or too much. When I first joined, there were like 3 or 4 very active hsts & the other threads were more popular. I agree on the fact that there are a lot of people asking just to be asked but anyway.. What can you do about it x').
I understand why you're fed up with it, since you're so active on them. At least, you were ~
But don't make it an excuse to become less active on MAL, Okay?
Like I am one to talk ._.

Thanks for believing in me , I'll make it possible.. In a few years x').

No no , ISTJ is for my sister haha xD!
Why not INFJ ._. Because it's rare é_è?
Do the debator & the advocate get along well? ~
*Like I need to ask *

Takeo is cool indeed. Though he creeps me out when he says I love heeeer! That's just.. too much for my Shoujo pure heart ._.
I get the chills, like stop iiiiiiiiit!! especially with his voice, oh my god xD!
Suna is great as a friend indeed, for Takeo that is.

Okay, make me lots of soup.
That's the only thing I can eat safely for now xD!

More than being a Mommy-girl, I'm very close to her, she's like a dear friend to me. I can even talk to her & show her Bishounen without creeping her out ^-^.
I even go on how 2-d guys are better than real life guys xD!
Very understanding mother :3.

I like biology right. I'm interested in the medicine course but .. the number of years is just too long.. Like I wouldn't get to have a freestyle life after graduating. I'd be thinking of marriage then & that's too much than I can take.
I might end up taking it.. Because I just love helping people =').
So that's your very hesitating imouto.

Lol you thought you were a dame, that's greaaat xD!
Omg, so funny lol.

Huh.. Never approach me when I get a bad marks. My parents never scold me for that, but they scold me for my extreme reactions >.<
What can I do about it anyway xD!
Food is okay though, if I didn't loose apetite that is =p.

I am a self sufficient person huh.. well that's true. I don't know, it's just that I feel better with leaving my problems for myself, probably because I don't want to show my weakness or just because I don't want to trouble the others.
It's another thing if it's onii-chan though, thanks!
The same goes for you, you have an imouto overflowing with emotions right? She can definitely be of use!!

I might like angering you lol.
That would be difficult since I can't make you starve, considering how it is one of the few things that make you angry xD

I'm pretty confident in catching you when it comes down to that, as long as the distance isn't too big.
But then again you are big._. Not sure I can do anything even if I catch you.
Oh, I can always throw pebbles at you ~

I know right! It's actually one advantage we have.
Like we can talk in all secrecy..
Our comments are described as walls of text, & .. That's it hehe ~

Right lol, you joined quite the number of groups after all ._.! We sure noticed your absence , silly ~

Oh I see.
So I won't have a sister in law just yet x_x.
It's okay if you get to know this person better I guess?
It might help you know what kind of girl your like, the qualities & stuffs.
That's my opinion ~

I see. I kind of share your opinion about virtual relationships. They sure would make one feel all dreamy since you know the deep part of the person. That's actually amazing since they are totally not based on physical appearance.
But then again.. The chances of success are definitely low.
I kind of had online crushes I guess? But never allowed myself get too dreamy & called it "admiration".
I don't think I'll ever know of that again since I kind of limit myself & make my head controle my heart. That's so nerdy right xD.
No lol. That's just a way of protecting myself =').

Lol Onii-chan, I know that you take your relationships very seriously. That's obvious hey!
Mal husbandos & waifus.. Except some rare cases they seem to me like some something totally not serious. Or just a couple of people getting along fine, & that's it.
No husbando in sight, don't worry ~

I don't use skype unfortunately. I know I should create an account but well x').

Don't worry about the late reply lol. I know how it feels to type a comment & just have to type it all over.

Let's see ~
Since you have so much free time, don't tell me you're just loofing around, right?
I've meant to ask you , do you know of any mariage related superstitions or indian supersitions in general?
Is supersition still common in India ?
May 10, 2015 7:32 PM

Jun 2014
What your favorite dance move and why?!
A great protagonist once said, "It's only overpowered if you can't return the favor!"

May 11, 2015 6:33 AM

Jul 2013
Are you caught up in your hst yet?
May 11, 2015 7:03 AM

Apr 2013
What do you think about China?
May 12, 2015 2:16 AM

Aug 2014
Do you think people are born with, taught, or grown into prejudices?

FREE SPIRIT || Anime ListManga ListMember CardsDeliveriesOCS
May 12, 2015 10:45 AM
Jul 2018
What super power would you wanna have?
May 13, 2015 1:48 PM

Sep 2012
M_F_M said:
Flowing said:
Tfw mobile is mean.

Cram it. Noted.
Lol. Same here. It sucks when the topics are related and the exams take from previous topics. ._. Your memory is good to remember it the first time. oO

How can one mange to study more than 12 hours? That's crazy talk to me. o_o
Oooo. Am I allowed to ask a question to different users in this thread?


I missed you and RCT! I don't remember what your voice sounds like. ;; Uhhh lets just say that drama happened before you were active. And me being busy irl. Have projects and finals now. Looking to get a job in the next few weeks once the projects are done.

And another question. Hmmmm. Since you like to cook, what do you think would be a good side dish to Kung Pao chicken or spicy chicken? Or what's your favorite cuisine?

I am sorry for the late reply. I have been hating on MAL for the last few days because of logging me out every time I come up with a reply, and making me re-type all that. I know its no excuse, and I am extremely sorry for this late of a reply.

Oh man. I feel you there. It would be really hard if they asked questions from previously tested syllabus o_o My memory is only good for a day though, I forget everything afterwards xD

Well I cant study anything till then, no matter how much I try. I find hard working people, or those who spend a lot more time studying to be incredible, and I admire them. Mainly because I just cant do it at all. No matter how hard I try, my brain wont switch on till the night before the exam. :/ One of the reasons why I cant get perfect scores or havent achieved enough in academics.

When I do get switched on, I have SO much portions left to study that I can no longer have the luxury of even looking at the clock. Only loud music, the text book before me and my spectacles stand in front of my eyes then. I would be reading at a hyper speed out loud, talking to myself otw as I understand each topic. Teaching myself, hitting myself, a whole lot of sudden push ups, coffee and red bull to keep myself energetic the whole time as I dwell deeper into the subject. Sometimes I get too into it that I forget about my sleep or about the time it is. I have had many times when my mom knocks on my door letting me know that my exams are in an hour.. while I havent slept or eaten all through out the night. I have weird study habits and my energy spikes are sometimes so high, I feel high. It is quite the crazy talk isnt it ._.

Yeah! You are allowed to ask questions to any of the people on their HSTs. I have met many interesting and amazing people through these HSTs. Many friends that I have understood quite deeply just through our discussions in the HSTs. Do check them out, and make one for yourself if you ever find the time x)

Thanks ^^ Now, I guess you heard my voice again.. do you remember it? xD

Aah I see. I wasnt around then, I guess. Flow, I hope it gets easier soon ^^ I think its better to be busy irl than not xD Are you looking for a part time job? I thought you were in HS.. are you in uni? o_o

I have my final year starting next month as well. I will probably get really busy and may end up going on a hiatus again till I find free time again. Final year project, campus interviews and a start up company to boot xS

Yeah! I really like cooking. I think Roti/ Paratha sounds like the perfect side dish to Kung Pao chicken for me. I also dont mind rice or ghee rice.

My favorite cusine is actually the Arabian cuisine, especially the Lebanese. I did all my schooling in Muscat, Oman and the cuisine there, is quite nostalgic and incredibly delicious. I love my shawarma , kebab, felafel and hummus xD

What's yours? ^^

Nah, it's fine. Don't hit yourself on it.

I actually had questions that were exactly from the previous homework or exams, and I still managed to get them wrong. ;_; Ooo. Even with the little things like buying certain foods or picking someone up?

Huh, that's a bit odd. I have to agree too. I still believe that you can get the perfect score!

Wow. For me I try to understand as much as I can before I go to sleep. 3AM at the latest without having my mom come and tell me that I should be asleep. And I don't want her to worry about my lack of sleep. Even though that's normal now. Whoa. Hitting yourself and doing push ups as punishment or to help keep you awake when you take energy drinks? What are energy drinks like? I usually drink water, listen to videos, and study. Or just water and studying will do. >> I swear your memory is better than mine. I tend not to be able to remember information when I cram, or I get them mixed up. Nah, that's not crazy at all. I get that too at times, though the moment I lose it is when I start to fall asleep and I have to force myself to stay awake.

These are great to get to know one another. A better version of *needs to remind myself to ask* Idk why, but I get the feeling that I'll say somethings like 'it's personal and such'. >_>

Yess. Now I need to remember it. inb4 I sound like a creep .-.

After this week minus my math final, I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee. Lol, I agree. And really do need to start job hunting. Part time job for now. I'm whatever age you want me to be~

B-but, b-but, summer and free time. ;_; Though good luck MFM, you'll get through it with ease~
I have never heard of those dishes minus rice. I-I can't tell the difference with a Roti and Paratha. They both remind me of a pita. What is Indian food like? Is it really spicy?

Waittttt. Hummus is Arabian food? I need to add Arabian food to the list of cuisines I have never tried before.

Asian food. Nah, I think it might be Italian food. I just love pasta in general <33 And it kind of gets tiring eating Asian like foods here. >_>
May 14, 2015 11:00 PM

Mar 2015
You're actually a hypocrite arent you :( , you seemed so nice, until... .:D
May 18, 2015 12:42 PM
Jul 2018
Lol what happened to your avvy
May 20, 2015 1:19 PM
Jul 2018
Zombie Plan?
May 22, 2015 10:49 AM

Jun 2014
Ever happen to come across someone doing a similar thing or something of the like?

And what is your opinion of it?
A great protagonist once said, "It's only overpowered if you can't return the favor!"

May 31, 2015 6:28 AM

Jun 2014
iStrawHat_Luffy said:

Well that's kind of natural to feel emptiness. The point of silent meditation or music meditation is to reach a state of "nothingness" - but thats a misleading term because it often has a negative connotation. The point is not to try and erase everything and "numb yourself" to achieve emptiness, as that would be a hollow emptiness aka the negative kind (which is why it is easy for this to happen sometimes). The point is to reach a state of calm where you are present in this moment, aware of your body and your thoughts, and to reach a state of emptiness as the base for deriving your infinite potential. Basically emptiness is the void from which you can pull out anything you want - joy, intellect, benevolence, depression, despair, negativity. Every person has infinite potential inside them, whether it is good or bad is up to us to decide which to manifest. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle: we obviously try to create an identity that isn't seen as "bad" by society because our ego tells us we don't want to be a bad person, but most of us don't want to be labeled as too "good" either - because that comes with an inherent responsibility to go out of our way to do good things, which may be inconvenient.

Basically my point is, reaching a state of emptiness is a good thing, now you just have to work on viewing that emptiness in a different light. One where you don't "feel" empty, but you BECOME empty. Do this in order to throw away any preconceived notions of the self and society, this way you can manifest whatever traits and whatever self you want to be FROM that emptiness. Our identity (aka the "self") is fluid. It can change at any moment if we have the desire and wisdom to do so. The only reason we think we are the same person we were a day ago, a week ago, because the "ego" tells us so. Our ego tells us we are unique, we are an individual, and we have established our identities for ourselves through massive amounts of experience. This idea that we convince ourselves of is the very reason many of us find it hard to experience true change. THAT is why you meditate to achieve emptiness. You essentially remove yourself from the "self" in order to change your "self". You empty yourself as a means of filling yourself back up with whatever it is you desire to be.

You sound a little depressed in this response - I hope all is well and if you do want to talk, I am on xbox all the time. And I check mal and my emails frequently. So if you're on skype and/or want to talk just throw me a PM. And remember, even if you're bored and have nothing to do - focusing on staying positive and exercising your mind is not time wasted, its actually time well spent! So viewing it that way may help to alleviate some of your boredom!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of akame ga kill. If you've seen through episode 9 then you can probably see how it is more of a feelsy anime than your typical shounen hahah. I've actually been watching a couple of good shows lately so I've been entertained. Watching psycho-pass right now and so far I like it.

Okay i'm rambling now, hope all is well by you though - stay well and think positive. ^_^

That was quite the read. You have a great way with words. I do realize the importance of changing one's self by removing the concept of "self". I have been meditating at the beach for the past 1 week now, it has oddly become extremely calming and the best time of the day for me. I realize the depth of your words now, even though I have not reached a level where I can change my self, but I can see things more clearly now. I have become empty, and I am slowly changing. I am not so lazy anymore, meditation has done me wonders in that regard. From a guy who slept at 4 AM and woke up at 1PM , and doing nothing other than reading manga or watching anime or simply skyping and eating too much food. It was a cycle that was completely destroying my peace of mind, as it only deteriorated my health and my mental state, I felt like I was spiraling back to a state where I am depressed and completely shut out from the real life.

I meditated, and I stayed away from the forums as well as the HST, slowly changed my sleeping schedule even though it is still pretty bad, its better than before now I have stopped being as lazy as I was before. I have pushed myself into a mindset where I want to change, to change myself to a person who can truly smile or be happy without doubting myself and wondering what I am doing with my life. I have started my old morning routine of jogging in the morning again, I think this extended study break broke all my routines and habits into oblivion. I wake up at 4 AM now, jog to the beach and then stay around till 9AM playing beach football, and then I sit there and meditate for about 10-15 minutes listening to the sound of the waves. It has done me wonders so far. I feel way better than before, I am more happy, and it has reached a stage where I can truly get over this feeling that I have been stuck in time or that I have been wasting away my life. I think I have become more positive and more energetic now.

In order to truly get over this, I had to stop all of the activities that was taking all my time otherwise, like HSTs itself. I think taking time away from HST and the forums in general has helped as well. I am sorry for this super late reply, I have been spending the time to get a hold of myself and getting my life together again.

I think,reading back on that reply, I do sound depressed and I think I have gotten way better now. I am really grateful to you for introducing me to meditation :) I think it's one of the major reasons that I have gotten better and this quickly too. I will keep working on it and continue meditating ^^

It's almost month end as well, I will buying the book soon :D

Thanks :3 I will be sure to hit you up soon then. I have been a bit busy with figuring it all out the past couple of weeks, but its better now and I think I am ready to talk and discuss more now ^^
Do you have snap chat btw?

haha I think we both do that when we talk to each other xD I am alright with it, and I will stay positive ^^

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
May 31, 2015 11:11 PM

Mar 2015
I'm really happy that you've been meditating and have been getting something out of it. Seriously, it genuinely makes me happy. Keep at it and keep growing! Mental exercise is the same as physical exercise in the sense that the more you do it the stronger you become and the easier it gets (you also enjoy it more too). I love the beach too so i think its a great place to meditate. Personally i definitely need to start meditating again. I've been playing entirely too much destiny lately so i'm not in that great of a mental space (i get so addicted to video games its really unhealthy). But i just graduated and i dont have a job yet so i guess its not the biggest deal. Btw im actually going to japan at the end of the month with a couple of friends, so thats new ^_^ - then the job hunt begins once I return lol. Yeah i have a snapchat, I'll PM it to you. Its funny, I've barely interacted with anyone on MAL for a while. I feel like everyone kinda just stopped logging in at the same time. Anyways, I'm really so glad that you're feeling happier and healthier. Keep up the good work!!
Jun 2, 2015 10:29 PM

Jun 2014
Ever wonder if your lack of sleep impacts your dreams?
A great protagonist once said, "It's only overpowered if you can't return the favor!"

Oct 19, 2015 11:15 AM

Nov 2014
Haven´t heard from you in a while. And I´m back. So what have ya been up too???
Oct 19, 2015 11:37 AM

Feb 2013
How do you manage with such a big HST? xD my Strike Witches fanfiction
Dec 19, 2015 7:00 PM

Nov 2014
Hello everyone. I decided after taking several of Phkay's surveys that it would be fun to make one of my own. Rather than stepping on his toes, and using up his material for a survey I have decided to base mine off food and such.

If it goes well than I will do my best to continue on. This week will be favorite hot beverage.

If possible try to generalize and avoid brand names. this will make it easier to tally up at the end.

Step One:

Step Two:

Step Three:
the drink with more points after all three steps goes onto the final.

Step Four: Final Round
Feb 2, 2016 11:13 PM

Jun 2014
7starkiller99 said:
Ever wonder if your lack of sleep impacts your dreams?

Probably yeah. I think whenever I sleep late, I end up having the least complicated of dreams because I think my brain is way too tired to dream something with a very heavy plot. When I sleep on time, I do find that I dream way more vividly that sometimes I am not even sure if it was real or not. I think our mood or the things we were doing or thinking of just before we go to sleep also impacts our dream. I have observed that when I am gloomy or depressed, I have depressing dreams while when I am happy, I have great dreams. Sometimes when I feel indifferent and go to sleep, the dream creates a mood for me to be in, when I wake up. Sometimes, I wake up highly motivates due to a great dream or sometimes it just makes the whole day bad for me.

I dont really dream every time I sleep though.. or maybe I do, I just dont remember or realize that I have, when I wake up. The dreams I do recall seems to quickly get forgotten until I have those "de ja vu" moments in real life where I feel like that exact moment has happened in a dream of mine before.. a dream that I had months or years ago. I do realize it might be my brain being disorganized and storing the current memory I just created in the wrong chronological order but somehow my conscious just refuses to believe my brain might have done something wrong and there is always that feeling whether I am a freaking psychic xD

How about you? Do you think our dream patterns are dependent on how long we sleep?

Team Blackbeard||Hot Seat Thread||-主人-様 <3||DIE
Feb 3, 2016 4:50 AM

Mar 2015
Hey Hey what do you say! It´s survey time again!!
Happy Wednesday and Welcome to The Monia Awards 2016, Week 1! (a.k.a. HST Survey 25)

As always, if you feel like participating please answer this question game until Sunday, 7pm CET. Please check for your local time zone if you can´t do this survey before Sunday!

Don´t spoil yourself! Don´t click the next spoiler button until you have answered the question/step you are currently at. Also don´t take this survey too seriously and have fun! ^^




Step 1: (pick Full or Quick Version)

Step 2:

Step 3:
Pick between serious or random!
(You have to do SERIOUS if you are doing the quick version!)



Step 4:

Thank you very much for participating in this/these survey(s)!^^
Feb 5, 2016 9:55 AM

Dec 2012
You're back!

How did your studies go?

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Feb 5, 2016 12:17 PM
Feb 2015
You have power and are dissatisfied with the world. Do you change yourself, or change the world?
Feb 9, 2016 6:21 PM

May 2015
Would you rather watch an anime that is mediocre throughout the entire series, or an anime that starts strong but ends up disappointing?
Feb 10, 2016 8:40 AM

Mar 2015
Hey Hey what do you say! It´s survey time again!!
Happy Wednesday and Welcome to The Monia Awards 2016, Week 2! (a.k.a. HST Survey 26)

As always, if you feel like participating please answer this question game until Sunday, 7pm CET. Please check for your local time zone if you can´t do this survey before Sunday!

Don´t spoil yourself! Don´t click the next spoiler button until you have answered the question/step you are currently at. Also don´t take this survey too seriously and have fun! ^^


DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE YEAR 2015! (a.k.a. Worst Anime)

Step 1:

Step 2:
If you have 7 or more nominees, continue here!

If you have 6 or less nominees, continue here!

Step 3:

Step 4:

Thank you very much for participating in this/these survey(s)!^^
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