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Who should I pair my Male Avatar with?
Dec 5, 2013 9:41 PM

May 2013
I got this game for a while now, and have just completed my first game yesterday. I want to start a new game but kinda have some problems about my new pairings. If possible, please post your pairings here and what you think about my pairings. And since you're here, vote on who I should pair my MU with.

My Current Pairings
Chrom X Olivia
Vaike X Maribelle
Virion X Sully
Frederick X Sumia
Gregor X Cordelia
Ricken X Miriel
Donnel X Tharja
Gaius X Nowi

ThunderflameZ012Dec 6, 2013 11:25 PM
Dec 6, 2013 11:34 AM

Sep 2012
This is in the wrong forum, it should have been posted in the Games forum.

Be sure to post in the correct place next time.

Anywho, I based my pairings solely on the characters' personalities and how I found them to be fitting together, nothing strategic. My pairings were:
- Chrom x Sumia
- MU x Say'ri
- Donnel x Maribelle
- Stahl x Sully
- Virion x Olivia
- Gaius x Panne
- Ricken x Miriel
- Henry x Tharja
- Kellam x Nowi
- Gregor x Cherche
- Lon'qu x Cordelia
- Vaike x Lissa

I know there are some better choices to make strategically speaking, but I didn't really care.
You can have a look at this website for the best recommendations:
Dec 6, 2013 6:43 PM

May 2013
Well, I'm sorry I posted in the wrong forum. It's only my second time so you can't really blame me. And please vote on who I should pair my male avatar with.
Dec 22, 2013 1:24 PM

Nov 2012
Care to help me out dudes? I'm struggling with the pairings. Im past chapter 12 noew and i know that the child's will be available soon. (please don't try to spoil me about the child's since I'm still in my first playthruogh )

I already decided the following:
Chrome X Sumia
Vaike X Lissa
Donnel X Nowi
Gaius X Cordelia
Lon'qu X Olivia
Panne X Gregor
Maribelle X Henry
Tharja X Libra
Miriel X Kellam

Which leaves me with the following
Cherche ( I'm aiming for Virion)
Sully (Have way to many choices, and sully does not even fit with most of the males (like in relationship))
And Female avatar ( this one comes last for me)
Morgan ( did not meet this dude yet)

Let me know what you guys think.
Dec 23, 2013 5:08 PM

Sep 2012
ThunderflameZ012 said:
Well, I'm sorry I posted in the wrong forum. It's only my second time so you can't really blame me. And please vote on who I should pair my male avatar with.

No problem, don't worry about it!
I voted for Lucina, because I think that the child would be very powerful (if you pass on the correct abilities), and also it's the only way to have a second generation child in the game! I hesitated with Severa because tsundere love FTW, but Lucina is a more important part of the story and it's cool that your MU would become related to Chrom ^^
johnyjohny said:
Care to help me out dudes? I'm struggling with the pairings.
Let me know what you guys think.

First of all you can cross out Morgan from that list of males because he/she is actually a child that you get later on (I won't tell you whose to entertain the surprise).

Here's my opinion:
I think that Cherche and Virion is a good idea, so go for it.

As for Sully, I personally think that Sully X Stahl is a cute couple because on one hand you've got the hot-blooded tomboy who easily gets in a fight and on the other hand the cowardly knight who is shy and gentle. I like how their personalities click in the support conversations!

Finally for your female MyUnit, I don't really like Ricken, Frederick might be a possible choice but you can wait a while longer to discover the children you will get. Amongst them there are some pretty cool guy characters, so try to be patient.
(although you'll see that after finishing chapter 13, something may happen!)
Dec 24, 2013 7:57 AM

Nov 2012
@ Yandere
Thanks man. I'm still struggling if i should choose Miriel X Kellam or Miriel X Ricken. Miriel X Ricken seems a nice couple by looks and would be more obvious. Yet Miriel wants to touch Kellam's arm all the time. Also do i need to wait for my characters to get level 15 before i do the child quests? I heard that the untit married to Chrome can have two children is this true? Can i marry Sumia two times? If so i marry her with Federick.
Dec 24, 2013 11:00 AM

Dec 2012
Thread moved from Forum Games.
Dec 24, 2013 3:20 PM

Jul 2013
I prefer pairing my main with Cordelia just because I like the pegasus classes, but pairing with Nowi makes a pretty powerful character.
Dec 24, 2013 3:22 PM

Jul 2013
Tharja or Cordelia are the only true answers
Dec 25, 2013 2:26 AM

May 2010
First playthrough I didn't concern myself with optimization, just pairings I wanted to see.

MC x Lucina
Chrom x Sumia
Kellam x Miriel
Lon'qu x Lissa
Frederick x Sully
Henry x Tharja
Libra x Cordelia
Gaius x Panne
Stahl x Olivia

I think that's it. Anyone not listed I probably don't use, except Nowi and Anna.
Dec 25, 2013 8:22 AM

May 2010
If you can help it, pairing with children is always the best option. That sounds kinda sick but it's true.
Dec 26, 2013 1:45 AM

May 2013
@Thrashinuva My friend said the same thing. Asides from better growth stats. what are the benefits of pairing with children?
Dec 26, 2013 1:56 AM

May 2013
johnyjohny said:
@ Yandere
Thanks man. I'm still struggling if i should choose Miriel X Kellam or Miriel X Ricken. Miriel X Ricken seems a nice couple by looks and would be more obvious. Yet Miriel wants to touch Kellam's arm all the time. Also do i need to wait for my characters to get level 15 before i do the child quests? I heard that the untit married to Chrome can have two children is this true? Can i marry Sumia two times? If so i marry her with Federick.

You should marry Miriel off to Ricken so Laurent can have really high magic. Marry Miriel to Kellam for... I don't know. Female MU can only have two children if paired with Chrom. And, you can't marry the same person off twice. Hope that helped.
Dec 26, 2013 2:13 AM

Nov 2012
Thanks thunder. I'm starting to question if it is sill any use to recruit the children. I'm at chapter 18 now and my units are sill not fully evolved. By the time they are i probably be at chapter 25 already. Is this different in hard mode? Would i be able to use the children n in the final battle?
Dec 26, 2013 2:31 AM

May 2010
ThunderflameZ012 said:
@Thrashinuva My friend said the same thing. Asides from better growth stats. what are the benefits of pairing with children?

Sure they have better growth stats, and that's good for sure. But they also have better MAX stats. For example I think the highest amount of strength you can get is by pairing Cerche + Vaike -> Gerome + Avatar = Morgan with like 51 max strength as a berserker or something. Maybe it's a little higher, I don't remember.

The main drawbacks of marrying your avatar off to a child is that you can't have a second child with access to like almost every class, including I think the tactician class. Also Morgan + Sibling conversations, which are all unique. All Morgan + Parent conversations (that aren't the avatar) are not unique, except Chrom probably, and maybe Lucina.

Another benefit of marrying a child is the combination of unique abilities or traits. Example Nowi + Donnel, essentially Manakate + Aptitude -> Nah with Aptitude + Avatar = Morgan that has Aptitude and is also a Manakate with high max stats.
Dec 26, 2013 10:29 PM

May 2013
Thrashinuva said:
ThunderflameZ012 said:
@Thrashinuva My friend said the same thing. Asides from better growth stats. what are the benefits of pairing with children?

Sure they have better growth stats, and that's good for sure. But they also have better MAX stats. For example I think the highest amount of strength you can get is by pairing Cerche + Vaike -> Gerome + Avatar = Morgan with like 51 max strength as a berserker or something. Maybe it's a little higher, I don't remember.

The main drawbacks of marrying your avatar off to a child is that you can't have a second child with access to like almost every class, including I think the tactician class. Also Morgan + Sibling conversations, which are all unique. All Morgan + Parent conversations (that aren't the avatar) are not unique, except Chrom probably, and maybe Lucina.

Another benefit of marrying a child is the combination of unique abilities or traits. Example Nowi + Donnel, essentially Manakate + Aptitude -> Nah with Aptitude + Avatar = Morgan that has Aptitude and is also a Manakate with high max stats.

If for example, my MU marries Severa and starts Paralogue 13 and Severa is a Falcon Knight, will female Morgan's class be pegasus knight or mercenary?
Dec 27, 2013 12:00 AM

Sep 2007
ThunderflameZ012 said:
Thrashinuva said:
ThunderflameZ012 said:
@Thrashinuva My friend said the same thing. Asides from better growth stats. what are the benefits of pairing with children?

Sure they have better growth stats, and that's good for sure. But they also have better MAX stats. For example I think the highest amount of strength you can get is by pairing Cerche + Vaike -> Gerome + Avatar = Morgan with like 51 max strength as a berserker or something. Maybe it's a little higher, I don't remember.

The main drawbacks of marrying your avatar off to a child is that you can't have a second child with access to like almost every class, including I think the tactician class. Also Morgan + Sibling conversations, which are all unique. All Morgan + Parent conversations (that aren't the avatar) are not unique, except Chrom probably, and maybe Lucina.

Another benefit of marrying a child is the combination of unique abilities or traits. Example Nowi + Donnel, essentially Manakate + Aptitude -> Nah with Aptitude + Avatar = Morgan that has Aptitude and is also a Manakate with high max stats.

If for example, my MU marries Severa and starts Paralogue 13 and Severa is a Falcon Knight, will female Morgan's class be pegasus knight or mercenary?

Morgan will always come as the MU's partner's default pre-promoted class (if Lord, then they will come as a Tactician), so they'll come as a mercenary.
Dec 27, 2013 1:54 AM

May 2013
Wasabi said:
ThunderflameZ012 said:
Thrashinuva said:
ThunderflameZ012 said:
@Thrashinuva My friend said the same thing. Asides from better growth stats. what are the benefits of pairing with children?

Sure they have better growth stats, and that's good for sure. But they also have better MAX stats. For example I think the highest amount of strength you can get is by pairing Cerche + Vaike -> Gerome + Avatar = Morgan with like 51 max strength as a berserker or something. Maybe it's a little higher, I don't remember.

The main drawbacks of marrying your avatar off to a child is that you can't have a second child with access to like almost every class, including I think the tactician class. Also Morgan + Sibling conversations, which are all unique. All Morgan + Parent conversations (that aren't the avatar) are not unique, except Chrom probably, and maybe Lucina.

Another benefit of marrying a child is the combination of unique abilities or traits. Example Nowi + Donnel, essentially Manakate + Aptitude -> Nah with Aptitude + Avatar = Morgan that has Aptitude and is also a Manakate with high max stats.

If for example, my MU marries Severa and starts Paralogue 13 and Severa is a Falcon Knight, will female Morgan's class be pegasus knight or mercenary?

Morgan will always come as the MU's partner's default pre-promoted class (if Lord, then they will come as a Tactician), so they'll come as a mercenary.

Jan 21, 2014 9:45 PM

Mar 2013
I'm quite late, but I've done it this way:

MyUnit x Nowi ('cuz she is simply the best)
Jan 21, 2014 9:52 PM

Dec 2010
Chrom x Sumia = most generic Lucina ever...........and also, I dislike Sumia so it pisses me off that they have her in the opening credits as his wife. It makes it almost canon.

When I'm playing female MU - Chrom x MU is what I usually go for, to get an epic Lucina and Morgan with Rightful King (and also, it's the only way to get 2 kids as a female MU).

As a male MU, I'm a bit less picky about the skills I'm passing on, and more interested in just picking my favorite waifu. I lean towards waifuing Cordelia (Severa as an older sister to Morgan) myself. If you want Rightful King for Morgan as a male MU, you'll have to wait for Lucina however (but you only get one kid then). When I'm not marrying my female unit off to Chrom, I then pair Chrom with Olivia (to get Inigo as rightful king).

The rest I don't really care about, though I usually like Vaike x Lissa, Lon'qu x Olivia (when available)/Panne, Stahl x Cordelia, Nowi x Gregor.

Some people may think that Rightful King isn't all that useful, but I think it's just conceptually awesome + works well with other skills with low activation ie Lethality.
PknoctisJan 21, 2014 9:57 PM
Mar 15, 2014 9:50 AM

Nov 2013
I did Lissa because it was the first thing female I saw.

I can see you

Mar 19, 2014 10:49 AM

Nov 2012
Dudes i need you help!
I plan to replay the game on hard mode this time. Only i don't want to use the same pairings i did last time.
This is my pairing setting so far. I i put the previous play through characters behind it in red striped

Olivia x Chrome Lon'qu
Tharja X avatar libera
Sumia x Gaius/ henry chrome
Cordelia x lon'qu gaius
Sully x Vaike ???
Lissa x donnel Vaike
Maribelle x Liberia Henry
Nowi X Gregor/gaius Donnel
Panne X stahl/federick Gregor
Cherche X stahl/federick Virion
Miriel X Ricken Kellam

I look a lot ad hair colors combined with usable skills/stats they are getting from there parents + a nice support dialogues are a nice bonus too. It's about the concerning bold typed characters. I can't really choose. I kind of want Gaius cuz orange hair for the child. But white hair might look good on her too en henry gives also better magic support. Yet i don't want to let go gaius as a wast since he is quite the skilled one and of course a awesome character. I could pair gaius with nowi too but i get the feeling that red hair suits the child better en i heard that nowi and gregor had a touchy support. But then again gaius gives galeforce. Than there is stahl and federick. I plan to get both of the two paired with either panne or cherche. I heard federick had a funny support with panne but personally i think cherche x federick is a nice couple. I think stahl is a nice parent too. It would be nice if virion could be used too but i can't pare them all. I could give Tharja a free spot by pairing my unite to a child one. Yet i kind of wanted to have noire with black hair and a tharja support since she is my favourite female. If you guys have other suggestions don't hestiate to name them. Hope you guys can help me out.
Mar 19, 2014 5:55 PM

Dec 2013
When I first got the game, I went in pretty blind. I didn't even know your characters could marry each other or have kids, and I didn't understand how the support thing worked, so when MU married Chrom after chapter 11, I was IN SHOCK and I thought it was the best thing ever. They only had support rank C :p but in that battle Panne and Cordelia died, so I saved and tried to do it again without them dying, and it worked, but Ricken died, not that a care a lot about him, so whatever I went with it, but after the battle Chrom married Sully instead and I was like "AHHH HELLLLLL NOOO" so I accepted Cordelia's and Panne's death as long as I could marry Chrom :p But this was before I knew about marriage and kids and shit, so I was kinda pissed that I couldn't get Severa (I heard she's amazing) or Yarne in my first playthrough, but whatever I can play the game again.
I don't have the patience to put that much thought into the game and play this strategically. All I do is pair people up with who I think fits them, and reclass everyone a ton until they have pretty good skills and maxed stats, and then boom, everyone is a tank. My main tanks right now are:
Morgan(Grandmaster) - Rating:304 - Skills: Tomefaire, Rightful King, Ignis, Lifetaker, and Pavise. All stats maxed, and his main weapons are Mjolnir (thank Naga for hammernes) and a custom sword.
Morgan is my actual favorite character and he kills everyone >:D
Lucina(Great Lord) - Rating:281 (all stats maxed except magic, which she doesn't use anyway, and resistance, but I have talismans for that) - Skills: Aether, Lethality, Aegis (which all active a lot because of Rightful King) and Galeforce. Parallel Falchion and custom Noble Rapier and none shall defeat her >:D

MU(Grandmaster) - Rating:292 - Skills: Sword and Tomefaire, Galeforce, Ignis, and Lifetaker. All stats maxed except resistance, by a point or two, and again, custom sword and tome and boom, tank.

Sumia and Cynthia are both surprisingly good tanks. In my new file, I trained Sumia some, and she's level 10 and her rating is higher than Frederick's, who as we all know is a major tank at the start of the game. In my main file, Sumia and Cynthia's ratings are 288 and 289, respectively. They have the same skills: Lancefaire, Galeforce, Renewal, Pavise, and Aegis, except Sumia has Luna instead of Aegis.
Everyone else is working to get there. They aren't on their final classes yet. I plan for my main team to be Morgan, MU, Lucina, Owain, Sully, Gerome, Nah, Cynthia, and Noire.
So in my experience, the couples don't matter a whole ton because you can make up for whatever you "missed out" on with other skills and forged items and such. And really just class change everyone a ton and they'll all become tanks eventually. But I don't have much experience is higher difficulty settings, so I can't really say if this holds true.
A surprisingly cute match I found is Lon'qu and Lissa. Frederick and Sumia are also pretty good, as well as Libra and Cherche (Gerome + Renewal = BEST THING EVER)
If you want to know how well their personalities fit or whatever, I'm pretty sure that every support convo is on youtube.
Wow, I didn't mean to type this much. I just love this game and before I knew it I typed a short story. xD My apologies.
DulcetRequiemMar 20, 2014 3:54 PM
"There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know."
Mar 20, 2014 11:18 AM

Nov 2012
Mar 20, 2014 2:24 PM

Jun 2011
johnyjohny said:
Dudes i need you help!
I plan to replay the game on hard mode this time. Only i don't want to use the same pairings i did last time.
This is my pairing setting so far. I i put the previous play through characters behind it in red striped

Olivia x Chrome Lon'qu
Tharja X avatar libera
Sumia x Gaius/ henry chrome
Cordelia x lon'qu gaius
Sully x Vaike ???
Lissa x donnel Vaike
Maribelle x Liberia Henry
Nowi X Gregor/gaius Donnel
Panne X stahl/federick Gregor
Cherche X stahl/federick Virion
Miriel X Ricken Kellam

I look a lot ad hair colors combined with usable skills/stats they are getting from there parents + a nice support dialogues are a nice bonus too. It's about the concerning bold typed characters. I can't really choose. I kind of want Gaius cuz orange hair for the child. But white hair might look good on her too en henry gives also better magic support. Yet i don't want to let go gaius as a wast since he is quite the skilled one and of course a awesome character. I could pair gaius with nowi too but i get the feeling that red hair suits the child better en i heard that nowi and gregor had a touchy support. But then again gaius gives galeforce. Than there is stahl and federick. I plan to get both of the two paired with either panne or cherche. I heard federick had a funny support with panne but personally i think cherche x federick is a nice couple. I think stahl is a nice parent too. It would be nice if virion could be used too but i can't pare them all. I could give Tharja a free spot by pairing my unite to a child one. Yet i kind of wanted to have noire with black hair and a tharja support since she is my favourite female. If you guys have other suggestions don't hestiate to name them. Hope you guys can help me out.

Are you planning on using Cynthia as a magic unit? If not, I think Gaius would be the better way to go because he gives pretty good modifiers to Cynthia (he gives lots of skill so triggering skills would be easier if you had Gaius has a father). I haven't had Cynthia have Henry or Gaius's hair so I can't really say if it'll look good on her (though generally, Henry's hair looks a bit odd on most people besides for Yarne).

I never knew that Fredrick and Panne had a funny support conversation, but I think that is reason enough to have them marry since Fredrick and Stahl are pretty much the same in terms of what they give to their offspring.

Also, for pairing Nowi with either Gaius or Gregor I think should depend on whether you like galeforce or armsthrift more (for me, I like armsthrift more since I hate spending money on weapons, especially since I forge quite a bit, but it depends on the person).

Having Tharja with your avatar is just fine, just make sure that you choose what you want Noire to be beforehand. For example, if you want her to be a sorcerer, you should give yourself magic up, and vice versa if you wanted Noire to be a physical unit.

All in all, I think your pairings are pretty good. Just one thing worth mentioning (even though you don't have it bolded), having Donnel with Lissa is a bit of a waste if you want to max out how many people can learn galeforce, especially since chilldren like Kjelle or Noire won't be able to learn galeforce (and armsthrift) in many other ways.

Good luck on hard mode! Just as a warning, I found the beginning chapters quite hard on hard mode (and even harder on lunatic, ugh), prepare to die a quite a few times.
Animelist」 ♪「 Mangalist 」♫

Mar 21, 2014 9:27 AM

Nov 2012
Thanks for your advice man. It's going to be Cherche X stahl and Panne X federick and Nowi X Gregor then. Nah wit red should look great. I'm keeping donnel X lissa though. If leveled wel donnel could give quite the stat boost too his kid. And i also think it is a nice couple. I don't want to pair donnel with sully cuz i don't like Kjelle with brown hair. For kjelle to look good it should be either completely black or something else like blond or something.Who's going with Sumia would hang of which has the best support for now. If it turns out otherwise i should pair gaius with someone else.
Dec 29, 2016 2:32 PM
Aug 2013
i decided to paired My avatar with Cordelia, i really like their support conversation also after summer scramble DLC i found this couple as canon (they are sooooo cute together ^_^) and seems like that her relationship with Robin helps her to overcome her unconditionaly loves for Chrom :D

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