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What is the worth of Mawaru Penguindrum?
It is made of excellence and deserves to be on our Enlightenment list.
It is too unremarkable to be on on either of our lists.
It is vastly overrated and deserves to be on our Relations list.
I have not watched this since a penguin keeps harassing me to go into a lingerie store with it.
18 votes
Feb 16, 2014 5:51 PM

Oct 2012
Mawaru Penguindrum is now up for vote. Decide if it will achieve the Survival Strategy of Enlightenment or if it will fall into the child broiler of the Relations.

1. You can only vote for a title if you've finished watching/reading it. You must’ve read or watched at least 60% of the published content for unfinished titles. There might be exceptions for very long finished titles – they are decided on a case by case basis, but usually amount to more than half of the published content.

2. Write your vote at the very top of your comment.

3. Below your vote, give a substantial explanation to back it up. It doesn't have to be lengthy; it just needs to cover the points you want to make.

4. If you have only read/watched the adaption/source material of the respective nominee, please state so in your post.

5. It will take a minimum of 5 votes for either Enlightenment or Relations to make it into any of the lists as an anime (3 votes for manga). If it fails to reach that, it will be deemed Invalid.

6. The votes for Enlightenment will have to outnumber the votes for Unremarkable and Relations for it to be included in our list; the same goes for Relations. If it fails to reach that, it will be deemed Unremarkable.

7. Behave yourself. We accept discussions and debate, not flaming and incoherent fanboy/fangirl behavior.

8. The fate of the poll will lie in the hands of the officers if it turns out that there are more first time voters than regulars or the series cannot be gauged by both voting and discussions.

This polling process will last 14 days. BEGIN!!!!!!!!
ForgoneRealityMar 2, 2014 5:23 PM
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Feb 16, 2014 6:42 PM

Oct 2012
Option 1

This and FLCL are the two hardest titles for me when it comes to critiquing. It's because they're so unconventional but beautiful. They're OSTs also kick ass. Nornin is a stellar OP.

Being Ikuhara's second brainchild, Mawaru Penguindrum is similar to Utena in terms of narrative approach. Both of them depend on symbolism to give the story extra texture, but Mawaru takes it to a whole other level, which is simultaneously a fault and a source of strength. Getting lost in its high-symbolism narrative is pretty common, but this doesn't mean it's not well organized. The plot of Mawaru Penguindrum can still be followed if watched attentively. Sister dies, needs diary to bring her back to life, finds diary with a crazy chick, tries to take it, turns out there's a bigger plot involving the diary's original owner, other people get involved, sister dies again... You know what, maybe it isn't that simple. But it is organized and deliberate. For example, in each episode a dip in the past will be made. It makes flashbacks a consistent part of the story both to highlight the relevance of the past and to set us up for the twists later on. The handling, as crazy as it looks like, is deliberate. In this regard, it can be viewed in a similar light to surrealist art; supported more by its use of symbolism. (Okay, I get surrealist art relies on the subconscious, but as most of them are drawn from dreams, Jungian psychoanalysis will tell you that they are deliberate messages from the subconscious to try to talk about the Anima and whatnot.)

Now, the symbolism in Mawaru is what really splits people's opinions. Nearly everything here can be taken as symbolic. They aren't limited to just being objective-correlatives that the characters should use as catalysts, but as a device for its themes. This makes Mawaru an anime title you have to watch twice. First to get its story, second to see what it's trying to say. The problem comes in the grey areas, where distinguishing between what is real in the anime and what is symbolic is blurred. I didn't mind this as much, since the narrative was still pretty clear to me, but I do understand that the obfuscation is a fault.

The characters are also a highlight in this show. There is inner movement in them. Almost none of the characterization stays still because the anime fleshes them out so well. We see both their younger and older versions, which was a very effective move as psychology would tell us that it is childhood which defines us. And we really see that come through by the end. Also by the end, Shouma and Kanba go through a reversal of fate so well done it is both Epiphanic and cathartic.

But what really got me were the themes. Symbolically, my reading is that the circles signify reincarnation and the inevitability of repeating ones actions. But, on a character level, the theme I got was that blood isn't the sole factor that constitutes a family. A strong and loving family can be forged even if they aren't related. And that really makes me happy. A show where people foster ties with each other that are stronger than blood. It screams compassion and love, which I am a sucker for.

Bottom line, this show is amazing. Both in its flaws and strengths, it dances around the anime world with elegance and mastery. Please, do no take this off our list.
Feb 19, 2014 11:58 PM

Jun 2010
Option 1 ;

It feels like I'm watching an overly concentrated mixture solution that tries to be so conspicuous then looks bland the more your stare at it, but surprisingly becomes unexpectedly stimulating and engaging. It used witty shenanigans to input to the audience mindset that it's nothing but another comical satire tomfoolery, even using fabulous(max) rock fad. Looking back at how it started it still feels like a joke to me although that type of variable was able to debunk itself later in the series, pretty hilarious that most discord the series have been eluded by showing flashbacks that gave the characters a proper background, although it was also that fault that it had but I'll just let it slip since it doesn't outweighs everything the series has inside it. It was also the reason why the characters strongly developed as much how they all look one dimensional minors at the first half of the series, they actually showed who they are and what their motives were and it all makes sense somehow.

This show also tries to tell dichotomous optimistic/pessimistic predetermination in the threads or rails of faith and the great balance of karmic deeds inside a repetitive cycle (Taoism & Hinduism pretty much), the symbolism wasn't rudimentary but since most of it was well narrated it didn't seem to be a problem. It was crucial to know it since the plot also relied on it a lot, I guess it was also the cause of error to some people. Tropes are not necessarily bad as long it was used really well and this medium done it correctly (It looked like a Deus ex Machina to me actually) and I've not seen a lot of shows where I could put these penguins in comparison to others as much as I hate penguins(& flying-fish).

Also nice to hear Etsuko again, haven't heard her voice for a long time.
Feb 20, 2014 12:50 AM

May 2012
Option One - Enlightening

Mawaru Penguindrum is probably one of the most unique anime I have ever seen -not surprising considering it's made by the same people as Revolutionary Girl Utena. I found the anime rather confusing at first but was amazed by how neatly everything fell into place further on -a lot of thought has been put into this and it shows. I really liked the symbolism, unlike some anime like Evangelion and I suppose Utena, it felt like the symbolism well, symbolised something, rather than being there for the weirdness factor. The art is absolutely gorgeous, bright colours contrasting a dark plot and there's always something nice to look at.

Characters were another high point, Ringo I thought I would absolutely hate because she seemed like a typical yandere stalker-girl and Himari seemed like a standard, cliche pure pure goodness anime sick girl. The sheer development the characters go through is astounding. Mawaru had an impact on me, which is pretty much the thing I hold the highest when it comes to scoring anime.

Of course, there were some wonky bits in the show (like some of the silly shenanigans in the beginning and a few plot threads that go unresolved) but Mawaru Penguindrum is truly a glorious anime and one that is sure to be appreciated by anyone who seeks something unique and unforgettable.
Feb 20, 2014 3:13 PM
Nov 2011
Option 2- Unremarkable

Mawaru Penguindrum is a show that has an interesting premise, good themes, and overall does a decent job at portraying it. However, though it has good content, it's execution is so mishandled and mangled that the show is no more than unremarkable.

Lets begin with small things. The OST, though pretty exceptional, falls into the trap that a lot of anime OSTs have, that is, repeated usage syndrome. This is what made Angel Beat's OST so insuffereable, since they decided to use the big themes constantly during every pseudo-climatic moment. It's what made Chihayafuru's ost bland and boring we just heard the same things constantly. Sure, the tracks by themselves are great, but when you use the same few tracks in the same situation... it gets to the point where even though the tracks are good by themselves, their usage is poor, making the OST itself mediocre.

Now onto the larger things. For one, I appreciated the heavy symbolism that the show used, though there were points where the symbolism overrode any sort of suspension of disbelief. I can buy the metaphorical
, but things such as
though potentially symbolic, were definitely not delivered in a way that didn't ruin suspension of disbelief.

Finally the crux of the shows failings, the characters. For one,
. Though I get that that is part of the show's theme, the fact that it was omnipresent was distracting, and overall deterimental to any sort of investment in the show's narrative. In addition, specifically in regards to Momoka
. Also Mario spent the entire series being irrelevant. Developments like this and the poor diversification of characters ruined the suspension of disbelief, and it was distracting enough so as to weaken the show's overall message (since the circumstances it was presented began to feel contrived)

Overall, though the show does a good job with it's symbolism, the contrived character developments and the occasional symbolic misstep broke through the sense of immersion, making people plot devices instead of living breathing characters. As a result, any sort of enlightenment potential is lost
Feb 20, 2014 5:04 PM

Dec 2013
Option 2 - Unremarkable

Okay, I'm going to try to play devil's advocate. My feelings about this series are extremely conflicted. On one hand, I've only seen the show once, and I don't think that's necessarily enough to arrive at a fully formed opinion about it; while appearing more mainstream on the surface, Penguindrum is in many ways an even more confounding work than Utena. On the other hand, I didn't enjoy it enough the first time around to want to watch it again, and that's probably not a good sign.

My gut feeling is that Utena is the much more cohesive and successful work in regards to its themes and symbolism. Penguindrum felt very scattered and disorganized in comparison; the wild zigzagging of the story was entertaining on a superficial level, because it was truly difficult to imagine what would happen next, but in the end, I feel like all those plot convolutions served to cover up a lack of real depth. The plot never slows down long enough to examine the ideas it’s playing with. What, in the end, did this series have to say about fate?

That you need a magic diary thing to change it?

While I loved some of the story’s asides, such as Yuri’s childhood (easily the most memorable sequence in the series for me), I’m not convinced that all these tangents add up to something greater than themselves; moreover, some of the plot diversions feel like pure indulgence. I’m still struggling to determine, for example, just what we are supposed to learn about the characters from the scene where Yuri drugs Ringo, ties her up, and sexually assaults her. The fact that this incident is hardly ever alluded to again is even more jarring.

Furthermore, I think Penguindrum is guilty of artificially boosting its obscurity by withholding too much information from the viewer. It’s almost impossible to have any idea what Sanetoshi even is until the last few episodes, let alone what motivates him; Masako is similarly enigmatic throughout most of the series. I like to analyze and theorize about media as much as the next person, but when several prominent members of the cast have their motivations shrouded in mystery, it’s very difficult to become emotionally invested. For more than half of the show, I had almost no idea why anybody was doing anything that they were doing, and as a result, I didn’t really care. I did start to feel for the characters once some things came into focus in the last four episodes, but at that point it felt like too little too late.

On a more superficial note, I really hated those penguins. Why did they even exist? To be cute and provide juvenile comic relief, basically, for a show that already overindulges in cuteness and comic relief. Seriously this show was kawaii overload for me. While Himari does get some depth later, it’s pretty inexcusable how many episodes she goes being nothing more than a vapid blob of sweetness you’re supposed to feel sorry for when she dies. I know she’s supposed to be fairly young, but she acts like a five year old (which makes the way she’s sexualized in later episodes particularly weird). Sorry Japan, but I just can’t get behind your rampant infantilization of female characters. This is admittedly a pet peeve of mine that prevents me from enjoying just about every other anime in existence

Also every time Ringo shrieked “Destinyyyyyyy!!!” my ears bled.
Feb 22, 2014 1:58 AM

Apr 2012
Option 1 - Enlightenment

I downloaded this show on pure whim, back when it was airing. I wanted something to distract me from a certain other show that was airing which was taking all my brain cells (pssst, Steins;Gate) and well, let's just say I loved the living hell out of it.
Firstly, the artwork looks absolutely gorgeous, looking extremely unique and different from any of the series airing alongside it. Secondly, Brains Base did a magnificent job bringing this series to life, as this series is among the most colorful series I've ever seen. The soundtrack is nothing memorable, but fits the mood of the show (awesome openings though) and the voice acting is top notch and fits the characters well.
This amazing. The characters are very well thought out and written, and the themes, in particular the main theme (fate) is stared at not from one or two perspectives (which was Utena's biggest mistake when looking at sexism) but from the perspective of every character in the show. The characters never feel like plot devices just for the sake of moving the plot forward, and all of them break away from their archetypes within the first half and are able to stand on their own. The series also is very subtle about its symbolism, not being overly bombastic but dropping hints along the way, leaving the viewer to piece together the pieces of the plot. Unlike say, Neon Genesis Evangelion, the ending makes sense in context rather than being a pretentious and convoluted mess. The series is a masterpiece by the very definition of the word, and for those who think that everything in the past few years is complete garbage, this is the kind of series I'd point you towards. I cannot recommend this highly enough. Also, "DESTINNNNNYYYYYY!"

Overall, Option 1. Phew, writing this while avoiding spoilers was pretty tough.
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Feb 22, 2014 3:05 AM

Dec 2013

Disregard my previous post. The above video argues for me.
Feb 22, 2014 6:05 AM

Apr 2012
Option 1 - Enlightening

Mawaru Penguindrum remains as one of the most interesting anime that has come out in the last 4 or 5 years or so. Not only because it is completely strange, outright bizarre at times. Both for the high quality of it's writing, themes, characters, direction, and surprisingly good production values, but I am getting ahead of myself, let's do it like Jack The Ripper and go by slices.

Firstly, the art, animation and sound.

Mawaru Penguindrum is far from being an anime with a high budget, in fact, compared to many other anime, it is downright cheap. But it never looks like it. Penguindrum somehow manages to maintain a fluid animation, a distinct and well drawn art, as well as a remaining sense of proportion through out most of the show. Penguindrum is a smart show, using camera angles to hide the budget and reusing a few key scenes that serve as motifs to spare money, as well as making all the background extras look like people out of traffic signs, which is one of the weirdest, and oddly interesting ideas I've ever seen. Plus, the show's just nice to look at, with many great scenery and a excellent use of color.

The music is far from being a masterpiece like say the Soundtrack of Cowboy Bebop, Utena, or even LOGH's use of existing classical music. But it has it's moments, most notably in the openings, and in the song Rock Over Japan, which is extremely catchy and may very well be the true theme song of the show.

Now that all that is out of the way, let's get into the bones and guts of this show, it's story and characters.

Mawaru Penguindrum, like Utena before it, is an odd show, that uses symbolism at every corner, almost every scene has something hidden about it, either be in the character's themselves, a plot element like say The Child Broiler, or even in how the show uses lighting and color. What's also great is that none of it it's obvious, Mawaru being a show that you must watch more than once to absorb every bit it has. Second, is that for the vast majority of the show, understanding every single metaphor is not needed. The actual story of the anime, if taken literally, is weird and very abstract, like a fairy tale almost, but it is very effective.

The characters all serve their own purpose on the story, go through conflict and interpersonal drama, and the four main characters all end the show developing in some way. Plus, it is never dull, the pacing is well executed and Ikuhara's direction remains amazing. And the themes in the show are thought provoking and interesting, and the main theme of fate, like some have said before here, is explored from every character's point of view and never ends up being pretentious or flat, but rather gives more weight and meaning to an already very good anime.

Overall, I must still admit that Mawaru Penguindrum can only come close to the brilliance that is Ikuhara's masterpiece, Revolutionary Girl Utena, but that far from transforms it into a bad anime, it is an excellent piece of animated art, and very much deserves it's place on the Enlightenment List.
Mar 1, 2014 1:51 PM

Dec 2007
Option 1 - Enlightening

It was a few weeks before the season started that I heard about this anime. There was a certain fuss about some old anime director coming back to save the anime industry. The direacotr of Itena wich back then I barely new as some old famous 90's anime or yuri. But since there was a big fure and I had some free time I decided to try watching episode 1.

Episode 1 was a really good episode it make me curious enough to keep watching it (also the penguins) but probably the thing that hooked me was episode 9 with all the symbolism, apples, the children broiler and Sanetoshi.

But Is this series really worth for enlightening? I think it is.

You may know but I'm a big shaftfag so pretty experimental visuals, camera angles and weird animate stuff is my passion. But I know that Ikuhara is the father of symbolism in modern anime and Mawaru dosn't fail to provide fantastic and artistic backgrounds, cinematic scenography and a really creative control of the scenes.

But this is not a kyoani series so there is more besides nice graphics. The characters are really strong. Their design is beautiful and fashion.there aren't many anime series with this fashion sense which makes it interesting. Character personality is great and sometimes even amazing. Characters like Sanetoshi can only be created by someone like ikuhara. Speaking of Sanetoshi I shoud add voice acting to this review. The voice acting in this series is not less than perfect. it suits every character. From the starting role of Himari's one to Kanba's one a more expert person. And of course Sanetoshi. Ikuhara sure searched hard to find such a voice masculine enough that a character with long pink hair still looked like a man. In fact this voice actor mal page is full of people asking for more roles to be given to him.

About the music. This director style is not to put an amazing ost in his series nut a unique one. Triple H endings and insert songs are memorable and really interesting. Something you listen a few seconds and you think ah this is from mawaru penguindrum right?

The plot, The plot of this series is good from the main points to the symbolism to the obscure references (I swear I ended watching a Takaruka musical for this series) or the sexual references wich never falls into being too explicit. Everything is so perfectly collocated in the right part so that anything isn't too obvious nor too hard to understand (we have as a base a certain level of intelligence) as the story progresses.

In conclusion, this series deserves a place on the list by its own merits and I wish there were more series this good but anime is bussines after all and ikuhara there is only one. So we can only wait for his new work.

P.S: I have watched Utena already, it is an amazing series.
Mar 2, 2014 4:52 PM

Oct 2012
With 6 votes for Enlightenment and 2 votes for Unremarkable, I declare this poll closed. Thank you for watching.
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