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Jan 28, 2014 2:48 AM
Nov 2013
Deathnosis said:
It depends on the site you visit for example <- Usually sells anime with English subtitles

You have to scroll down and see the format it will write "Format - English Subtitles" is also another place to shop for anime blu rays

If its subtitles it will say "Subtitles: English" under Product Details

Thanks so much for the help ! now it all makes sense
Jan 28, 2014 2:57 AM
Nov 2013
Deathnosis said:
It depends on the site you visit for example <- Usually sells anime with English subtitles

You have to scroll down and see the format it will write "Format - English Subtitles" is also another place to shop for anime blu rays

If its subtitles it will say "Subtitles: English" under Product Details

Also , it it says English subtitles in the format does that mean it will be in JAP ?
Jan 28, 2014 3:49 AM
Jul 2018
To clarify, most anime released on DVD and Bluray contain both an English dub and the original Japanese language track with English subtitles. Sometimes these subtitle tracks are hardsubbed onto the Japanese language track, meaning you can't watch an anime without subtitles if watching the Japanese language track, while other times you can turn subtitles on and off along with picking whatever language track you prefer.

On Rightstuf, when you search for an anime and find a DVD or Bluray, it will often say (S), (Hyb), or (D) next to the title. S means its in Japanese with English subtitles only. Hyb means that it has both the Japanese and English language tracks and will almost certainly contain a subtitle track to use if needed, especially when watching in Japanese. D means the anime is in English only.
Jan 28, 2014 1:03 PM

Jun 2009
Topic Merged

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jan 28, 2014 3:28 PM
Nov 2013
Battlechili1 said:
To clarify, most anime released on DVD and Bluray contain both an English dub and the original Japanese language track with English subtitles. Sometimes these subtitle tracks are hardsubbed onto the Japanese language track, meaning you can't watch an anime without subtitles if watching the Japanese language track, while other times you can turn subtitles on and off along with picking whatever language track you prefer.

On Rightstuf, when you search for an anime and find a DVD or Bluray, it will often say (S), (Hyb), or (D) next to the title. S means its in Japanese with English subtitles only. Hyb means that it has both the Japanese and English language tracks and will almost certainly contain a subtitle track to use if needed, especially when watching in Japanese. D means the anime is in English only.

Thank you so much ! Now I may finally order all those DVD's I have been wating to buy ! Thanks again :)
Jan 28, 2014 3:48 PM
Jan 2014
Why not just read online? It's free and easily accessible.
Jan 28, 2014 4:38 PM

Jun 2009
Topic Merged

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jan 28, 2014 4:39 PM

Sep 2012
Guys the mods keep merging threads and it's confusing me which is giving me major anxiety

what should I do?????
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
Jan 28, 2014 4:39 PM

Oct 2009
Jan 28, 2014 4:41 PM

Dec 2011
Korrvo said:
Guys the mods keep merging threads and it's confusing me which is giving me major anxiety

what should I do?????

I like the cut of your jib.
Jan 28, 2014 4:49 PM

Dec 2012
Does anyone know of mental or physical alterations to the human brain to improve the functionality? Aside from just diet...

Summarized: Brain upgrade stuff?
How do people get to 2000 hours when I'm already this bored?
Jan 28, 2014 5:21 PM

Aug 2013
Crimefridge said:
Does anyone know of mental or physical alterations to the human brain to improve the functionality? Aside from just diet...

Summarized: Brain upgrade stuff?

It really depends on what you're trying to improve. There are certain types of puzzles that will help improve memory and many activities that help improve motor skills. Diet can only get you so far, your brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to improve.
Jan 28, 2014 6:56 PM

Aug 2012

I said I'd stop talking to a friend for a week.
He might assume I meant forever.

How would I approach him to get back onto speaking terms?

You won't get context.
Jan 28, 2014 7:03 PM

Jun 2012
Should I delet system32?
Jan 28, 2014 7:16 PM

Aug 2013
MellowJello said:

I said I'd stop talking to a friend for a week.
He might assume I meant forever.

How would I approach him to get back onto speaking terms?

You won't get context.

I'd wait the week out if there's a good reason you said that... then start talking to him again. Walk up to him in school, text, call him, comment on facebook or however you normally talk. If it's something he did really bad and you're forgiving him, just tell him you've calmed down and don't want to lose a friend. Then just slip into normal conversation if you can. If it's something really silly that you're both mad about, maybe you can just put it behind you and go on like it never happened. If he's a good friend, he'll probably do the same. If not, he'll at least let you know at the point.

Shuhan said:
Should I delet system32?

Only if you really want to screw up your computer. It's a vital folder for your os.
Jan 28, 2014 7:19 PM

Jul 2013
someone help me with chem
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)dont hate me cause you aint me( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jan 28, 2014 9:10 PM

Aug 2012
hotstud6969 said:
someone help me with chem
Jan 28, 2014 9:16 PM

Nov 2011
hotstud6969 said:
someone help me with chem

Jesse we need to cook. I must provide for my family!
The Art of Eight
Jan 28, 2014 9:32 PM

Feb 2012
hotstud6969 said:
someone help me with chem

f(u)=4π〖(m/(2πk_B T))〗^(3/2) u^2 e^((mu^2)/(2k_B T))
That help?
Jan 29, 2014 9:40 AM

May 2013
MellowJello said:

I said I'd stop talking to a friend for a week.
He might assume I meant forever.

How would I approach him to get back onto speaking terms?

You won't get context.

Go up to him like you actually had been talking to him that week perhaps? Makes it less awkward if you pretend that whole "I'm not talking to you" business never happened. Easier said than done, I know, but otherwise it would be awkward, and there is no guarantee that he'd approach you.
Jan 29, 2014 10:04 AM

Oct 2010
I'm 20 years old and I just started getting pimples for the past two weeks. I only ever used to get one pimple occasionally on either my chin or forehead, but lately I've suddenly started getting 3-4 at a time all in my mouth - nose area (or on my lower cheeks very close by to my mouth/lower nose). They are all pretty small, but unfortunately they are very red and very noticeable due to the fact that I have extremely pale skin. I read somewhere that it's probably due to my hormones changing or it might be stress. I just really want to know how to get rid of them.

I've been google searching a lot, but all of my searching is honestly just causing a lot of confusion for me. I either keep getting sites telling me completely different things (For example: The first site tells me that a certain natural remedy works and the second site tells me it doesn't) or I keep getting results for people with big acne breakouts. There are also way too many suggested remedies to even know where to start. I've only tried two of the natural ones so far. I tried the toothpaste method (it failed) and I'm trying the crushed aspirin paste method for the second time now (I have crushed Midol paste on my face right now).

I'm also using a face wash (I've been using it for a year now). It's St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub, but it obviously doesn't seem to be helping very much right now.

Does anybody know what remedies actually work? I could really use some help/advice right now.
Jan 29, 2014 10:05 AM

Mar 2012
Go to a dermatologist.
Jan 29, 2014 10:06 AM

Jul 2013
Pop them.
Jan 29, 2014 10:07 AM

Dec 2010
Eh I wouldn't go to a dermatologist for a minor break out problem.

Try using skin treatment stuff instead of just face wash, like ProActiv (cheaper alternatives can be found in basically all drug stores).
Jan 29, 2014 10:16 AM

Aug 2012
This may seem commonplace; but do you change your pillowcase regularly? Because if not, a lot of bacteria winds up on your pillow, and your skin does one heck of a job at absorbing everything.

Also, try to keep greasy fast food consumption to a minimum.
circleJan 29, 2014 10:19 AM
Jan 29, 2014 10:18 AM

Aug 2008
Watch your diet. Lose greasy foods (pizza, chips, fast food), don't drink things that upset your hormones (soda, energy drinks, etc.).

For topical solutions, look for a wash or a cleaner to use in the shower with salicylic acid. Before you shower, exfoliate and get rid of as many as you can, then wash your face first thing. After you get out and dry off, use a pure moisturizer (if your skin is dry, aloe is best) and then a topical creme with benzoyl peroxide.

Another good preventative measure for men (not OP) is to keep clean shaven, or a clean, trimmed beard. Choose one or the other; don't go without shaving for days at a time because it will irritate your skin and can cause more breakouts.

Oh, and as another user suggested, keep your sheets and clothes clean. If you wash weekly, try putting a towel over your pillow for the first half of the week, and then taking it off for the remainder. You'll have a clean pillow for twice as long, with minimal extra laundry.

If you can, keep your room on the cooler side as well. Heat can aggravate your skin into releasing excess oil, which will clog pores and cause more breakouts. A good way to close your pores up, is to end the shower by letting the cold water loose for the last 15sec or so while you rinse your hair. The oils not washed out of your hair will freeze and the pores will close, leaving your hair and face cleaner for longer in the day.

If you want links to exact products, shoot me a profile comment. I'll be on later today.
DeseradaJan 29, 2014 10:25 AM
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
Jan 29, 2014 10:29 AM

Aug 2012
Deserada said:
Another good preventative measure for men (not OP) is to keep clean shaven
Jan 29, 2014 10:41 AM
Feb 2013
Deserada said:
Watch your diet. Lose greasy foods (pizza, chips, fast food), don't drink things that upset your hormones (soda, energy drinks, etc.).

For topical solutions, look for a wash or a cleaner to use in the shower with salicylic acid. Before you shower, exfoliate and get rid of as many as you can, then wash your face first thing. After you get out and dry off, use a pure moisturizer (if your skin is dry, aloe is best) and then a topical creme with benzoyl peroxide.

Another good preventative measure for men (not OP) is to keep clean shaven, or a clean, trimmed beard. Choose one or the other; don't go without shaving for days at a time because it will irritate your skin and can cause more breakouts.

Oh, and as another user suggested, keep your sheets and clothes clean. If you wash weekly, try putting a towel over your pillow for the first half of the week, and then taking it off for the remainder. You'll have a clean pillow for twice as long, with minimal extra laundry.

If you can, keep your room on the cooler side as well. Heat can aggravate your skin into releasing excess oil, which will clog pores and cause more breakouts. A good way to close your pores up, is to end the shower by letting the cold water loose for the last 15sec or so while you rinse your hair. The oils not washed out of your hair will freeze and the pores will close, leaving your hair and face cleaner for longer in the day.

If you want links to exact products, shoot me a profile comment. I'll be on later today.

Can't believe I found a serious answer on MAL.
Jan 29, 2014 10:41 AM

Oct 2010
Pknoctis said:
Eh I wouldn't go to a dermatologist for a minor break out problem.

Try using skin treatment stuff instead of just face wash, like ProActiv (cheaper alternatives can be found in basically all drug stores).

I've been considering ProActiv, but I've honestly felt a bit skeptical on if it really works.
I wouldn't want to waste 30 bucks on something that doesn't work.

-creative- said:
This may seem commonplace; but do you change your pillowcase regularly? Because if not, a lot of bacteria winds up on your pillow, and your skin does one heck of a job at absorbing everything

Also, try to keep greasy fast food consumption to a minimum.

Unfortunately, I only have one pillow case so I don't get to change it often.
I can wash it once a week with my laundry, though, and change it so it's inside out halfway through the week. I'm not sure if that would be as effective or not.

Luckily, I rarely ever eat fast food. When I go out to eat I always go to either Chinese or Japanese restaurants. I only eat fast food if I have to (like when I'm traveling for example).

Deserada said:
Watch your diet. Lose greasy foods (pizza, chips, fast food), don't drink things that upset your hormones (soda, energy drinks, etc.).

For topical solutions, look for a wash or a cleaner to use in the shower with salicylic acid. Before you shower, exfoliate and get rid of as many as you can, then wash your face first thing. After you get out and dry off, use a pure moisturizer (if your skin is dry, aloe is best) and then a topical creme with benzoyl peroxide.

Another good preventative measure for men (not OP) is to keep clean shaven, or a clean, trimmed beard. Choose one or the other; don't go without shaving for days at a time because it will irritate your skin and can cause more breakouts.

Oh, and as another user suggested, keep your sheets and clothes clean. If you wash weekly, try putting a towel over your pillow for the first half of the week, and then taking it off for the remainder. You'll have a clean pillow for twice as long, with minimal extra laundry.

If you can, keep your room on the cooler side as well. Heat can aggravate your skin into releasing excess oil, which will clog pores and cause more breakouts. A good way to close your pores up, is to end the shower by letting the cold water loose for the last 15sec or so while you rinse your hair. The oils not washed out of your hair will freeze and the pores will close, leaving your hair and face cleaner for longer in the day.

If you want links to exact products, shoot me a profile comment. I'll be on later today.

Thanks for all the advice!

I think I'm alright on the diet thing. I'm actually on a diet right now anyways.
I pretty much live off of baked chicken, rice, steamed vegetables (mainly broccoli) and green tea right now. As far as I'm aware, the only food that I eat that can be bad for my skin is ice cream, but since I'm on a diet I don't get to have that very much. I also exercise almost everyday now and I heard that also helps your skin too.

The cleaner that I'm using right now has 2% sailcylic acid in it, but perhaps I need one with more in it?

I actually don't have any control over the heat in my building, but I do sleep with a fan on every night.
I'm not sure if that's helpful or not.
Jan 29, 2014 10:43 AM

Apr 2013
ThisNameSucks said:
Pop them.
don't do that.
Jan 29, 2014 10:49 AM

Apr 2012
weird i had pretty bad acne going into college, but when i became a junior it just vanished completely. I did use proactive for a while but I was really inconsistent. To be honest, when ever I tried to exfoliate my skin with products like Neutrogena/proactiv, my face became more irritated. Now the only thing I use is a very small amount of soap and a wet face towel. I have 0 acne now :D. Extra tips include changing your pillowcase more often. I'm actually pretty OCD about changing my pillowcase. I do it twice a week lul.

+1 to changing your diet if you like to eat greasy shit
zzzeallyJan 29, 2014 10:53 AM

Jan 29, 2014 10:58 AM

Dec 2011
Sourire said:
ThisNameSucks said:
Pop them.
don't do that.

Yeah, holy shit, actually do not do that
Jan 29, 2014 11:01 AM

Dec 2011
I'm glad to see no one suggest accutane, that stuff will fuck you up, I know this personally. Took it when I was 15 for acne that wasn't even that bad, and it's no exaggeration to say I partially lost my mind for the duration.

But FUCK does it work well. So...Maybe it's not all bad
Jan 29, 2014 11:07 AM

Mar 2008
It's not herpes right? Not to make you paranoid or anything but the cold sores come as small clusters around the mouth/lips. As long as you haven't been kissing someone who's had the sores or sucked any dicks recently you should be fine.

If it's simple acne, I heard changing your pillow case daily can help. Also get good sleep and eat healthy.
Jan 29, 2014 11:10 AM

Dec 2011
Fui said:
It's not herpes right? Not to make you paranoid or anything but the cold sores come as small clusters around the mouth/lips. As long as you haven't been kissing someone who's had the sores or sucked any dicks recently you should be fine.

If it's simple acne, I heard changing your pillow case daily can help. Also get good sleep and eat healthy.

Well there are disagreements between skincare professionals about whether or not a positive correlation between eating healthy and healthy skin exists.

Personally, I go through phases where I try to eat healthy after eating like shit for a while and if anything my skin gets worse for the time being, probably a result of all the toxins releasing or something
Jan 29, 2014 11:11 AM

Oct 2010
Fui said:
It's not herpes right? Not to make you paranoid or anything but the cold sores come as small clusters around the mouth/lips. As long as you haven't been kissing someone who's had the sores or sucked any dicks recently you should be fine.

If it's simple acne, I heard changing your pillow case daily can help. Also get good sleep and eat healthy.

I'm 100% sure it isn't herpes. The only person I kiss is my partner, and he doesn't have have any sores.
Jan 29, 2014 11:37 AM

Jan 2013
At first I thought this said help getting rid of people.

Boy am I disappoint.
Jan 29, 2014 11:39 AM

Dec 2012
Okazaki93 said:
Sourire said:
ThisNameSucks said:
Pop them.
don't do that.

Yeah, holy shit, actually do not do that

Why not, they're just as fun to pop as bubble wraps.
Jan 29, 2014 11:42 AM
Jan 2013
Maledict said:
Deserada said:
Watch your diet. Lose greasy foods (pizza, chips, fast food), don't drink things that upset your hormones (soda, energy drinks, etc.).

For topical solutions, look for a wash or a cleaner to use in the shower with salicylic acid. Before you shower, exfoliate and get rid of as many as you can, then wash your face first thing. After you get out and dry off, use a pure moisturizer (if your skin is dry, aloe is best) and then a topical creme with benzoyl peroxide.

Another good preventative measure for men (not OP) is to keep clean shaven, or a clean, trimmed beard. Choose one or the other; don't go without shaving for days at a time because it will irritate your skin and can cause more breakouts.

Oh, and as another user suggested, keep your sheets and clothes clean. If you wash weekly, try putting a towel over your pillow for the first half of the week, and then taking it off for the remainder. You'll have a clean pillow for twice as long, with minimal extra laundry.

If you can, keep your room on the cooler side as well. Heat can aggravate your skin into releasing excess oil, which will clog pores and cause more breakouts. A good way to close your pores up, is to end the shower by letting the cold water loose for the last 15sec or so while you rinse your hair. The oils not washed out of your hair will freeze and the pores will close, leaving your hair and face cleaner for longer in the day.

If you want links to exact products, shoot me a profile comment. I'll be on later today.

Can't believe I found a serious answer on MAL.

Not everyone on MAL is a douchebag.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 29, 2014 12:04 PM

Aug 2013
I would be careful with the benzyl peroxide, I tried it out before and it really burns your face and dries it out really bad, it took me almost a week&half to adjust and get my normal skin color back. Like you I have pale and fair skin so be careful. I've heard good things about tea tree oil and how its good for your skin in general. They even recommended it to the girl with acne in girl friends manga.
Jan 29, 2014 12:05 PM
Dec 2013
ThisNameSucks said:
Pop them.

That will only make it more noticeable. If I were you I would cleanse your face everyday with soapy water, it helps the skin. Make sure you don't keep touching ur face cuz that will only make things worse. Also knowing what's causing the pimple can help. You might be eating something that's bothering your face.

When I had pimples I used proactive and it helped a lot. As long as you follow the other steps, like cleaning your face. Just don't expect the pimples to go away quickly because it might take some time. Hope this helps :)

Geez, I sound like my mom right now.
Jan 29, 2014 12:41 PM

Aug 2013
yazio said:
Go to a dermatologist.
I concur, they can give you some kind of prescription if it's bad enough, or just more info.
Want to talk?

"Would you like an anti-psychotic?"

*Bonus points if you leave a comment about the meaning of my signature.*
Jan 29, 2014 12:43 PM

Jun 2009
Topic Merged

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jan 29, 2014 12:46 PM

Aug 2012
Suzune-chan said:
Topic Merged

*no longer watching*
Jan 29, 2014 3:45 PM

Dec 2012
-creative- said:
Suzune-chan said:
Topic Merged

*no longer watching*

my avatar is the bus driver from Rosario + Vampire
Jan 29, 2014 4:31 PM

Aug 2013
Okazaki93 said:
I'm glad to see no one suggest accutane, that stuff will fuck you up, I know this personally. Took it when I was 15 for acne that wasn't even that bad, and it's no exaggeration to say I partially lost my mind for the duration.

But FUCK does it work well. So...Maybe it's not all bad

I'm currently taking accutane and the only side effects I've gotten are the dried lips and skin. Though I have heard from what you said, I think it's pretty rare.

Nevertheless, it does make wonders.
Jan 29, 2014 6:11 PM
Jan 2014
I'm a newly graduate and is looking for job. Any good site that i can look at to find a job or any general wisdom is the working world would really help :)
Jan 29, 2014 6:40 PM

Aug 2008
KillerBee721 said:
I'm a newly graduate and is looking for job. Any good site that i can look at to find a job or any general wisdom is the working world would really help :)
If you are a science or engineering major, a good deal of opportunities (both for current students and graduates) are routed through the NSF. Check out their site, and get into contact with one of your favorite professors that you feel is personable enough to help you out. With that reference alone, and a solid resume, you can land a position.

If you are an undergrad, look for research opportunities instead of flat-out internships or co-ops, especially if you are not finding positions relevant to your study. Even freshmen can get into undergrad research in most cases; the most important thing you can do (other than prepare yourself) is have close ties with a professor that knows his way around research communities. Most likely said professor hosts a local research venture with limited opportunities for local students, and knows of other exchange programs. Ask around as soon as possible, deadlines for the coming semester generally approach a few weeks in to the current.

uyalucky said:
I would be careful with the benzoyl peroxide, I tried it out before and it really burns your face and dries it out really bad, it took me almost a week&half to adjust and get my normal skin color back. Like you I have pale and fair skin so be careful. I've heard good things about tea tree oil and how its good for your skin in general. They even recommended it to the girl with acne in girl friends manga.
You have to use it in conjunction with a moisturizer. It is generally prescribed as a topical treatment for mature breakouts, and has some properties similar to a desiccant, as it accelerates skin regeneration (growth, shedding, and repair), aside from its use as an antimicrobial.

Irritation is especially prevalent when you initially adopt it into your routine. Start with products that contain it in small concentrations (~2.5%) and allow your skin to adjust (over a period between 1.5 to 2 weeks) before you see consistent results and no longer observe irritation. Some never experience irritation, while others cannot use it due to an overreaction on behalf of their specific body chemistry. My skin, for instance, is completely tolerant (not irritated) in its application, and only acne is affected, but it still dries my skin.

If you aren't seeing results, and yet aren't noticing additional irritation, consult your doctor before adopting a product with higher concentration, as it may not be appropriate based on your situation.

It is worth noting that Benzoyl Peroxide is similar to hydrogen peroxide in its bleaching/discoloring properties. If you carelessly spill large amounts on colored fabrics or surfaces and leave them unattended, you may notice orange-tinted discoloration. It's kind of silly, but if you ever see the ear-protectors on heavily used xbox 360 headsets, they are typically bleached orange in this fashion, due to the owners' acne medication interacting with the foam. Oh, also it makes a nice primary explosive if it is relatively pure, in powder form (tee hee).
DeseradaJan 29, 2014 7:02 PM
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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