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Nov 13, 2013 10:28 AM

Feb 2013
Males, for the simple fact that in GENERAL (See? NOT always in GENERAL) male people don't have mood swings connected to their periods. Of course men will also have mood swings, but solely based on the fact that most women I know that are on their period have mood swings, I would say a male leader is more CONSISTENT (Ha! Not better!) than a female one, BUT both work just fine.

So in the end, I don't care-just don't f*** up.
わたしはりんごがすきです. あなた は バカ です :3
Nov 13, 2013 12:10 PM
Nov 2007
I'm gonna agree with the earlier guy and say it's partially to do with nurture, so normally men would be better, simply because of traditional upbringings. But hey, that's just my 2 cents, but apparently that's bad in this thread....
Nov 13, 2013 12:11 PM

Aug 2013
I don't judge individuals by their gender. I'm sure lots of female leaders have done better than male leaders and vice versa.
Nov 13, 2013 1:25 PM

Apr 2012
I'm not sure whether to be sad or laugh at this topic, some of the arguments were just so... absurd to the point where I felt insulted (I'm a male) and I don't even know why.

Using an argument based on "Women have yet to lead a country like a 'man''' is just ridiculous.

When you try to discuss a possibility, in this case the possibility of women being just as capable of leading as men, then you can't just choose to disreguard the future, in fact, you should disreguard the past instead.

The best way to reach a satisfying conclusion in a discussion like this would be to speculate on a scenario where both men and women are treated equally, have similar upbringings and are both given a chance to lead.

I say 'speculate' because even today, women and men do not have the same opportunities.

You can't choose one gender over the other when it isn't a fair comparison to begin with.

In fact, I have yet to see a valid argument that would prove that one gender is potentially better suited to leading than the other.
AloxamaxNov 13, 2013 1:32 PM
"Rejoice! We are humans— we are the most talented people! Precisely because we were born without any ability— we can achieve anything— this is the will of the weakest race!" – Sora, ‘No game No life Vol.01’
Nov 13, 2013 1:34 PM

Jul 2007
Who makes better leaders?

Black people or white people?
Gay people or straight people?
Aliens or humans?

It doesn't matter because almost all of them are pretty shit at what they do.
Nov 13, 2013 1:56 PM

Mar 2011
Scud said:
Who makes better leaders?

Black people or white people?
Gay people or straight people?
Aliens or humans?

It doesn't matter because almost all of them are pretty shit at what they do.

Black people are pretty good at being black.
Nov 13, 2013 1:57 PM

Oct 2013
InfiniteRufus said:
Black people are pretty good at being black.

Nice stereotype, asshole.
Nov 13, 2013 2:07 PM

Sep 2012
Everything about this thread is cancer.
Nov 13, 2013 2:18 PM

Feb 2013
Elaxer said:
How the hell does a person's gender affect their leadership qualities?

The best potential leader in the world can't lead effectively if the followers are not willing to follow due to their own stereotypical ineptitude. Which includes those who doubt women without question just because they are women.

If the candidate in question can convince them, then that can be symbolic of what makes a great leader great.

Unless of course, it's all bullshit, which it usually is. Then they're just another politician.
Nov 13, 2013 2:42 PM

Nov 2013
VolunteerDeputy said:
InfiniteRufus said:
Black people are pretty good at being black.

Nice stereotype, asshole.

I think they meant their race not stereotypes.
stupidfucker said:
Screw you, 'moshimoshikitty', you fucked up my thread.

Nov 13, 2013 6:37 PM
Jul 2013
Tachii said:
There is some sexism involved in this thread, but it just look like the opening poster is a bit ignorant of social realities in the past and present.

First of all you just proved to me that you are the ignorant by being disrespectful and dragging this discussion to personal level, I expected more of you Tachii.

Tachii said:

Info #1: Women lacked right to have education, right to vote, and a plethora of other rights for centuries. They still probably do in many countries now.
Info #2: There are still "glass ceilings" in society, a term you should look up if you do not understand. This is a phenomenon socially determined, not something that is. Women still earn significantly less than men in many countries, irrelevant of how actually good they are at their job. This goes back to the "glass ceiling" effect still in place.

If women did achieve something then nobody would have been able to deny their achievements no glass ceilings or anything of these myth's (A feminist term, No wonder why they're the only one who use it ).

Tachii said:

You're not going to find many significant women leaders simply because they never even got the chance to try it out. You can't just say "oh they're incompetent" because society used to looked down on them and thought there were a biological reality that they're incompetent in certain areas, which is mostly unfounded opinions and overgeneralization.

And here you are making a mistake assuming that leadership is something that is given (no one stopped a woman from trying it out, there is your mistake),Did you know that Leadership is earned not allowed to or given.

If a woman want to become a leader of a country then what's stopping them, Or there is an "invisible rule" stopping them from doing it.

Tachii said:

I recommend opening poster to read a bit about gender inquality before stating that women are less competent to lead than men. But from reading the thread, it look like opening poster has no intention to be open about other opinions, but more focused on somehow arguing and proving others wrong.

I have already proved YOU and everyone wrong.

In the end women and men are not the same,
-Do women have the same reason as men?
--Do they have the same logic as men?
---Do they mentally function the same way a man's brains does?
---Who is more emotional, A man or a woman?
--> ask yourself these question's.

Finally: "Women are more emotional, and we have PMS and that affects our thinking," she said. "I would only support a woman leader if her No. 2 was a man who could check to make sure she was being logical and giving a rational opinion."
BeyondNeroNov 13, 2013 6:47 PM
Nov 13, 2013 6:46 PM
Jul 2013
YuiLovesUi said:
Males, for the simple fact that in GENERAL (See? NOT always in GENERAL) male people don't have mood swings connected to their periods. Of course men will also have mood swings, but solely based on the fact that most women I know that are on their period have mood swings, I would say a male leader is more CONSISTENT (Ha! Not better!) than a female one, BUT both work just fine.

So in the end, I don't care-just don't f*** up.

Why are contradicting yourself, first you say that they are different and that women have more mood swings and then say "BUT both work just fine", Does that seem right to you?

You can't say that this 2 is different form this 2 and then say 2+2=4 . Think again.
Nov 13, 2013 9:57 PM

Apr 2012
BeyondNero said:
If women did achieve something then nobody would have been able to deny their achievements no glass ceilings or anything of these myth's (A feminist term, No wonder why they're the only one who use it ).

Not true, it's very easy to deny a person's achievements if you don't like them. You've been denying a lot of our responses without reason the same way.

BeyondNero said:
If a woman want to become a leader of a country then what's stopping them, Or there is an "invisible rule" stopping them from doing it.

Yes, it's called 'stereotypes' among others. If you are raised to believe that men are better suited to lead, you tend to believe it even when it isn't true.

BeyondNero said:
I have already proved YOU and everyone wrong.

In the end women and men are not the same,
-Do women have the same reason as men?
--Do they have the same logic as men?
---Do they mentally function the same way a man's brains does?
---Who is more emotional, A man or a woman?
--> ask yourself these question's.

You haven't proved anything, you have yet to use a single valid fact and have limited yourself to negating our responses without reason whatsoever.

Does a man have the same kind reasoning as any other man? No.
Does a man have the same kind of logic as any other man? No.
Does a man's brain function the same way as any others? No.
Is every man equally emotional? No.

The differences are not related to genders alone, they're related to the fact that they're different individuals.

BeyondNero said:
Finally: "Women are more emotional, and we have PMS and that affects our thinking," she said. "I would only support a woman leader if her No. 2 was a man who could check to make sure she was being logical and giving a rational opinion."

So, a random quote from a random woman is supposed to mean something?

Being led by a woman and being led by a man are not the same thing, that is true. We never said that their ways of leading would be the same, we said that both would be just as good while being different.

A woman may lead a nation differently than a man, but that doesn't mean it's worse. Heck, it might be better.
"Rejoice! We are humans— we are the most talented people! Precisely because we were born without any ability— we can achieve anything— this is the will of the weakest race!" – Sora, ‘No game No life Vol.01’
Nov 14, 2013 12:44 AM

Feb 2013
BeyondNero said:
YuiLovesUi said:
Males, for the simple fact that in GENERAL (See? NOT always in GENERAL) male people don't have mood swings connected to their periods. Of course men will also have mood swings, but solely based on the fact that most women I know that are on their period have mood swings, I would say a male leader is more CONSISTENT (Ha! Not better!) than a female one, BUT both work just fine.

So in the end, I don't care-just don't f*** up.

Why are contradicting yourself, first you say that they are different and that women have more mood swings and then say "BUT both work just fine", Does that seem right to you?

You can't say that this 2 is different form this 2 and then say 2+2=4 . Think again.

That is no simply means that female and male leaders can both lead well, but females tend to have more mood swings. There is no contradiction to that.
わたしはりんごがすきです. あなた は バカ です :3
Nov 14, 2013 12:45 AM

Oct 2013
unless you believe leaders are born and not made, it doesnt matter if they are a man or a women, either can lead assuming they have the talent, knowledge and experiance to pull it off.

BeyondNero said:

Yet you rarely see an achieving women at leading like a man.

even if there havent been many women leaders throughout history that is because of preconceptions about women and not from a lack of ability. they just werent allowed to even though im sure some of them would have equaled a mans
Nov 14, 2013 9:10 AM
Nov 2007
BeyondNero said:
Tachii said:
And here you are making a mistake assuming that leadership is something that is given (no one stopped a woman from trying it out, there is your mistake),Did you know that Leadership is earned not allowed to or given.

If a woman want to become a leader of a country then what's stopping them, Or there is an "invisible rule" stopping them from doing it.
"but men have a degree (of advantage) over them" - Qur'an (2:228)
Islam, among other religions have declared women inferior to men, so I'm pretty sure that in the past they could not gain power, and the present is different to a degree, but very similar.
Also you used the word "If," which you said was an opinion or some other b.s. and you didn't want that.
Nov 14, 2013 1:42 PM

May 2013
Aloxamax said:

So, a random quote from a random woman is supposed to mean something?

yes noob
Nov 14, 2013 2:13 PM

Oct 2009
Death_Raja said:

even if there havent been many women leaders throughout history that is because of preconceptions about women and not from a lack of ability. they just werent allowed to even though im sure some of them would have equaled a mans

Yes, those woman who rose against all odds are excel at what they do. and most of the time, more aggressive than their male counterpart. From the legendary slyness of Pharaoh Cleopatra, to the ruthless Empress Dowager Cixi. I think the world is spared from lots of potential conflict.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Nov 14, 2013 2:36 PM
Jul 2013
YuiLovesUi said:
BeyondNero said:
YuiLovesUi said:
Males, for the simple fact that in GENERAL (See? NOT always in GENERAL) male people don't have mood swings connected to their periods. Of course men will also have mood swings, but solely based on the fact that most women I know that are on their period have mood swings, I would say a male leader is more CONSISTENT (Ha! Not better!) than a female one, BUT both work just fine.

So in the end, I don't care-just don't f*** up.

Why are contradicting yourself, first you say that they are different and that women have more mood swings and then say "BUT both work just fine", Does that seem right to you?

You can't say that this 2 is different form this 2 and then say 2+2=4 . Think again.

That is no simply means that female and male leaders can both lead well, but females tend to have more mood swings. There is no contradiction to that.

Sure they can lead well, Not like men tho.
Nov 14, 2013 3:05 PM
Jul 2013
xEmptiness said:
BeyondNero said:

Sure they can lead well, Not like men tho.

I'm not getting your argument.

Are you implying:
1. Women are incapable as leaders because of some innate birth disadvantages?
2. Social bias tends to prevent people from following female leaders?

BeyondNero said:

Do women have the same reason as men? Do they have the same logic as men?

Spatial cognition and environmental behavior. DOI: 10.1002/acp.938
Intelligence: Knowns and unknowns. DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.51.2.77

I'm not sure if you're just biased or uninformed. Please read some cognitive scientific studies before making your absurd claims. If you're asking whether they have the exact same reasoning, probably not. Studies these days generally find no differences significant enough that we should care about though.

BeyondNero said:
Do they mentally function the same way a man's brains does?

This question is complicated. I'm not willing to write an essay for you.
The short answer is, in cognition, generally yes. In decision making, generally no. How much of the difference in decision making is due to stereotyping or gender roles, is still an area intensely debated.

BeyondNero said:
Who is more emotional, A man or a woman?

The Gender Heuristic and the Database: Factors Affecting the Perception of Gender-Related Differences in the Experience and Display of Emotions. DOI: 10.1207/s15324834basp2003_3

More supporting evidence from Ann Kring:

I'm not sure why you're so stubborn with your propositions. Either you provide some evidence, or you accept the possibility that the others might be right.

I have already provided evidence read them all before posting, Generally women can't make action in leadership like men do. History which you are incapable of learning from it proves my point.

some women can be good leaders but the best of them can't begin to compare with the best leaders of men. That's the point.

Men are Superior (i hate this word) in leading than women, Just as in sports and other things (we should leave them alone now).
Nov 14, 2013 3:25 PM

Jul 2013
It depends whose the most smartest, corruptest, financially adjusted, and hyped up politician that's it.

We try so hard to forget the system.
Dr. Sheldon Cooper " It is no way to make new humans. People coming out of people. Some kind of dirty magic show.
Nov 14, 2013 3:29 PM

Aug 2012
Motoko Kusanagi best leader
كنت تهدر وقتك عن طريق ترجمة هذه.

mattbenz99 said:
Christians and Satanists are technically the same thing
Nov 14, 2013 3:32 PM
Jul 2013
I will say it for the final time READ THE HISTORY, If your so keen on trying to educate people why don't you answer these questions yourself, And then you will understand.

Don't just come here and throw shit about "arrogance" and "disrespect" it makes YOU disrespectful and people will mistake you for a child who couldn't maintain himself in an argument and start to talk shit that is unrelated to the topic.

Keep calm and don't personalize this discussion.
Nov 14, 2013 3:41 PM

Dec 2010
Categorizing who would be a better leader based on gender of all fucking things is stupidly ridiculous.

Does it matter as long as they aren't incompetent or batshit stir crazy and work for the benefit of the people?
Nov 14, 2013 3:43 PM

Aug 2012
BeyondNero said:
I will say it for the final time READ THE HISTORY, If your so keen on trying to educate people why don't you answer these questions yourself, And then you will understand.

Don't just come here and throw shit about "arrogance" and "disrespect" it makes YOU disrespectful and people will mistake you for a child who couldn't maintain himself in an argument and start to talk shit that is unrelated to the topic.

Keep calm and don't personalize this discussion.

How can you fall back on using history as a counterargument when there are hardly any examples to speak of in history? Simply saying that "there haven't been that many female leaders" is not indicative of how suitable they would be in such a position.

We aren't able to accurately surmise which is the better leader using this argument because there aren't an equal number of examples with which to compare. A lack of data in other words.
كنت تهدر وقتك عن طريق ترجمة هذه.

mattbenz99 said:
Christians and Satanists are technically the same thing
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