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Attack on Titan
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May 23, 2013 1:27 AM

Aug 2008
AironicallyHuman said:
How stupid do you have to be to refer to a demographic as a genre. Really.

Even taking 'shounen' to be a genre, there's a world of difference between Shounen Jump and monthly shounen publications. Shingeki was even rejected by SJ; the reason given being that it isn't a SJ manga. DOESN'T THAT TELL YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!?

Of course, a series aimed at young(er) males, featuring battles, will share some similarities/cliches. That's a given. But, like Claymore and FMA, with monthly publications there's a whole lot less emphasis on battles/learning a new skill under a new master/beating a rival in a fighting tournament/yatta yatta. And, like the other two monthly titles mentioned, Shingeki is a whole lot darker and more thoughtful than 'battle shounens'.

The closest Shingeki ever got to reminding me of SJ-type manga is... ep8's predictable twist.

Because it has it's own style? Same as JRPG and WRPGs despite originally being named after the region they came out of, are now named based on style (most people consider dark souls a WRPG). Plus Death Note was a weekly published shounen manga and it was very dark.

Now I definitely say nay on this issue at the moment as the characters are so incredibly bland. Also the fact that I'm torn between having to take this show seriously or not seriously at all (not a problem I had with claymore, fma or death note). Unfortunately I feel like it's shounen tropes kinda hold it back at times.
May 23, 2013 2:01 AM
Jul 2018
The answer is no because of the word "ever"
May 23, 2013 3:23 AM

Jan 2013
edwd2 said:
The answer is no because of the word "ever"
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

May 23, 2013 10:18 AM
Dec 2012
No idea if it will be greatest, but it surely drew a lot of attention. It seems going to surpass even SAO in terms of the number of forum posts. SAO: 39562 posts / 25 episodes. SnK: already 14430 posts / 7 of 25 episodes. (going to reach 50000 posts in the end??)
eminagnamMay 23, 2013 10:21 AM
May 23, 2013 12:38 PM

Jan 2011
Truth be told, its on the right track.
But it still has long way to go if it wants to compete with FMA.
May 23, 2013 3:00 PM

Feb 2012
AlexGK said:
Truth be told, its on the right track.
But it still has long way to go if it wants to compete with FMA.
I agree. It's almost there.
May 23, 2013 9:49 PM

Dec 2012
IceBurn said:
AlexGK said:
Truth be told, its on the right track.
But it still has long way to goif it wants to compete with FMA.
I agree. It's almost there.
"I agree. I believe the opposite of what you said."
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
May 23, 2013 11:51 PM

Jan 2013
So far this show is epic and emotionally engaging but that's all there is to it. I haven't seen much of the actual plot yet.

My friend who read the manga said it's a "medieval meat mecha". That doesn't sound like something I'm expecting of this show. I'll check out the manga when the anime is over. It only has 45 chapters so far. Too early to say anything.
CelsiaMay 23, 2013 11:57 PM
May 24, 2013 6:25 AM

Apr 2012
Hey, imma let you finish, but "Lucky Star" is best Shounen of all time.
May 24, 2013 7:29 AM
Oct 2011
AlexGK said:
Truth be told, its on the right track.
Right track.. Don't worry, it'll get derailed this week.
May 24, 2013 7:36 AM

Sep 2012
Hmm ... honestly, "the best" always goes to the personal preference, but I definitely see it becoming of the better ones out there. It's somewhat in league with FMA:BH because of the constant mystery throughout the entire story, a rather "darker" and more "mature" appeal than the other shounen anime (Naruto, OP and so) and manga is even darker since it really has low amount of censors in death. I'm a big fan of manga and I really like the anime thus far. If it keeps going at this rate and follows manga thoroughly (following that the mangaka actually rounds up the story neatly as it was done in FMA:BH) it will be in the top 3 without a doubt.
May 24, 2013 9:25 AM

Jun 2007
hyperknees91 said:
Because it has it's own style? Same as JRPG and WRPGs despite originally being named after the region they came out of, are now named based on style (most people consider dark souls a WRPG). Plus Death Note was a weekly published shounen manga and it was very dark.

Now I definitely say nay on this issue at the moment as the characters are so incredibly bland. Also the fact that I'm torn between having to take this show seriously or not seriously at all (not a problem I had with claymore, fma or death note). Unfortunately I feel like it's shounen tropes kinda hold it back at times.

Death Note is the exception to the SJ rule. So much so that I often forget it was serialized alongside Naruto. It's bizarre when you think Shingeki was rejected whilst an all-dialogue, mind game series, which was popular yet still ended shortly after the 10vol mark (popular SJ series = neverending pish) got put in a magazine famous for its fighting superpower fluff.

When it's a requirement for a SJ hero to be a braindead, "NEVER GIVE UP!", "BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!", etc idiot, how a sociopath like Light got past the editors is beyond my understanding.

I'll give you a cookie if you can tell me another title like DN that ran in SJ / wasn't cancelled. The days of FotNS/City Hunter ended long ago. I assume Bakuman only got a chance due to the DN team's surprise success.
May 25, 2013 7:55 PM

Aug 2008

Death Note is the exception to the SJ rule. So much so that I often forget it was serialized alongside Naruto. It's bizarre when you think Shingeki was rejected whilst an all-dialogue, mind game series, which was popular yet still ended shortly after the 10vol mark (popular SJ series = neverending pish) got put in a magazine famous for its fighting superpower fluff.

When it's a requirement for a SJ hero to be a braindead, "NEVER GIVE UP!", "BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!", etc idiot, how a sociopath like Light got past the editors is beyond my understanding.

I'll give you a cookie if you can tell me another title like DN that ran in SJ / wasn't cancelled. The days of FotNS/City Hunter ended long ago. I assume Bakuman only got a chance due to the DN team's surprise success.

I want to say it's because they saw profit, maybe, who knows. They definitely got good money out of it so it was a wise choice.

Was city hunter really in SJ? That's crazy haha.

Though yes its more appropriate to call them "simple minded action shows" rather than shounens. I think that's all the term really means when people apply it anyway.
May 26, 2013 1:09 AM

Sep 2012
ive been reading most of these threads and ive seen all the episodes so far and i have yet to see how anyone could call this the greatest anything ever.
i had that mindset after the first 5 minutes, i was hyped as fuck, then after 2 or 3 episodes it slowed waay the fuck down, now its just 3 minutes action, 17 minutes of talking/stillframes and the OP/ED. but the 3DMG scenes look nice.

actually the only category id rate SNK amongst the very best in is for the OP

other than that, its just an above average meat mecha thats got a little bit of blood.

as for the OP's question.

absolutely not
just look at all the competition in the top 20, many of which are far better
May 26, 2013 1:26 AM
Dec 2012
actually i find Naruto: Shippuden less mindless and as serious as SnK for what their pacing are.. SnKs pacing is alot faster than Naruto. otherwise they are very similar.
May 26, 2013 1:39 AM

Jul 2011
Pandarenboy said:
actually i find Naruto: Shippuden less mindless and as serious as SnK for what their pacing are.. SnKs pacing is alot faster than Naruto. otherwise they are very similar.

Cool story bro, now one with penguins
May 26, 2013 4:23 AM

Jul 2010
No. Theme-wise it's too mature for it be accepted as "best shounen"
The big brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
May 26, 2013 5:32 AM

Sep 2012
well if it keeps up with the bar episode 8 set, it will certainly be up there.
not the best, but easy top 10
May 26, 2013 7:52 AM

Jun 2008
Personally the best shounen I've ever seen is Death Note.

The Best battle shounen I've ever seen is FMA Brotherhood.

So far I really like this anime, but I don't see it as better than FMA Brotherhood or Death Note.

The best Seinen I've ever seen is Hellsing Ultimate......just in case some of you guys want to categorize this as such.
May 26, 2013 8:03 AM
Jun 2008
There is only like 8 episode ...

This might be the best Shounen but we never know. To fast to judge .
..but it is true that this has the most exciting/entertaining start compare to most(cough..) of the Top shounen I could list.
May 26, 2013 8:33 AM
Apr 2011
Both Naruto and Bleach are better than One Piece by far(IMO). Obviously everyone has opinions but, I don't think One Piece is that good and it has one of the most annoying main characters I've ever seen. People argue sales and popularity mean One Piece is better but does that mean Justin Bieber is better than rock or metal bands with less fans? No, so bringing up sales is a stupid way to gauge how good a show is. Anyways, SNK is a great show and is really impressing me. I still think FMA is the best but I think this show could possibly take that spot if it stays in the path its been heading.
May 26, 2013 2:11 PM

Apr 2009
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief
May 26, 2013 2:13 PM

Jul 2011
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

Oh i see
May 26, 2013 4:03 PM

Apr 2011
No, take away the gruesomeness and you'll find an average anime at its core.

Its funny how One Piece is mentioned in every thread with shounen in its title.

Lankeysob said:
People argue sales and popularity mean One Piece is better but does that mean Justin Bieber is better than rock or metal bands with less fans? No, so bringing up sales is a stupid way to gauge how good a show is.

If I am judging a show, popularity is definitely something I will focus on. It is a simple way to determine appeal, consistency, demographic, and most importantly, entertainment. It is a reasonable factor to judge a show by, but like everything else used to judge a show, it shouldn't be your only focus.

P.S. You do not even read or watch One Piece.
"Reality is a story the minds tells itself. An artificial structure conjured into being by the calcium ion exchange of a million synaptic fringes"
May 26, 2013 4:04 PM

Jun 2012
pralan said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

Oh i see

Oh the irony.

On a side note
May 26, 2013 4:04 PM
Feb 2012
LanaNi said:
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
May 26, 2013 4:07 PM

May 2012
It's something called opinions and matter how hard you try, it will never be a fact.
-Remember that folks. c:
May 26, 2013 4:10 PM

Oct 2011
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

I didn't expect anything else from the dude who created the thread about Code Geass being underrated.

Lankeysob said:
Both Naruto and Bleach are better than One Piece by far(IMO). Obviously everyone has opinions but, I don't think One Piece is that good and it has one of the most annoying main characters I've ever seen. People argue sales and popularity mean One Piece is better but does that mean Justin Bieber is better than rock or metal bands with less fans? No, so bringing up sales is a stupid way to gauge how good a show is. Anyways, SNK is a great show and is really impressing me. I still think FMA is the best but I think this show could possibly take that spot if it stays in the path its been heading.


Just for the record, why are you comparing One Piece to Naruto and Bleach in a SnK thread?

PolychromeMay 26, 2013 4:32 PM
May 26, 2013 4:34 PM

Apr 2009
Lankeysob said:
Both Naruto and Bleach are better than One Piece by far(IMO). Obviously everyone has opinions but, I don't think One Piece is that good and it has one of the most annoying main characters I've ever seen. People argue sales and popularity mean One Piece is better but does that mean Justin Bieber is better than rock or metal bands with less fans? No, so bringing up sales is a stupid way to gauge how good a show is. Anyways, SNK is a great show and is really impressing me. I still think FMA is the best but I think this show could possibly take that spot if it stays in the path its been heading.

naruto and bleach? are you for real? naruto and bleach are so dam bad i watched both but compared to one piece they have nothing better going for them apart from the 2 gay kisses

and yes in japan sales mean everything if the manga and anime is the most popular its obviously the most liked shounen lol

Polychrome said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

I didn't expect anything else from the dude who created the thread about Code Geass being underrated.

Lankeysob said:
Both Naruto and Bleach are better than One Piece by far(IMO). Obviously everyone has opinions but, I don't think One Piece is that good and it has one of the most annoying main characters I've ever seen. People argue sales and popularity mean One Piece is better but does that mean Justin Bieber is better than rock or metal bands with less fans? No, so bringing up sales is a stupid way to gauge how good a show is. Anyways, SNK is a great show and is really impressing me. I still think FMA is the best but I think this show could possibly take that spot if it stays in the path its been heading.


Just for the record, why are you comparing One Piece to Naruto and Bleach in a SnK thread?

its about shounen we are aloud to voice opinions thanks

and code geass was amazing both in top 20 for a reason

Divinations said:
No, take away the gruesomeness and you'll find an average anime at its core.

Its funny how One Piece is mentioned in every thread with shounen in its title.

Lankeysob said:
People argue sales and popularity mean One Piece is better but does that mean Justin Bieber is better than rock or metal bands with less fans? No, so bringing up sales is a stupid way to gauge how good a show is.

If I am judging a show, popularity is definitely something I will focus on. It is a simple way to determine appeal, consistency, demographic, and most importantly, entertainment. It is a reasonable factor to judge a show by, but like everything else used to judge a show, it shouldn't be your only focus.

P.S. You do not even read or watch One Piece.

most popular shounen manga and anime wise , and please tell me what bleach or naruto do better?

im asking all 3 of you
AForgottenSoulMay 26, 2013 4:37 PM
May 26, 2013 9:22 PM

Apr 2011
Calumz said:

Divinations said:
No, take away the gruesomeness and you'll find an average anime at its core.

Its funny how One Piece is mentioned in every thread with shounen in its title.

Lankeysob said:
People argue sales and popularity mean One Piece is better but does that mean Justin Bieber is better than rock or metal bands with less fans? No, so bringing up sales is a stupid way to gauge how good a show is.

If I am judging a show, popularity is definitely something I will focus on. It is a simple way to determine appeal, consistency, demographic, and most importantly, entertainment. It is a reasonable factor to judge a show by, but like everything else used to judge a show, it shouldn't be your only focus.

P.S. You do not even read or watch One Piece.

most popular shounen manga and anime wise , and please tell me what bleach or naruto do better?

im asking all 3 of you

Um Naruto and Bleach have a better start? I'm guessing you're replying to lankey since I prefer One Piece over the other two.
"Reality is a story the minds tells itself. An artificial structure conjured into being by the calcium ion exchange of a million synaptic fringes"
May 26, 2013 9:37 PM

Apr 2009
Divinations said:
Calumz said:

Divinations said:
No, take away the gruesomeness and you'll find an average anime at its core.

Its funny how One Piece is mentioned in every thread with shounen in its title.

Lankeysob said:
People argue sales and popularity mean One Piece is better but does that mean Justin Bieber is better than rock or metal bands with less fans? No, so bringing up sales is a stupid way to gauge how good a show is.

If I am judging a show, popularity is definitely something I will focus on. It is a simple way to determine appeal, consistency, demographic, and most importantly, entertainment. It is a reasonable factor to judge a show by, but like everything else used to judge a show, it shouldn't be your only focus.

P.S. You do not even read or watch One Piece.

most popular shounen manga and anime wise , and please tell me what bleach or naruto do better?

im asking all 3 of you

Um Naruto and Bleach have a better start? I'm guessing you're replying to lankey since I prefer One Piece over the other two.

one piece has more people,depth,enemy's,then naruto and bleach

they all have storys and good progression Naruto is friend turns bad Naruto fights him
May 26, 2013 11:31 PM

Jan 2013
pralan said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

Oh i see
I lol'd
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

May 26, 2013 11:33 PM

Apr 2009
el_putazo said:
pralan said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

Oh i see
I lol'd

im not biased?

its true

if bleach and naruto were better they would have sold more

May 26, 2013 11:39 PM

Jun 2012
Calumz said:
el_putazo said:
pralan said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

Oh i see
I lol'd

im not biased?

its true

if bleach and naruto were better they would have sold more


It's ironic because you said that "anyone who doesn't agree is biased beyond belief" after saying an extremely biased statement.
May 26, 2013 11:39 PM

Jan 2013
Calumz said:
el_putazo said:
pralan said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

Oh i see
I lol'd

im not biased?

its true

if bleach and naruto were better they would have sold more

I guess your right, but to tell you the truth I'm not a big fan of the "Big Three", that's just me though.

Sorry if I sounded rude.
CabronMay 27, 2013 12:09 AM
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

May 27, 2013 12:27 AM

Apr 2009
el_putazo said:
Calumz said:
el_putazo said:
pralan said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

Oh i see
I lol'd

im not biased?

its true

if bleach and naruto were better they would have sold more

I guess your right, but to tell you the truth I'm not a big fan of the "Big Three", that's just me though.

Sorry if I sounded rude.

people who say sales dont count

in japan there everything , one piece is seen as the best anime and manga there for bought the most
May 27, 2013 2:07 AM

Jan 2012
sales =/= quality
May 27, 2013 2:13 AM

Apr 2009
ReasonDesu said:
sales =/= quality

Bakemonogatari is anime of the century, dude.
May 27, 2013 2:14 AM

Aug 2012
But quality can be a catalyst of good sales. Depends if the audience will buy it or not, though.
May 27, 2013 2:17 AM

Jan 2012
Amarrez said:
ReasonDesu said:
sales =/= quality

Bakemonogatari is anime of the century, dude.

I'm guilty of being a massive SHAFT fanboi so I'll just side-step that one :P (although even I couldn't deal with Sasami, I mean seriously SHAFT, please send me whatever you guys are smoking)
ReasonDesuMay 27, 2013 2:29 AM
May 27, 2013 2:21 AM

Dec 2012
Amarrez said:
ReasonDesu said:
sales =/= quality

Bakemonogatari is anime of the century, dude.

May 27, 2013 2:43 AM

Jul 2010
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief

May 27, 2013 2:51 AM

Apr 2009
MEsoJD said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief



comeback when ur faves

sells 25% of wat one piece sells

May 27, 2013 3:00 AM

Sep 2012
Calumz said:
MEsoJD said:
Calumz said:
one piece is the best Shounen anyone who thinks otherwise is biased beyond belief



comeback when ur faves

sells 25% of wat one piece sells


sells mean quality?
May 27, 2013 3:18 AM
Jul 2010
I`m not sure it will be the greatest shounen ever but this Attack on Titan series is the fastest growing popularity anime series ever.

Right now in AoT Chinese Forum, there's already an estimated 110,000 members and is still growing in an alarming rate....before the anime started, it was only 3000 members. Shocking.

Crunchyroll AoT Facebook page has 60000+ Likes

MAL has close to 75000..... All this result in just 8 episodes....crazy.

Forgot to mention the OP has garner 4 million views on Youtube and its increasing at about 500k view per episode.
May 27, 2013 3:23 AM

Jan 2012
richardtengcy said:
I`m not sure it will be the greatest shounen ever but this Attack on Titan series is the fastest growing popularity anime series ever.

Right now in AoT Chinese Forum, there's already an estimated 110,000 members and is still growing in an alarming rate....before the anime started, it was only 3000 members. Shocking.

Crunchyroll AoT Facebook page has 60000+ Likes

MAL has close to 75000..... All this result in just 8 episodes....crazy.

Forgot to mention the OP has garner 4 million views on Youtube and its increasing at about 500k view per episode.

Welcome to the hype train, every season there is usually a show like this, it's not too surprising tbh.
May 27, 2013 3:35 AM
Nov 2011
ReasonDesu said:
richardtengcy said:
I`m not sure it will be the greatest shounen ever but this Attack on Titan series is the fastest growing popularity anime series ever.

Right now in AoT Chinese Forum, there's already an estimated 110,000 members and is still growing in an alarming rate....before the anime started, it was only 3000 members. Shocking.

Crunchyroll AoT Facebook page has 60000+ Likes

MAL has close to 75000..... All this result in just 8 episodes....crazy.

Forgot to mention the OP has garner 4 million views on Youtube and its increasing at about 500k view per episode.

Welcome to the hype train, every season there is usually a show like this, it's not too surprising tbh.

Every season, there's a series which manages to crack MAL Top 10 in just seven episodes ?
May 27, 2013 3:41 AM

Jan 2012
pming said:

Every season, there's a series which manages to crack MAL Top 10 in just seven episodes ?

No, every season there's a popular show everyone bandwagons, usually the shounen battle manga adaptation or a similar action show. Getting into MALs top list already is quite the ridiculous achievement, but just goes to show how popular this bandwagoning is on ranking sites. It's the way the masses work everywhere to be honest and nothing is wrong with it. People new to the medium won't be as harsh with their scores either.
ReasonDesuMay 27, 2013 3:46 AM
May 27, 2013 3:46 AM
Nov 2011
ReasonDesu said:
pming said:

Every season, there's a series which manages to crack MAL Top 10 in just seven episodes ?

No, every season there a popular show everyone bandwagons, usually the shounen battle manga adaptation or a similar action show. Getting into MALs top list already is quite the ridiculous achievement, but just goes to show how popular this bandwagoning is on ranking sites. It's the way the masses work everywhere to be honest and nothing is wrong with it. People new to the medium won't be as harsh with their scores either.

You're incorrectly comparing SnK's hype level to your run of the mill hyped anime.

Every season, every anime will be usually over-hyped (ADVERTISED) by its creators (and existing fans), but most would be lucky to actually even achieve the amount of hype they need to even get back production costs.

SnK's level of hype is RARE not commonplace.
May 27, 2013 3:49 AM

Jan 2011
I seem to remember SAO had similar level of hype.
It didn't help in the end, did it.
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