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Most physically painful experience you've gone through, pt. 2

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May 5, 2013 3:54 AM
May 2012
Wait no. Those weren't the worse. Sometimes I get cramps (not sure if something else) when I pull a muscle or something in my jaw, and sometimes my knees. It hurts a lot more than the stomach flu, but less drastic since it only lasts about a minute before I reposition them.
May 5, 2013 5:45 PM
Jul 2012
While doing a cool down for track practice i got the illest charlie horse and dropped to the ground crawling in pain. Man charlie horses are nothing to fuck around with for real.
May 5, 2013 6:02 PM

Jun 2008
I was lucky to not have any pain at all after i removed my wisdom teeths :']

But i once had to sew stitches in my toe without anaesthetic.
May 5, 2013 6:14 PM

Aug 2012
I have yet to experience some true agonizing pain, but I can remember one time..

Running around in the backyard at age six and getting stung on the eyelid by a wasp..
That was not fun at all.
May 6, 2013 4:18 PM

May 2012
well i would say getting hit by a train since that happened to me recently but...i don't remember the pain from that so i'll just go with it's a tie between getting a tube stuck into my @#$% (sorry trying to keep it clean) and having a tube pulled out of my head and then having stiches put in right after (nothing to null the pain either)
things found in life cannot be received, only enjoyed~

May 6, 2013 4:36 PM

Apr 2013
When I was gauging my ears by myself with a 14g taper. Ooouuch >_<. It took 3 days to get it in ._.
For the 1st time too.
May 6, 2013 4:56 PM

Nov 2011
Most painful physical injury: Sprained Ankle from falling down the stairs. (I'm not much of a Sports person)

Most painful illness: Appendicitis, I'm glad I sought Medical attention because if I didn't...... I die.
May 6, 2013 4:59 PM

Sep 2012
Being stabbed.
May 6, 2013 5:00 PM
May 2013
a viral infection I suffered 4 months ago, I could barely move for 2 weeks, the doctor just told me to rest.

I get crippling pains in my left big toe due to botched surgery, it's getting sorted with more surgery next month (yay?)
May 6, 2013 5:02 PM

Jun 2012
Capricious_Smile said:
Being stabbed by a black guy

I simply had to.
May 6, 2013 5:53 PM

Dec 2012
This is nothing compared to everything else in here, but... Having the door slammed on my fingers.

Yup, that's it. But it hurt!

May 6, 2013 7:40 PM

Dec 2011
Over the years I have learned to tolerate pain, and from that I can't say something like breaking a bone or having to get stitches would the most painful thing I've ever experience, rather:

It's a pretty funny story.

For me, it all started in the First Grade. In my school, when a student was bad, they would give you a 'pink slip', which simply stated what misbehavior the student did, and whatnot. In Grade 1, we took that sh!t pretty seriously.

I was such an unruly kid, that by the time I was in Grade 2, I had accumulated just over 50 of these 'pink slips', whereas most kids would not even have one.. For whatever reason, the school did not decide to call my parents until one day.... oh that dreaded day they called my dad and made me give him all the pinkslips I collected.

My dad was so furious that he made me go on his lap, pull down my pants, exposing my soft, round, baby's bottom. He then told me that I was going to get one (bare neked ass) slap for every single pink slip I had, and if I touched my butt out of pain, he would restart the count.
It was a long night.

May 6, 2013 7:43 PM

Feb 2012
DarChronicle said:

For me, it all started in the First Grade. In my school, when a student was bad, they would give you a 'pink slip', which simply stated what misbehavior the student did, and whatnot. In Grade 1, we took that sh!t pretty seriously.

I hated those pinkslips. Only got one. I was scared shitless what my parents would think.
May 6, 2013 9:53 PM

Jan 2011
Dropped a barbell on my toe, doing OHP, well not really dropped on, the bumper bounced higher than I thought they would and yeah. :(

Well I guess it's really the bumper that hit my toe.

Hate lifting with shoes though gah.
May 7, 2013 9:46 PM

Feb 2013
TheRealEK said:
There were a lot of painful experiences, but one still stands out for me to this day; I put bengay on my dick when I was a kid.

That reminds me of the Icy/Hot prank everyone played on each other when I was in basic. Made you check your shorts a lot.

I just recalled another from when I was four.

It involved my finger and a stapler. Remember....I was FOUR.
May 7, 2013 10:16 PM

Dec 2008
Fell off my bike and face-planted into the sidewalk. One of my teeth broke, damaging and exposing the nerve inside. The nerve pain was the absolute worst. The next day, fortunately, I was able to find a dental clinic that was open and took emergency cases, and they performed a root canal right away. After that, the pain was just a dull pain in the region of my face that hit the ground, which hurt enough to prevent me from eating properly for a week but it was a cakewalk compared to that nerve pain.

To make matters worse, I caught what was likely H1N1 at the same time. It was a pretty miserable experience.
May 8, 2013 7:58 PM
Apr 2010
Long time ago, I was a little kid in summer camp and one day after swimming, I was being an idiot and decided to start spinning around with a towel over my head. Next thing I know, I fall down and felt a very sharp pain where my eye is. Turns out I fell on the edge/corner of a wooden table, where my eyebrow is. Split it wide open and the cut was pretty deep. Went to the doctor and had to get stitches. Funny thing is I almost literally poked my eye out and the only evidence of that is a small scar and a bit of missing eyebrow hair.

NiN10d0hMay 8, 2013 8:01 PM
May 8, 2013 8:02 PM

Aug 2011
NiN10d0h said:
I fall down and felt a very sharp pain where my eye is. Turns out I fell on the edge of a wooden table, where my eyebrow is. Split it wide open. Went to the doctor and had to get stitches. Funny thing is I almost literally poked my eye out and the only evidence of that is a small scar and a bit of missing eyebrow hair.

Reminds me of when I was 8 and busted my eyebrow open to the orange meat on the frame of a bed.

Good times, good times.

May 8, 2013 8:05 PM

Jun 2012
Med school.
May 8, 2013 8:09 PM
Apr 2013
Way back, i licked a knife and got cut. =/
May 8, 2013 8:13 PM

Dec 2007
Bone tumor.
May 8, 2013 8:33 PM

Nov 2012
Horseback riding involving falling off ponies (mostly refusing to jump or bolting) and landing on my arm.
May 9, 2013 5:28 AM
Jul 2018
Had an ovarian cyst rupture on me. I thought it was a bad stomachache or something of the sorts at first so I waited it out. Finally got to the point I couldn't walk, went in to the ER, doctor pushed on my stomach and the pain exploded. I passed out, don't remember a thing afterwards. The pain was easily 10/10

Back pain 10/10

Use to work at a horse stables, training horses and teaching younger kids to ride. I've been bit, stomped on, kicked and have done many stupid things while riding my own horses. Being bit was probably the worst, a stud bit me right on the butt and lifted me in the air and tossed me like I was nothing. Still have the scar, he took a chunk out of me 7/10

Childbirth 5/10
May 9, 2013 8:05 AM
Jul 2018
Chronic back pain
May 9, 2013 8:32 AM

Nov 2012
When i read this thread, i remember how lucky I am in live.
May 9, 2013 9:18 AM

Aug 2012
Last year I was minding my business, peeing n shit when suddenly I zip it up real quick and BAM, ZIPPER RIPPED MY D*CK FRENULUM OR WHATEVER THAT PIECE OF SKIN IS CALLED IN ENGRISH, later on I went to emergencies and was circumsized.
May 9, 2013 9:26 AM

Oct 2010
I was once kicked in the groin by a football (soccer ball). It hurt like Hell.
May 12, 2013 3:38 AM

Oct 2012
Went ass over elbow on my bike when i was about 7. Slid down the mountain n ripped a bunch of skin of my back.
May 12, 2013 5:23 AM
Feb 2012
Fell down from a high place with my chin hitting the ground. Ended up with my skin ripped around my chin. Got 12 stiches and that's it.
May 12, 2013 6:07 AM

Jun 2011
Jumped off the balcony when I was 4. It's amazing that I didn't become retardededed.
May 12, 2013 1:12 PM

Jun 2009
I broke my right arm once in school, although it was more of the thought that I broke it which created the "pain". The actual feeling itself was more of just a sharp numbness.

The most painful is probably a toothache though. I broke one of my teeth quite a while ago, by chewing on random things because I'm an idiot. Because I was lazy, I didn't go to the dentist to get it fixed, so the break got worse until the tooth had to be removed. Then it started to hurt and holy fuck it hurt bad. It had me awake for days and running to shops during the night, I also tried to take it out a couple of times myself because my dentist appointment was being too slow.

I know initial toothaches aren't that bad, but leave it for months and see how it gets.
May 12, 2013 1:18 PM

Nov 2012
I got hit by a car when I was crossing the street in elementary school. (By a pizza man, no less.)
I got dragged a few feet and tore open my knee and elbow. It was excruciating.
May 12, 2013 1:21 PM

Apr 2012
A while back when I was a cadet at the military academy, we had a training drill a good distance away and were going to go there by helicopter.

Unfortunately for my squad and me, our leadership didn't know what the fuck they were doing, so as we approached the Chinook from behind to board, we literally ended up in the direct path of the helicopter's exhaust.

Needless to say, those five or so seconds were the most burning, hot, painful seconds I've ever experienced.
AndyRayyMay 12, 2013 1:24 PM

May 12, 2013 1:40 PM
Jan 2013
Probably when I had dengue, I was admitted to the hospital and shit happens. So to make things short I had to be on IV fluids, then a problem comes up, these nurse students show up and the doctor said they should do the needle insertion and these damn students had trouble because somehow my veins aren't very visible so they tried like 7 times, (7th time was the successful one) can you imagine the pain I had to go through? LMAO, 7 damn needles poked to my hands. It was funny though because when I got up there was a human figure on the bed sheet (my perspiration marked it, lol!) And my fever magically disappeared.
May 12, 2013 3:10 PM

May 2013
Got hit by a car on my bike ;_; .. Needless to say but it hurt like a mofo. =_=
May 12, 2013 3:39 PM

May 2013
Permanent head trauma.
"I hate all of you." - Squidward
May 12, 2013 3:43 PM

Sep 2012
I stubbed my toe on my bed once. Seriously, you guys are some unlucky bastards.
May 12, 2013 3:45 PM
Apr 2010
Narutodad said:
I stubbed my toe on my bed once. Seriously, you guys are some unlucky bastards.

You haven't lived until you've experienced extreme pain.
May 12, 2013 3:47 PM

Apr 2012
i took an arrow to the knee it was excruciating......

May 12, 2013 4:25 PM

Jan 2011
I guess when I performed some emergency medical procedures on my own toe, without proper tools, or anasthetics. It was fairly painful, and afterwards my hands could not stop shaking for a good 10 minutes. Everything was covered in blood though. Imagine pulling open an infected wound by using your thumb and middle finger to pull apart the wound from both sides with one hand, jamming a piece of metal into the wound from one side, and bending it upwards, holding it in place with your index finger. That's what I had to do to even get at the problem. After that is when the scissors enter the picture.
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May 12, 2013 10:24 PM

Aug 2012
Cigarette said:
Ntad said:
apatch3 said:
I get sleep paralysis sometimes, it's unpleasant but it isn't painful in a physical sense, you just get really anxious "I'm conscious but I can't move my body"

I almost want to experience this now.
I wouldn't, unless you consider yourself to be a strong minded person and impervious to hallucinations/paranoia in general. A lot of stories that revolve around sleep paralysis almost always, have to do with seeing shadows, scary figures, etc. I've encountered them myself, but I shrug it off. The mind runs rampant because as apatch said, you feel anxious because it's all "hey, what the fuck, I'm awake but I can't move." Eyes can be closed or open as well, it's pretty trippy

Holy shit, you just fucking reminded me of the first time I had sleep paralysis. Yeah it's true, you see all sort of crazy hallucinations when you wake up during REM sleep. My first time was when I woke up with FUCKING SADAKO IN FRONT OF MY FACE, AND SHE WAS SPITTING BLOOD INTO MY EYES. Not a particularly good experience especially when you can't even move a finger.

On topic:
When I was a kid I remember getting hit by a makeshift swing (just a wooden plank tied to a branch of a ten meter or so high tree) and it hit me square in the forehead. Left a wound that required a couple of stitches and I still have the scar (which also made me the laughingstock of my cousins who call me Hiei because I look like I have a third eye) until today.
What do you think? The meaning of our existence. Why do we continue to live?
~Iris Rain Umbrella, my favorite robot
May 12, 2013 10:30 PM

Mar 2012
I was in the swimming pool when suddenly I stepped on something sharp
Apparently someone left a knife or something in the water
May 13, 2013 12:33 AM

Sep 2012
I shattered both my ulna and radius when I bailed off of my skateboard.
It would've been avoided if I didn't bail but instead, trucked the little kid on his scooter.
I'm a hero.
MrHugglesFeb 14, 2021 10:14 AM
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
May 14, 2013 5:11 AM

Apr 2013
The only thing that has caused me serious pain was when my brother pushed me and I hit my head on the corner of a desk and I had to get stitches. I was young though so I do not remember the pain at all.
May 14, 2013 6:14 AM

Dec 2011
Amadyeus said:
Chronic back pain

There's nothing quite like waking up each morning for a nice fresh day of chronic pain, everyday for the rest of your life. It's the long grind, knowing you'll never have another day free of pain ever again that will really fuck with a persons mind and soul.
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May 17, 2013 2:23 PM

Jul 2010
Birthing my two kids , especially the girl , I love her and she is gorgeous but her head is just alien-ish , the bad part are mostly the contractions popping them out was relatively easy , although i wouldn't have if i'd had know feeding them involved blood and excruciating pain .

Babies are lethal
May 17, 2013 8:48 PM

May 2012
babymama said:
Birthing my two kids , especially the girl , I love her and she is gorgeous but her head is just alien-ish

Babies are lethal

LMAO. Have you told her?
May 17, 2013 11:06 PM

Apr 2012
I fell down from stairs and got my head banged to the floor and got a chronic head injury, the pain was excruciating.

。◕‿◕。 Fun In Life is what Matters! The More the Fun the better your Life Becomes!! 。◕‿◕。

May 18, 2013 2:19 AM

Feb 2012
either otitis or the car crash I had...
"Efficiency is not king, efficacy is."

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May 18, 2013 2:38 AM

Dec 2012
shattered my right ankle.
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