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What is the worth of Angel Beats!?
It is made of excellence, and deserves to be added to our Enlightenment list.
It is neither good or bad enough to be mentioned in either of our lists.
Its flaws are ignored for all the hype it has, and it deserves to be added to the Relations list.
24 votes
Mar 13, 2013 4:34 AM

Oct 2012
Due to strong opinions and demands, here's the Angel Beats! poll!
Now is your chance to praise it to the heaven of Enlightenment, or to rant it down to Relations hell.

If you haven't seen the series yet, use the reviews and opinions expressed here or elsewhere to help decide whether to watch it or not, NOT to decide your vote.

This poll will last for four days, so you better hurry up and drop your opinions.

Anyone misbehaving will be sent to a high school in purgatory. How invigorating. . . .
Ducat_RevelMar 15, 2013 8:44 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Mar 13, 2013 4:47 AM

Sep 2012
Option 3
Angel beats is nothing more than a clusterfuck with very bad writing clearly showing inexperience of Jun kun in tv script writing department.Story is rushed,characters are generic and have no depth except main male lead.This show could have been better if it was 24 or 26 ep long but it was not and its hype is immense.Based on similar theme HAIBANE RENMEI which is light years better than this rated far much lower.
Mar 13, 2013 4:52 AM

Apr 2009
2_Steps_Ahead said:
This show could have been better if it was 24 or 26 ep long but it was not and its hype is immense.

Unrelated, but I heard it was supposed to 2-cour in the initial planning phase.
I won't vote since I haven't watched it yet, btw.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Mar 13, 2013 5:00 AM

Jan 2013
It has big flaws with the main plot but some good moments and good ost.
mhhh 2 or 3...
Mar 13, 2013 5:06 AM
Sep 2012
Due to me previous comments there may be confusion to what i believe let me clear that up. . Angel Beats is defiantly overrated/over-Hyped and it dose have a fair few flaws + a rushed ending. it did have It's moments. It's Comedy i did find to be somewhat hilarious at times. and the series has enough holes for me to shoot hoops all day or something like that (whack a mole). for example: how there all "young" people that have regrets in life. why? only young people can? and to pass on they have to either finish school or accept death or something about "getting it right". . wtf it might just be me but if i was sent to a school after dying i would be pretty pissed. then there's the whole fiasco with "How in hell did they make guns?" lasers, trap doors, underground guild. hologram board.. thingy. and wtf was with that huge ass fish? and "Angel" has magic powers because of a computer program. . uhh huh.. ok cool. some of the good things about the show is "Angels Magic Powers" Concerts, Music, Animation and an Interesting Plot well that's about all i can remember. all round i believe with all my generosity 8(or something)/10 because it made me laugh my ass off a fair few times it was a very fun show.

and so i voted for
It is neither good or bad enough to be mentioned in either of our lists.
Mar 13, 2013 5:23 AM

Jun 2012

As much as I'm a fan of the series I can't ignore it has so many flaws it's hard to point them all.
Mar 13, 2013 5:46 AM

Aug 2009
Its flaws are ignored for all the hype it has, and it deserves to be added to the Relations list. (your vote)

I agree that the anime might have been better had it been a 2-cour series (and it was supposed to be). But that's irrelevant now.
The story, or what passes for it, is full of interesting elements, but their incorporation comes off as haphazard and inconsistent. In the character department, lack of creativity is obvious (why hello there, Stereotypes) and most characters are generic. Pacing is very rushed. With a cast like Angel Beats', the anime would definitely need to be longer. But, alas, it isn't. So, what we got are things happening at speed that doesn't allow for the plot to unfold naturally. That's partially the reason why I couldn't care for most developments.

Overall, I actually liked Angel Beats to some degree (gave it a 6, although if I were to be more objective, I should decrease that by 1 point). However, the amount of popularity and praise hype it has garnered are in contrast with show's quality and that makes it a perfect candidate for our relations list.
So, I vote for the third option.
metamorphiusMar 13, 2013 6:08 AM
Mar 13, 2013 6:02 AM

Sep 2011
Its flaws are ignored for all the hype it has, and it deserves to be added to the Relations list. (your vote)
2_Steps_Ahead said:
Option 3
Angel beats is nothing more than a clusterfuck with very bad writing clearly showing inexperience of Jun kun in tv script writing department.Story is rushed,characters are generic and have no depth except main male lead.This show could have been better if it was 24 or 26 ep long but it was not and its hype is immense.Based on similar theme HAIBANE RENMEI which is light years better than this rated far much lower.
This is mostly what I planned to say.
Mar 13, 2013 6:06 AM

Oct 2012
Let me open this with by saying Angel Beats! did not move me in any way. Neither as an unbiased, formalist critic, nor as a biased subjective watcher. It looked flat to me. It is the epitome of a show with a concept but still ends up mediocre. How? Let's start by asking my favorite question with most anime:

Why high school?

Now, I don't mean to imply that I have a bias against this certain setting. I just like to ask this question to see if there's a point to setting the anime in high school. The best way to see this is to get down to the heart and cause of the anime and try to find an organic link between the point of the anime and it's setting. Angel Beats!, at its most basic, is about a group of individuals who have regrets within their hearts which hinder them from crossing over. Now, what does high school have to do with that? Nothing. The setting does nothing for the story. It's just an attraction for the majority of anime watchers who are in high school. It's a marketing technique, not an artistic move. -1 point for setting.

Now let's move on to plot. Angel Beats is an unfocused anime. It panders. It averts it's direction from finding closure and moving on to the next life (which isn't really a novel concept) to indulging in side quests about going against god (which could've been far more interesting if handled maturely). Unfortunately, the show gives 50% of its attention to both story lines and thus cuts the quality of each story line by 50%. The epiphanies which lead to closure were so rushed and sloppy that the realizations the characters experience are actually laughable. If the show was longer (and if it had another director) it could've probably fixed the pacing problems as well as the story line focus; the transition could've been smoother and the atmosphere could've been less, well, "kiddy". But the point is that the show only had 13 episodes, so discussing the "ifs" and "maybes" are pointless. -1 for unclear focus and muddy execution

As for the characters, they're not very memorable nor should they be. They're very generic. The kind of generic that the latest trend of anime made. It's hard to distinguish them from the collective mass of other unremarkable characters in anime. They're made from existing archetypal molds. Yuri is taken from Haruhi, Otonashi from Kyon. Plus, they start of bland and finish slightly less bland than they started as. There's nothing distinct, making them lose in comparison to their forefathers (the SOS Brigade). -1 for generic characters

My last point will be the most important, the development. Yes, the progression of the story (mainly the later half). Many things don't add up. Why are the back stories of each character so melodramatic? How did Kanade get Otonashi's organs when she was in purgatory first? What did the rest of the supporting cast have to resolve and why did they just cross over in the end? How did the romance bloom when it was messy and rushed? Why did Matsushita become a dues ex machina tool? Why were character relations left undeveloped? And why did Otonashi do what he did at the ending? -1 for the ending, the road to the ending, the over all character dynamics, the plot twists, and for Otonashi (cause I've never liked him; the one-dimensional-360-degree-turning-dandere-loving-git).

Wait, with all this negativity, does it mean I hate Angel Beats!? No. In fact, that's what irritates me. It's so average that I can't muster up any hatred for it. Now you're asking, well, if it's not garbage why does it deserve to be on our relations list? It's because the list is a collection of anime which are considered "great" by the ordinary anime watcher, but really isn't anywhere near that. Angel Beats! is painfully average and loved by the masses, thus our Relations list is the only justifiable place to put it in. Option 3 for me folks.
Mar 13, 2013 6:35 AM

Mar 2012
'It is neither good or bad enough to be mentioned in either of our lists. (your vote)'

I admit it had some nice moments, but the storyline was far too contrived and underdone. Instead of doing something big with the premise, they end up using it to carry out a generic VN scenario.

Also I must mention that the dub is GODAWFUL. Although it works in the comedy scenes because the akward voice acting and translation choices unitentionally makes the jokes 10 times funnier.
Mar 13, 2013 10:42 AM

Sep 2012
It started off pretty funny, and I liked the action. But it never got around to anything. But it ended like Tegami Bachi (my posterchild anime for endings that make no sense and barely answer anything). The only reason I finished it was for the action scenes, and for action alone to make me rate something highly, it would have to be something like Hellsing Ultimate or a super robot show. Not this.

For me it falls into the category of shows like Canaan or Xam'd, which start out strong and end weak due to too much talking that never amounts to anything and the derailing of the plot.

Option 3.
Mar 13, 2013 12:02 PM

Nov 2011
Option 3.

I actually really enjoyed it and even cried during the pink haired band member's episode. But with that said it felt like it was cut very short- It's like, at episode 11, they thought it was going to get 26 episodes total and found out after that episode that they had to wrap it up in two episodes. I also found it odd that the main character girl (the one who looks like Haruhi) never had her backstory resolved so she could move forward- SHE WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER. Why would you not resolve her story above the pink haired band girl's story?
Mar 13, 2013 10:08 PM

Sep 2012
And who voted Angel beats for our enlightenment list without giving reasons.BLOODHUNT and It will cause them searching for their souls for eternity.

Mr. Shinrui you should be clear option 2 or OPTION 3.Only vote with comments going to counted so please be clear.
Mar 13, 2013 10:36 PM

Oct 2012
2 people believe Angel Beats! is that good of an anime. Interesting. I'd love to hear some fanboy defense.
Mar 13, 2013 11:03 PM

Sep 2012
Ducat_Revel said:
2 people believe Angel Beats! is that good of an anime. Interesting. I'd love to hear some fanboy defense.

Fans Defense-It made me cry,it has cool op so its awesome
Mar 13, 2013 11:39 PM
Mar 13, 2013 11:47 PM

Dec 2012
Option 2:

From what I've seen of Angel Beats, it's good, but it's clear that it's rushed. It's drama, while effective, is kind of forced at times and it's OP, while great, doesn't save it.

And if people were to vote for it going on Enlightenment due to making them cry, then Clannad: After Story (LOL NANOMACHINES) would be there too, granted I didn't cry at that, but still.

It's a good anime, but I believe it's in Limbo regarding the lists.
Mar 15, 2013 7:25 PM

Oct 2012
7 votes for Relations and 3 for unremarkable. With this, I close this poll and send the Afterlife Battlefront to a new plain of existence: hell.
Mar 15, 2013 8:39 PM

Jan 2013
You forgot to close the click poll on the OP.
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Mar 15, 2013 8:44 PM

Oct 2012
Mar 16, 2013 1:01 AM

May 2012
A little late here but I absolutely adore Angel Beats, it's one of my favourites.

It's also overrated and flawed as hell. +1 Relations, I'm an idiot for liking it.
Mar 16, 2013 2:18 AM

Mar 2012
Actually now that I think about it, you can change my option 2 to an option 3. Not that it matters anymore since it already got voted as overhyped
Mar 28, 2013 6:17 PM

Dec 2011
i don't think angel beats is overrated, because most fans I find will admit it wasn't perfect. i'm not gonna lie, Angel Beats affected me emotionally. with that said, it's a deeply flawed series that could have majorly benefitted from another half-season. but it still blends comedy, horror, action, drama, and slice of life in a way that's groundbreaking in a way. juggling different tones, and even genres is incredibly difficult, and Angel Beats pulls it off. it's full of plot holes, yes. but it's still an immensely enjoyable anime, and can anyone argue that it just looks damn gorgeous? there's plenty to pick apart. it will never go down in history as a prime example of well-executed anime. but it does leave a lasting impact, and it packs so many memorable moments, both emotional and hilarious. those things have a lot of merit on their own.
Ooo, what a lovely tea party.
Mar 28, 2013 6:19 PM

Feb 2012
+1 to option 3, I felt like I should put in my input even though voting has been completed.
Mar 28, 2013 8:22 PM

Oct 2012
Mar 28, 2013 8:27 PM

Dec 2011
Ducat_Revel said:
I don't understand how Angel Beats! managed to actually tug some heart strings. It eludes me.

Ooo, what a lovely tea party.
Mar 28, 2013 8:31 PM

Jun 2012

I have the ability of ignoring anything as long as I'm enjoying the series, for now. It's different when rating though..

I hope I don't lose it by becoming overly critical >:
Mar 28, 2013 8:41 PM

Oct 2012

Call me inhumane, but that's not good enough for me. For something tragic to have genuine impact, it should be firmly grounded and properly built up to. The tragic event itself is irrelevant. It's the character in it and how the character reached that point. And the Angel Beats! characters really didn't hit anywhere close to well paced or well built. So by the time it happened, I was not invested enough to actually feel anything.
Ducat_RevelMar 28, 2013 8:53 PM
Mar 28, 2013 8:44 PM

Nov 2011
I definitely cried during Angel Beats! but I cry during all sorts of stuff. I am a woman, after all. In fact I still cry every single time I watch episode 95 of Fairy Tail and I have watched it 4 times now. I also cried plenty of times during Clannad and I gripe about the series ALL the time.

Anyway it's still possible to cry over something without necessarily believing the context it's in. Elliciting that sort of emotion on the spot isn't all that hard- Making it believable is.
Mar 28, 2013 8:46 PM

Oct 2012
I guess we can just chalk it off as me being emotionally barren then. The wicked wastelands of analysis and critical theories have drained me and deprived my soul of any emotion.
Mar 28, 2013 8:50 PM

Dec 2011
i can totally see where you're coming from, and i agree. but i think in this case, presenting these things as reveals instead of building them up was a better way to go. take Yui for example. for half the show you see her as a typical happy-go-lucky air-head otaku girl, the little sister archetype. but when you find out how she ended up in Purgatory, suddenly the things that you took for granted as everyday mundane things like her running around and playing guitar are now framed as her essentially living out her dreams that were taken away from her unfairly in real life. it's touching. that's the beauty of angel beats to me. giving a group of people unfairly fucked over by life in various ways a second chance explore things that were taken away from them. I think most people can relate to that in some way.
Ooo, what a lovely tea party.
Mar 28, 2013 8:52 PM

Aug 2009
I cried during Angel Beats, but that's because I was peeling an apple while watching it, which means I wasn't looking at the apple. Thus, the knife somehow slipped and I nearly cut off a half of my thumb. Now I've got a scar for life. I'm not even making this up.

Other than this occasion, no, AB didn't make me cry, maybe because I didn't care for the characters.
Ducat_Revel said:
we can just chalk it off as me being emotionally barren then. The wicked wastelands of analysis and critical theories have drained me and deprived my soul of any emotion.
Mar 28, 2013 8:54 PM

Dec 2011
mwahaha if you didn't cry then you deserve to be scarred for life. :P
Ooo, what a lovely tea party.
Mar 28, 2013 8:56 PM

Aug 2009
Eckilsax said:
mwahaha if you didn't cry then you deserve to be scarred for life. :P

I wear my scars proudly. As said earlier, I must be a broken human.
Mar 28, 2013 8:58 PM

Nov 2011
metamorphius said:
I cried during Angel Beats, but that's because I was peeling an apple while watching it, which means I wasn't looking at the apple. Thus, the knife somehow slipped and I nearly cut off a half of my thumb. Now I've got a scar for life. I'm not even making this up.

Other than this occasion, no, AB didn't make me cry, maybe because I didn't care for the characters.
Ducat_Revel said:
we can just chalk it off as me being emotionally barren then. The wicked wastelands of analysis and critical theories have drained me and deprived my soul of any emotion.

Wait are you serious Meta? I mean I'm sorry for your pain, but that is HILARIOUS.
Mar 28, 2013 8:58 PM

Dec 2011
lol that's the only way to wear them.
Ooo, what a lovely tea party.
Mar 28, 2013 9:01 PM

Oct 2012
Pass me the apple, meta! If Eckilsax demands scarring, then there will be some scarring. (seriously though, half a thumb?! That's insane!)
Mar 28, 2013 9:02 PM

Sep 2012
Ow. Only true uber-elitists have physical battle scars from anime.

I did like the "second chance after getting fucked over" thing, particularly because it kind of justified the high school setting. Still, I didn't cry. I actually thought Digimon Tamers was sadder in some respects, since I was much more invested in the characters.
Mar 28, 2013 9:04 PM

Dec 2011
how many people can say they were PHYSICALLY scarred by Angel Beats? You are hardcore my friend.
Ooo, what a lovely tea party.
Mar 28, 2013 9:07 PM

Aug 2009
Amberleh said:

Wait are you serious Meta? I mean I'm sorry for your pain, but that is HILARIOUS.

Yeah, it's true. I know it's hilarious, that's why I shared it.
Well, I may have hyperbolized my reaction there. I'm not even sure if I cried during AB anymore, I mean, I didn't feel the pain immediately, but there was a lot of blood.

On the bright side, now I love giving fingerprints.

Ducat_Revel said:
seriously though, half a thumb?! That's insane!

Well, the damn knife was just bought and thus very sharp and the damn apple unyielding.

OK, I shall stop derailing the thread now.
Mar 28, 2013 9:21 PM

Dec 2011
no please, your personal bloodshed is far more interesting than talking about an old show. how much blood was there exactly? did you ruin any favorite clothes with splashing? did the cut heal right away or was it one of those annoying cuts where bending your finger prevents it from healing for a loooong time? you gotta love those. :D
Ooo, what a lovely tea party.
Mar 28, 2013 9:26 PM

Aug 2009
Your avatar suits you.
Mar 28, 2013 9:30 PM

Oct 2012
Eckilsax said:
no please, your personal bloodshed is far more interesting than talking about an old show. how much blood was there exactly? did you ruin any favorite clothes with splashing? did the cut heal right away or was it one of those annoying cuts where bending your finger prevents it from healing for a loooong time? you gotta love those. :D

I like this guy.
Mar 29, 2013 3:11 AM

Sep 2010
2_Steps_Ahead said:
Option 3
Angel beats is nothing more than a clusterfuck with very bad writing clearly showing inexperience of Jun kun in tv script writing department.Story is rushed,characters are generic and have no depth except main male lead.This show could have been better if it was 24 or 26 ep long but it was not and its hype is immense.Based on similar theme HAIBANE RENMEI which is light years better than this rated far much lower.

it was entertaining to watch.
Mar 29, 2013 8:26 AM

Sep 2012
Callibretto said:
2_Steps_Ahead said:
Option 3
Angel beats is nothing more than a clusterfuck with very bad writing clearly showing inexperience of Jun kun in tv script writing department.Story is rushed,characters are generic and have no depth except main male lead.This show could have been better if it was 24 or 26 ep long but it was not and its hype is immense.Based on similar theme HAIBANE RENMEI which is light years better than this rated far much lower.

it was entertaining to watch.

I even like To love ru for its beautiful girls but that doesn't mean its a quality show same goes for angel beats I like music and some jokes I enjoyed it but it was not a quality series.
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