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Helpless Asian kid gets beat up by 7 Kids, spread this around. This is going viral

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Jan 18, 2012 9:33 AM
Jul 2018
Their names are already known, they're fucked for what they've done
Otaku-Ninja8 said:
Seeing crap like this makes you wonder how the parents are raising their kids...seriously.

Yesterday I came home from college, and an old war vet was passing by the bus stop. His mind is completely messed up, and only thanks to some locals he has been able to survive. My surprise when I see a frickin 14 year old going after him, and throwing his cap to the middle of the street. Then she and all the other kids laughed like fucking maniacs while the old man ran into the middle of the street to get the hat. If a bus was passing by he'd be toast. I couldn't hold back, and dragged the brat to apologize the old man, when her fuckin MOTHER who was nearby, and saw it all, comes defending her. WTF some people should be castrated for their stupidity
removed-userJan 18, 2012 9:38 AM
Jan 18, 2012 10:31 AM

Jul 2011
MadScientist said:
pics plz, with sign saying evaporations uncle.

i never said the world revolves around my vision. Your putting words in my mouth little dude. This is about children around your age and little fights like this happen all the time.


I can so picture a bunch of these people who complain about those kids needing to be locked away, have gotten their ass kicked or scared the sht out of and just too pussy to do anything except cry about how people should be thrown in jail out of spite from their own experiences.

People making big deals about being jumped. Suk it Up Pussies. Grow some balls and man up.

I actually do agree to some extent that these are kids and jail is not the answer. We send far to many young people to jail where they learn to be real criminals. That's not to say they don't deserve punishment because they do. They did not seem to me that they were actually intent on doing major bodily harm to that kid, I support this by the fact there is not much blood, he can stand reasonably well at the end, and a lot of their kicks seemed to lack force behind them.

That being said, this is an issue because quite frankly it doesn't take much to seriously hurt someone. While they may not have the intention of crippling him, causing brain damage, puncturing a lung, or at the worst killing him, it doesn't change the fact that any of these and more could have happened regardless of intent. In the end they need to take responsibility for their actions and face the reprecussions of such. Jail might not be what I would prefer as punishment, but I leave that to the parents. I can't find fault with the parents for pressing charges. And even if the law had not been involved, actions such as these deserve some form of punishment otherwise there is no deterent and turning a blind eye sends the message that this behavior is ok, which it is far from acceptable.

Jan 18, 2012 12:41 PM

Sep 2011
Evaporation said:

comes to show how more mature you are compared to the 'little dude', when focusing the majority of your post trying to insult him..

actually i didnt insult you at all. i put "----------" which should have been obvious that i drifted away from responding to you and clearly stated a group of people in the first following line. I chose my words carefully. If you fall under that category that i listed, then i guess you were one of them i insulted. If you were to feel as if i were pointing fingers at you, then there'd have to have been some truth behind what i said that applies to you whether it being a cryin pussy or secretly wanting them to get locked up out of spite.

or you can just be dumb and cant read properly. now that was an insult.

Evaporation said:
Honestly, you can't expect someone to fight 7 people alone. It could be possible if you dedicate your life to weight lifting.. It could be possible if you train like hell every day.. However, kids getting regularly bullied often don't have the resolve to do so.

-I never said for him to fight alone.
-Weight lifting doesnt mean he'll know how to fight.
-I said in my previous post "But this asian kid, if it was a continuous thing and cant learn to fight, has the right to snitch."

so i guess its just you're dumb and cant read properly. yes again that was another insult if you didnt understand.
NEETs (No Employment Education Training) are the least desirable people anybody would want to hire and yet they are the first choice to become moderators/admins around the internet. They have yet to have established a sense of responsibility or role in society and many are plain leeches (with minor exceptions). They are given "authority" to police sections of the internet with the powers of The Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Isn't that weird?
-Migrating to another site-
Update 11/9/2016 - Inactive Over a Year. Logged in to laugh at elections.
Jan 18, 2012 5:32 PM

Oct 2007
Follow up to the story if it wasn't already linked for anyone interested in it.

Jan 18, 2012 5:38 PM

Jun 2011
Ugh... I was pissed off and still cried while watching the video...
What humane person does shit like this!?
Completely fucked up... Ugh...
Fucking wusses... Really? 1 VS 7? Seriously?
Cause that makes you a real man -.-''

Hmm... "Full" story
narut0rulzJan 18, 2012 6:12 PM
Jan 18, 2012 5:48 PM

Mar 2008
Apparently it was retaliation ("gang" altercation). They should all be purged from society.

I'd just get a gun. A revolver. I'd master trick shots. It would be fun.
Jan 18, 2012 5:48 PM

May 2008
Josh001 said:
Follow up to the story if it wasn't already linked for anyone interested in it.


And there we go it turns out the kid who got beat up was just as big a knob if not bigger than those who beat him up
Jan 18, 2012 5:50 PM

Mar 2008
Nabi123 said:
Josh001 said:
Follow up to the story if it wasn't already linked for anyone interested in it.


And there we go it turns out the kid who got beat up was just as big a knob if not bigger than those who beat him up

Yes they are the shining future of America!
Jan 18, 2012 6:39 PM

Jul 2011
MadScientist said:
actually i didnt insult you at all. i put "----------" which should have been obvious that i drifted away from responding to you and clearly stated a group of people in the first following line. I chose my words carefully. If you fall under that category that i listed, then i guess you were one of them i insulted. If you were to feel as if i were pointing fingers at you, then there'd have to have been some truth behind what i said that applies to you whether it being a cryin pussy or secretly wanting them to get locked up out of spite.
or you can just be dumb and cant read properly. now that was an insult.

Pardon me but it seemed indeed as if you were pointing directly at me along with some others, despite that little "----------". Get your shit straight please.
And I said 'Trying to insult', hence meaning you were not successful. It seems you're the one who can't read properly.

MadScientist said:
-I never said for him to fight alone.
-Weight lifting doesnt mean he'll know how to fight.
-I said in my previous post "But this asian kid, if it was a continuous thing and cant learn to fight, has the right to snitch."

-You never stated otherwise... Most bullied kids don't have many friends, especially ones who are ready to stand up for them.. Common sense in most cases.
-You might want to get at least a bit muscular if you're going to take on 7 guys.. Not that it matters anyway, just said it to get my point out; kids getting bullied often don't have the resolve to bother working out/train, as it happens to make no difference in many cases. (MANY, not all)
-Funny how this sentence doesn't sync with your latter argument at all. Sure I missed that in the midst of your text oblivion, was more focusing on your argument with 'Defiance'.
Congratulations you have successfully justified one thing. *Applauds*
The Internet is a very bad place, you should never go there.
Jan 18, 2012 6:43 PM

Jul 2009
Retaliation or not, the principles are the same. If you attack someone, even if its mano a mano one on one, if he did not want to fight he should be and is able to charge you for assault. If there are seven of you against one person, you should be charged. If your dumb enough to record it, you will be charged.
Jan 18, 2012 7:06 PM

Aug 2008
video was depressing, some of the comments here amusing with internet testosterone going wild
Jan 18, 2012 7:23 PM

Sep 2007
I am highly amused. Am I the only one that just lol'd when she brought up maplestory forums of all places that blew up this story?

WasabiJan 18, 2012 7:27 PM
Jan 18, 2012 7:39 PM

May 2010
^Honestly the video(es) didn't need to be 10 minutes long...
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Jan 18, 2012 7:52 PM

Aug 2008
Wasabi said:
I am highly amused. Am I the only one that just lol'd when she brought up maplestory forums of all places that blew up this story?

Maplestory forums? When? I don't want to listen to the whole thing so can you tell me when she brought it up.

InfiniteRyvius said:
@ MadScientist - Are you for real, or are you just being really consistent with your trolling?

Obviously trolling. If not, then just dumb.

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Jan 18, 2012 8:11 PM

Sep 2007
Plun said:

Maplestory forums? When? I don't want to listen to the whole thing so can you tell me when she brought it up.

Around the 1:58 mark on the first video. She mentioned 4chan, Maplestory forums, Tumblr, and Facebook.
Jan 19, 2012 12:49 AM

Dec 2011
for those who don't want to watch the whole thing, she says that while she doesn't approve of it and thinks it was wrong, the guy who got beat up wasn't helpless; he was one of twenty people who had jumped the two brothers in that group and that it was a revenge thing.
while it still doesn't make it right, it's not like they found some random guy and kicked his ass.
lollirotzJan 19, 2012 12:54 AM
Jan 20, 2012 5:55 PM

Aug 2008
renfort said:
for those who don't want to watch the whole thing, she says that while she doesn't approve of it and thinks it was wrong, the guy who got beat up wasn't helpless; he was one of twenty people who had jumped the two brothers in that group and that it was a revenge thing.
while it still doesn't make it right, it's not like they found some random guy and kicked his ass.

That sounds like bullshit honestly. Besides, that guy was part of the 20 guys but what are they going to do about the other 19? and I doubt all 20 can beat on two guys. That's just too much people. What if he was one of the very few standing in the back watching his friends beat on Wesley and his brother? Oh and Wesley and his bro jumped one of the guys' cousin so that's why he brought 20 people.

Still, two wrongs doesn't make a right.

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Jan 21, 2012 3:43 AM

Oct 2009
I hate people like this, I know it happens often within our world, but I still just can't understand how people can be so twisted, sick and cruel.

Also notice how most of them don't cover up their faces, like they wanted to be known. Or maybe they hadn't thought about it, clearly being complete idiots. One even comes up straight to the camera.

I of course feel so bad for the student, he must have thought he was going to be killed. I know that that thought would have definitely been going through my head in that situation. But I heard he ran away after the video ended, and ended up in hospital. I also heard the guys were caught, named and shamed - thank goodness.

Just how could they be proud of this? they even uploaded it to youtube, right? or am I mistaken?

I hope that the victim hasn't been too damaged by the experience, and is recovering well.

Those dicks better have had a good sentence, because they deserve far worse than just being locked up. -__-
Jan 21, 2012 10:08 AM
Jul 2008
Ugh, I just cringed most of the time until I just couldn't anymore.
Jan 21, 2012 10:18 AM

Oct 2011
Kuramii said:
I hate people like this, I know it happens often within our world, but I still just can't understand how people can be so twisted, sick and cruel.

Also notice how most of them don't cover up their faces, like they wanted to be known. Or maybe they hadn't thought about it, clearly being complete idiots. One even comes up straight to the camera.

I of course feel so bad for the student, he must have thought he was going to be killed. I know that that thought would have definitely been going through my head in that situation. But I heard he ran away after the video ended, and ended up in hospital. I also heard the guys were caught, named and shamed - thank goodness.

Just how could they be proud of this? they even uploaded it to youtube, right? or am I mistaken?

I hope that the victim hasn't been too damaged by the experience, and is recovering well.

Those dicks better have had a good sentence, because they deserve far worse than just being locked up. -__-

Apparently they did. Seriously, I wonder what they were thinking. Did they want to get arrested?? :O
I see dead people.
Jan 21, 2012 10:23 AM

May 2011
That was horrible i feel really crap now....

good that that boys in jail i hope hes the one that drops the soap in prison.
please make my breakfast every morning for me sweet cheeks! *bowling position"
Jan 21, 2012 10:25 AM

Jul 2010
i lol'd at the fact that 7 guys posted a video beating up 1 guy. -______________-

Jan 21, 2012 10:26 AM

May 2008
Kuramii said:
I hate people like this, I know it happens often within our world, but I still just can't understand how people can be so twisted, sick and cruel.

Also notice how most of them don't cover up their faces, like they wanted to be known. Or maybe they hadn't thought about it, clearly being complete idiots. One even comes up straight to the camera.

I of course feel so bad for the student, he must have thought he was going to be killed. I know that that thought would have definitely been going through my head in that situation. But I heard he ran away after the video ended, and ended up in hospital. I also heard the guys were caught, named and shamed - thank goodness.

Just how could they be proud of this? they even uploaded it to youtube, right? or am I mistaken?

I hope that the victim hasn't been too damaged by the experience, and is recovering well.

Those dicks better have had a good sentence, because they deserve far worse than just being locked up. -__-

You do know the boy who got beat up was not at all innocent. The reason he got beat up was because he jumped one of the boys who was beating him up with a group of his mates before. This beat was in revenge for that. Not that it means I think what this group did was okay but still it's not like it was a random attack.
Jan 21, 2012 10:42 AM

Oct 2009
Nabi123 said:

You do know the boy who got beat up was not at all innocent. The reason he got beat up was because he jumped one of the boys who was beating him up with a group of his mates before. This beat was in revenge for that. Not that it means I think what this group did was okay but still it's not like it was a random attack.

Is there any proof of this? I am not saying that what you are saying is wrong, I just wouldn't believe that, unless there was proof. Such as the victim admitting to this, and not the attacker just saying "I did it for revenge". Because in most cases, that would be fake just to try and get hate from others off their backs.
Jan 21, 2012 12:05 PM

Dec 2010

What a stupid cunt. lmao, defending someone with no valid reason of beating up another person and trying to validate with any amount of excuses.
Jan 21, 2012 12:50 PM

Jan 2011
Funny that when 7 black kids gang up on someone it's expected behavior but when 7 kids white kids do the same it's racism, hate crime and cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
Jan 21, 2012 1:20 PM

Jan 2012
-smh- Makes me wonder what the world has come to and what could have possibly happened to make these teens so aggressive towards a helpless individual. It's a sad society...Makes me slightly scared to be anywhere alone.
Jan 21, 2012 1:48 PM

Jun 2011
JonyJC said:
Funny that when 7 black kids gang up on someone it's expected behavior but when 7 kids white kids do the same it's racism, hate crime and cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.

it was 6 asians and 1 hispanic
Jan 21, 2012 1:49 PM

May 2008
Kuramii said:
Nabi123 said:

You do know the boy who got beat up was not at all innocent. The reason he got beat up was because he jumped one of the boys who was beating him up with a group of his mates before. This beat was in revenge for that. Not that it means I think what this group did was okay but still it's not like it was a random attack.

Is there any proof of this? I am not saying that what you are saying is wrong, I just wouldn't believe that, unless there was proof. Such as the victim admitting to this, and not the attacker just saying "I did it for revenge". Because in most cases, that would be fake just to try and get hate from others off their backs.

Towards the end of the article it says the chicago police believe this attack was in retaliation. As you say there in no hard evidence but I am inclined to believe it.
Jan 21, 2012 1:50 PM

Jan 2011
narut0rulz said:
JonyJC said:
Funny that when 7 black kids gang up on someone it's expected behavior but when 7 kids white kids do the same it's racism, hate crime and cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.

it was 6 asians and 1 hispanic

Same thing applies.
Jan 21, 2012 4:21 PM

Aug 2008
Nabi123 said:
Kuramii said:
Nabi123 said:

You do know the boy who got beat up was not at all innocent. The reason he got beat up was because he jumped one of the boys who was beating him up with a group of his mates before. This beat was in revenge for that. Not that it means I think what this group did was okay but still it's not like it was a random attack.

Is there any proof of this? I am not saying that what you are saying is wrong, I just wouldn't believe that, unless there was proof. Such as the victim admitting to this, and not the attacker just saying "I did it for revenge". Because in most cases, that would be fake just to try and get hate from others off their backs.

Towards the end of the article it says the chicago police believe this attack was in retaliation. As you say there in no hard evidence but I am inclined to believe it.

and lemme say this again, that Asian dude just participated with the 20 teens. Dude, two wrongs doesn't make a right. You're just a dumb guy who never gotten jumped before so you wouldn't know.

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Jan 21, 2012 4:24 PM

Aug 2008
Nabi123 said:

You do know the boy who got beat up was not at all innocent. The reason he got beat up was because he jumped one of the boys who was beating him up with a group of his mates before. This beat was in revenge for that. Not that it means I think what this group did was okay but still it's not like it was a random attack.

The Asian guy who jumped the two boys with 20 ppl didnt record it, why did these guys do it? To show off as well. it seems to me that you're really stupid. lets say me and 6 other guys jumped you and you punched me or something, I would re-arrange your face, break your arms and legs or something before I'm satisfy. no way im gunna let you just hit me like that. being bullied and getting jumped are different. bully, you fight back = they'll stop. getting jumped will be once or so. I've gotten jumped and did the jumping before, it's an endless cycle dude
Jan 21, 2012 4:33 PM

Aug 2008
Nabi123 said:

Fuck me are you two seriously telling me that when you get attacked the best thing to do is to let them hit you and offer no resistance??? And what do you mean beat on you harder? I am pretty sure if they are beating you up they are not holding back, this is not DBZ where if you land a blow they will get pissed off and transform into a super saiyan. As for being more upset they are fucking hitting you!!! How much more upset are they going to get. By offering no resistance you have shown yourself too be an easy target and they will come after you again. If you fight back or at least try to, then next time they would not bother with you as you have shown you won't let them do what they want therefore they will leave you alone and find a easier target. This kid was lucky that his bullies where dumb and uploaded the vid to youtube and got arrested.

^ Yep, this idiot is getting things mixed up between bullying and jumping someone. Just as renfort and Fui said, have you been jumped before? No, then you shouldn't talk about bullying and jumping like they're alike.

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Jan 22, 2012 11:27 AM

May 2008
Plun said:
Nabi123 said:
Kuramii said:
Nabi123 said:

You do know the boy who got beat up was not at all innocent. The reason he got beat up was because he jumped one of the boys who was beating him up with a group of his mates before. This beat was in revenge for that. Not that it means I think what this group did was okay but still it's not like it was a random attack.

Is there any proof of this? I am not saying that what you are saying is wrong, I just wouldn't believe that, unless there was proof. Such as the victim admitting to this, and not the attacker just saying "I did it for revenge". Because in most cases, that would be fake just to try and get hate from others off their backs.

Towards the end of the article it says the chicago police believe this attack was in retaliation. As you say there in no hard evidence but I am inclined to believe it.

and lemme say this again, that Asian dude just participated with the 20 teens. Dude, two wrongs doesn't make a right. You're just a dumb guy who never gotten jumped before so you wouldn't know.

When did I say I agreed with what either of them did?????? All I said was that this attack was in retaliation thus the guy who getting beat in the video was not innocent as people believed at first. I never said that because of what he did with 20 guy its okay for him to get beat by 7 guys. You really are a dumb fuck who should learn to read, as I clearly stated in my post that dispute this attack being in revenge I do not believe what they did was okay.
Jan 22, 2012 11:35 AM

May 2008
Plun said:
Nabi123 said:

Fuck me are you two seriously telling me that when you get attacked the best thing to do is to let them hit you and offer no resistance??? And what do you mean beat on you harder? I am pretty sure if they are beating you up they are not holding back, this is not DBZ where if you land a blow they will get pissed off and transform into a super saiyan. As for being more upset they are fucking hitting you!!! How much more upset are they going to get. By offering no resistance you have shown yourself too be an easy target and they will come after you again. If you fight back or at least try to, then next time they would not bother with you as you have shown you won't let them do what they want therefore they will leave you alone and find a easier target. This kid was lucky that his bullies where dumb and uploaded the vid to youtube and got arrested.

^ Yep, this idiot is getting things mixed up between bullying and jumping someone. Just as renfort and Fui said, have you been jumped before? No, then you shouldn't talk about bullying and jumping like they're alike.

I never said they were alike. And my post that you quoted was from before I knew that this attack was in revenge. Which if you read the post you would be able to figure that out quite easily as I talk about being bullied on a regular basis. Even now I still stand by my point that the guy should have tried to fight back.
Jan 22, 2012 3:30 PM

Aug 2008
Nabi123 said:
Plun said:
Nabi123 said:

Fuck me are you two seriously telling me that when you get attacked the best thing to do is to let them hit you and offer no resistance??? And what do you mean beat on you harder? I am pretty sure if they are beating you up they are not holding back, this is not DBZ where if you land a blow they will get pissed off and transform into a super saiyan. As for being more upset they are fucking hitting you!!! How much more upset are they going to get. By offering no resistance you have shown yourself too be an easy target and they will come after you again. If you fight back or at least try to, then next time they would not bother with you as you have shown you won't let them do what they want therefore they will leave you alone and find a easier target. This kid was lucky that his bullies where dumb and uploaded the vid to youtube and got arrested.

^ Yep, this idiot is getting things mixed up between bullying and jumping someone. Just as renfort and Fui said, have you been jumped before? No, then you shouldn't talk about bullying and jumping like they're alike.

I never said they were alike. And my post that you quoted was from before I knew that this attack was in revenge. Which if you read the post you would be able to figure that out quite easily as I talk about being bullied on a regular basis. Even now I still stand by my point that the guy should have tried to fight back.

I never said you said they were alike. You're telling him to fight back against 7 when getting jumped. Why don't you get jumped and try to fight back and see what happens? You'll get beaten even more than not retaliating. If you just let them beat you or run, then that would be better. Don't talk if you don't know how getting jumped feels like. You just got bullied, that's what pussies does. Punch the bully, they'll stop.

Please stop, you're really embarrassing yourself. Are you trying to be funny or you're serious? Just admit that you're worthless on the forums and I'll forgive you. I caught you using logic; something a mongrel like you lacks.

I thought you were at least smarter after reading what Fui said. Here, I'll quote it for you to see again.

Fui said:

Fucking cancer of society right here. Yes let's make them more upset by hitting one. They'll probably double or triple their blows, leaving you with even more permanent injuries. Are you fucking retarded?
PlunJan 22, 2012 3:41 PM

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Jan 22, 2012 3:37 PM

May 2009
Nabi's been watching too much Hajime no ippo and wants to fight back against 7 teens which are different than bullies. Bullies are different bra
Jan 22, 2012 3:59 PM
Nov 2008
I won't really comment on the supposed beat down, because, hey. Shit happens.

However, I do think it's funny that people on MAL think they can relate to the kid or know what it feels to get beat up because you beat up someone else.
Jan 22, 2012 4:04 PM

May 2008
Plun said:
Nabi123 said:
Plun said:
Nabi123 said:

Fuck me are you two seriously telling me that when you get attacked the best thing to do is to let them hit you and offer no resistance??? And what do you mean beat on you harder? I am pretty sure if they are beating you up they are not holding back, this is not DBZ where if you land a blow they will get pissed off and transform into a super saiyan. As for being more upset they are fucking hitting you!!! How much more upset are they going to get. By offering no resistance you have shown yourself too be an easy target and they will come after you again. If you fight back or at least try to, then next time they would not bother with you as you have shown you won't let them do what they want therefore they will leave you alone and find a easier target. This kid was lucky that his bullies where dumb and uploaded the vid to youtube and got arrested.

^ Yep, this idiot is getting things mixed up between bullying and jumping someone. Just as renfort and Fui said, have you been jumped before? No, then you shouldn't talk about bullying and jumping like they're alike.

I never said they were alike. And my post that you quoted was from before I knew that this attack was in revenge. Which if you read the post you would be able to figure that out quite easily as I talk about being bullied on a regular basis. Even now I still stand by my point that the guy should have tried to fight back.

I never said you said they were alike. You're telling him to fight back against 7 when getting jumped. Why don't you get jumped and try to fight back and see what happens? You'll get beaten even more than not retaliating. If you just let them beat you or run, then that would be better. Don't talk if you don't know how getting jumped feels like. You just got bullied, that's what pussies does. Punch the bully, they'll stop.

Please stop, you're really embarrassing yourself. Are you trying to be funny or you're serious? Just admit that you're worthless on the forums and I'll forgive you. I caught you using logic; something a mongrel like you lacks.

I thought you were at least smarter after reading what Fui said. Here, I'll quote it for you to see again.

Fui said:

Fucking cancer of society right here. Yes let's make them more upset by hitting one. They'll probably double or triple their blows, leaving you with even more permanent injuries. Are you fucking retarded?

Nice calling me worthless and a mongrel who has no logic just because I advocate self defense. I don't understand why you are getting so upset because I believe in this type of situation it would be best too fight back?? Fair enough you don't agree but why get angry and attack me over my belief that he should have fought back. I don't know what else to say to you, I have just said what I would have done in that situation. And you keep going on about if he fights back it will make it worse, how will it???? They are already hitting you as hard as they can and doing what they want to you. Now if they had a knife or a bat that would be different.
Jan 22, 2012 4:22 PM

Aug 2008
Of course I'm calling you worthless and such. Why self defense? You canl get killed if you at least try to fight back. If it's one or two, sure, go for it but more than 2, don't. I've seen this shit happen. Uhm, you think they're hitting hard? Oh god, you're so funny. That's not even hard. Those are like little pussy hits.

Okay, when you get jumped, fight back and see what happens. You'll regret fighting back. This isn't like where a bully and his friends are beating you and when you fight back, they'll stop. Because bullies are pussies followers grouped together.

These guys just think they're all bad-asses who start shit for no reason. That's what this generation has come to. Read this to;

Ventro said:

The Asian guy who jumped the two boys with 20 ppl didnt record it, why did these guys do it? To show off as well. it seems to me that you're really stupid. lets say me and 6 other guys jumped you and you punched me or something, I would re-arrange your face, break your arms and legs or something before I'm satisfy. no way im gunna let you just hit me like that. being bullied and getting jumped are different. bully, you fight back = they'll stop. getting jumped will be once or so. I've gotten jumped and did the jumping before, it's an endless cycle dude

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Jan 22, 2012 4:23 PM
Nov 2008
Plun said:
Uhm, you think they're hitting hard? Oh god, you're so funny. That's not even hard. Those are like little pussy hits.

Tough guy over here.
Jan 22, 2012 4:24 PM

Aug 2008
Onibokusu said:
Plun said:
Uhm, you think they're hitting hard? Oh god, you're so funny. That's not even hard. Those are like little pussy hits.

Tough guy over here.

You really think they're hitting hard? o.o If they were hard hits, he would've been knocked out or at least suffer serious injuries. I know if I was in his shoe, I would've been knocked the fuck out.

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Jan 22, 2012 4:28 PM

Aug 2008
ok, lets stop this now. All we know is that Nabi has a low common sense IQ and doesn't know how it feels to be jumped so we shouldn't say anything. He just brought up bullying and how if you defend yourself against a bully, they'll stop.

ok get jumped and fight back. lets hope they're nice enough to just break both your arm and not legs. vice versaaaaaa
Jan 22, 2012 4:34 PM
Nov 2008
Plun said:
Onibokusu said:
Plun said:
Uhm, you think they're hitting hard? Oh god, you're so funny. That's not even hard. Those are like little pussy hits.

Tough guy over here.

You really think they're hitting hard? o.o If they were hard hits, he would've been knocked out or at least suffer serious injuries. I know if I was in his shoe, I would've been knocked the fuck out.

No, I just called you a super tough guy.
Jan 22, 2012 4:42 PM

Aug 2008
Onibokusu said:
Plun said:
Onibokusu said:
Plun said:
Uhm, you think they're hitting hard? Oh god, you're so funny. That's not even hard. Those are like little pussy hits.

Tough guy over here.

You really think they're hitting hard? o.o If they were hard hits, he would've been knocked out or at least suffer serious injuries. I know if I was in his shoe, I would've been knocked the fuck out.

No, I just called you a super tough guy.

Just saying. I got jumped a few times. One time, I got jumped, I didn't hit back, they were done with me in less than 20 seconds. (:

Second time, it was against three. I fought back, guess what? It felt like five fucking hours.

This is why I'm glad that Asian kid didn't fight back. I thought like Nab when I was retarded, getting into fights all the time. Fight back and be a badass? "If you jump me 7 people, be prepared because I will bring one or two down with me" but if you do, you'll probably die or be handicapped for the rest of your life. This is what this generation has come to.
PlunJan 22, 2012 4:52 PM

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
Jan 22, 2012 4:54 PM

Jul 2011
Plun is right. If you try and be a badass when you're greatly outnumbered, it will only fuel more anger...

You can see they weren't seriously trying to harm him, which could've changed in matter of seconds if he'd have made the wrong move.
The Internet is a very bad place, you should never go there.
Jan 22, 2012 5:04 PM

May 2010
That so-called girlfriend, is so fricking dumb. 20 vs 2? Does she seriously think anyone in their right mind would believe this?
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Jan 22, 2012 6:58 PM

Jan 2012
Sad thing is that this stuff happens all the time.
Obviously this has gotten attention because it was actually filmed and uploaded for everyone to see.

Quite recently theres some idiotic teenage gang where I live going around tazing other lone teens in the back and then proceeding to beat the shit out of them. They have gone at it for weeks.
So fucking cowardly there are no words.
Jan 24, 2012 9:50 AM

Apr 2010
its good to see kids standing up for theirselfs yo...
anyways that guy needs some lessions yo...
fighting 7 people is for pansys...
A real men fight 10 well trained men at a time...

StonerWithABonerJan 24, 2012 9:59 AM
Its better to have burned out than to have never really shined...
Jan 24, 2012 11:04 AM

Jul 2011
The Internet is a very bad place, you should never go there.
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