The legendary manga Naruto, created by Masashi Kishimoto, was serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump from the 43rd issue of 1999 to the 50th issue of 2014. Its content sums up to a total of 700 printed chapters. It has been further popularized in the Naruto anime series, which includes Naruto and Naruto Shipuuden. The Naruto Project (also known as Naru Pro) is a special project that was designed to celebrate the 15 years of the Naruto series.
What is the Naruto Project?
Naru Pro featured manga releases, movies, databooks and events that were continuations or remakes of the original manga. The Naruto Project is entails a vast range of Naruto related content and events, so here is just a snippet of what you can expect!
This project included the following live spectacles, exhibitions and special events:
- The Super Big Yosegaki Project: a Naruto exhibition in Shibuya Park (in Shibuya City, a special ward in Tokyo) on December 6 and 7, 2014.
- Live Spectacle Naruto: a stage place adaptation of the manga that premiered in Tokyo on March 21, 2015. Outside Japan, the tour includes Macao, Malaysia and Singapore.
- The Naruto Exhibition: an exhibition that opened in Tokyo on April 25, 2015. In this gallery you will be able to find original pieces of movie screenings and artwork, as well as life size figures of the principal characters.
- An Opening Day Countdown Event for Boruto: Naruto the Movie on August 7, 2015.
Printed releases
Naru Pro included the following manga, re-releases and databooks.
- The Naruto Secret: Scroll Formation Character Official Databook: a data book that covers characters and techniques from the chapters 403 to 691.
- Naruto Hiden: a short novel series (with six books) which follows the story of several characters after the main series plot ends; these manga novels have been released throughout 2015.
- The Shoueisha Jump Remix: a re-release of the manga in bigger volumes.
- Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring: a mini-series which takes place 15 years after the last Naruto chapter. This publication shows the series characters as full grown ninjas, as well as a new shinobi generation.
Naru Pro also included the following two new movies with an original story, both of which occur after the events of Naruto’s main plot.
- The Last: Naruto the Movie: is the tenth overall Naruto film and it premiered on December 6, 2014. This movie’s plot occurs between the last chapter of the manga series and Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring.
- Boruto: Naruto the Movie: is the eleventh overall Naruto film and it was released on August 7th, 2015. This is the newest movie of the series and its plot takes place after Naruto Gaiden.
Even though the Naruto manga and anime have ended, the Naruto legacy lives on as the Naruto Project created enough new content to keep the hearts of Naruto fans worldwide warm through winter and maybe beyond! Don't forget to check out the Naruto Project homepage for more art, information and updates on the Naruto Project!