Jojo's Bizarre Adventure was always popular, but once its anime aired, a new level of popularity swept not only Japan, but also the West. This convinced Bandai Namco to release previously Japan only Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle in the West last year. Here's the games the series starred in before the All Star Battle.
Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden (1989, Famicom)
The first crossover title for Weekly Shonen Jump, this was an action RPG that had Joseph Joestar work with 15 popular Jump characters and stop villains from doing their worst.
Famicom Jump II: Saikyou no Shichinin (1991, Famicom)
Featuring only 7 Jump characters, Stardust Crusaders's Jotaro debuted in this crossover action RPG.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1993, Super Famicom)
Based on Stardust Crusaders, the first JoJo game was an RPG that was essentially the anime, though with liberties taken if you've watched or read the series.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (1998, Arcade)
The first JoJo's fighting game, it was released in arcades in 1998, then ported over to the PlayStation in 1999. It was Sega's Dreamcast that produced the first international release of the Stardust Crusaders crew.
Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio: Vento Aureo (2002, PlayStation 2)
GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, a beat 'em up action game, was intended to be released worldwide, as Capcom showed a trailer at E3 2002. But it was soon kept Japan exclusive. It may have been due to the music in the game, which is heavily copyrighted outside Japan.
Jump Super Stars (2005, Nintendo DS)
14 years after Famicom Jump II, this crossover featured Jotaro, Dio, and Steel Ball Run's Gyro Zeppeli among a cavalcade of Jump's biggest stars from its early days to its present.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood (2006, PlayStation 2)
This beat em up covered the Phantom Blood arc of the Jojo's series.
Jump Ultimate Stars (2006, Nintendo DS)
One year later, Jotaro and Dio return, with support characters (like Iggy and even Jolyne Kujo).
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (2013, PlayStation 3)
After going dark for 7 years, the series returned to consoles, with characters from the franchise taking place in this brawler.
J-Stars Victory VS (2014, PlayStation 3)
After not crossing over since 2006, Jump's biggest stars came together in 2014. Jonathan and Joseph Joestar took part in the battle.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (2014, PlayStation 3)
After 14 years of being a Japan exclusive series, All Star Battle was released internationally in 2014, which did make it and the Dreamcast and PlayStation version the only release of a Jojo game outside Japan, until J-Stars Victory+ was released this year.
With Jojo taking this new leap, and recently appearing in J-Stars Victory+, expect more JoJo to hit the West as the years go on.