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Isamu OhyamaIsamu is the charming muscleman of the team. His first acquaintance with Noriko runs somewhat unpleasant, because he mistakenly thinks is a guy.Having exactly the 2 female team members, Noriko and Kayoko, patterned exactly his eye falls on Kayoko. In his head, beat his fantasies with her already somersaults. Obviously this is Kayako not escaped and she is not necessarily averse Isamou. In the locker room, he is seduced by Kayoko out on her direct manner with a small courtship ritual. From then on the two have sex frequently during working hours (which usually is unmistakable). With Yasuo he gets on the subject of women to each other a little bit, because he can not understand this attitude of reserve. For him, there is nothing better than a beautiful woman in his arms and to have this and to do that. Voice Actors