Makoto Katai

Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. 2nd Season
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Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.
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Member Favorites: 167

Makoto Katai (片居 誠)

With the face of a delinquent, Katai is actually a nervous, awkward wreck who constantly stumbles over his words, with a goal to overcome his own awkwardness and make friends.

Tadano immediately sees through his false threatening nature and quickly becomes one of Katai's closest friends.

Makoto used to be a lanky boy, but after exercising his body turned sturdy and his physique was akin to a delinquent.

He views Komi as his "master" and thinks she's constantly cheering him on to become better friends with Tadano.

Voice Actors
Kamio, Shinichirou
Hopkins, Jacob
Muraca, Alessandro
Llorca, Juan
Drummond, Felipe
Portuguese (BR)