emperortopaz's Blog

Aug 3, 2017 7:52 AM
Anime Relations: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken, Dr. Slump Movie 01: Arale-chan Hello! Fushigi Shima, Dr. Slump Movie 02: "Hoyoyo!" Uchuu Daibouken, Dr. Slump Movie 11: Dr. Mashirito & Abale-chan, Dragon Ball Super
This is the Four-hundredth-fifty-third week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*As the blog starts it is currently night. Even the moon over the city is sleeping, snoring loudly. However, a pig that was resting on a tree suddenly wakes up. He clears his throat.*


*The moon continues to sleep. Angry marks appear on the pig's head.*


*The moon only snores louder, turning to the side and becoming crescent-shaped as a result.*

: Grrr.... So that's how you want it. I'll play your game.

*The pig pulls up a large gun and cocks it. He then shoots the moon in the literal sense, causing a big bullet hole in the moon's "forehead". It falls down, pretending to die and making a big act about it. The sun then rises with a goofy smile, even brushing its teeth.*

: Good to see you show up in time.

*We go to the small town below to finally get to our heroes. Topaz and Ririchiyo are running through the town, trying to get away from the evil waitresses. However, the two are very exhausted.*

: Pant... Let's take a break..gasp.. for now...

Good... point. We have been running for a while.

: It seems like we've been running all night. And I'm pretty sure I'm so tired I'm hallucinating.

Why do you say that?

: Because I'm pretty sure that I just saw a pig shoot down Mr. Bright.

...That does sound crazy. I think it should be better if we rest a little.

*The two sit down for a breather. Little did they know that the two waitresses were trying to get a bit of help themselves.*

: So you say that this "Topaz" fella ate at your restaurant and left without paying?

: That's right!

: And that he talked about you against your will?

: Yer darn right!

: Don't worry. We'll be sure to bring this delinquent to justice!

: That's good!

*The policemen get into their car and drive off.*

: So why are we getting Topaz arrested?

: Isn't it obvious?

: Because he gave us bad scores?

: NO! Well, that is a fair reason but not the big one.

: You've lost me.

: With Topaz in jail he can't meet any girls. Then he'll have to delay the blog and all his readers will hate him for missing such a notable day.

: Great plan!

*Topaz and Riri are still relaxing when they hear a police siren coming.*

Huh. I wonder what that could be about.

: Probably just something random you decided to add.

I wouldn't add something that wasn't important. You can tell as I'm very lazy.

: I can believe that. So what do you think it is?

Hopefully it's a sexy police meganekko.

: I doubt it.

*The police car stops beside them.*

: Hey, isn't this the guy?

Who, me?

: Yes, I think he's the one that we're looking for. But just to be sure. *Faces Topaz.* Are you the anime blogger Topaz?

Yes I am! So good to see a fan.

: I'm not actually a fan.

: We're actually here to arrest you.

Arrest me? But what have I done?

: Probably plenty, it's more of a question as to what these two police officers know about.

: Stop talking among yourselves! You should know what we're here for.

: Yes. Those two nice girls told us to come arrest you for theft and sexual harrassment!

: That could be a lot of girls...

Shhhh! I might actually be in real trouble this time!

: But if you were in real trouble wouldn't a girl show up to save you?

I do have good luck like that. But where am I going to find a girl like that?

*A young voice echoes from far away.*

???: N'cha!

*The police officers become worried.*

: Oh no... Not... HER!

: Looks like we'll have to abandon our arrest here if we don't want our car to be wrecked!

*They try to start the engine, but the second that they do a young girl appears running down the street. Her arms are wide out and she's running full-sprint with a dust cloud behind her.*



*The young girl, who has her arms spread out from her sides, comes charging at the police car as they try to drive off. She's able to catch up rams right into it. The car goes flying, going head over wheels spinning and crashes at some far off place. Fortunately the wreckage is mainly for humor's sake as the two police officers come out without a scratch.*

: I knew we should have captured him on foot.

: Fine fine. But how about we just let him go. I'm sure that if he has to put up with HER he'll be BEGGING to go behind bars...

*Meanwhile, back with Topaz and Ririchiyo.*

Thank you for saving us!

: No problem! Wait, I don't know you two. Are you new here?

: We're just visiting.

: N'cha! Welcome to Penguin Village!

: So that explains the penguin reference from last week. But wait, does this mean that we'll be talking about Arale today?

: Hoyoyo? How did the lovely lady know my name?

: L-lovely?

You are certainly lovely. But to answer your question Arale, it's because we're big fans of yours. Especially because of what you symbolize.

: Hoyoyo? What does that mean?

All thanks to you we can have meganekko leads.

: Granted the contest was between a cute girl and a middle age man, one could easily imagine which one would win the bet.

Still though. You're one of the first girls in glasses in anime history! And for that, I want to celebrate this big occasion by talking about you.

: *Gasp* About me? I would be honored!

That's good to hear, though I hope that she has the patience to listen as I say that...

Today's girl is:

Arale Norimaki
Dr. Slump

: So what channel will this be on?

: It isn't on television. Topaz writes on the internet.

: Wahahah! No one will read it if you write it on nets!

Not inside nets, the internet!

: What's that?

Oh yeah. You're from a long time ago aren't you.

: It's apparently a series of tubes that people send cat images on.

I'm surprised that you didn't mention the OTHER use of the internet.

: I'm not singing. Besides, isn't Arale a little young for that?

: Hoyoyo?

Surprising as it may sound. She's even older than ME!

: Wow that's ancient.

: Wait, isn't that inter-nets thingy full of naked women?

Depends on where you look. Some places have men instead.

: And some places have women that are actually men. No one wants that. Stupid Astolfo and his stupid sudden stupid popularity because his stupid anime is stupidly airing grumble grumble...

That's a lot of "stupid" in one sentence, Riri.

: To be fair I could have used a much more... "foreign" word, so to speak.

: Senbei looks up images on that all the time!

How am I not surprised.

: It's all women's butts!

: Well, he is a smart old man now.

Indeed. But let's get going with the blog now.

: Hoyoyo!

Hair: Arale has pretty great hair for my tastes. I do like purple hair, which works well with Arale's usual hair color. It seems that the most recent Dr. Slump series made her have brown hair for whatever reason, which isn't bad but is a little dull considering her cool and unique original hair. Arale's hair is also pretty long, going down to her mid back in a really nice straight pattern. I suppose that with her small size it might not seem long, but I still like it. The straightness certainly helps, though I don't mind her slight curls either. Messy hair seems very in-character for the easily-excited Arale. She also has blunt bangs, which is a shame as she could almost have a hime cut if she didn't have two gaps above her eyes. Though I guess her hair is pulled behind her ears as well. Still, Arale's hairstyle is quite nice. That said she's not afraid to try out other types, including twintails or various headwear. Probably her most well-known hat is one that just says "Arale" on the front and has a white wing on each side of her head. Overall Arale does strong here, and while I wonder why the remake changed her hair color it isn't a big deal (though it probably would have been annoying if I would watch the show).
Grade: A-

Eyes: Arale has a very classic-anime style of eye. Her eyes are round, though only the upper outward corners are covered. She also has eyelashes and while they are apparent they aren't too distracting. I suppose they do fit the time period, but I don't know much about early 80s anime. They aren't bad but I do prefer today's bigger, more expressive eyes. Arale seems to have purple eyes in the manga, though the anime made her eyes bluer it seems (though a darker shade so it somewhat still fit her hair color). Much like the hair they really got her eyes wrong in the remake series as she has green eyes instead. Overall I prefer the purple color most.
Of course, we can't forget about Arale's main attraction. Arale wears a pair of thick frame glasses, each lens being big on her small face and helping to fill it out quite nicely. It's cool how she needs them as well, since Arale is nearsighted (even in the first chapter she got them). She also almost always wears them, which is great as she's the lead female (and the lead in general, thanks to a certain bet). This means that Arale is likely THE FIRST MEGANEKKO LEAD. I don't know if she helped to inspire any future ones, but it's great that she became so popular due to being a cute girl in glasses. She even inspired the term "Arare Megane" to describe her glasses.
Grade: A-

Face: Arale also doesn't have a bad face. When it's on, at least, as she has the ability to pop her head off without much problem. Her face is fairly simple but still cute. It does seem that the anime did make her cleft, the area between her nose and upper lip, a bit more visible early on but luckily that was changed eventually. Arale does have a fitting and small nose, but one that is still mostly visible. She's also very innocent in personality, and likes to make silly faces with her elastic face (such as tugging the sides of her mouth and sticking out her tongue). She'll also occasionally be seen missing one of her teeth on the side, but I don't know how consistent that is. Overall she does really well here, with her young age and silly faces helping out. Oh, and I suppose that she does look a lot like Lucca from Chrono Trigger (er, I suppose it's the other way around and Lucca looks like her, but you get what I mean). I blame Toriyama being lazy, as usual.
Grade: B

*Topaz takes a pause to see how Arale is doing.*

So how do you feel about the blog, Arale?

: I am surprised that you enjoyed my head so much. Here, take it.


*Arale pops her head off and hands it to Topaz. He takes it from her hands.*

: T-TOPAZ! She popped her head off for you!

I imagine that this is quite the honor but it seems odd.

*Topaz plays with Arale's head, making her make faces with her tongue out.*

: Nyaaaah! Blaaaaaah!

: Topaz, that's enough. You should really put her head back on and continue with the blog.

I suppose that I should.

*Topaz places Arale's head on.*

: Something feels funny...

: TOPAZ! Pay attention when you're doing that!

*Arale's head is on upside down.*

Yikes! I should have paid more attention!

*Topaz readjusts Arale's head, putting it on correctly.*

: That's better!

: Good. That means that we can continue with the blog.

Build: Sadly Arale doesn't do too well here. At first she looked like a teen, but she steadily got shorter. This is explained by Senbei (her creator and the namesake of the manga) having a lot of extra bodies for her. She's probably more known for her squat form, which is sorta unfortunate as it isn't too sexual. She's got practically no shape to her body, but being fair she's quite young-appearing as well. I will say that her body is quite amazing and strong though, taken from a technical standpoint. Arale also had the body of a car and plane for one chapter where her body had to be repaired, which I find silly. According to Arale's resume in one of the manga she seems to be 109 cm and 31 kg, though I also have reports saying that she's 139 cm instead. It's possible that the shorter size is her "squat" form while the other is her original size, but it's also possible that one of the two may be incorrect in general. Arale's biggest weakness is that she is battery-powered (or at least powered by a drink called "robot vitamin A"), and much like Not-Terminator she will freeze up if she runs out of power. Speaking of her machine side she can also fly using farts in one chapter. There's something else she's missing, but it's hard to talk about...Y-you know, down there.

*Topaz points down*

: Topaz! Don't bring that sort of thing up!

: Don't worry, Arale knows she lacks a belly button.

BELLY BUTTON! I forgot what it was called for a minute. Wait, what were you thinking of?

*Riri blushes quite a bit and looks to the side.*

: N-nothing!... Alright, so I was thinking you m-meant... er, um... "there".

Oh... OH! Yeah, Arale is missing that spot too for comedic purposes. The excuse is that due to Japanese censorship laws Senbei had never seen that, er, "place" so he wasn't able to build one for Arale. She got a belly button at least, though it was used for a humorous chapter.
Grade: C

Chest: Arale is quite an odd feature here. She's completely flat, which does fit her body shape and I think she'd just look silly otherwise. She does have a bit of a complex about it, wanting Senbei to give her more of a chest but luckily she stops doing this (though she does have some mamocentric moments herself). Arale does have dot nipples that she shows off, this manga is from a different time after all. Still, she's too kid-like to be considered attractive here but I do like how she became more proud of her modest chest.
Grade: C+

Clothes: Arale is really quite surprising here. She has a LOT of outfits, probably too many to name as it seemed like every chapter cover had a different cool outfit. Her main outfit probably consists of a shirt and overalls, of which she has quite a lot of variety as far as color goes. She also has a long shirt with her name on it and shorts with gloves at times too, and she likes to cosplay as well while playing. Some of these include a ninja outfit, a cowgirl, and cat overalls with a bowtie and earred hat among many other outfits. She also wears a sailor uniform with a long skirt to school (granted the long skirt may just be due to being short, but still). The remake puts Arale in a purple shirt with an A on it, yellow shorts, and a purple hat that makes her look like a goblin or elf or something. In that remake I've also seen images of her wearing a nurse's outfit, a devil's outfit, and likely a great deal more outfits that I don't know about. She also wears Goku's Gi in a video game (and also a promotional image), though I don't know much about that. While Arale doesn't have anything too sexy, I'd say that the sheer variety and cosplay really helps her out.
Grade: B

*Topaz pauses again, but this time Arale seems distracted by a pink poop that she's poking.*

H-hey! Don't get distracted. My blog is better than poo!

: I don't know whether to mock you with a "Don't be too sure" or make a joke of "That's the tagline right there, folks!".

: Alright then... LOOK!

*Arale stabs the poop with a stick and shoves it into Topaz's face. He leans back and falls onto his back.*


: Arale! Behave!

: Hoyoyo!

At least pay attention. The blog should be over soon.

: Alright....

You can poke the poop if it will help you to concentrate.


*Arale continues to poke the poop, this time with faster speed. Meanwhile, in another location at Penguin Village the two waitresses make a certain call at a phone booth.*

: What even IS this thing?

: I believe that it was called a "phone booth". It's from ancient times.

: You mean there were times when people didn't carry phones around? I know I'm dumb but that doesn't mean you can lie to me!

: It's true! Though I'm not sure why this one in particular smells so much like pickled plums. Anyway, that's not what's important. I managed to get a hold of a smart, evil scientist that will help us out.

: I don't see why we would need the help, as I'm enough to defeat Topaz and whatever random meganekko he picked for today.

: True. But don't be cocky. We could use all the help we can get since Topaz is a tricky one.

: And I'm not! W-wait, did someone just insult me?

*Inami facepalms just as the phone picks up.*

: Finally. I got a hold of him and he says that he'll help.

: Fine, I guess!

*Inami continues her conversation, though what is heard is unknown. We return to Topaz just as he's starting the last portion of the blog.*

Personality: As mentioned before, Arale is an interesting character. She was only supposed to be a one-shot character, but thanks to a bet from her creator and his editor she became the main character of the series. This might be for the better, not just because Arale is a cute girl in glasses, because she's a lot more goofy than Senbei, her in-universe creator. She also is pretty powerful, where to be an actual threat the main villain actually has to build around her abilities (and the abilities of her friend, the flying Gatchan). She's incredibly strong as she's an android, but she's also a gag character so she's exactly as strong as the comedic plot allows her to be. This means that during the crossovers with the Dragon Ball franchise she's able to defeat General Blue, Tao Pai Pai, and in the remake for Dr. Slump she beats up the GT-level young Goku in his big monkey form. Not only that, but recently in DB Super she managed to defeat Vegeta, tie with SSB Goku (though she admitted she could be much powerful), and nearly lost to Beerus (who is probably the strongest in the universe, next to his assistant Whis at least). She's not very skilled, but she is extremely powerful and can even crack the earth with a Megaton Punch (much like Kirby). She can also launch a N'cha ray out of her mouth as well.
Battles aside Arale is still a great comedic character. She's goofy and silly, with a mischievous side that always seems to cause trouble for people around her. Still, outside of having fun and being absent-minded she's got a good heart. She even saved a bear using parts of her own body after it got shot. Arale is also fairly energetic, and her hobbies include poking poop (which in this universe are pink and the swirly kind) and destroying police cars. Poop is especially notable as she's easily distracted by poking it. Despite her naivety Arale is still very smart, easily able to get good grades and even create a robot head herself it seems. Her specialty seems to be math. Other things that she's a fan of include Ultraman and Kaiju series. Arale is very friendly but easily trusting too, thinking that evil people are just playing with her. Arale also has two VAs; I can't say anything about Taeko Kawata but I imagine she was poorly received at the time. I have heard Mami Koyama who gives Arale a great childish voice that's quite cute, though I probably can't compare her to anyone as Arale would probably be her most noteworthy character (at least for Japanese fans, as it's possible that Western fans know Lunch better but I can't be too sure. Especially with Arale showing up in Super and Lunch being nowhere to be found). Arale's biggest problem here is that, if I had to live in Penguin Village, I'd probably be annoyed at her antics and hyperactivity. I'd think that she's a savior considering how often she tends to save the city/planet from evil, but I can understand how she could get tiring to be with. Still, she's quite funny being an outsider to her antics and considering this is a gag series I understand her personality not growing. Oh, and I can probably mention that there's a one shot with a "delinquent" Arale version named Abale who wears sunglasses instead. Also Arale's name is based on a type of rice cracker while her last name (shared with the family of her creator) means something to the effect of being wrapped in seaweed, because Toriyama's naming scheme is based on line-of-sight.
Grade: B

Libido: Arale is actually somewhat fascinating here. She does seem really innocent and naive, but she does admit that one of her talents is her "feminine charm". This may be true as there's a lot of people who seem to fall in love with the young robot girl. This includes the head of school, a vampire named Prince Monster, and a gang leader among others I'm probably forgetting. Of course, we can't forget about Arale's official pairing. The villain of the series creates a young boy robot to face Arale, but Obatchaman (which was the name the fans voted on) eventually fell for her instead. They have a very cute relationship, and the two even have a child in the future (though as both are robots it is a created child).
Grade: B+

Age: Arale is created at the start of the manga. She was made with a body of a 10-13, though ironically as the series goes on her body seems to become smaller and younger-looking. This is a problem here as even in the beginning she would be too young, and some of the actions she does make her seem even younger. That said, Arale is said to be 18 by the end of the series (though she's still quite small) and she also graduates high school. According to Pixiv her birthday is May third, with the actual year being 1980 (though I'm not sure how accurate the year is as that's more of when the series began). Apparently there's also a panel of her seeming older due to a watch, but since she is unable to age I wouldn't actually count it.
Grade: C

Total Grades: 69
Average score: 7.7
Final Grade: B

So that is the blog for the week. What do you think about it, Arale?

: Slightly better than poop!

: Again, that would make a perfect tagline.

That aside, looks like it's time for us to be going. The sun is setting and everything.

: Because it's too scared to stay up too long, I reckon. (Wait, "reckon"? Darn it Ririchiyo, stop pretending to be from Kansai!)

: It's been good to see'cha! Bye'cha!

*Arale starts walking away...*

Posted by emperortopaz | Aug 3, 2017 7:52 AM | Add a comment
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