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Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:2 Ghost Whispers
5 Movie 1 "Either I'm really scatterbrained, or this whole thing was a mess as well. Oh well, what does it fucking matter, it ain't directed by Oshii Mamoru, so it doesn't mean shit LOL, " is what the Ghost whispered. R
TV: 0, OVA: 0, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 179.97, Mean Score: 5.0, Score Dev.: -2.48

TV: 792, OVA: 296, Movies: 295, Spcl.: 68, Eps: 14765, Days: 212.18, Mean Score: 4.4, Score Dev.: -2.86
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