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TV: 9, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 659, Days: 6.77, Mean Score: 9.5, Score Dev.: 1.54 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 D.Gray-man
A visually imaginative, engaging spectacle of an anime that blows my mind in an epic manner.

It's about Young exorcists that fight machine-like demons in an alternative 19th century-beautiful characters, amazing fight scenes and funny or touching dialouge....great show.
10 TV
50 / 103
2 Nabari no Ou
I will list my current favorite first: I haven't been so overjoyed with a series in a long time. It is very beautiful, poetic and emotional, and at the same time exciting and involving.

Each episode varies: some are more action-oriented, and others are more about intrigue and character relationships. -It is the subtle illustration of relationships that really gets me; how deftly they convey emotion at the same time as excitement during the battles, the little sighs and shy smiles that hint at secret relationships. This facinating world plays like a Ninja/ fantasy/ mystery/ opera, but feels so real it takes you there.

It does seem like every battle in this series feels like a deeper argument between different souls; battles about power and suppression, about family ties and revenge, and the more important battle for the loyalty of the protaganist:( who seems less a protaganist than his friends.)

Perhaps I gush to much and sound like I am selling car insurance...I will edit when I am less tired but I haven't been this excited about a work of fiction in a while.
Downloaded Episodes: 3
10 TV
18 / 26
3 Ergo Proxy
Probably the most fantastic artistically rendered anime out there; this anime can get depressing at times but the great ending and beautiful storytelling make up for it.

Fantastic series but once was really enough.
9 TV
4 Last Exile
10 TV
5 Natsume Yuujinchou
9 TV
6 Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou
9 TV
7 Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam
- TV
- / 21
8 Natsume Yuujinchou San
- TV
- / 13
9 No.6
- TV
- / 11