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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Started Date Finished Date
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Sensuikan Cassiopeia
Interesting techniques: still images, and movement is only achieved through (live action) water distortion, bubbles, lights, and camera movements. A unique mix of animation and live action methods to create an unusual visual style. Good music too: low-key sounds, musique concrete-esque.
7 Movie 1 Short, raw, c 18-04-18 18-04-18
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The Satisfaction
I don't think I've ever seen anything as horrifying as this. Rape is unfortunately pretty common in hentai, but for the most part it is 'mild' (questionable consent rather than pure violence) or heavily fantasised (e.g. tentacle/demon stuff) and hence easier to detach from. But this is on a whole other level. A girl is kidnapped, tied up and abused by an incredibly creepy man. Unlike more modern hentai, it's difficult to determine what this is supposed to be doing. It's obviously meant to be sinister and awful (that MUSIC), so can it be understood as porn? Or does it function more as horror? It's erotic fiction, but in the early days of home video it seems like creators were experimenting with the boundaries of their newfound freedom, focusing on the darkest, most objectionable topics they could think of, rather than on pure eroticism/pornography. And the centrality of bizarre, violent narratives is the legacy we're left with. The difficulty of the material and the context leaves me unsure whether I should applaud them as horror creators or denounce them as porn creators for creating something so disgusting and unsettling. I lean towards the latter.

EDIT: Increasing the score of this (from 1 to 7!) because I like it more the more I think about it. I don't know whether I should love it or hate it. Bizarre and fascinating.
7 OVA 1 hentai, raw, c 10-04-18 10-04-18
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Mimizu Monogatari
Uses photographs (both colour and black and white), some drawings, the sound of people screaming or laughing (more the former). No clue what the imagery actually means; maybe I'll try to parse it some other time.
6 Movie 1 Short, raw 20-04-18 20-04-18
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Uchiyama Aki
This is so creepy and strange. Especially episodes 1 and 3, but 2 has its moments too. I liked the trippy elements; this kind of experimental animation is what I want to see more of. The loli stuff, however, is kind of unforgivable. Incredibly uncomfortable. Although maybe that's an essential part of the bizarre experience of watching this monstrosity?

Actually so baffled by episode 3. Amazing.
6 OVA 3 hentai, raw, c 15-04-18 17-04-18
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Datenshi-tachi no Kyouen
After seeing both this and The Satisfaction, I am convinced that director and writer Kumazaki Satoru is one sick motherfucker. Some mafia people torture and sexually abuse members of some family, including a young girl. Graphic scenes ensue. Then the young girl brutally kills everyone. What kind of person cooks this shit up? Much like The Satisfaction, this is darkly fascinating; it gives me similar vibes to fucked up underground black metal. It's so primitive, so obscure, and so genuinely horrifying to the core. One of the only things that's so uncomfortable I've had to skip forward at points.
4 OVA 1 hentai, raw, c 13-04-18 13-04-18
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Naoko no Tropic Angel: Hyouryuu
3 OVA 1 hentai, raw 13-04-18 13-04-18
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Suashi no Houkago
3 OVA 1 hentai, raw 13-04-18 13-04-18
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Aoi Taiken
2 OVA 2 hentai, raw 13-04-18 13-04-18
TV: 0, OVA: 6, Movies: 2, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 102.59, Mean Score: 4.8, Score Dev.: 0.42

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Started Date Finished Date
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Town Workers
Difficult to watch raw, given that this was mostly just one conversation. Choppy rotoscoped animation; none of the fluidity I usually associate with the method. Nice backgrounds, but overall fairly mediocre visuals.
4 ONA 1/3 Short, raw 05-08-18
TV: 0, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 15.36, Mean Score: 4.0, Score Dev.: -1.80

TV: 710, OVA: 246, Movies: 308, Spcl.: 38, Eps: 7400, Days: 126.1, Mean Score: 5.6, Score Dev.: -1.27
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