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LOVED this one. i could say that it might go next to Baccano!
a few sexual themes here ant there which i though was a little irrelevent but, overall I loved the climax, the action, the twists and turns and major themes of this anime.
10 TV 13 loved this even though it lacked men. but i loved the voice actors~, general concept was interesting and well animated
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 103.57, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 2.78

TV: 362, OVA: 28, Movies: 88, Spcl.: 16, Eps: 6624, Days: 112.87, Mean Score: 7.8, Score Dev.: 0.15
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