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Aru Tabibito no Nikki Specials
Actually, I pretty much have NO idea what to say about this.
Because...actually...I don't really have an idea about this.
I mean, the actual 'Anime' was bad, so the Special's couldn't be way better, nee?
But. I liked them more. be specific, the first episode. 'Cause I didn't get the other two.
The first was even a little bit funny, and cute also. Especially when Tortov (that was his name, right?) smiled at the beginning. That was REALLY cute. And the story was cute. He, and Mr. Bun-Bun, eating some red things and getting all dizzy.
The 2nd episode was about a girl, who was reading things, and I guess that every time she read something, her mind was wandering to that place, described in the book.
And Imma talk about the last episode at the 'The Apple Incident' Movie. 'Cause it's the final episode of the specials and also a movie. yayyyy
Downloaded Episodes: 3
3 Special 3 yeah...(more inside ->) G 26-02-11 26-02-11 1 HD 0.2 Gb
TV: 0, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 0, Days: 3.07, Mean Score: 3.0, Score Dev.: -3.31

TV: 18, OVA: 29, Movies: 33, Spcl.: 28, Eps: 190, Days: 3.35, Mean Score: 8.7, Score Dev.: 1.46
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