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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!: Goshujinsama to Asonjao♥
So, this special (which I discovered just today, have no idea why), seriously cracked me off!! No kidding!! It was hella funny.
Especially the scene with Misaki and Usui which was repeated about 10 times with differend interpretations. hahaha
Fist, Setsuki's voice-swepping wasn't all that funny. It was funny just 'cause Misaki wouldn't say something like that, ever!!
Usui's interpretation was sooooo amusing!! Seriously. hahaha
And not to speak about the san-baka interpretation. I mean, the blond guy (I don't recall his name right now) was so funny!! Like, when he was Usui.."the san-baka trio are just....baka", I laughed like hell!!! hihihihihhi
So I really enjoyed watching this. hehe
Downloaded Episodes: 1
7 Special 1 REALLY FUNNY!! (More inside ->) PG-13 04-02-11 04-02-11 1 HD 0.1 Gb
TV: 0, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 0, Days: 3.07, Mean Score: 7.0, Score Dev.: -0.35

TV: 18, OVA: 29, Movies: 33, Spcl.: 28, Eps: 190, Days: 3.35, Mean Score: 8.7, Score Dev.: 1.46
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