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TV: 12, OVA: 2, Movies: 7, Spcl.: 2, Eps: 487, Days: 8.84, Mean Score: 8.3, Score Dev.: 0.90 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Fruits Basket
The anime is Funny and had relatable characters .
8 TV
10 / 26
2 Gintama
This is flipping hillarious!
10 TV
4 / 201
3 Azumanga Daiou The Animation
OMG I loved this series because of not only its humor aspect but its relatability aspect which makes it such a good anime to sit down and watch with friends.
10 TV
4 Azumanga Daiou: Gekijou Tanpen
It was one of the things that got me into azumanga daioh besides all the cute chiyo-chan vids how could I not look back at it fondly?
10 Special
5 Azumanga Web Daiou
was actually quite enjoyable for a one episode spin off . some other people may disagree about the animation quality and music but i believe what sets it off as a good mini spin off series is the fact that it replicates the personalities of the original characters pretty well and it stays true to its source material while still being its on thing.
6 Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
8 TV
7 Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni!
8 TV
8 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
It's not as good as its manga counterpart but I understand why that is that way. But still better than Pretty Cure /PreCure series.I prefer the Japanese version over the dub simply because the dub dumbed the dialogue down,added the annoying "sailor moon says" (which I admit wasn't really all that needed since kids are mostly taught thoose kinds of things from parents.thank god they got rid of that segment when dic lost the rights to Cloverway),did a rehash of the opening for the ending (but eh what can you expect from dic anyway) , edited the names (not my hugest complaint), edited scenes ,and skipped episodes.
8 TV
9 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS Gaiden: Ami-chan no Hatsukoi
7 Special
10 Busou Renkin
8 TV
11 Cardcaptor Sakura
9 TV
12 Dragon Half
Too flipping short wanted to see more T-T
10 OVA
13 Futari wa Precure: Max Heart Movie 1
5 Movie
14 Heppoko Jikken Animation Excel♥Saga
10 TV
15 Highschool of the Dead
My least favorite character was the power hungry teacher. My favorite part of the series when the zombies kick his butt :3!
- TV
16 Pokemon Black and White 2: Introduction Movie
MY GOD THIS KICKS MORE ASS THAN THE ACTUAL ANIME :3! WHY THE HELL ARE THE CONTINUING THAT USELESS EXCUSE FOR AN ANIME ADAPTATION OF A VIDEO GAME FEATURING A TRAINER WHO NEVER SEEMS TO AGE ANYHOW WHEN THEY GOT THIS MASTERPIECE ? :0 its just unthinkable how much the makers of the currently running pokemon series are disconected from the fan base and how short this masterpiece is. Hell even the mlp:fim writers have a better conection with fans look at how they added derpy hooves as an actual nonbackround character and vynyl scratch as an actual dj in s2 finale for celestia's sake.Honestly and they wonder why I have become more of a pegasister than a pokemon fan.I still am a pokemon fan deep down because that was my childhood(though my mom barred me from seeing it since she said it was evil because it has monsters and crap until i moved back to my dads) and well the games are good especially black and white I dont give a crap about the pokemon being unoriginal or just crapped out it is the depth of the plot that makes me rank it so highly its actually deeper than the original and some how makes me think of peta whenever team plasma rears their ugly heads and there is actually conflicting of ideals and deep personality to the game itself.Which is why I love this little trailer over the anime , the anime sucked out all the depth for far too long just to display gimicks and insult peoples intelect and insult the more older pokemon fans as well.I highly reccomend this little snip it of what should have been to everyone who thinks the current piece of garbage that is still on the television still rocks after almost 15 or so years of the sameold same old.
- PV
17 Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan
It is one of the more deeper pokemon movies but still a bit cheesy in someways looking back on it . I stopped watching the pokemon series after diamond and pearl season 2 and just watched the movies since the show kept on repeating the same dang cycle with ash never really becoming a champion and always moving on to another region as if nothing really happened. and after the last d&p movie i phazed out of the series all together because Iris,really? Honestly even may ,misty, and dawn were better female sidekicks. But anyway I highly reccomend rewatching this movie but only for nostalgic reasons or if your trying to introduce a new generation to pokemon properly (which you probably may need the video games to do that since they are the reason why im still a pokemon fan that and the manga which is better than the anime because at least they shine a light on a new person every arc and thoose people have personality which ash surely lacks of big time.)
8 Movie
18 Pokemon Movie 06: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi
the only part I found totally memorable was the candy part because jirachi looked so cute in that that I basically forgot everything else after watching the movie because one I havent rewatched it in ages so its kind of a blur to me ,and two after watching it only once the plot had nothing much that was new formula wise it was just bad guys after poor legendary to abuse that legendaries ablities for his or her own selfish disires or as I like to call the pikachu effect only instead of an ordanary pikachu that was overhyped since season one its something more of value. I do love pikachu as well though so I'm not bashing on pikachu here :3.
5 Movie
19 Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario
I personally like this movie because I'm a big sap for mew.mew is so adorable and mischievious especially in this movie where he transforms and crap and plays with toys.And I know this movie was ment to expose some new gimicks in the d+p games just to build up momentum for fans to raid the stores when they come out but mew made me look past that with his adorable ways!^.^
7 Movie
20 Puni Puni☆Poemii
10 OVA
21 Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa
10 Movie
22 Tonari no Totoro
10 Movie
23 Pokemon Best Wishes!
5 TV
1 / 84
24 Samurai Champloo
- TV
- / 26
25 Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
- Movie
- / 1