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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Death Parade
8 TV 3/12 Genre: Game, Mystery, Psychological R
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 27.18, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: -0.14

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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8 TV 12 Genre:Action, Sci-Fi, Psychological, Seinen. My Thoughts:You can call this Hunger games the anime with bombs. The series was ejoyable to the very end. All I can say is that this series was just fun. I mean it\'s nothing amazing. But it is fun to watch. R
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Death Note
10 TV 37 Genre:Mystery, Thriller, Psychological, Police, Supernatural. My Thoughts:Probably the best anime for newcomers. There isn\'t really a word to sum up how amazing this series is.The suspense is unbelievable, the main characters L and Kira stell the show. R
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Death Note: Rewrite
4 TV Special 2 Genre:Mystery, Thriller, Psychological, Police, Supernatural. Movies that tell the story of Death Note in Movie Lenght. My Thoughts:A waste of time. Way to rushed, some new scenes . But not much different. You would rather rewatch all 37 episodes. R
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Elfen Lied
9 TV 13 Genre:Action, Drama, Horror, Psychological, Romance, Super Power. My Thoughts:If you can\\\'t handle gore, than stay the fuck away from this anime. Surprisingly this anime has a very sad and deep meaning in it\\\'s story. I cried about 2 times. R+
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Elfen Lied: Tooriame nite Arui wa, Shoujo wa Ikani Shite Sono Shinjou ni Itatta ka? - Regenschauer
7 Special 1 Genre:Horror, Psychological, Super Power, Romance, Action, Drama. Special episode 10.5 (Elfen Lied) My Thoughts:Very Good special, it gave you some more backstory to Lucy. First half was Comedy and the Second half was Drama. Very good special. R+
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8 Movie 1 Genre:Mecha, Sci-Fi, Military, Police, Psychological, Action. My Thoughts:A lot less complex than the first one. The animation was gorgeous and the writing was top notch, but I felt this movie sometimes dragged out and no Kusanagi :( R
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Mirai Nikki (TV)
9 TV 26 Genre:Action, Romance, Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Shounen, Psychological, Supernatural. My Thoughts:I will admit I don\'t like the series as much as I did in the past but this is still a great anime. It has great characters, story solid animation. Yuno R+
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Mirai Nikki: Redial
9 OVA 1 Genre:OVA, Action, Romance, Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Shounen, Psychological, Supernatural.Episode 27 aka True Ending (Mirai Nikki). My Thoughts:A very good ending for the series, much better than the TV series ending. R
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9 TV 22 Genre:Mystery, Vampire, Horror, Tragic, Psychological, Thriller, Supernatural. My Thoughts:Not Twilight.Shiki is one of the best vampire anime ever. It starts out slow, but it picks up around the end, very sad. The hair styles were a bit ridiculous. R
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Shiki Specials
9 Special 2 Genre:Specials, Mystery, Vampire, Horror, Tragic, Psychological, Thriller, Supernatural. Episode 20.5 and Episode 21.5 (Shiki). My Thoughts:These specials were amazing, it answers some plot holes. Why weren\'t they in the anime ? R
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Shinseiki Evangelion
10 TV 26 Genre:Action, Dementia, Drama, Mecha, Psychological, Sci-Fi. My Thoughts:This anime is a true masterpiece. It has one of the best story lines ever and some of the best characters ever and is and still talked about to this day. Complex as fuck PG-13
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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
10 Movie 1 Genre:Action, Dementia, Drama, Mecha, Psychological, Sci-Fi. The True ending (Neon Genesis Evangelion). My Thoughts:The biggest Mindfuck ever and that ending Shinji choke a bitch. One of my favorite MOVIES OF ALL TIME !!! R+
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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Shi to Shinsei
4 Movie 1 Genre:Action, Dementia, Drama, Mecha, Psychological, Sci-Fi. A recap movie of (Neon Genesis Evangelion). My Thoughts:Like the Death Note Rewrite's this is A WASTE OF TIME.It's 3/4 recap and 1/4 first 20 mins of End of Evangelion R
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10 TV 24 Genre:Sci-Fi, Comedy, Thriller, Psychological, Drama. My Thoughts:It lived up to my highest expectations and it delivered and amazing time travel story with well developed/likable characters, great comedy and a satisfying ending. A must watch. PG-13
TV: 7, OVA: 1, Movies: 3, Spcl.: 2, Eps: 0, Days: 31.82, Mean Score: 8.3, Score Dev.: 0.46

TV: 224, OVA: 42, Movies: 54, Spcl.: 19, Eps: 5221, Days: 59, Mean Score: 7.6, Score Dev.: 0.09
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