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Kenpuu Denki Berserk
a dank anime based on its even danker big brother berserk the manga... dont get me wrong berserk is defiantly a 10 but the manga deserves a 10.5 :) lol the characters are epic you got Gutts who is the ultimate u got bunch of other memorable characters. when i first saw berserk i was a little middle school er and I loved this shit! i watched berserk non stop till i completed it then i started to read the manga... i have re watched it alot of times and you notice stuff you didnt really get the first time through... All in All Guts is by far the best character i have ever saw... hes the ultimate bad ass... hes just a human but he pwns anything thats thrown at him...
10 TV 25 ultimate, extreme, brutal, awesome, Godly, classic, Ownage, Love R+ 03-01-10 04-01-10
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 133.76, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 1.41

TV: 359, OVA: 54, Movies: 47, Spcl.: 6, Eps: 8782, Days: 149.48, Mean Score: 8.1, Score Dev.: 0.67
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