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Macross II: Lovers Again
2 6 COMP160 gang gang, idoltrain, anti-war glorification slant ft. the antagonists being a species whose only culture is a song meant to send troops to war, but it's all around boring and the directing lacks energy, also the MC has shitty hair lul 08-03-18 08-13-18 11
TV: 0, OVA: 1, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 215.45, Mean Score: 2.0, Score Dev.: -4.29

TV: 1424, OVA: 294, Movies: 490, Spcl.: 192, Eps: 15235, Days: 229.64, Mean Score: 4.6, Score Dev.: -2.28
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