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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Eh, it was alright. Characters were interesting, I guess. Main guy just downright pissed me off sometimes cus man how basic can you get. Also, Menma was annoying. I get that she died as a KID so she very childish but like idk. It was bad and good so yeah eh, it was alright. lol
6 TV 11 slice-of-life, drama PG-13
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Bakuman. 2nd Season
It lulled a little towards the mid-end
Okay but that ending pulled it ALL back
Fucking love this show. The characters are so well written and there are so many likeable characters and realistic too like bro take all my love and money. This is great bro 10/10
10 TV 25 manga, slice of life, drama, comedy, SO FRKN GOOD PG-13
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Bakuman. 3rd Season
Hi this anime is great. I LOVE Yoshida and Hiramaru. I just never want this series to end so I can continue to laugh at them. But Hiramaru kun is so cute when he's with Yuriko. AND OH MY GOD THE PROGRESSION OF YUUJIROU'S CHARACTER BRO! I LOVE THIS MAN! AND MY MANS HATTORI>!?! WHO GONE FORGET ABOUT HIM?!?! Hattori I'll have yo babies, even tho I don't even like babies. These characters were all written so well. Even Eiji with all his eccentricities. They're all perfect. I just wish Kaya was a little more fleshed out, but I think the point was to make her that way. She's just normal, but still a great person <3 I love this show T_T
This was so great. I wish there was more, but a good story must end somewhere right? Loved it!
9 TV 25 comedy, drama, slice-of-life, romance, mangaka, friendship, quality ass characters PG-13
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Boku dake ga Inai Machi
This story was really interesting. I really liked the concept and I feel like they could have gone really wrong with it, but they didn't. I'm not a fan of the direction they took this story from like episode 10 or whatever, but it was still really well written. The names of the characters are HELLA forgettable though so there's that. I enjoyed this though. It was good. Satoru and his mom are GREAT characters.
9 TV 12 drama, murder, friendship, slice-of-life, Hokaido, "Shtake" R
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10 TV 24 adventure, drama, comedy R
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Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma
Emma cute but so...bland sometimes, Hakim cute but I want to tear his face off and shove it up his ass, Eleanor has the most punchable face and irritating persona like sis, there's so many men and you BARELY KNOW THIS GUY LIKE HWAT?
7 TV 12 romance, drama, seinen, historical, period, slice of life, poor girl falls in love with wealthy man, f Eleanor and Vivi G
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Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma: Molders-hen
Eleanor still has the most punchable face in the world. Hans fine af, but Will is what Emma wants smh. The whole ending was TRASH. I didn't wait this long to watch some garbage smh predictable trash
6 TV 12 romance, drama, seinen, historical, period, f eleanor squad part 2, also f will G
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Fruits Basket
9 TV 26 drama, shoujo, romance, drama again PG-13
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Fruits Basket 1st Season
I wanna give this a 6.5 because I really did fast forward through a lot of it. Like it wasn't bad but it wasn't great. It just was. I did like it, don't get me wrong, but it was really slow (?) idk

It was just alright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7 TV 25 romance, comedy, drama, fantasy PG-13
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Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku: Kinetograph
I will never forget the ending song bro
8 OVA 2 drama, josei, reverse harem sorta PG-13
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Itou Junji: Collection
meh, interesting enough, some stories more than others
6 TV 12 drama, horror, mystery, supernatural R
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Kamisama Hajimemashita◎
Let me tell you that season 2 is FAAAAAAAAR greater than season 1. Wow. I actually LOVE this show. The story lines were great and there was actual plot and it wasn't corny and cheesy. Good balance of drama, comedy, romance. I very much enjoyed this. 8.5 for you
8 TV 12 comedy, shoujo, love, drama, romance, much better than season 1 PG-13
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Kotonoha no Niwa
the artwork was so beautiful, but wtf kinda plot. I don't know. I didn't enjoy this.
5 Movie 1 drama, slice-of-life PG-13
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ugh ( ;´Д`)fuck a bitch up! Komatsu Nana got me thinkin of me and I just wish I had a Nana and I can't stop crying like a lil bitch (ㄒoㄒ)
40 episodes later, I am still crying like a lil bitch. The friendship between Nana and Hachi just is so beautiful and I want something like that so badly. I want that support. I want that love. This show is so good it hurts my heart that it's over and I want more.
10 TV 47 josei, drama, love, friendship, bitch fuck me up this show is so good ToT, I want more R+
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Naruto: Shippuuden
Naruto Shippuden had so much promise in the beginning of the show, but it started to go downhill fast. The Pain arc could have been so good but they FKD that art man. When they killed Neji it was all over. Making the ending so damn complicated and incorporating a MFin ALIEN INTO THE MIX??? KISHOMOTO WHAT THE ACTUAL F MY GUY?!? The fillers weren't even entertaining, bro. They ruined my chidlhood show.
7 TV 500 shounen, drama, comedy, ninja, aliens, might as well make that a tag too BC THE WHOLE PLOT IS CENTERED AROUND ALIENS AND NOT NINJA SHIT LIKE WE THOUGHT AS KIDS, F YOU KISHIMOTO, this show sucks PG-13
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Paradise Kiss
There's some really cringe moments in almost every episode. The amount of times I pause this show to collect myself and contain the second hand embarrassment is extremely high, sis. Okay but I loved this and my heart hurts. I would rather have him FUCKING DIE THAN THAT ENDING?!! WHY DOESN'T SHE GET TO HAVE HIM!>! WHY DO THEY PART WAYS?!?! YA NA KANJI (TT_TT)
8 TV 12 slice of life, comedy, drama, josei, romance, FAWK that ending bitch >:[ R
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Yakusoku no Neverland
The artwork and animation in this show is amazing. They do a really good job of building tension and suspense. I love it.
Bih, the plot twists? Amazing. Literally didn't see half of that crap coming.

For real there are spoilers following here, shoo~
I really wish Norman didn't have to die. I really need a season two. This was a really good anime and I'm glad I watched it. I love that we got to see Krone and Isabella's backgrounds too. They're just a product of the system. I fucking love Ray too. The fact that he is actually her child is insane. Like bro wtf who would have thought. I love this show
9 TV 12 fantasy, brotherhood, family ties, drama, demon things, blood, A1 artwork, SEASON TWO COMING SOON WITCHES R
TV: 15, OVA: 1, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 66.28, Mean Score: 7.9, Score Dev.: -0.06

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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dumb af
3 TV 2/24 drama, mystery, i think the mc is a loli and we don't vibe with that R
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Vampire Knight
i watched this at like 13 years old and it was bad then and its bad now
5 TV 12/13 vampire, romance, drama, silver gun pew pew PG-13
TV: 2, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 6.95, Mean Score: 4.0, Score Dev.: -3.45

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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Neko no Ongaeshi
- Movie -/1 Studio Ghibli, adventure, drama, fantasy, cats G
TV: 0, OVA: 0, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 134, OVA: 6, Movies: 32, Spcl.: 7, Eps: 5882, Days: 95.24, Mean Score: 7.2, Score Dev.: -0.43
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