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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Rewatching
This shit is my favorite show of all time. I rewatched it thrice. And now I'm watching it again a 4th time.
10 TV 25/64 shounen, alchemy, comedy, best anime of all time ever R
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 64, Days: 1.01, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 0.91

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Aggressive Retsuko
9 TV 100 comedy, cute, sanrio PG-13
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Aggressive Retsuko (ONA)
8 ONA 10 comedy, cute, sanrio PG-13
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Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season
I really want this to keep going. I relate af to Retsuko and I wanna see her happy and I hope she gets Haida bro
9 ONA 10 comedy, cute, sanrio PG-13
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Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 3rd Season
9 ONA 10 comedy, cute, sanrio PG-13
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Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 4th Season
8 ONA 10 comedy, cute, sanrio PG-13
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Aggressive Retsuko: We Wish You a Metal Christmas
6 ONA 1 comedy, cute, sanrio PG-13
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Honestly, younger me would not have appreciated this show as much as older me does. I love it! It is so cute and sweet and funny and lovely. This show has it all and it's freaking great and I find myself rooting for the characters every episode. I'm really invested lol This was so good and I hate them for ending the show on that T_T I LOVE HATTORI-SAN, BRO ToT
9 TV 25 friendship, comedy, romance, slice-of-life, manga, mangaka, so fckn cute PG-13
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Bakuman. 2nd Season
It lulled a little towards the mid-end
Okay but that ending pulled it ALL back
Fucking love this show. The characters are so well written and there are so many likeable characters and realistic too like bro take all my love and money. This is great bro 10/10
10 TV 25 manga, slice of life, drama, comedy, SO FRKN GOOD PG-13
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Bakuman. 3rd Season
Hi this anime is great. I LOVE Yoshida and Hiramaru. I just never want this series to end so I can continue to laugh at them. But Hiramaru kun is so cute when he's with Yuriko. AND OH MY GOD THE PROGRESSION OF YUUJIROU'S CHARACTER BRO! I LOVE THIS MAN! AND MY MANS HATTORI>!?! WHO GONE FORGET ABOUT HIM?!?! Hattori I'll have yo babies, even tho I don't even like babies. These characters were all written so well. Even Eiji with all his eccentricities. They're all perfect. I just wish Kaya was a little more fleshed out, but I think the point was to make her that way. She's just normal, but still a great person <3 I love this show T_T
This was so great. I wish there was more, but a good story must end somewhere right? Loved it!
9 TV 25 comedy, drama, slice-of-life, romance, mangaka, friendship, quality ass characters PG-13
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Amazing sports anime with really well thought out characters and a great plot. There are some slow points every now and then, but it always picks back up. Great, great show!
10 TV 25 Karuta, romance, comedy, friends, josei, slice of life, cute PG-13
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Chihayafuru 2
This was such an amazing and beatiful series. The characters, the soundtrack, the plot, the relationships, the art...Everything was so perfect. I've never binge watched a series before this one and it's so perfect. I'm so hooked. The author of this series, really put a lot of thought into each and every character she presented to us and it really shows. A big thank you to everyone who made this anime possible. Please continue it. I need more of Chihayafuru. I need to see its end.
10 TV 25 Karuta, romance, comedy, friends, josei, slice of life, cute PG-13
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Chihayafuru 2: Waga Miyo ni Furu Nagame Shima ni
that was cute
my fave part was arata at the end lmaooo
7 OVA 1 Karuta, romance, comedy, friends, josei, slice of life PG-13
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10 TV 24 adventure, drama, comedy R
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Fruits Basket 1st Season
I wanna give this a 6.5 because I really did fast forward through a lot of it. Like it wasn't bad but it wasn't great. It just was. I did like it, don't get me wrong, but it was really slow (?) idk

It was just alright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7 TV 25 romance, comedy, drama, fantasy PG-13
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
alr imma be real for a sec....this isn't memorable at all lol but it's still a good watch
8 TV 12 comedy, romance, school PG-13
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Hanasaku Iroha
I love this one :c it's so cute
10 TV 26 slice of life, seinen, comedy, romance, cute af PG-13
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Hunter x Hunter (2011)
8 TV 148 shounen, action, adventure, fantasy, comedy PG-13
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I skipped some of the more "filler" type episodes

Sesshomaru is the bomb dot com and can't nobody tell me otherwise.

How come Inuyasha acts like he's "with" Kagome but neither of them straight tell each other their lovey dovey feelings???? Inuyasha is garbage bro. Why Kagome crying over this fuckboi??? SMH these kids are hormonal af

But like I can't believe there was no end at the why make a "final act" just add some episodes on in a new season?? anyway this was aigh't. we really only here to simp for sesshomaru
7 TV 167 comedy, adventure, magic, demons, alternate universe, love, a classic, supernatural, romance PG-13
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
I didn't like the ending. I think that the last 4 episodes were kind of dumb. But it was a better shoujo anime than what I have seen so far.
8 TV 26 comedy, romance PG-13
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Kamisama Hajimemashita◎
Let me tell you that season 2 is FAAAAAAAAR greater than season 1. Wow. I actually LOVE this show. The story lines were great and there was actual plot and it wasn't corny and cheesy. Good balance of drama, comedy, romance. I very much enjoyed this. 8.5 for you
8 TV 12 comedy, shoujo, love, drama, romance, much better than season 1 PG-13
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Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
It was good until like ep 20. Then I was like eehh idc
7 TV 26 romance, comedy PG-13
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I was feeling all types of ways when I watched this. Truth be told I was at a low point and so unhappy with my life at this time. I had no confidence, just like Tsukimi. I related to her hurt and I learned from it tbh. It was a heartwarming show that had me laughing and crying so much.
9 TV 11 comedy, josei, slice of life, romance PG-13
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Naruto: Shippuuden
Naruto Shippuden had so much promise in the beginning of the show, but it started to go downhill fast. The Pain arc could have been so good but they FKD that art man. When they killed Neji it was all over. Making the ending so damn complicated and incorporating a MFin ALIEN INTO THE MIX??? KISHOMOTO WHAT THE ACTUAL F MY GUY?!? The fillers weren't even entertaining, bro. They ruined my chidlhood show.
7 TV 500 shounen, drama, comedy, ninja, aliens, might as well make that a tag too BC THE WHOLE PLOT IS CENTERED AROUND ALIENS AND NOT NINJA SHIT LIKE WE THOUGHT AS KIDS, F YOU KISHIMOTO, this show sucks PG-13
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One Punch Man
9 TV 12 comedy, action, so so good R
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Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
I really didn't want this to end. I really liked this show and I wasn't expecting to. Honestly, I wasn't expecting it to be this good, but I really can't get over how much I liked it. At the same time, though, I don't want to say I liked it.
9 TV 12 romance, comedy, school PG-13
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Ore Monogatari!!
That last episode was so stupid
Like it was good and then it got less good towards the end. I don't wanna say it got worse but it wasnt as good idk
9 TV 24 romance, comedy PG-13
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Ouran Koukou Host Club
9 TV 26 comedy, romance PG-13
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Paradise Kiss
There's some really cringe moments in almost every episode. The amount of times I pause this show to collect myself and contain the second hand embarrassment is extremely high, sis. Okay but I loved this and my heart hurts. I would rather have him FUCKING DIE THAN THAT ENDING?!! WHY DOESN'T SHE GET TO HAVE HIM!>! WHY DO THEY PART WAYS?!?! YA NA KANJI (TT_TT)
8 TV 12 slice of life, comedy, drama, josei, romance, FAWK that ending bitch >:[ R
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Spy x Family
So cute and sweet T^T
9 TV 12 shounen, childcare, action, comedy, wholesome, cute child PG-13
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Spy x Family Part 2
10 TV 13 action, comedy, spy, cute child, shounen PG-13
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Spy x Family Season 2
8 TV 12 comedy, cute PG-13
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
8 TV 13 comedy, romance PG-13
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It started out cute and the entire middle was stupid and then it got good towards the end but the last two episodes were stupid as hell.y
6 TV 25 comedy, romance PG-13
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Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge♥
This show was so funny, so sweet, and so great. I really enjoyed it. It wasn't too lovey dovey, in fact it wasn't like that at all. It was so focused on friendship and self-love and working on yourself to be a better you. I loved this show. I loved how all the boys aren't fancy rich kids, I love how Yuki learns to love who he is, I love how Noi-chi is so in tune with her sexual side and she isn't afraid to show it, I love how unapologetically out there Noi is, I love how Tamao exists and she isn't this secretly sexy thot ass hoe, I love how Tamao is little miss traditionally perfect, I love Jii!!! I also love how we are all aware of Ranmaru's like playboyness and don't approve, but we know he's a good guy. It was weird how he's only FIF-FLIPPIN-TEEN and out here being this thot ass hoe like bish that's tew much.

But all in all this show was great from start to end. The fourth wall breaks had me dying! The last episode had me crying. I'm so glad that they didn't force some kissy-lovey shit between Sunako and Kyohei. I like that it was just a good freindship ♥ Ah this was a good show ^_^ (Kinda wish it was a little longer to see more of a story for Ranmaru, Yuki, and Tamao, but still great nonetheless)
9 TV 25 comedy, bishounen, it's pretty funny tho I dig it, friendship, self-love, a lil bit of love, I love Noi PG-13
TV: 28, OVA: 1, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 66.28, Mean Score: 8.4, Score Dev.: 0.48

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Shirokuma Cafe
- TV 3/50 lol, so cute, comedy, slice of life G
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Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou
7 TV 7/13 ep 14=1, supernatural, comedy, 21 PG-13
TV: 2, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 21, Mean Score: 7.0, Score Dev.: -1.54

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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no it's boring and not funny
5 TV 10/24 Demons, comedy R
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Neo Angelique Abyss
this was so bad but like why did i watch 12/13 eps doe
2 TV 12/13 comedy, fantasy, romance, shoujo, reverse harem PG-13
TV: 2, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 6.95, Mean Score: 3.5, Score Dev.: -3.73

Plan to Watch
# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Amagi Brilliant Park
- TV -/13 comedy, magic, shappu PG-13
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Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
- TV -/12 comedy, slice of life, romance PG-13
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One Punch Man 2nd Season
- TV -/12 comedy, action R
TV: 3, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 134, OVA: 6, Movies: 32, Spcl.: 7, Eps: 5882, Days: 95.24, Mean Score: 7.2, Score Dev.: -0.43
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