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Fruits Basket 2nd Season
why are they so skinny thin...just skin and bones
Yo this show is so dramatic and irritating like...we just watching everybody get abused and used like wtf is this bro
No because I'm actually tired of this stupid ass show. I'm tired of this love triangle, I'm tired of the abuse, I'm tired of the trauma porn, I'm tired of Tohru being stupid af and of everyone assuming xyz. This show is just SO incredibly stupid. Who writes this garbage???? I just want it to be overrrrrrrrrrrr
No, I can't. Too many stupid ass charactes, too much confusing drama, too much stupidity. goodbye
5 TV 13/25 Chinese Zodiac, romance, slice of life, supernatural PG-13
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 6.95, Mean Score: 5.0, Score Dev.: -3.54

TV: 134, OVA: 6, Movies: 32, Spcl.: 7, Eps: 5882, Days: 95.24, Mean Score: 7.2, Score Dev.: -0.43
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