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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter)
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Meitantei Conan Airing
6 TV 766/- 6.4, ║G►, adven, com, myst, police, ║P►, puzzle, detective, episodic, SI, theif, ║C►, MM, ChM, group, ║S►, japan, city, country-s, home, ║W/F►, gun, knife, gadget, unconvent, wit, ║D►, shounen
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One Piece Airing
10 TV 698/- 10.0, ║G►, fant, act, adven, myst, com, drama, SP, ║P►, TS, contin, zomb, samurai, racism, pirate, mermaid, android, giant, LH, ║C►, MM, TM, AM, group, ║S►, fant(s), sea, ║W/F►, h2h, sword, spear, mech, gun, unconvent, element
TV: 2, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 118.51, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: -0.46

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