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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising
4 Movie 1 Started off slow before getting to what I was expecting 30 minutes in. Then it falls flat on its face with the ending. The first filler movie was more engaging and more hype. If anything, this just made me want to watch the series proper. PG-13
TV: 0, OVA: 0, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 316.65, Mean Score: 4.0, Score Dev.: -3.95

TV: 1101, OVA: 263, Movies: 262, Spcl.: 41, Eps: 19132, Days: 327.76, Mean Score: 5.7, Score Dev.: -1.68
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