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Digimon Adventure
Part of my love for this show is probably nostalgia, but having rewatched it subbed (which btw is superior to the dub a fair bit imo), I was surprised how many moments emotionally resonated with me. When Taichi realizes he could die going through the electrified fence in Etemon's arc, but he does it anyway to rescue his friend Sora, it was so touching, and I love that that scene activated his crest of courage the first time.

I also loved Yamato's scene in the river before he fights Taichi, when he questions his purpose and why so many digimon have to suffer.

Also loved Hikari as a character and how strong willed she was, sacrificing herself for others and Gatomon/Tailmon's change around Hikari.

Mixed feelings toward Takeru now (ironically, since he was my favorite as a child) because he abandoned Tokomon/Patamon when Taichi went to the real world and was mean to him when he and Yamato were riding the train. He also cried a lot in my opinion.

Loved Leomon's sacrifice and Wizardmon's too, as well as lots of climactic evolutions like Angemon's/WGreymon's/MGarurumon's, etc.
7 TV 54 Loved Vamdemon/Myotismon arc, loved HolyAngemon's climactic appearance, loved the return to the digital world and their allies gradually dying, and just liked the cast of 8 (okay I hated Mimi...) (continued in Comments) PG
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 93.53, Mean Score: 7.0, Score Dev.: -0.78

TV: 440, OVA: 26, Movies: 118, Spcl.: 12, Eps: 7876, Days: 136.18, Mean Score: 5.3, Score Dev.: -2.31
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