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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Hajime no Ippo: Rising
Very entertaining watch and a nice continuation of Ippo's tale. One issue I have is that the series is a lot of matches and very long, but I do also appreciate just how gradual it is. I especially love the character Volg, though I don't care for a lot of side battles like Takamura's or the other two at the gym.
7 TV 25 Loved Volg's return and when he KOed Makunouchi. (Volg's my fave char) Also loved the threat of Sawamura. PG-13
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 93.53, Mean Score: 7.0, Score Dev.: -1.60

TV: 440, OVA: 26, Movies: 118, Spcl.: 12, Eps: 7876, Days: 136.18, Mean Score: 5.3, Score Dev.: -2.31
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