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Yato (god of war/calamity)
Hiyori Iki (half-phantom)
Yukine/Yuki (regalia)
Kofuku Ebisu (Goddess of poverty)
Nora (past regalia?)
Bishamon/Veena (another god of war)

1: (11:31) Of all places to appear, it had to be underneath her bed sheets Yato? With the creep face too? I would have molly wopped his ass so hard... | ED sung by supercell!!

2: Yuki just looked like he was about to be a smartass..

3: (2:45) When nobody told Yato that not everybody used to that bum life like he is | (12:35) Damn, is that the taste of betrayal? | Don't misunderstand Yato. He has his reasons for everything.

4: (11:38) Oh my lordt. I mf can't. He knocked the dude who was going to leap to his death off the building before he even jumped. He just knocked this dude to his death...Great job Yato, you're doing so great. | Fam this wasn't time NOR place to be handing out your business card. I'm glad Hiyori hit them shits out your hand. | OML!! He told them story while they was still free falling. I still mf can't!! | LOL!! 'I swear on my life!' ...You mean you're about to give up...Like Yato said 'Not convinced!' | The was the longest fall I have ever witnessed LMAO. | Yup that's Eren all right. Yuki just needs to yell and get angry a lot then I'll definitely hear it. | Babe. He's the god of war, not sunflowers. What do you think?

5: (6:49) This is the seen from vine!! Creep/Shark Yato!! How did he even find her house to begin with? | I know Yato out there dying right now. Yukine cannot be stopped! | (19:50) Hell yes!! I recognize that agonized scream immediately! Jaegerbomb is that you bae?

6: (7:05) Holy crap. That look in Yato's eye is terrifying. Plus I bet he already knows Yuki is lying anyway, prob felt that shit too | (17:02) These people are starting to urk me. All anybody is focused on is the fact that, yes, he did kill Bisha's regalia. Nobody is even trying to give him the benefit of a doubt and bring it up damn near constantly! But what they never bother to ask him is 'why?'. Why did he do it? What was the situation? Hiyori and maybe even a little bit Yuki also by now should now that Yato does everything (usually) within good reason. Especially the gods who have known him for who knows how long but its like he has not a single person in his corner there for him.

7: (2:14) Dang Yato! Gave mans Kuraha an eyepatch fam | (13:15) Thank you. Thank you so much Kazuma. Thank you for actually giving a fuck, for noticing when the people closest don't. Instantly my fave.

8: (11:49) Can I just say that I was not expecting Kofuku to go hard like that bcuz of Yato...Maybe there are more people in his corner than I originally though...

9: I usually don't pick the dramatic episodes as my favs but I gotta say this time I'm gonna have to do it. So much happened and so much has been resolved. I'm satisfied. BTW I like seeing Yuki and Yato as father and son. Its perfect for them. BTW Dai is an ugly cryer.

10: (1:48) It's like they're proud parents of their stubborn little child Yuki.

12: (9:50) Holy balls! We've found him!! We fuckin found him!! This whole time I really could not believe that Yato was voiced by the same person as Levi. But then he said those 2 words(Be quiet.) in that baritone voice and all doubt was gone. It is him. Him is it. | When you never realized how dumb sexy that deep baritone voice was til now | (18:39) I don't know who pulled it first but she just fuckin pulled the shit right now. OMG. | (22:15) Yato looked absolutely tootin adorable!!

Damn watched all of this in a night!
Woot!! On to season 2!!
- TV 12 supernatural, supercell, kamis, regalias, phantoms 752
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 40.87, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

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