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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
Yakumo Saito
Haruka Ozawa
Nao Saito
Isshin Saito
Azusa Saito
Shunsuke Takeda

2: Damn, she done already fell for him.

3: (6:45) Why does everyone hint at them needing to be together?! Like they can't just be friends or something? & Hoe does Goto know that the manager is even in her age range? I'm pretty sure she never describe him... | (12:30) They love throwing the word 'boyfriend' around as if it don't mean anything, don't they? What's even more ironic is that neither one of the niggas are even anywhere near being her 'boyfriend' because both of them think the other is her 'boyfriend'!! But why does everybody always gotta make stupid ass assumptions!?

4: (16:20) I hope that's a really bad misunderstanding Yakumo has there...

5: (6:45) Yakumo's dry humor is really funny but his tone of voice kinda takes away from it...

6: (1:55) Don't buy it nigga!! That bitch gotta be haunted for the rent to be that low! (7:12) Does he even go to the damn university!?! I ain't never seen him in not one class ever! I ain't never seen him do nothing but sleep in that room all day! | (7:25) Was that the 'spot'...or nah? Cause the way he flew across the room like that...

7: (23:00) This bitch is bat shit crazy fam!!

8: (15:15) So much is happening...all I can say is that poor, poor baby... | (17:35) Everybody is tied into this someway or somehow!!

9: (6:35) They is some savages!! Like for WHY?? We got what they want to do, what they're doing, and how but we ain't got the WHY!!! Hell, we ain't got the why on why they do any of the shit they've done up to now!! | WTF?!! Why isn't anyone out for that red-eyed basard's blood?! Especially Yakumo!! Not only did he kidnap & rape his mother, he made her suffer, pinned a murder on her fiancé and then proceeded to murder him, which then drove her to madness in which she then tried to kill Yakumo, disappears for years and is somehow killed, kidnaps him and planned to kill Haruka in front of his face.....but instead of slicing his throat open or at least doing SOMETHING they attend fucking orchestra concerts...? I can't even tell if he's even mad!! He either 1) really doesn't care that much or 2) is being calm on the surface and is planning underneath. | Anyway...every episode always has me tearing up at some point but I think this episode takes the cake in how I cried like a baby!

10: (8:35) NOOOOOO!!! Not Uncle Saito!! Don't take him!!! Got me tearing up already! | The best part was looking at all of those pictures!! Yakumo was the cutest fucking baby fam!! & then when there was the pcture with Yakumo, his mom, & Takeda I nearly freakin' lost it bruh!! <3 | You see what I'm saying like WHYYYYY??? For whyyyy??

12: (2:05) I knew it. | (22:40) Are you fuckin' kidding me!! They stay killing bitches!! & all of Yakumo's acquaintances stay being easy ass targets!! For some odd ass reason everytime Yakumo is in a situation they wanna stick hella close to ass but what they apparently aren't realizing is that they're nothing but liabilities!!

13: (4:55) Damn. I was hoping one of them eyes would be normal! Bruh, this is horrible! | (6:50) Sooo, where the fuck did the nigga go...Like I don't understand. & Yakumo's was not that color | (9:55) Wait!! Isshin really brain dead?! Damn, I was tryin' to keep hope alive!! Like maybe he could of reversed it or something! But I guess not... | I cried for half this episode!! Actually I cried for half this series!! I teared up nonstop every episode since the one where the daughter of that doctor drowned in the river!! Geezus!!
- TV 13 psychic 2
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 40.87, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

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