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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
This season really felt like it brought things that we had been wondering in season one and two to full circle.
This season was so good I damn near don't know how to describe it. Instead of focusing on the war between titans and humans, we zoom into the struggle that's happening or BEEN happening between humans.

-levi and kenny and kuchel
Let's talk about how it was when Kenny was on his deathbed that he finally decided to reveal to Levi that he was his uncle. Oh, and apparently Ackermanns feel this burst of power whenever they like 'activate' or find their goal or whatever you call it.

-the reiss family (insert frida in here too)
they are the real royal blood. The Founder Titan powers runs in their blood. Whenever they wipe the memories of humanity only a select few still remember. One of those select few being the Ackermanns. The Ackermanns originally served as the sword for the Reiss' until the point of disagreement btwn them on the fate of humanity.
Still wondering why the first founder thinks it's a good idea to be titan food instead of eradicating all titans for good.

-eren and grisha and carla
Eren is the spitting image of Carla but he definitely inherited that fire from his father.

-grisha and shadis
Grisha's story sounds so fascinating. How do you just pop up outside of the walls with no recollection of any past memories other than your name? I'm so glad that Shadis told us the story of how he met Grisha. Because of him we got to see Grisha in a whole new light other than the one that we were initially used to seeing because we were seeing him from Eren's perspective.
Shadis told us about the Grisha that we've never had the chance to witness. The Grisha that was fascinated with the world within the walls, that admired the scouting legion for being brave, strong, and the chosen ones, for having the balls and the fire to stop a never ending cycle, for showing us his compassionate side.

-shadis and eren
let me take you back to the first season during training. Do you remember when everyone was first learning how to use the 3DGM gear and the 1st you had to learn to do was balance before you could advance? Now recall how much trouble Eren was having trying to balance. Everyone else seemed to be getting the hang of it but him and he was getting discouraged. He even went as far as to ask for outside help from Connie, Bert, and Reiner (another tale for another time fam). Now recall the scene where it was basically Eren's last chance to balance properly before he was shipped back to wherever. Recall him balancing even though almost no one thought he would do it even if it was short lived. Finally, recall finding out that the equipment was faulty. Remember when I said I can't wait to see who tampered w/Eren's equipment? Ep. 11 just gave us our answer folks.

-the weird preview we got in the middle of the ending of episode 12
I can't tell what it's about but it doesn't seem to be boding well for he outcome of mission take back Wall Maria. Lol even the way they did the preview freaked me tf out.
10 TV 12 humans vs humans, zero eclipse (ice cave?) 2
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 40.87, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 1.38

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