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Kekkai Sensen
Leonardo Watch
Zapp Renfro
Klaus V. Reinherz
Chain Sumeragi
Gilbert F. Altstein
Blitz T. Abrams
Dog Hammer
Zed O'Brien
Mary Macbeth(White)
William Macbeth(Black)
Michella Watch

1: Johnny Landis? Sike!! Caught ass! | (16:04) Michella. Such a brave little sister. | (23:12) Aww! The monkey gave him back the camera!!

2: (5:38) Nudist! BEEEAAACCHH! What are you doing Zapp??? | (8:20) Silver monkey?! She-bitch?! | That igniting his blood shit so they can trace Leo shit was badass!! | (18:44) Dude...Leo look like shit!! | (19:56) And there's your answer for all that pizza stealing!! lol

3: (4:08) "He cam at me like a bat outta hell, so I laid into his carotid artery. I wonder if he's dead." - Zapp, he really isn't a bright one huh? | (19:07) What kinda game is Prosfair? Why is Klaus bleeding? | Dude, Klaus is an upstanding guy huh? What a 'human'. Save that asshat that was trying to eliminate them and got the info he came for! | I really the ending credits <33 It's so cute!

4: (11:29) One. Why is he riding any form of transportation with Abrams. You're asking to die. Two. Zapp is killing me! Three. It's like he doesn't know he's cursed!! | This ep was so funny and good!

5: That ending was adorable.

6: God, I was crying so much!! Please don't forget Nej!!!

7: So we just gonna act like that ain't ol dude from the subway? | (3:35) This anime is too much. | (17:27) LMAO!!! Klaus wtf!!! I think he just killed the owner dude!! | OMFG. What the hell just happened??? Zapp what did you get Klaus into?!?! | (22:12) I knew it was that nigga...One of the 13 kings...

8: Zapp over here with this big ass gut looking nasty and shit. | Warning: Do not eat or drink while watching. You will get food all over your screen. | (16:34) That heat map was unnecessary LOL

9: (17:21) Ah shit...take mushrooms. That ain't yo brother and he does not have good intentions. Leo man you just can't catch no breaks huh... | It always hurts so much more when you used to have such a nice and peaceful world and suddenly it's all been crushed and burned away. You look around and you just wonder. Where'd it all go? Look at us now? Can we ever go back?

10: (13:15) If I was them, I would keep eating. Ain't no cheating argument gonna stop me! | LOL! Divine Famishment!! | (17:11) Vivian's right though. It's good to eat with someone, huh? | (19:56) Hmm, so here's the famous scene. | (20:20) Hmm, ones a caster? Well the other child is about to be a backstabbing bitch...let's hope I'm wrong.

11: (20:56) A barrier around her heart set up by her parents? Some joke huh Will?

12: (16:46) Tmw you realize Leo has probably lost his shit. | (19:39) LMAO. Wait! When you thought Hammer was gonna actually take him there. No. He chucks him like a damn spear there. I shouldn't even be surprised. | (27:50) Yo, timeout. Nu-uh. Let's take it back a step. We needa chill. Think a little. Damn I hate when it gets silent like this. Nothing good happens afterwards. | The twins had me fuckin' bawling!!! This is why it is so important to have a backstory!! I fuckin' sympathized with Black when he didn't want to give up White because I knew how much she meant to him. Shit how much they mean to each other!! That's why I didn't take her betraying Leo personally because I understood why she did it. Their family and story was so lovely. | Yo. When Leo busted out with that ugly-ass crying, I bawled all over again. Again backstory = important. When Klaus told he was proud of him, I understood Leo's reaction because I understand him. How Libra has given him hope, how he's not useless, how he's not pathetic like he thinks he is, how he can actually do something with his own two hands. How he's a hero.

So this is the end of the story?

"Hello, Hi there, Here I am~"
- TV 12 different from what I'm used to, end song is so cute 1
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 40.87, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

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