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Arslan Senki (TV)
1: He threw that boi's hand off of him so quick!

2: OOOO!!! I should have known! If he really "scouted" that terrain none of this would have been happening and if he heeded the Prince's concern and also agreed w/Daryun he would not have gone into battle in the first place! Fucking Kharlan! Daryun was right! He's the damn "guide". This is some maiden battle for the prince...
Original Report to King Andragoras: "The terrain is flat as a plain."
Reality: *cliff pit full of oil that you can light on fire* *Tower of raining arrows that you can't see coming*
King: *insert pikachu "omg" meme here*

3: It's crazy to think that throughout this whole battle, the King didn't think of the prince, his fucking son, not one time. The only reason he is alive today is because the old man took precautionary measures beforehand. It's because the old man thought of the prince as his own family.

I legit said the same thing. It's the middle of the damn night, wtf are you yelling for?
Okay, so Narsus? Can I lick the sweat off your back or wha?

5: I hope Shapur's honor will live on

6: Dude, what the fuck is this? She didn't care to ask about Arslan at all. Wtf is going on? Like that's your whole son and you don't even bother to ask one question about his well-being? Hell she probably didn't even know he went out to the damn battle in the first place! I'm trying to understand how Arslan happened to be the son of a overestimating king and cold queen?
I feel like Arslan is the underdog that everyone is underestimating when really he's probably their only hope of regaining anything.

9: It is Yaldaboath's belief, what the lustanian's believe in, that all men are created equal and thus having slaves is wrong --> *Goes and invades Par's land because they believe that they are heathens and thus kill hundreds of people in the process* All hail Yaldaboath! --> ...but doesn't that contradict the belief that ALL are created equal...?? Or I guess it only applies as long as, in THEIR opinion, you aren't a heathen and get different treatment from others? So technically not ALL are treated as equal

13: So...he's not of the actual bloodline of Par's royalty but they still want him to ascend to the throne...? LMAO! That silver mask guy just can't win fam! Like how do you rightfully, by blood, have the throne and the people still not want you? Like Bahman looked to be his advisor or whatever Vehzir was to Arslan way back when and he still doesn't want you on the what?

14: "Be that as it may, Prince Rajendra, I hate to put it this way, but I'd like for you to think hard about your own current position" - Arslan

I think this was like the nicest way of saying look at the pot calling the kettle black about Prince Rajendra saying that Arslan can't do much as a prince that 's not accepted by his own people of Pars.

17: (13:20) Oh, I like this Arslan! I feel like this is the most authentic emotion I have ever seen from him. Girl, don't mess with his Daryun cause he ain't playing no games.

So on to those OVAs...?

Why am I not even that surprised that the silver masked dude is voiced by Yuki Kaji. Like fr the dude is everywhere.
- TV 25 historical, a heroic legend, crescent moon 949
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 40.87, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

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