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Shingeki no Kyojin OVA
1: Hanji will forever an always be crazy bruh...ain't no changing that. It's been awhile since I've watch this subbed but I promise I forget how eccentric she can be...never again.
| (5:00) Back when Levi's squad could still have opinions on matters... | (8:25) Did Hanji expect an answer from the Titan or something..? She talking to it as if it's gonna tlk back | (10:35) Would I still be able to call this an unfortunate foreshadowing of the impending dooms the member's of Levi's sqaud...? Oh Oluo, you will definitely will be serving Levi all your life. You don't know just how right you are. | (10:50) I mean can they honestly say Hanji doesn't have a valid point of learning about the Titans though... | (15:15) ...Holy fucking corn nuts...Did this Titan just say Ymir's name!?@! How long ago was this? I know she was part of the 34 or 35 battalion(?) but how long ago was this from the present..? & now that I look at Ilse she shol does resemble Ymir with the freckles and all...
Hanji made me so proud in this OVA, she went after what she wanted and never backed down. Even recognized when she was in the wrong. But she wouldn't have been able to pull it off without the help of a fallen comrade. So...
Thank you Ilse Langnar.

2: (1:37) ...Um...why the fuck is Jean in Eren's spot in the opening...? I'm not to play with Jean right now. | So this is definitely not going to be an ordinary ova... | I don't know why I'm just noticing this now but AoT's 1st opening describes the anime perfectly just like in Fairy Tail <333 | Idon't know how his mama didn't slap the dumbass outta him right there and then. | Wait. He was fawning and drawing pictures of Mikasa before he met Mikasa...what? | (3:15) Their faces!! You know they've heard Jean say that shit one too many times! What's even more ironic is that he doesn't even join the MP... | (3:43) You're telling me they anticipated the attack on Trost?! (when they were setting up the cannons on the wall before the colossal appeared) | (6:13) Forget? Sasha we will never forget. That moment goes down in history as one of the most memorable moments of AOT: Brave little potato girl during training intros. It was literally the forst scene I'd scene on AOT. | (6:36) They were too prepared! Guess they were actually training back then. | (7:00) AHAHAHAHA!!! Tf? This nigga just hungry!! | (8:36) Fucking finally! I thought we were never gonna see Eren. I missed that voice so much<33 | That has got to be the only time I ever thought Eren & Mikasa were cute together! | (11:15) I'm sayin' Reiner!! lol! This was goin' on about the world being connected and I was wondering wtf that had to do with this hog tho...? | (11:35) Is that the bow and arrow everyone is always on about Sasha using but has never been seen wielded til now? | (14:44) Did Eren foreal think he was helping the situation saying that shit? I know that shit probably just slipped out after that ordeal that just went down. | (15:30) Why is there casts on BOTH of Armin's legs tho...? | (16:10) "The end justifies the means" ...have I heard that in this anime before...? | (20:05) They would make the ugliest fuckin' Titans lol They tryna hint at something...| (22:50) LMFAO!! Reiner always with the reality check!! I was thinking the same thing, like I didn't understand what Pixis was getting at but Sasha broke down as she knew where she fucked up just by him saying that... | I'm glad Jean remembered to never forget where he came from :) And I hope it wasn't just me but did his voice sound different towards the end...? | I also just realized this too, but I swear that ending was completely written for Mikasa!

3: (3:18) Yoooo, Connie is outta there!! | (8:40) What Jean? "Easier than hunting Titans." ...? The whole reason you're here is to hunt Titans...what's your point? | (9:07) If Sasha don't shut tf up about these damn lizards... | (19:50) Okay Christa...or should i day... | (21:45) Just ugh...But they will see it soon | Damn, that ending got to me...
- OVA 3 Pre-Trost 866
TV: 0, OVA: 1, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 40.87, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

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