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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Started Date Finished Date Days
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Kaze Tachinu
8 Movie 1 8.25/10 First off, fantastic animation, and a pretty good romance. Kind of a bland protagonist and didn't like his VA. Soundtrack was good, but the sound effects from humans were disorienting. Great movie, but not as good as other Ghibli stuff 05-09-15 05-09-15 1
TV: 0, OVA: 0, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 18.29, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: -0.12

TV: 193, OVA: 8, Movies: 60, Spcl.: 3, Eps: 1328, Days: 23.19, Mean Score: 7.2, Score Dev.: -0.73
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