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TV: 52, OVA: 1, Movies: 20, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 900, Days: 16.42, Mean Score: 7.7, Score Dev.: -0.24 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Angel Beats!
9 TV
2 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
8 TV
3 Ano Natsu de Matteru
7 TV
4 Baccano!
7 TV
5 Bakemonogatari
8 TV
6 Bounen no Xamdou
This was like Eureka Seven except much better.

Felt very Ghibli-esque, which I don't mind too much.

And it didn't get trumpet-level dive on the last episode (bring the midgets in!) as Eureka Seven so regrettably did.

Good from start to finish, definitely worth watching.
7 Byousoku 5 Centimeter
I enjoyed watching it, but I doubt I can take any more of makoto shinkai.

It requires a certain type of patience, which I don't think I have left in me at the moment.
8 Movie
8 Cat Shit One
9 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
6 TV
10 Cowboy Bebop
Oldie but a goodie.
9 TV
11 Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
9 TV
12 Death Note
9 TV
13 Durarara!!
I usually don't enjoy action for action's sake, but this one I felt did a nice job of making it enjoyable for me.

I liked it.
8 TV
14 Eve no Jikan (Movie)
I want more.

I'm waiting for the sequel.
9 Movie
15 Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete
I have a few complains with some technical details, but otherwise it was great.

Could have rigged things a bit better..
16 Fullmetal Alchemist
Liked brotherhood better :D

Brotherhood had better animation and did a better job sticking to the manga's original artwork, and the original story was a bit more enjoyable.

This one was still worth watching on its own merits, though.
8 TV
17 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
I got inducted into the world of Japanese animation with this one.

Disliked some things, liked a lot of things, enjoyed it greatly overall.
9 TV
18 Gake no Ue no Ponyo
Ehhh... hard to decide what to say about this one

It's alright, I suppose
6 Movie
19 Higashi no Eden
Liked this one quite a bit.

9 TV
20 Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden
8 Movie
21 Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost
9 Movie
22 Howl no Ugoku Shiro
9 Movie
23 Hyouka
8 TV
24 Kamisama no Memochou
8 TV
25 Karigurashi no Arrietty
It's good, but the pace and ending of the story is a bit unsatisfying. Wish it could have been a little longer and paced a little faster.

Still, it was enjoyable in its own way, I suppose. Another very Ghibli film.
8 Movie
26 Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä
Ghibli. Very good. Enjoyed it.

If you're watching this with others, refrain from screaming "tentacles!" and ruining it for everyone.

One complaint I do have with ghibli, though, is that with very few exceptions, their movies have the same flavor of themes. They're still all very good, but it does start getting a bit old after you've uh..
.. watched every single one of them (except for like.. 2).

This one started it all, iirc.
8 Movie
27 Kokoro Connect
9 TV
28 Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven
Second anime I ever watched.

I was still dipping my toes in the water at that point, and I didn't really know where to look. It was done by the same studio that did the FMA animations and was rather lengthy and well-received, so it caught my eye.

Enjoyed it very much up until the last episode.

The last episode..


that last episode..

why did they do that..
7 TV
29 Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho
6 Movie
30 Kurenai no Buta

Worth watching.
8 Movie
31 Majo no Takkyuubin

Worth watching.
8 Movie
32 Mayo Chiki!
I recently ran out of anime to watch, so I decided to lower my standards a bit.

To my surprise, it turns out there's a world of entertaining possibilities once you do.

I refuse to rate this one, because my enjoyment of this one was a bit.. twisted.

I was laughing at myself the whole time I was watching this anime. I found the fact that I was watching this anime more entertaining than the anime itself, although the latter was quite alright in its own merits.

So I want to give it a 10, for having made me laugh so much, but I don't think it really deserves a 10, due to the fact that I'm unwilling to go back and watch it again in order to find out whether or not it does deserve a 10. If it did deserve a 10, I'd be willing to go back and watch, see?
- TV
33 Mimi wo Sumaseba
My second favorite Ghibli animation.

Country road~ take me home~
9 Movie
34 Mirai Nikki (TV)
7 TV
35 Mononoke Hime

Worth watching
8 Movie
36 Mushishi
This one.. was.. eh

I enjoyed watching it but I regret having watched it, ironically.
8 TV
37 Neko no Ongaeshi
7 Movie
38 Nichijou
10 TV
39 Ookami to Koushinryou
7 TV
40 Ookami to Koushinryou II
7 TV
41 Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
I basically watched this for the narrator's voice. It is a pretty epic voice.

I very much enjoyed the idea of taking fairy tales and re-imagining them, and I would like to see a second season of it.

I don't like the way they worked in the villain too much, though.

I however dislike the implied premise of rape/sexual assault that somehow randomly got stuck in there. I've never found rape to be anything but unspeakably horrible, and it clashes with the otherwise lighthearted mood of the series.
8 TV
42 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
So I ran out of good anime (aka anime that fit my tastes) to watch a while ago, and I ended up watching Naruto, got turned off of watching anime entirely for a length of time, came back, same situation.

I lowered my standards a bit, and discovered Mayo Chiki. I thought it was hilarious, and myself even more so for watching it. In the end, it was an enjoyable experience, in a certain masochistic way.

Looking around a bit more led me to this. I had been aware of its existence for a decent bit of time, but until recently I had better stuff (aka stuff that fit my tastes more) to watch.

To my surprise, I found this one very enjoyable as well, in a manner similar to that of mayo chiki. I thought both this anime and the fact that I was watching this anime were quite hilarious. I had a good time watching it, although it's not the favorite thing for me to admit.
8 TV
43 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Specials
44 Planetes
This was one of the earlier TV animes that I watched.

There was an episode or two in there that I felt were out of place, but overall this is one of the better TV animes that I've watched so far.

It's very down-to-earth (an ironic but appropriate description, I feel) in terms of story and art, for the most part, which is what I'm always looking for, usually fruitlessly, in anime. Some parts weren't, which is a shame, but it was for the most part. I liked it quite a bit.
9 TV
45 Sankarea
6 TV
46 Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
First Japanese animated movie I ever watched.

There hasn't been a single anime I've watched to this date that I haven't had some sort of complaint about - whether in terms of story, setting, production, production quality, art, etc, sometimes major and sometimes minor - but with this one I had the least, and the complaints I did have are very very minor (pretty much that one scene where the 3d/2.5d didn't work so great).

Started watching all of ghibli's films after watching this one. If I were to be sent back in time and allowed only 1 anime to watch in my lifetime, I'd choose this.

This is the only anime I feel comfortable giving a score of 10 thus far. I hope that will change in the future.
10 Movie
47 Steins;Gate
9 TV
48 Summer Wars
7 Movie
49 Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa
7 Movie
50 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
I liked this for the most part, and I certainly liked it a lot more than its parent story. Less magic, woo hoo!

I usually don't have the patience for slice-of-life type anime, but I like the blend of slice of life and story progression this one has.

The last villain of this series was a bit too artificial. She made me annoyed toward the creators for not coming up with something more reasonable.

Despite various shortcomings such as the fact that railguns work nothing like the way they're portrayed in this anime, I found it to be one of the more enjoyable out there. I'm looking forward to more.

Also, Shirai Kuroko's voice is the concentrated essence of epic. I have never enjoyed the performance of a specific voice actor so much before.
8 TV
51 Toaru Majutsu no Index
I disagree with a lot of things in this anime, especially the entire premise of magic vs. science.

I also do not understand this preoccupation with nuns, and I don't get how they're so (apparently) young.

I don't really like the way they produced certain parts of it, and I just find a lot of it to be a bit.. disagreeable.

Even so, somehow I find this series to be enjoyable.

I'm looking forward to the movie.
7 TV
52 Toaru Majutsu no Index II
I disagree with a lot of things in this anime, especially the entire premise of magic vs. science.

I also do not understand this preoccupation with nuns, and I don't get how they're so (apparently) young.

I don't really like the way they produced certain parts of it, and I just find a lot of it to be a bit.. disagreeable.

Even so, somehow I find this series to be enjoyable.

I'm looking forward to the movie.
7 TV
53 Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
I disagreed with some aspects of the setting and execution, but I usually do with most anime.

It was great otherwise. I loved it.
9 Movie
54 Tonari no Totoro
I did enjoy this quite a bit, but I feel like it didn't live up to what I perceived to be the hype.

It's good, but I don't know how it got so famous.
7 Movie
55 Toradora!
I can usually take anime of this variety in finite doses at a time, and I happened to watch this one at about the right time.

Pretty decent, I enjoyed it.
8 TV
56 Usagi Drop
Kids usually are not as adorable as Rin and Kyouki. They're more like.. noisy, smelly, dirty, annoying, uncoordinated, and stupid. But sometimes they are adorable, though, and I think the producers hit the pinnacle of that with Rin.

It reminded me a lot of the time I spent growing up in Korea.
9 TV
57 Working!!
8 TV
58 Working'!!
8 TV
59 Ben-To
- TV
3 / 12
60 Guilty Crown
7 TV
11 / 22
61 Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam
- TV
2 / 21
62 Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
- TV
1 / 13
63 Clannad
Could not deal with the art style.
- TV
1 / 23
64 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
- TV
1 / 25
65 Hanasaku Iroha
This is the first time an anime has literally pissed me off.

Dropped into the abyss.
- TV
3 / 26
66 Ichigo Mashimaro
Same as Lucky Star. Lots of hype, but I don't have the patience to watch it.
- TV
1 / 12
67 Last Exile
7 TV
5 / 26
68 Lucky☆Star
So much hype

So little patience
- TV
1 / 24
69 Naruto
I had watched and greatly disliked One Piece before this, but I was bored one day and for some reason decided to give shounen anime another go.

8 episodes in, I learned my lesson. I'm not going back to this stuff ever again.
1 TV
8 / 220
70 One Piece
I realize opinions split on these types of anime quite a bit.

I liked the setup, but that was about it.

After 17 episodes of fillers filled with action flown from Andromeda (for those of you who get that reference), I gave up.

I can imagine myself enjoying this one had I been a good few years younger, but I'm glad I didn't get a chance to waste time on it when I was.
1 TV
17 / -
71 Seto no Hanayome
- TV
1 / 26
72 Zero no Tsukaima
I like the idea behind it.

However, I dislike the art style, the animation, and the execution, and after watching episode 1 I've concluded it's not worth my time.
- TV
1 / 13
73 Aachi wa Ssipak
- Movie
- / 1
74 Juuni Kokuki
- TV
- / 45
75 Mawaru Penguindrum
- TV
- / 24
76 Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
- TV
- / 12