Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie somehow found a way to be somewhat original, but yet feel incredibly bland and generic.
I've watched a lot of Romances and never have I watched a show that relied so heavily on it's female lead, to a point where everything else in the show is bad. One of the few positives I will say about this show, is the colour pallette is very vibrant and brings light to a what feels like a dull show.
My main issue with this Anime is the message it's trying to portray in the first 3 episodes, 'big tough popular girl wanting to
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie, Miss Shikimori is not just cute, That Girl Is Not Just Cute
Japanese: 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん
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Finished Airing
Apr 10, 2022 to Jul 10, 2022
Spring 2022
Sundays at 02:00 (JST)
Doga Kobo
Web manga
23 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 189 / 214
Your Feelings Categories Jul 9, 2022
I'll start by saying this - Kawaii Dake ja Nai Shikimori-san is a fluff romcom. Nothing more, nothing less.
The premise is very simple - an extremely unlucky boy has an extremely cute girlfriend who can switch to "cool" mode and be his knight in shining armor when his bad luck strikes again, and a group of friends who they both hang out and do mundane things with. It's nothing groundbreaking. There is no depth to it. Its whole purpose is to give you a dose of fluff. So then, why a 9/10? It's simple - because Shikimori succeeds at fulfilling that exact purpose with flying colors and ... Apr 23, 2022
The story and most other things about this anime is fine but it's all ruined by Izumi Yuu. One of the most bland and cliché characters ever written where the only distinguishing aspect about him is his bad luck. There is more to this show more than just him but he still manages to makes a big enough impact to just make this anime just straight up flavorless. I wouldn't agree that this show is cringe but every interaction with that guy is just awkward and not interesting which is the cringe aspect of this show. This show is mainly his interactions with Shikimori
Jul 9, 2022
Anime openings truly are magical, aren’t they? The excite us, inspire us, and stay in our memories for years. Just this season, the OP for SPY×FAMILY, where it begins looking like a hyper-stylized spy thriller, but then quickly devolves into children’s artwork perfectly encapsulated the charm of the series; the OP for Summertime Render was so slick and atmospheric; and Paripi Koumei’s OP was a brilliant modern classic for obvious reasons, but the two runner-ups have to be Shikimori-san and Love After World Domination. They were both absolutely stellar, and Shikimori’s was so delightful, it almost successfully gaslighted me into thinking I was actually watching
Jul 9, 2022
C'mon, this wasn't as bad as yall made it out to be?
From my observations, one reason for the community reception behind this anime is because it came fresh off, and seems to have been seen as the spiritual successor to, Winter 2022's My Dress-up Darling, and this may have had set expectations a little too high. Now, i am not saying the criticism for this show is unwarranted, its just that i feel that the hatred for this has been blown out of proportion in discourse about the show. Shikimori-san has a pretty blatant and on-the-nose way of reversing gender roles. It would put ... Apr 23, 2022
“Shikimori chan is a cringe show!”,”Shikimori can never live up to Marin!”……….
Many people have voiced their views on this new slice of life show and criticized the hell out of it. According to me, even though this show may not be a masterpiece, its still fairly fun to watch. The story revolves around the badass Shikimori, her boyfriend Izumi and their clique. Its just about their regular old high school life. Its the calming Slice of Life formula I’ve come to rather enjoy. The one unique thing about the story is that Shikimori and Izumi are dating since before episode 1. The animators have done a really ... Apr 30, 2022
To be completely honest, I feel disappointed but also kicked directly in the testicles. This anime was supposed to be a rival to My dress-up darling but it came out to be a rival to nagatoro. I could describe the mc as: gayish, not interesting, bland, indistinct and last but not least pathetic. Shikimori on the other hand appears to have no opinion or she plans her day in a way that is the most effective to help hers gayish bf survive the day. I do not understand what is going on inside people who makes mc's such as Izumi aka soft highschool boy without
Apr 30, 2022
Probably contain spoiler, i said again probably, I try to make it short
Story : Non existent (if there is story, its bland and boring) Art : They have pretty good color pallete and its bright (i always lower brightness computer everytime i watch this anime) i like it Character : Chad Shikimori, Beta Izumi, Side char NPC with generic dialogue Sound : Good OP and ED, probably one of best thing from this anime ... Apr 23, 2022
Ok so, I’m a manga reader so of course I’ll have bias, but I think this is a great series with a slow start. I read the manga for this series a while back and really did enjoy it, but the start was pretty bog-standard and unremarkable. It’s really being felt full force in the anime because of the weird lengths of the manga chapters. In the beginning of the manga the chapters are only around 5 pages long on average, that doesn’t really translate too well to screen. Aside from that, this adaptation has been good so far. The animation is surprisingly good for
Apr 24, 2022
Shikimori is not bad, it's just doesn't work
I'm sorry to say this but this type of story where it's basically too much of slice of life and doesn't really have a storyline other than "my girlfriend is so cool" kinda stuff really doesn't work that well with animation, it makes it very bland, very repetitive and boring. I read the manga and i know that this is basically the story, each episode Izumi getting saved by Shikimori or seeing her doing something that looks very cool rather than cute and tbh it works in the format of manga where it comes in chapter rather than ... Apr 30, 2022
This has to be probably one of the most boring and horrendous anime ever created.
There is practically not a single redeemable thing, NOTHING, not the opening, not the music, nothing The protagonist is an idiotic prince, and the bad luck thing is not funny, he should be more careful and not letting his girlfriend do everything, about Shikimori, she is toxic, possessive, everything bad about world This anime romanticizes toxic relationships in the same way that Kanokari does, but atleast it's not as cringe And nothing happens in the chapters, nothing interesting and nothing of value, every story needs a conflict to move forward, if it doesn't have ... Jul 9, 2022
Disclaimer: I don't hate Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie. I just don't think it's a good anime overall.
What's up with their eyes? No, but seriously, this is one of the weirdest eye designs I have ever seen in anime. It actually looks good from some angles, but most of the time it's rather creepy. The blonde girl literally has dead fish eyes. And it looks horrible. Since I see people that seem to be saying that the ratings of this show are low from a lot of watchers because "the expectations were too high", " everyone thought this will be Dress-Up Darling 2", and "yall just watch ... Nov 25, 2023
They took the whole ‘not much happens, feel good’ thing way too far. Now some of my favorite shows and movies are things where not much happens. My Neighbor Totoro, K-On!, Horimiya, Tsukigakirei; all of these have nothing going for it plot-wise but are some of my all time favorites. But this show had me straight snoozing. I thought I would like it because the premise said that the main characters were already a couple, which is not something you see much. I loved that aspect in Horimiya and Tsukigakirei so I thought a show where you just see a couples life could be wholesome
Apr 23, 2022
Shikimori's not just a cutie was one of the series where people thought that Shikimori would overtake My Dress-Up Darling, but as of now, it's not coming near that.
Story: 5 The story lacks a little more depth. Normally I wouldn't care with slice of life shows but it's a good example of that the girl is amazing and the guy is just a little awkward and not good at most things. It is not a terrible thing obviously, because (for example) Aharen-san doesn't have a real story as well, but with Shikimori's not just a cutie, I had more expectation because of the hype ... Apr 23, 2022
First of all, this is gonna be the best opening anime in 2022.
I will say that this is the best Romance I have ever seen in anime. Just seeing how they care about each other makes me smile and happy at the same time. Having a girlfriend that cares about you feel dream come true. I really love the energy from this anime. I really love how they support each other and it really fun to watch them. It really exciting how they go every day like that. I really recommend this anime to anyone, it is a fun and enjoyable anime I seem in 2022. May 3, 2022
To be honest, at first I thought I was really going to like this show. The amazing art and the name even sounded intriguing, but I didn't really like the show at all.
REST OF REVIEW CONTAIN MINOR SPOILERS The main male protagonist is honestly quite annoying. He is always needing to be saved and is clueless. The only good thing about the plot is that they are already together and the roles of the male and female are flipped from what we normally see in anime and manga. The strong female protagonist is probably the only reason I would watch another episode. May 10, 2022
It's a sad trend in this society to still expect a certain set of roles to be taken by a guy or a girl, especially inside relationships. While this has opened up more and more for girls, many now openly enjoying a more out of the box of femininity portrayal of a female character, for guys there is still a certain expectation of what he needs to do in order to be deemed worth the love of the fans or his love interest.
What do I mean with said expectations tho? Well he gotta meet some standard of masculinity. While it's okay for a girl ... Apr 28, 2022
Shikimori's not a cutie. At first glance, this anime may seem like your traditional, conventional romcom, slice of life anime that you will watch because you want to have a good laugh or because you want to have some fun while watching it. The astonishing reality is that this show takes everything bad about the generic romcom/slice of life anime and amplifies it to the absurd extreme. This show is completely based around extremely repetitive and boring gimmicks. The whole premise of the show is that shikimori is not just cute, but awesome. The problem is that shikimori is not awesome. She is the literal
Apr 23, 2022
Obligatory "This is my first review", and I'm also writing on mobile so the structure of the review might seem strange.
Shikimori-san was never going to be the next My dress up darling, not even close, and even that show got incredibly lucky in popularity. The story is non-existent, the manga chapters being on average 12 pages, with most chapters being self contained with some exceptions. They're merged in the anime to give it a sense of continuity, but somehow the pacing is incredibly slow making every episode a drag. The characters are nothing special with the protagonist being especially pathetic, and if you're not a shikimori ... Jul 9, 2022
The final show to end the supposedly high-key season that is Spring 2022, and this one...really gets a major bad rep about how mangaka Keigo Maki's insanely popular series has managed to last this long for 3 years plus (like come on, at least it ain't Reiji Miyajima's work that is nothing but a cuck wasteland of padding torture at this point). And since I'm seeing that the majority of the community sees Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san a.k.a Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie as a target of objectification worth its massive hate (and to be unbias, it's warranted), so let me be the Devil's