Mar 14, 2022
Pretty x Cation 2 The Animation is an OVA series by Studio T-Rex. This is the third installment in the "x Cation" series, and I think it falls somewhere between Lovely x Cation and Pretty x Cation in regards to its quality.
Once again, this hentai is composed of four stories spread across two episodes. None of the stories have very many identifiable characteristics. Instead, they are centered around the girl, which is different for each story. None of them stood out particularly for me, but they were pleasant and enjoyable to watch.
The artwork is very good, especially in comparison to other
hentai on the market. However, I feel like the quality has dropped somewhat from what it was in the original Pretty x Cation. This is particularly apparent in the second episode, when the early animation is noticeably stiff. However, barring a few scenes, I didn't find these issues too problematic. The artwork is also colorful and the lighting is good.
The sound design seemed fine to me. It didn't strike me in any particular way, but it was pleasant to listen to and helped immerse me in the experience. The voice acting was good for the girls, and passable for the guy.
Overall, Pretty x Cation s is an enjoyable and fairly well made hentai. It doesn't break any new ground, but it doesn't have to for fans to find enjoyment in it. 8/10
So, would I recommend Pretty x Cation 2? Sure, if you liked the first one, you'll probably like this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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