1. "It’s better to get hurt than to hurt someone." Ken
2. "What can a weak person protect? Who can they save? Without power the weak can only be snatched away." Ayato
3. “I’m tired of not being able to do anything” Ken
4. "It’s your path. Try walking it alone." Yomo
5. "I tried to be normal once, and it was boring." Juuzo
6. “All we can do is live as we endure loss.” Yomo
7. "What we know as our everyday can crumble in an instant. When it ends, it’s always in the blink of an eye." Nishiki
8. "There’s no such thing as a good reason to kill someone. The act of taking a life is equally evil." Yoshimura
9. "Getting angry at another person is an important thing. As long as you direct that anger in the right direction, it’s fine." Yoshimura
10. "A hidden truth, no matter what the circumstances, is full of cruel things." Itori
"Νεχ ποσσυμ τεχυμ ωιωερε, νεχ σινε τε." Uta’s tattoo
I can live neither with you or without you