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ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
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SatoshiX Oct 14, 2018 11:50 PM
No problem. I actually just got back today (Oct 14th 2018) lol. I've also been busy with life/work and when the crash happened I just never logged back on since I was busy anyway. I think I remember a little bit of the conversation but yeah ha.

Anyway, yeah I definitely agree with that. Splurging on trips is definitely worth it since traveling is so much fun xD. Also sadly I didn't go to the event even though I already paid in advance for the tickets. I got really busy with my job and had to stay home and work even though everything was already planned out. I do plan to go next year but I actually just got a new job at Amazon and i'm not sure if i'll be able to get those days off. It's really busy where I work at and soon i'll be doing overtime like everyday 60 hours a week xD.

Yeah, it's really hard to get people into anime for some reason. I also tried with some of my other friends but they didn't really care for it. Luckily all my best friends watch anime so i'm content. I'm now trying to get them to come to anime conventions but for some reason they don't want to go :(

Also no problem! I understand that school can be tough and it's pretty hard to get into Berkeley so you need to really focus on your studies. Their is nothing wrong with ranting and I really enjoyed them haha. Also congrats again for making it into UC Berkeley and moving to the Bay Area! This kinda sounds like a good bye though lol. Anyway, once you see this comment feel free to let me know how UC Berkeley is!
SatoshiX Feb 4, 2018 8:00 PM
Yeah, I always tell myself "don't buy it and just save your money for the future". Honestly it's good to save and all but you should just live your the life the way you want to live and never have to worry about saving money etc. Especially when you want to go on trips. I'm pretty good at saving since I only spend my money on food, gas, and bills. Never on myself unless I really want it and it's not too expensive. Thanks for saying that and yeah it can be truly terrifying to see other people that spend their money constantly.

Yeah, i'm always crying when I see the bill xD. Hotels can be really expensive lol.

Exactly.. i'm always frustrated when I get a B. But oh well. You just learn from your mistakes and move on :P

Friends definitely brighten your life. I need to go out more with my friends xD. That's good. At least you could still write :P I'll definitely go to a batting cage soon. It can also distress you. Thanks! Yeah, it was pretty hard book one and it was pretty expensive. Over 100 a night? Crazy! I'll definitely let you know!

Yeah, i'm the same lol. Most of my friends aren't really into anime. I'll be going by myself but I might meet some people that I met online over there. I also keep hearing good things about it. I hope it's fun^^

Freyja-Lilith Feb 3, 2018 6:36 PM
That's good. :)
Freyja-Lilith Feb 3, 2018 6:50 AM
I haven't listened to iKON yet. Are they good?
SatoshiX Jan 24, 2018 10:04 PM
Shopping is addicting? I never knew that! Jk's xD. That happens to me sometimes^^. Yeah, exactly but people don't understand that and are always spending ALL their money on different things. I always make sure I have at least 1 years worth of rent saved up and I usually just invest the rest on certain things.

Yeah, living in Berkeley costs like 1.2k for one small room. A 2 bedroom is 2.8k. Like seriously? Way too much lol.

Yeah, life sucks^^. That's true! It definitely has endless possibilities and solving hard questions are always satisfying. Yeah, a B isn't that bad but majority of my class got either B+'s or A's so I felt inferior xD.

That's good. You should definitely hang out with your friends while you have the spare time. Otherwise you'll definitely regret it later xD. And injured your finger? Sorry about that :( ! Hope it heals fast because it's so inconvenient to have one of your fingers injured when you need them to type/write. I haven't been to a batting cage in a long time lol. I feel like going to one now xD. My weekend was okay. I just went out with some friends to a restaurant and I decided to go to Fanime and got my tickets + hotel reserved. ALMOST everything was booked and I was pretty lucky even though reservations just opened. And now i'm debating if I should go to AX. Never been to an Anime Convention before but I decided to go this year lol. So we'll see what happens.

Have you ever been to one?
Freyja-Lilith Jan 24, 2018 12:42 PM
Probably Solar.
SatoshiX Jan 21, 2018 2:54 AM
Yeah, exactly! Don't worry, I completely understand where you're coming from. I used to be like that lol. Now i'm trying my best to change and save all my money. To be honest i'm also thinking about retirement even though i'm still young cough cough lol. I'm already way ahead of most people but you never know what might happen in life. Yeah, two places is away better than one haha.

That sounds awesome! Everything in CA is so expensive especially in the bay area so I can't even imagine how cheap it must be over there. I want to go now! :P

Yeah, I definitely understand that sentiment. I also hate feeling inferior. Like really? Everyone should be equal when we're born.. but life is always unfair so we just have to deal with it :( Math isn't my strong suit. I did take IB Calc in high school but my grades were one of the worst in my class. Even though I got a B xD. I think that is a good major/minor. Good luck with that! Anyway, how was your weekend so far?
Freyja-Lilith Jan 20, 2018 11:35 PM
Decalcomanie is probably my second favourite.

I don't watch it.
SatoshiX Jan 17, 2018 7:08 PM
Yeah, no matter what you always need to be positive xD. Exactly.. you should always have a bit of money saved right? Most of the people I know always spend their money and never save up anything. Such a waste :P That's pretty funny/crazy lol. Oh well. It has to be done right? :P

Yeah, I heard everything is cheap over there. Which is why people always vacation or retire in Thailand. They respect their royalty that much? And that sounds awesome!

Right? It would be awesome if that were possible argg. I felt the same way. It was way too fast haha. Yeah, which is the reason why I stopped. I couldn't keep up with everyone else lol. It's the worst type of feeling for me at least. How can you compete with people that have been doing something since they were young? It's almost impossible xD.

Freyja-Lilith Jan 17, 2018 8:20 AM
Piano Man. :)

What's ISAC?
SatoshiX Jan 14, 2018 9:14 PM
Don't worry!! This year will definitely be better. I CAN ALREADY SEE IT!! HA :). Instead of picking one of them just travel to both places! Actually... that will be kinda expensive lol. Yeah, hopefully we'll be able to do it. How was Thailand? Majestic? :P

Hopefully that happens lol. Him being independent is kind of a stretch but honestly we all have grow out of that phase someday. TRUE, that's what I noticed as well. Everyone was so passionate and dedicated to comp sci. I was like wow... everyone knew what they were doing. It was kind of overwhelming for me. Yeah it does feel AWESOME to do that xD.
SatoshiX Jan 13, 2018 10:59 PM
Yeah, it's always good to experience real eye openers such as that. It prepares you for this harsh world so you can survive on your own^^. That's what I hope as well. I just have this feeling that this year will definitely be an awesome year in a lot ways xD. Sounds like you're also going to have a busy/awesome year lol. NY is definitely fun and where overseas? I might be going on trip. My step brother and I might be going to Japan, China, Thailand, and Australia for one big trip. 3-4 weeks lol. This is just a maybe plan but we'll most likely do it.

Yeah, I sure hope so. It's a lot of extra work sigh :(. I wish I was the youngest, it would be so much easier lol. Computer sci is pretty interesting so i'm sure it will work out. Yeah, it can be pretty tough to juggle school/work. I had to do the same thing and my GPA was only at 3.3 so I just transferred to SF state. I should have quit work/focused more and maybe everything would have been better xD. It's okay though! You should never regret anything in life otherwise you can never move on. And it's okay to rant! You need to let some steam out every once in a while.
Freyja-Lilith Jan 13, 2018 9:52 PM
Yep. :)
SatoshiX Jan 8, 2018 2:30 PM
Office politics and sabotaging? That's definitely an eye opening experience xD. Sounds like 2018 will definitely be a good year for you. What type of stuff are you planning to do?

Yeah, they expect me to do a lot of stuff, but I honestly have no time to worry about others right now. Going through a lot of things myself lol. I completely understand that UC Berkeley is a super competitive school, but I know people that work and go to school at the same time and they manage to pull through and graduate without any problems. And thanks! Hopefully everything works out with his job + apartment. I also understand that it's definitely a struggle to find a major that you truly enjoy and even the major that I picked isn't related to my current job. Went from History, Biology, Nursing, History, IT, Nursing, and then back to History which I decided to stick with. Took me 5 years to graduate due to the constant switching between majors. So their is nothing wrong with constantly changing majors, but of course you'll have to pick one eventually.
Freyja-Lilith Jan 8, 2018 6:42 AM
I like MAMAMOO, as well. :)
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