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Jan 12, 2013 8:52 AM
Jan 2011
Trent did not know where to go so he traveled along a lonely path towards the hidden of the leaves. He finally got there he was outside of the hidden of the leaf village cold and wet. He was debating to bring his service there or somewhere else like the waterfall village or any other village.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:19 PM
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Jan 12, 2013 9:09 AM
Jul 2012
As raysha was walking by from her journey with chikusa she sees a man he appears to be shivering as well as soaking wet so she assumes he is cold she wonders what he is doing there just standing in leaf territory raysha decides to go over to him and says

"who are you "
Jan 12, 2013 9:14 AM
Jan 2011
"I am Trent and was just looking at the leaf village if I am decide to go there or not I am just a wonderer lost and cold and wet. He smiled at her. I may go somewhere else but I don’t know yet and who are you?
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:21 PM
Jan 12, 2013 9:30 AM
Jul 2012
"I am raysha why are you looking for leaf village they don't just let anyone in you know I am also a traveler on my way to a fun place to meet other ninja."

She looked at him and saw a strange man she wondered what he wanted with Leaf village she knew the village don't like strangers so this man could be in danger.
Jan 12, 2013 9:37 AM
Jan 2011
"Oh um the leaf village I may not go there at all. So raysha what is this fun place you’re talking about with the other ninja that you going to meet? Hmmm.....

he thought to himself she seems nice but something not right about here may be but can I trust here or not maybe yes maybe no but I can ya I can.

As he smiled at her
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:22 PM
Jan 12, 2013 10:44 AM
Jul 2012
Raysha continues to smile at him happily while wondering what his motives for being hear are she figured he would be better of at the land of graves then near konoha atleast there he would be welcomed she turns around and says

"I'm going to a place called the land of graves to participate in chunin exams "
Jan 12, 2013 11:01 AM
Jan 2011
"oh you are well that would be neat for me but I have not done any missions or gone up with my skills at all so I really cant join the m at all I would like to be a Chunin but i just can’t. as he looked down at himself
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:23 PM
Jan 12, 2013 2:33 PM
Jul 2012
"It's ok I'm sure you would be allowed to watch so you may as well come anyway. as for the mission I'm sure you will find some eventually you just have to be patient. If you want to be a chunin just keep training and trying to get stronger and I'm sure you will get one eventually no reason to be sad. So please cheer up so does that mean you want to go with me to land of graves."

She stares at him quietly waiting for a answer wondering what he will saying she has always been a inquisitive person even though people said it was bad she couldn't help it i guess it was just one of those quirks everyone has.
Jan 12, 2013 2:37 PM
Jan 2011
"yes as he hugs her I am sorry I did not know what came over me as he smiled at her thank you for the inviting me. Smiling with joy
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:25 PM
Jan 12, 2013 2:48 PM
Jul 2012
(needed to post more then that like I said always add as much detail as you can)

"its ok nothing to be sorry dont be so hard on your self now ok then let's go "

She tells in a excited tone while raising her arm in the air

"onto the land of the graves."

She then starts happily walking toward toward the destination she wondered what would happen along the way and what kind of person this new guy she met was. She just hoped he wasn't evil that would suck helping someone so vile get stronger would be the worst.
Jan 12, 2013 2:50 PM
Jan 2011

"Ya ok as he followed her down the path of the forest it was lushes green and tree bark as he started to climb the tree and slipped and feel towards the ground help me please
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:26 PM
Jan 12, 2013 3:16 PM
Jul 2012
As they were walking through the forest she noticed Trent staring at the trees she thought to herself if you saw one tree by now you seen them all. there were some that differ but by now she pretty much saw all the types of trees it would take something truely unique to wow her. just then she saw Trent climbing the tree she yells

"be careful up here what if you slip. "

Then sure enough he does as he falling raysha hears him yell for help so she uses her kekkai genkai to make a air cushion under him there for softening his fall. once Trent is safely on ground she makes a stern face at him and yells

"Baka what were you thinking you couldve gotten yourself seriously hurt."
Jan 12, 2013 3:21 PM
Jan 2011
"well I was trying to train using my charka but I have no talent in that and you called me stupid I know that I only have talent in genjutsu no other stupid stats why so useless why as he hug her you saved me I am glad that you did he look at the other trees there all the same tree shapes but some are different that they have animals live in those trees
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:27 PM
Jan 12, 2013 3:47 PM
Jul 2012
"hey get off me! Baka even if you can't use ninjutsu or tai jutsu chakra control is a basic tool everyone needs even genjutus users. Now get off me"

She puts her hands on his face and shoves and pushes him off her. After he is off she pats her self down to make sure nothing has been taken she didn't trust him one bit this could all be a trick. Just then she remebers him talking about genjutsu and says

"genjutsu uses chakra so you need to master chakra control like running up trees so you don't waist all your chakra on your genjutsu. As for the useless part as long as you can use genjutsu you aren't useless just focus on that and you should be able to be a great shinobi."
Jan 12, 2013 3:53 PM
Jan 2011
"Got off as he looked at her and smiled well can you help me train using charka control or we can go to the Chunin exams know if you want to.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:27 PM
Jan 12, 2013 4:01 PM
Jul 2012
"I'm only a genin I can't teach you chakra control it's only something you can learn yourself but maybe there will be someone at chunin exams who can teach you. So why did you hug me like that what is your angle"

She then looks at him confused he reminded her kinda of chikusa they both seemed to be overly affectionate and both were in desperate need of a tutor in all the ways of a shinobi.
Jan 12, 2013 6:24 PM
Jan 2011
"Oh ok and why do I hug you just because I am your friend and I trust you so ya. And we do both need a shinobi to teach us everything like for me charka control or for you um what can you do? I don’t know can you tell me? Please if you want to?
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:28 PM
Jan 12, 2013 6:42 PM
Jul 2012
"I was already tought everything a genin needs to know by my mom so don't need to learn anything for now. As for what I can do I control the wind it's like the wind itself is my companion and protects me from danger. Also how do you know we're friends if we just met most people take time before becoming friends."
Jan 12, 2013 6:54 PM
Jan 2011
"well I just know in my heart that we can be friends and also I use lighting just as well as he smiled um anything else lets go walking still to the place ok. Smiles as he took her hand and waited for her to walk pass the trees and to the valley of the shadows. Um I never head of the place before am it new?
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:29 PM
Jan 12, 2013 7:15 PM
Jul 2012
"That's great to hear so happy we could be friends and that I met someone as nice as you don't see much nice people most of the time. I thought you use genjutsu it doesn't really have a element so what do you mean by use lightning ? And what do you mean by just as well? "

Raysha looks confused at him as he takes her hand then just keeps walking through the forest with him she smiles back nervously then says

"what do you mean by anything else? the way you talk is confusing I can't understand what you want . Ok here in order of what I think you were asking ok let's go walking to the place together and I have no idea if it knew I have never been there before you will have to ask when you get there."
Jan 12, 2013 10:39 PM
Jan 2011
smiled well I can use lighting style like you can use your wind do you know there are 5 elements a ninja can use wind, fire, water, earth and lighting. You can use wind and my is lighting. Do you have a kennkie genkia? Like I heard shagmie from Uchiha or bygaya from huygia clan in the leaf village but other villages may have them. Well I am sorry that I confused as he started to cry sorry my friend I he started to run away from here then tripped over a rock and went troubling down the hill. and hit a tree as his feet was in a split and he cried and screamed that can wake up in the dead as he hold his nuts pain very painful ahhhhhhhhh......... birds flew from the trees there where ether crows or ravens that flew some tree leave feel onto oh his head. As he tried to get up he feel again just sat there holding his nuts. Own mommy. As tears ran down his side of his cheeks. Still crying.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:31 PM
Jan 13, 2013 8:50 AM
Jul 2012
Raysha smiled back at him she wondered how much he knew if he knew this much why wouldn't he know about chakra control. Raysha heard him mention how he used lightning which made her curious about if that was his kekkai genkai or if he didn't understand what she meant.

"of course I know all that its pretty basic stuff also a ninja can only use two type of chakra as well some Kage level get three types. as for my kekkai genkai the wind is my kekkai genkai and I think you mis understand what I said, if you use genjutusu only then you clearly can't use lightning the way I use wind."

Raysha then hears him apologize for being confusing shortly after he does raysha sees him start to cry so she sighs. but just as she is about to respond raysha sees him run away she instantly yells out

"wait where you going come back."

Just then raysha notices how he isn't paying attention to wear he is going so she yells in a nervous tone

"Watch wear your going your going to trip and hurt yourself."

But apparently he was to distraught to hear her because he shortly trips and starts rolling down the hill. raysha sees him heading straight for a tree and her eyes widen in shock, she hopes he is able to hear her in time so she instantly yells out

"watch out for the tree."

But it was appeantly to late because he hits the tree in what looked like a split to her letting out a ear splitting scream. Raysha wondered how he got into a split in the first place but it didn't matter now she could see her new friend is in pain. she quickly ran towards him worried and shoos away the birds near him as a attempt to help him, raysha bends down and says with a cheerful smile I thinking have a way to make pain go away but you will have to trust me. She wonders what he is going to say or do she knew it may be a stretch to trust someone you just met ven if they are friends.
Jan 13, 2013 12:20 PM
Jan 2011
Oh ok then please do it as he just sat there i trust you with my live. raysha as he just smiled waiting for her to make the pain go away. Hoping she does it fast as he based his teeth off biting his teeth down clenching them together hoping the pain go away?
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:32 PM
Jan 13, 2013 12:45 PM
Jul 2012
Raysha smiles and just as soon as he says he trusts her she starts building up chakra until she had pour a amount that could be considered over kill into her kekkai genkai then fires a huge wind bullet at his gut in a attempt to knock him out.
Jan 13, 2013 1:48 PM
Jan 2011
"Own as he put his hand towards his gut then started to blink and sawed back and forth and fell backwards dang why........... But he also said I still trust you. He closed his eyes and black out laying there not moving at all
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:32 PM
Jan 13, 2013 1:58 PM
Jul 2012
Raysha then sighs and drags his body to a patch of soft moss then sets him up so be will be comfortable, after that she sets up camp for the night has dinner from one of her special pre packaged meals. then goes to sleep up in a tree and waits for him to wake up in the morning assuming the pain from his accident will be gone by then.
Jan 13, 2013 10:24 PM
Jan 2011
"Worked up in the middle of the night wounding where he is then looked around and saw a campfire out he was cold and lonely he shaved looking around seeing nothing but pitch blackness. as he looked up he barley can make out raysha outline as he sighed where am I hoping someone would answer him and sighed he waited in the cold dark night for that one answer hoping it was going to be rasha voice as he listen he heard animals around him hooting like an owl a trig snipe close my as a deer ran across his field of vision.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:33 PM
Jan 14, 2013 6:17 AM
Jul 2012
Raysha was sound asleep at this point she was laying down on her hammock in the trees she shifted from one side of the bed to the other shifting every few minutes. as she lays there trent sat down by the fire as raysha slept she didn't realize Trent was awake already she was always a pretty deep sleeper so it was ussally hard to wake her.
Jan 14, 2013 8:15 AM
Jan 2011
"Sighed know one answered me as he tried to get warm from his own body heat. Shivering still he looked through his day pack and grabs a blanket and warped it around himself and kept warm as much as possible as he drifted off to sleep again.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:34 PM
Jan 14, 2013 8:57 AM
Jul 2012
Next morning raysha wakes up and stretches reaching her arms toward the sky then yawns a bit. After that she jumps off the hammock onto a nearby branch and packs up the hammock rolling it into a ball, raysha jumps off the tree and sees Trent asleep. She notices the blanket and realizes he must have gotten up at sme point she wonders if he had enough time for the pain to go away she hoped everything is ok. Raysha then begins to set up a fire and begins cooking breakfast.
Jan 14, 2013 9:07 AM
Jan 2011
"Worked up he smelled something good then he looked around the enivormemnt. He saw rasha cooking something as he asked her whets smells so good what are you making? As he smiled at her then he got up and grabs the blanket and rolled it back up into a ball and put it back into his bag. I was cold last night and you stayed with me me though I was alone as he walked to her and hug her thank you for staying with me as a tear ran down his cheek.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:35 PM
Jan 14, 2013 11:25 AM
Jul 2012
Raysha sees Trent wake up and smiled happily at him then starts to wave him over for breakfast raysha notices him looking around turning his head and wonders what he is looking at. they weren't that far from where he fell but wondered if he knew that she then hears him ask her something so she responds by saying

" I'm making bacon and ham sandwiches do you want some. "

But as soon as she said it she noticed he left and got distracted by cleaning so she just goes back to cooking. she then hears him talk again so responds by saying

"I'm sorry you were cold I made a fire for you and brought your supplies over here so you could've used them to keep warm. as for stay with you it was my please you better eat we have a long journey ahead ."
Jan 14, 2013 6:43 PM
Jan 2011
"walked over to her and cried thank you for staying with me as he grab a bowl and waited for him to get served by her as he cried still with joy of tears still holding her
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:35 PM
Jan 14, 2013 7:42 PM
Jul 2012
She looks nervously at him breaking free of his grasp and smiles then says its ok you don't have to be so happy over such a simple thing. Raysha then nervously serves him his food then inches away from him then serves her self and starts to eat.
Jan 14, 2013 8:51 PM
Jan 2011
Trent why are you so nervous don’t be afraid of me I am your friend remember as he sat on a log and eat his food this is great as he started to take a bite of the food and swallowed it and smiled it is great nice cooking very good
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:36 PM
Jan 14, 2013 9:28 PM
Jul 2012
"I know your my friend but people acting like this toward me is kinda creepy I can't explain it I just feel this way I'm sorry if I offended you "

Raysha then sighs and continues to eat her food sitting on the ground cross legged in a traditional Japanese position.she then hears his complement and smiles happily at him and says

"thanks but it's really nothing special but thanks anyway for the complement "

Raysha then continues to eat until she finishes she then scrapes off the remainder into the fire, packs up all the trash into a bag and finishes cleaning up. After she is done cleaning up she puts out the fire, then waites for Trent to finish.
Jan 14, 2013 9:31 PM
Jan 2011
'ate the last scalped and put in the fire and hand her the bowl you welcome I am sorry that I made you nervous and sighed I also know about tailed best as well are you one? And I don’t care if you are or not ok smiles at her
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:36 PM
Jan 14, 2013 9:36 PM
Jul 2012
Raysha takes the bowl and puts it away then finishes cleaning up the camp putting everything neatly away into one of two sacks

"no I'm not a tailed beast but I'd be nice to be one though if you think about it it's kinda like a short cut to Kage level and it's ok I understand but thanks for the apology."
Jan 14, 2013 9:42 PM
Jan 2011
'Oh ok thanks well time to hit the road I guess so let’s go as he walked I hope I don’t trip again
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:37 PM
Jan 14, 2013 10:16 PM
Jul 2012
"I agree just try to look where you walk now onto the land of graves "

Raysha shouts loudly while raising her hand into the air

"let's go "

Raysha then begins running off to her destination hoping Trent is able to keep up as she running she notices how fast the trees pass by and soon the trees start to get less and less until there's no trees nearby.
Jan 14, 2013 10:43 PM
Jan 2011
""Started to run as fast as she is doing smiling at her this is fun chasing you like a game as he looked back there was no tress at all. He smiled as he just slowed down a little bit as he fall behind.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:18 PM
Jan 15, 2013 7:38 AM
Jul 2012
(you should run a spell check to fix your spelling also should we end it here or what should we do next)
Jan 15, 2013 8:45 AM
Jan 2011
{its up to you}
"Started to run as fast as she is doing smiling at her this is fun chasing you like a game as he looked back there was no tress at all. He smiled as he just slowed down a little bit as he fall behind.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:18 PM
Jan 16, 2013 1:55 PM
Jan 2011
chapter 2;
""as he breath in the fresh air. and looked around its a beautiful day to do a mission Raysha like scout someone, or help a village under attack, or rescue someone or anything other mission like that stuff if you want to Raysha i hope we can succeed and doing the mission and getting one at least from a village. as he picked up a flower he smelled it it smelled like he was on a beach and the waves where coming it was that kind of a day as he smiled at her.
12345trent8Jan 16, 2013 2:17 PM
Jan 16, 2013 2:32 PM
Jul 2012
As raysha was walking on the way to the land of graves she could feel the way the wind caressed her face, she always loved the wind for some reason it reminded her of her mom. The sun was shining down on them providing just enough heat to keep them warm not that it mattered raysha loved it when it was hot to her the hotter the better. But she knew not all people felt like that so the temperture seemed to make a perfect day she wondered what Trent was thinking as he stared at her.

"I guess we have time for one mission if you want but we have to hurry to the land of graves I don't want to miss out on the chunin exams. though since we aren't from a village we can't really get missions like most people we have to find the jobs ourselves. So how do you propose we get a mission"

Raysha kept walking faster and faster as she waited for his response she wondered if he knew where they could get a mission since they could always use the experience of doing a mission.
Jan 16, 2013 2:41 PM
Jan 2011
"Well the best thing to do is ask around as he saw a town they are coming up on. It was old very badly destroyed rotten away wood almost like a ghost town but a few people still live in this town. Hmm let’s go ask those people if they need any help with something like rebuilding the won or if an outlaw is already taking over the two and the town people what him or her out of there. Do you agree? If not then we can go to that better town over there maybe there are distracts of each town I don’t know.
Jan 16, 2013 2:56 PM
Jul 2012
(fix the post above you have some spelling problems or missing letters)

"problem is you have to be discreet about these things you can't just go around everywhere saying where ninja do you need help with anything. "

Raysha then sees the old dilapidated town they were coming up on it was obviously in disrepair raysha thought to herself I wonder what happened to this town. what could've done this is it just time or is it something else that did this damage, as they entered the old run down half deserted town raysha heard Zero give suggestions on what to do.

"we are ninja not carpenters we should leave the rebuilding of the town to these people but we can always ask what happened to there town. If it is a outlaw or rogue shinobi did this to the town and has taken over we could help out and I could always use the practice. As for better town this town is fine for now so don't worry"
MikuIzumiJan 16, 2013 3:07 PM
Jan 16, 2013 3:03 PM
Jan 2011
{Oh I thought I did all of them, and you keep on putting Trent its zero by the way}
"Well ya they can fix the town themselves and I guess we could look around and just ask about what happen don’t get too involved with this town as we still keep on going to the land of the graves. What do you have any other ideas?
Jan 16, 2013 3:28 PM
Jul 2012
"nope no other ideas, so then let's go look around the town and see what happened, we can get involved just don't want it to take to long. after where done here then we can go to land of graves so lets go."

Raysha then sets off and starts running over to the town checking all over for the people of the town, once she finds people raysha starts asking around to see what caused this kind of damage.
Jan 16, 2013 3:58 PM
Jan 2011
"Walked inside the town looking at the buildings and sat on a bench and looked down towards the ground. He doesn’t care if Raysha left him or not.
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