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Jan 7, 2016 1:04 PM
Dec 2015
Hello! I'm new to the forum- I was wondering if anyone else has seen Mister Ajikko and wanted to talk about it at all. I loved the series as I watched it- it had great character development, stories, messages... The show is not well known in the US and I've been having trouble finding anyone who is interested in discussing it.

I have several questions about the ending and certain things throughout I didn't quite understand. The sub is...not great (hilariously so at times) and I'm thinking some things are lost in translation. If anyone is interested in talking about this just let me know. Thanks!
Jul 31, 2016 7:43 AM
Jul 2016
Hi there fellow Ajikko fan. I have been wondering a lot of forums recently trying to find another person that watched this classic anime. I had not have a lot of luck till today, when I found your post. I know that you posted this several months ago, but, if by chance you still want to talk about Mister Ajikko, just reply and we can start comparing our experiences.
Aug 27, 2016 12:00 PM
Dec 2015
Hello again! Finally I have a chance to respond in full. It's so great to finally get to talk to a fellow fan of this anime.

I actually found out about this series after watching Shokugeki no Soma. That one really inspired me to start cooking! It's something I've always been interested in, but I loved watching and learning about all the different types of cuisine and techniques. I looked around for another show similar to this one and that's how I found Mister Ajikko.

My experience with it was..really something. Especially near the end of the series (I'll get to that in a bit.) This really had a positive effect on me- in terms of how I try and approach my own work, or craft. I'm an animator and just finished an MFA program- and there were times throughout school when I lost confidence in myself and my work...watching this series was one of the things that helped reignite a passion in me to do the best I can at what I love to do.

What I absolutely love about this series: the storytelling and character development. There is an incredible wealth of character development here and it's an absolute delight to watch. I LOVE shows that do this and do it well. In particular, I found Ajiou and Kazuma really intriguing.

(Some SPOILERS ahead for people who haven't seen the whole series).

The story progression is really interesting. The first part (third) of the series follows the manga somewhat closely, but with those new characters (Shigeru, Mitsuko) and Marui's interest in Youichi's mom..later in the series it starts to differ and have a more serious tone. I haven't read the complete manga, but I looked at the last chapter/scans in Japanese and it is wholly different from the anime ending.

Several questions I still wonder about: what the heck happened to Kazuma after he left? It was such a cliffhanger..(I'm guessing we don't know for sure, but that perhaps something was lost in the sub translation that provided some context). And what was the significance of the "Medoin?" Since Ajiou would disguise himself as this character occasionally, I looked up whether this was something specific to Japanese culture but had little luck finding anything.

And the final question I've been wondering about has to do with the ending itself. From episode...90? onward, the show's tone becomes dark (at least relative to the rest of the series). I think it started at episode 70-something, where we learn of Ajiou's backstory.

Now, this show has themes and philosophies that were truly engaging...I felt I could relate to a lot of the lessons the characters learn as well as apply some of them to my own life! In general I felt really moved by some of these stories. I mean- the main "villain" is literally a dracula-looking man who lives in a creepy castle...but beneath all the somewhat exaggerated/cartoony elements, the emotions feel so real. This is probably why I reacted the way I did to the ending.

I found "Mister Ajikko's" last 3-4 episodes to be absolutely heart-rending. What a harrowing experience...Youchi finds his long-lost mentor and grandfather-figure, but he has lost his memories. His mom is suddenly getting married to the man he considered both a mentor and father-figure. The Ajiou Company is hiring a new, younger person to replace said grandfather/mentor. Everyone he knew, who supported Ajiou, is leaving. And on top of that, his best friend's little brother gets hit by a car. That is a BIG dollop of emotional upheaval for a kid at 14-15 years old..and it's all squished into a short period of time.

I won't lie, I was shedding a huge amount of tears while I watched these. I've had emotional reactions to plenty of stories- books, comics, tv shows, movies, animated or non-animated- but this, I think, touched on a couple things that I tend to respond very strongly to. The grand-mentor and mentee relationship, check...different types of loss, check...and just one thing after another, happening so quickly in succession. It was like a "perfect storm" of animated sadness. I'd love to have more insight as to the development of the show and why the creators decided to take the series in a specific direction. In fact, I would love to read more about it in general- but everything I've found is in Japanese and unfortunately google translate can only get you so far :')

My personal opinion: I wish the last story had been spread out for more episodes. There were a couple earlier ones (episode 80-something) that I felt were good, but could be considered "filler" and could have been devoted to the Ajiou-memory plotline. And I wish we had more room to really exhale after all that build up- Youchi's moment where he helps Ajiou regain his memory is great, but it's so short..! And then afterward Youichi jumps in triumph, and it's over. I guess it's the common response of "No, the show is over, I want mooooore!" xD Like, for example...Youichi and Ajiou go find Kazuma... Ajiou explains why he never told Kazuma about his true identity and why he couldn't adopt him (both are questions I'd like to know too)! The manga sequel to Mister Ajikko, "Mister Ajikko II," follows up on these characters- but from what I've heard, Kazuma in the anime is quite different from Kazuma in the manga (different backstory, etc.)

So I guess I'm wondering what your opinion on these things is...your experience and how you felt about the show and characters, differing opinions, and just any thoughts you might have! I absolutely love Mister Ajikko and would love to find more anime that feels similar, in terms of story and character development.

Thanks for reading!
Aug 27, 2016 10:59 PM
Jul 2016
Woau! That was a lengthy answer. I am glad to hear from you and I will happily share my opinions on the anime.

I have always had an interest in cooking (I'm from a part of Spain famous for its cooking) and this interest grew when I watched this anime. I rememer that it aired in one of the regional channels of my country (imagine Texas having his own channel that can only be seen there [It has also its own schedule and shows) and I remember watching it with my little bro when I was about 10-12. I was shocked (I've never watched anything like it) but we followed the anime for quite a lot of time (I can't recall if we watched the whole series back then). Then (I would say about some months ago, when shokugeki started airing) I remember having the strange feling of "I have seen something like this". Suddenly, all came to my mind and I quickly searched the whole internet for the whole anime (I eventually found it on kissanime, badly subbed). I watched it till the end and, from that day on, I have been trying to find someone that also remembers the series, and that's when I found your post.It was pretty old (january of this year, if I can recall correctly), but I thought that, at least, I should try to contact you. And here we are now.

I love this anime for its characters and the development (I won't go into a lot of details since you have already mentioned a lot of my ideas) and also for its diverse cooking (you can have both japanese cooking, chinese cooking and american cooking) and, although Shokugeki is better in explaining how the plates are made (ingredients, instructions...), I still think that Mister Ajikko has interesting receipts that I would want to try.

Now to the question (CAREFUL: SPOILERS). I will start with Kazuma: I think that Kazuma is now a broken young (lost his father and Ajiou) and is now wandering the world searching for its place in the world, like his father did before him (a bit dark, I know). Do you remember the light that came out of Ajiou once he regained his memories? Do you rememer how it crossed a part full of clouds? I think that this represents Kazuma and his current state.

Regarding the Medoin (I don't know how it could be properly translated [possibly as "Master"), I think, as the series puts it, that is a title that passes through generations, always as a way of accesing the past knowledge and as a way of improving it.

Finally, the dark tone of the last 15-10 episodes it's understandable, as it is a way of showing the pain that people experience when a person close to them cannot rember anything about their friendship or himself (as it happens in the anime).

Buf! I think that this is all that I can do to answer your questions. Obviously, this is all my personal opinion, so I would love to hear what you have to say about my ideas. I have also some questions myself: 1) What is the back-story of the Robot-Cook Sully? Is something like Robocop? 2) Why did the 7 Knives joing the Aji Shogun Group (General V in the bad subs)? What are their backstories/reasons? 3) What happens to the 7 Knives after their leader (Ichiro Abe, the Doctor Chef) is finally defeated?
I would love to hear what you have to say reganding this matter.
SakaiKazumaSep 30, 2016 4:54 AM
Sep 25, 2016 7:52 PM
Dec 2015
I didn't know you were from Spain- that's awesome! I'm in the US and I haven't been out of the country a whole lot but it's a place I'd definitely want to visit one day. It's really cool that you discovered and then rediscovered it after seeing Shokugeki. That's how I first discovered Ajikko.

S2 of Shokugeki has been fantastic...I love the Stagiare arc. I'm continually amazed by the imagination, innovation and creativity in this series and how the characters think up new solutions. Like I said before, it's really helped me to work creatively on my own stuff.

I agree about Kazuma as sad as it is. I would like to think that after awhile Ajiou would find him and...possibly admit his own shortcoming when it came to the situation with Kazuma. Now I don't know if this interpretation is correct or not, but I believe that since the "Taste" at the end had to do with love and caring about the person, Kazuma technically could have been able to bring back Ajiou's memory. The problem is, his love was overshadowed by the anguish, anger, betrayal and a slurry of other emotions that went into his cooking.

I think the difference is when Youichi made his dish at the end, he understood what the "Taste" was- all about completely selfless love, wanting the other person to get well/thinking about the other person (at least that's what I interpreted). Kazuma was also thinking about himself, but rightfully so. I do believe that Kazuma's anger overshadowed the other elements so Ajiou couldn't recognize it. At the very least, he does owe Kazuma a real, honest conversation. Ajiou has such a sad backstory that I'm thinking he was worried about his own possible shortcomings as a parent figure.

That explanation of the Medoin makes sense, thanks! I do wonder if it drew upon anything specific, culturally. Agree about the dark tone as was a bit of a departure from earlier episodes which followed the manga closely; but perhaps this being Imagawa's directorial debut, he decided to experiment and take the show in that direction.

For your questions:
1) As far as my understanding goes, the Robot-cook IS indeed based on Robocop!

2) The Aji Shogun Group: I think the members could have joined for a number of reasons...perhaps some were threatened (like Konishi at one point); or got a good financial offer; and/or believe in the cause. Ajiou's brother and Ichiro Abe probably made a compelling case. At least that is my guess.

3) I believe the group disbanded. What's interesting about it is the ideology it was based on. Ajiou's brother saw their eldest brother die after literally giving up everything for others and basically did the complete opposite; while Ajiou found sort of a happy medium between sacrifice and taking care of oneself (at least to a certain extent. I'm certain that he's touched by his eldest brother's death as much as his younger brother is.) I think that after having the revelation about love/caring for one another as related to "taste", Abe would share this knowledge with the remaining members and they might build up something similar to the Ajiou empire. Abe said something interesting at the end- "if people love each other/cook for each other, there's no need for chefs". Also, maybe remaining Aji Shogun members would join the original Ajiou group, since all the original members went off to explore the world in search of the "Taste" Ajiou was after (though maybe they come back once they see that light beam and know all is well xD )

So those are my thoughts...I still think about what would happen immediately after the anime ends. Talk to you soon!
Sep 30, 2016 5:11 AM
Jul 2016
Very interesting point that you have there about the "Taste" in the series. I think that you have nailed the explanation of why Kazuma counldn't bring back Ajiou's memories. I think that we can improve it by taking into account the type of love that the "Taste" evoques that, as you have put it, is caring about one person without wanting anything back, just the happiness of sharing your love with him/her. I think that, in this case, Kazuma's "Taste" would have become clouded by his desperate desire of having Ajiou back with him. He wanted to make his best dish for Ajiou so he could remember and, finally, be part of a family and I believe that, in the end, this prevented him from helping Ajiou, and, because of his failure, he abandoned everybody else.

Regarding the Medoin or Master, I believe that this idea takes inspiration from the relation master-disciple that exists in any kind of place (how the ideas, techiques and abilities of the master are passed to a disciple, who will then perfectionate them and pass to other disciple). At least is what I think.

What I don't know yet (as the anime doesn't explain) is the real backstory of Robo-Cook (how he came to be). I don't know if this character only appears in the anime or if it appears also in the manga (I don't have access to that, maybe you can help).

Finally, I think that your idea of all the Aji Shogun Group members going to Ajiou Group makes sense, as they will want to pursue their cooking and find out what they want to do with their lives.

One not related question: Did you (as a native English speaker) also find the subtitles of the anime off? It's like they were translated from other language or something. Did you find any information regarding this or do you have good English subs (if so send them to me, please)?
Oct 12, 2016 9:20 AM
Dec 2015
Hey again! I agree with everything you've said. The one thing I would love to see, still, is Ajiou with his regained memory and Kazuma having a conversation. I have some thoughts on how the anime could continue after the last episode (I really want to make a little fanart-comic at some point :D ) I also think that Konishi and Kazuma would end up getting along really well- they've been in episodes together both as allies and competitors, I'd love to see more interactions with them (even a Konishi-adopting-Kazuma story) general I just want MORE of this show, haha.

So far in the manga, I haven't seen the robocook, but I have only been following the translated english scans and the entirety is not translated yet. I think I know as much about his backstory as you do now, but from what I remember, he would have a super interesting backstory. He becomes good at the end, I think- he's a more than one dimensional character and I'd like to learn more about him!

And your last question: YES yes yes yes. The subtitles are terrible. I think you are right, they were translated from another language. The names are different throughout most of the subs too (Ajiyoshi Youichi is Megi Youichi, Konishi is Xin, Shigeru is Atomo, Marui is Uncle Wanjin(?!), Ajiou is Vikon, etc). So far I haven't found a good sub EXCEPT for one episode, here:
That website hosts all the episodes from different video sites. If I could only find the original hosting site of the well-subbed episode, we'd have the whole series! I will keep looking. So far we have 1 out of 99! :)

EDIT: I found another one! Episode 1:
Episode 2:
KCRoss42Oct 12, 2016 8:15 PM
Oct 25, 2016 2:26 PM
Jul 2016
Heya! Sorry for not answering until today, I've had two crazy weeks (I got sick and couldn't get out of bed), but now I am fine and ready to rumble!

Regarding what you said about Konishi adopting Kazuma, I totally agree. He could have stayed at his restaurant with Koro-gi (sorry if not correct spelling) and he would have had all he needed in life: A family, his greatest friend/rival alongside him, a plethera of loyal customers (as seen in the last episodes)... But, in the end, I think that he couldn't picture himself living that life if Ajiou wasn't in there (he was "obsessed", so to say) and that was, at the end, what ultimately brought his downfall.

And thank you for confirming my thoughts about the subtitles! I may not speak English natively, but I know that "the picancy of the plate" (or something in the lines of that) isn't a coherent sentence in English. I think that, whoever made these subs translated them via Google Traductor from other language to English, and that's why they are so bad.

I have also just finished with Shokugeki! Great show, by the way (I loved how in the last episodes it show how restaurants are in the inside) and I can't wait for season 3 :)

Also thanks for the page that you sent me :) The subtitles are great. I might even consider rewatching the anime again, as I think that, without shows such as this, we wouldn't have now anime as Shokugeki.

I have one question that I would like you to answer: How old do you think that the Sage of Taste is? He is the one that tasted one dish every 10 years and, in order to win the chance to present your plate, you had to collect 4 cards. I can't exactly pinpoint his aproximate age, and I believe that it is an interesting topic to discuss.

If you have more questions, put them in here and we also can discuss them :)
Nov 5, 2016 4:13 PM
Dec 2015
Heya- I'm glad you're feeling better!! That's the worst kind of sickness, when you can't get out of bed.

Totally agree with your thoughts on Kazuma. I'd hope in the future he recognizes those people that are important to him and he'd return. Youichi became like a brother to him...I loved those scenes where he 'stole' his bed, and when Youichi's mom got him a pair of shoes :))

I lovvve the new episodes of Shokugeki! I don't know if you've been following the manga, but it's very far ahead, the dishes keep getting more intricate and interesting...

As far as the Sage of Taste, I think I will have to rewatch those episodes and get back to you- I imagine he's prettttty old (older than Ajiou I'd guess) but I'll take another look!

I'm trying to think of more questions, I may come back and edit this when I do. In the meantime I'm glad you're feeling better, and hope to talk to you soon! :)
Dec 14, 2016 9:33 AM

Mar 2016
KCRoss42 said:
Hello! I'm new to the forum- I was wondering if anyone else has seen Mister Ajikko and wanted to talk about it at all. I loved the series as I watched it- it had great character development, stories, messages... The show is not well known in the US and I've been having trouble finding anyone who is interested in discussing it.

I have several questions about the ending and certain things throughout I didn't quite understand. The sub is...not great (hilariously so at times) and I'm thinking some things are lost in translation. If anyone is interested in talking about this just let me know. Thanks!

Hi, did Youichi get the Golden Plate?? Chef Marui was the second person who got his right? It said on wiki Chef Marui got his golden plate 10 years before youchi eventually got his. Does this mean Yoichi got the golden plate 10 years after chef marui got his or youchi was 10 years older than chef marui when he got his golden plate? (like if chef marui was 40 yrs old when he got his, Youchi got his only when he was 50 yrs old)
Jan 1, 2017 8:57 AM
Dec 2015
Heya, welcome to the discussion! :) I think I'd have to rewatch the episode... From what I remember, Marui was indeed mentioned as the second chef to get the golden plate, after Ajiou...but I don't think his age when he received it was specified. I'm thinking the mention of Youichi getting his in 10 years time could be in reference to him as an adult, and perhaps this was confirmed in the sequel manga Mister Ajikko II, since he didn't get it yet in that specific episode (I think.)
Jan 9, 2017 9:09 PM
Sep 2014
Hi, i remember watching this when i was a kid.
Back then, i think yoichi was beaten once by a girl if im not mistaken.
Anyone know what episode and the name of the opponent?
Mar 5, 2017 7:52 PM
Aug 2015
I just finished watching this, enjoyed the character development. :)
Apr 26, 2017 1:05 PM
Dec 2015
(Geez I haven't logged in in awhile..!)

Bubblin- I believe that episode was the one where they make ice was later in the show's run, it was Youichi and Kazuma against Mitsuko and Kazuma's assistant ("Cricket?"). Episode is here:

Chams- So did I, that was my favorite part of the series :)
Jun 20, 2023 11:08 AM

Feb 2016
I'm watching this show now and the subs are just fine. They must have been redone at some point.
Jun 20, 2023 11:24 AM
Dec 2015
Wow I haven’t logged on in years!! I just got alerted to this reply haha

I’d love to watch the show with proper subs! May I ask where you are watching it?

Thanks so much!
Jun 21, 2023 8:30 AM

Feb 2016
I'm sure the sites all have decent fansubs by now. A lot can change in 7 years.

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