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Sep 22, 2009 2:59 PM

Sep 2007
I haven't read or watched all manga and anime out there so I'll probably be missing a lot of worthy heroines out there. If there is someone missing please post the girl's full name and the manga or anime she is from.

I've noticed the word "noble" is kind of ambiguous so I'm going to try and give a few examples of what to look for when looking for whether the character you want to add is noble:
-Wisdom. A noble person tends to know things others do not (i.e. what is right, suffering of others) and acts on that wisdom-

-Doing the morally right but difficult choice, if the choice isn't difficult but morally right, it's doesn't count. Nobleness is about treading the path least taken-

-Being a leader or taking the initiative. Someone who is noble does not wait on the sidelines hoping the wrong they notice is going to fix itself-

-Constantly striving to be a better person, this includes characters that start out really mean or spoiled, but grow into independent and giving people-

-The character cannot be the designated fan service character. Being the fan service butt monkey is cheapening. It cheapens the character as it turns them into a pair of boobs. Mild fan service is fine, but if the character's clothes are being constantly ripped off when she fights, it undermines her importance as a person-

-Noble characters do things for others of course, but they are at their core about improving themselves (hence characters like Kyoko from Skip Beat, who strives to be good actress that people enjoy is on the club list)-

-They are elegant. (This one matters less, but it's still a part of being noble :] )

Please note that not all of these points listed need to be fulfilled to get added onto the club. Usually the character should show at least 2 of these traits. I hope that helps with deciding whether certain heroines fit the club criteria. :)


Just a few quick reminders:
1. The above examples are not exhaustive and are just there to give people a general idea. Also if your character doesn't fit any of the above traits but you still feel she is noble, please suggest her anyway. Debate is always good. :)

2.physical strength does not equal strong willed.

3. Please tell us why she is a noble and strong willed heroine. This really helps speed up the approval process.

4. I won't automatically add your character, I'll have to decide whether she fits the criteria (with the help of other members). If she is rejected and you feel my rejection was not reasonable, please feel free to state why you think she is noble and strong willed, I will reply by either admitting your point, or pointing out why I think she doesn't fit the classification.

5. I really value other people's ideas and I really appreciate any comments about a female/lady/woman/girl someone else has suggested or one that is pending. The more people debate, the more objective (as in less to do with a single person's vision of nobility and strength and more a common vision) our list becomes.

Additions Pending:

Matia - Legend of Nereid
Heizerberg, Stella - Record of [the] Fallen Vampire
Miyuki - Tokyo Godfathers
Nagisa Furukawa - Clannad
Chacha - Basara
Belldandy - Ah! My Goddess

Additions Rejected:

Louise - Zero no Tsukaima
soaring_wingsApr 7, 2012 12:31 PM
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Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Sep 22, 2009 3:16 PM

Dec 2008
I intended to help...but I don't know any of these ^^', instead I am adding to the suggestions.
What about Tsukasa Kozuki? from Tokyo Crazy Paradise (by the same author of Skip Beat)
She is really strong-willed, when she wants to do something she does it on her own, she even goes to the extents of acting like a man for the sake of protecting herself and her family, learning to fight (she is better than most of the fighters in this story) and not caring about what people say. She has a fierce personality, but she is very caring about those she loves, and she is even caring with her enemies...always thinking about what is right and what is wrong, even when she works for a yakuza family, she still knows that you can't judge people only by titles or what they seem to be like..
Sep 23, 2009 5:51 PM

Sep 2007
@Queen: she seems to fit the description very well. I'll add her to the relations, as well as the manga. :) I usually try not to put characters on the pending list because then they just sit there, but there are times when I'm not 100% sure if a certain character really fits, and I end up putting them on the list. ^^;;;
Sep 28, 2009 8:44 PM

Dec 2008
Thanks, I have some other suggestions that I have stumbled upon today.
Have you watched Inuyasha? I think Kagome and Sango could be added in the list.

Kagome she is really brave and stronger than it looks like (how can she not be brave?, after being thrown into a strange, monster-filled land, she manages to keep calm), not only that, when it comes to difficult situations she doesn't lose it and she tries to help even if she knows it would be dangerous.

Sango shares the same sense of justice as Kagome but she is more strong-willed than noble. She is a demon hunter, so she really knows how to take care of herself and her friends.
Sep 29, 2009 6:14 PM

Sep 2007
yes I have. I actually have watched the whole thing and I own 5 volumes of it.



manga/anime: Is Sango's role big enough to warrant these to be added to the list?

ps - I am willing to listen about Kagome. So do argue back. I just a few doubts about her nobility and strength of will. k? :)
soaring_wingsSep 29, 2009 6:17 PM
Sep 29, 2009 6:50 PM

Dec 2008
:D I like your answers..I am not that fond of Kagome and I don't remember that much about the show either. Besides I think you are right, I had doubts about suggesting her because I also felt the whole damsel on distress issue, but I thought I would wait for your opinion on that, since she seems to go back and forth, I just had forgotten the air head moments.!

Sango ^^. I almost forgot the whole brother issue and her strenght to make decission about that.

Now, what about Yako? This character can strike you as a dumb one at the beginning, but I think that happens because you keep comparing her to the partner, genius Neuro. As the story progresses we become aware that Neuro actually needs her, and that she has an unique ability to defeat criminals, through the understanding of human feelings. She is physically strong, I don't think just anyone could stand Neuro's masochist behavior (with the beatings and all). She has a great sense of justice but she still treats the most dangerous minds as persons,just with different issues. And she is really brave, she is not damsel in distress! XD..sometimes she is too reckless, though. Yako fights criminals (she is forced to do that at the beginning but then she enjoys it) in the company of a deamon that could scare you to death, without fearing him at all.
Sep 30, 2009 6:18 PM

Sep 2007
since you agree, I guess I'll move her to the rejected section. Rejections are not final and anyone can bring up a character that has been rejected. :)

Seems like she is in the transformative stage as well (appears dumb, but has moments of ingenuity that increase as the series progresses from your post). I'm not too sure because I'm not familiar with this manga/anime, so I'm going to do a bit more research (wikipedia, fan sites, ect.) before I decide either way. I will get back to you tomorrow for sure because I will have a bit more free time then. :)
Oct 1, 2009 4:41 PM

Sep 2007
-ok there aren't really many sites that go into detail, so I'm going to ask you a few questions that bother me before I add her, k?

1.Why does she take his beatings?
2.Is she emotionally strong?
3.Just how dumb is she and how much smarter does she become?

thanks in advance. :)
Oct 1, 2009 4:57 PM

Dec 2008
1. That part is more like a comic relief, and she seems not to care, after all he is a demon and evil to the boot, so at the beginning is more like she doesn't have an option, she accepts everything that he does and in exchange he helps her find her father's killer.

2. Yes, a lot, she has to go through a lot, especially in the last chapters..and she gets even stronger. She is the kind of person that can take it all. I mean, how strong are you if after your father is murdered you go on, living with all your strength for happines? and she resolves to find the murderer after that. When bad things happen she usually analizes them and if she feels bad, she usually tries to help others first.

3. Uhm, that is a difficult one, she is dumb in a weird way, she eats a lot (bottomless pit) without a care for her surroundings and she is bad at her studies; but it is said that she needed to get high scores to get in her school and she did it, one of the best, only because the food there was good!. That is pretty much all, but she is a pretty keen person. As I said, she looks stupid because Neuro is a genius and she is often surrounded by masterminds, but no one is better than her at understanding people and sympathizing with them.
Oct 2, 2009 3:00 PM

Sep 2007
hmmm, I'm still not too sure (I personally don't think someone taking beatings without saying anything is noble, but since she needs him to find her father's killer, well I guess that makes it a little different.) Also, this linking of women and emotions and men with logic annoys me to no end, but since this is a personal annoyance of mine, it's irrelevant. So I'll add her because there isn't much I can say other then a bit of uncertainty. ^^
Oct 2, 2009 3:14 PM

Dec 2008
Oh well...Since he threatened her after with his evil powers I think she got a pretty good deal out of it.
I did not see it that way (logic/emotions), but I guess you can get the whole feeling of it only reading the manga. It is not focused on the emotional part in that sense, it is more that "he" is a demon so he doesn't understand human nature and he has supernatural weapons to get evidence and information in a level beyond humans, but with all his physical and mental power he still doesn't get the ways of humans, why they behave this or that way, and Yako surpasses him on that way, seeing things that he always this time is more like a human vs. demon thing, it just so happens that Neuro looks like a man and Yako is a woman. Oh well, if you get the chance try to read it, it is a clever and sarcastic comedy, and it has great moments regarding that part, human nature.
Oct 2, 2009 3:24 PM

Sep 2007
Queen2408 said:
Oh well...Since he threatened her after with his evil powers I think she got a pretty good deal out of it.
I did not see it that way (logic/emotions), but I guess you can get the whole feeling of it only reading the manga. It is not focused on the emotional part in that sense, it is more that "he" is a demon so he doesn't understand human nature and he has supernatural weapons to get evidence and information in a level beyond humans, but with all his physical and mental power he still doesn't get the ways of humans, why they behave this or that way, and Yako surpasses him on that way, seeing things that he always this time is more like a human vs. demon thing, it just so happens that Neuro looks like a man and Yako is a woman. Oh well, if you get the chance try to read it, it is a clever and sarcastic comedy, and it has great moments regarding that part, human nature.

oh i see. I guess I'm just overly sensitive to this issue, since females tend to be portrayed as emotional or emotional wreaks, while males more as reason oriented and suppressing their emotions even when they are an emotional wreak. The manga itself sounds really good, and I will eventually find some time to read it. I usually love shounen manga (even ones with awful females like Naruto. XD But I don't like the females, just the action). But I try for the purpose of this club to weed out the awful and average females from the inspirational and superior ones. :)

btw, I've only added the manga because a lot of fan sites said the anime only covers a bit of the manga and Yako seems to be a stronger character later on.
Nov 2, 2009 3:16 PM

Oct 2009
I propose Lina Inverse from Slayers. Strong-willed, intelligent, powerful and brave. If people knows the series I think she adjust to the profile or a noble heroin (or anti-heroin but noble non the less XD).
Nov 3, 2009 3:48 PM

Sep 2007
I haven't watched slayers, but what I do know of it is that Lina Inverse is suppose to be a goof and greedy and in this lies the comic nature of the show. Not very noble if you ask me. But if she changes and becomes noble we can still add her. Also there are multiple slayers anime, is there a particular one you are referring to?
Nov 5, 2009 7:29 AM

Oct 2009
Sure she is greedy and have a lot of defects XD but in the end she's up to save the day and she's loyal to her friends. Almost in every season you can see that but in the 10 first chapters of the first season the good traces of her personality are there too. When she fights Shabranigdoo she's putting her life in the stake, and in the end of next she's willing to sacrifice her being in order to save the world (maybe more to save her significant other but I think is all a pack XD).
Nov 5, 2009 12:20 PM

Sep 2007
alright, I'll add her and the anime. I just wanted to make sure. ;)

actually, should I add all the editions? right now I'll just add slayers until I get an answer.
Nov 5, 2009 5:34 PM

Oct 2009
Mmmmmmm in the OVAs - Slayers Special and Excellent- she's not noble at all XD, she is youger too XD, neither the movies mmmmmmm except maybe the first. I'd say the five season series Slayers TV, NEXT, TRY, Revolution and Evolution-R.
Nov 6, 2009 5:55 PM

Sep 2007
alright I've added all five seasons. :)
Nov 9, 2009 1:09 PM

Feb 2009
I know I'm a bit late in reacting but I have some objections to Lina.

I watched the first two seasons ( I couldn't finish the 3rd one).

While I agree that she is powerful and likes to take care of herself than being protected, I think her personality is more like a goof. I always felt that she did not do anything without keeping in mind the gain. Also she tended to be a show off (mostly after the first season), destroying half cities cause she ised her biggest magic without kinda thinking...

Well it's just my opinion and I also admit that it was one of my first animes I ever watched and never tried it again so it was a long time since I saw this.
Nov 10, 2009 3:13 PM

Sep 2007
@Fin: since I already added her, I'll add Lina to the boot thread. Two more votes against Lina and she will be removed. I'm not really sure about her, so I will refrain from voting either way (unless I happen to watch the anime at some point).
Nov 14, 2009 9:06 AM

Oct 2009
My proposal is the heroic knight-lady Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tale;
-she's strongwilled
-a great battle mage
-shes very noble; fights for people in her city, for her guild
-the strongest female mage in her guild
-she acts like a knight
Nov 14, 2009 10:05 AM

Sep 2007
Alright, I shall add her and Fairy Tale to the relations.
Nov 14, 2009 10:06 AM

Mar 2008
My proposal is for Furude Rika, from the Higurashi series.

Quite a bit about her is spoiler but will say a few things outside of the spoiler tag. She may seem like just a cute character on the surface. But there is a real strength and noble quality inside her. After going through Higurashi and then Kai that was extremely clear to me.

Glad I got in this group, because I really wanted to make this proposal.
Nov 14, 2009 10:20 AM

Oct 2009
soaring_wings said:
Alright, I shall add her and Fairy Tale to the relations.

cool :3

oh sorry, its not Fairy Tale; its Fairy Tail, my fault, sorry xd
Nov 14, 2009 11:21 AM

Sep 2007
@FlareKnight: I've actually watched the first two seasons of Higurashi, so I was able to read your spoilers. I'll add her to the relations as well as the first two seasons. I'm not sure about season three because I've just started watching it and episode one was very fan service oriented.

@antonique: haha. I realized that it must be Tail after trying to add Fairy Tale and found no results. XD
Nov 15, 2009 7:46 AM

Oct 2009
other proposal;
San,"Princess Mononoke" from Mononoke Hime

and Lady Eboshi Gozen, also from Mononoke Hime

-fights for her Wolf family and the forrest
-strongwilled and very loyal to her family
-is a strong and great fighter

-cares for her village
-is a great, strong and kind leader, especially for the women
-fights for the people in her town
-her people respect her
Nov 16, 2009 3:07 PM

Sep 2007
@antonique: knowing it's a Miyazaki creation is enough! lol. XD now seriously, both seem to fit well so I'll be adding both characters and Princess Mononoke to the relations.
Nov 16, 2009 5:31 PM

Oct 2006
I have a proposal:
Rosette Christopher from Chrno Crusade

- very strong, shes an elite exorcist and fights bravely
- tender and caring on the inside, she cares deeply for both her brother, her friends and even the world in general and is willing to sacrifice herself to save them
- despite knowing her life is ticking away (due to the contract), shes still determined to live on and achieve her goals, rarely showing a sign of weakness
Nov 17, 2009 11:45 AM

Oct 2009
some other proposal; Kurau Amami from KURAU Phantom Memory
and Christmas Kurau

-strongwilled, brave, powerfull
-fights for her pair, uses her power to help people, even if theres some risk she could die.
-tryes to keep the promise to her father;
; is honourable.

-is kind and strongwilled
-helps other people with her power.
-fights to stay with her pair
Nov 17, 2009 2:18 PM

Sep 2007
Rosette & Chrno Crusade: anime, manga and Rosette will be added. I agree with you and I cannot believe I forgot about her. ^^;;;

Phantom Memory & two characters: will add the anime and the two characters. btw, it sounds very interesting. I'm going to add it to my plan to watch list :D
Nov 17, 2009 6:46 PM

Oct 2006
@soaring_wings, i highly recommend Kurau as well, its one of my favourite psychological animes

Another proposal:
Lenalee Lee from D.Gray Man

- one of the lead exorcist of the Black Order, strong and smart is how i'd describe her
- cares deeply for her friends and family, will do anything to protect them

and theres an incident here which made me think she was definitely noble, i'll put it under spoiler tags just in case
Nov 17, 2009 8:35 PM

Mar 2008
Wow I'm surprised I forgot about proposing Rosette. Definitely worthy of getting in.
Nov 18, 2009 7:39 PM

Sep 2007
@ZJun: will add Lenalee, the anime, and the manga. :)

@Flare: don't worry I also forgot about her. I recently started watching Gash Bell again and I realized I also forgot to add Sherry too. ^^;;;

so everyone's help is much appreciated. :)
Nov 20, 2009 7:44 AM

Oct 2009
proposal; Major Mokoto Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell!

-is strong, both physically as mentally
-a great fighter and hacker
-honorable as a member of Section 9
Nov 20, 2009 7:59 AM

Sep 2007
@antonique: any other noble qualities? I did watch some Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, and in it she was noble.

so I will add her, and stand alone complex, but I'm wondering if in Ghost in the Shell (never read the manga or watched the movie) she has any noble traits other then honor and the fact that she is capable physically and mentally. Both of these are important traits, but in themselves they don't make characters noble, characters must also have a sense of duty (to protect, or to be the very best they can be, etc.) Hope that helps ^^
soaring_wingsNov 20, 2009 8:02 AM
Nov 21, 2009 1:30 PM

Oct 2009
soaring_wings; sorry, I saw the movie years ago, I dont remember more - -'
have to watch it again, its a very good movie...
Nov 25, 2009 7:57 PM

Oct 2006
Another one, I think she really deserves a place in this

Nakiami from Xam'D Lost Memories

- the strength of her soul
- might look a bit rash sometimes but thats because she can't leave anyone in trouble alone
- tries to save the Xam'ds everytime, despite warnings from her captain and also despite knowing most of them were lost causes
- and in the last episode
Nov 26, 2009 12:12 PM

Sep 2007
Nakiami & Xam'D will be added :)
Interesting that this character might have been inspired by Nausicaa, who is one of the best examples of a noble heroine.
Dec 15, 2009 12:16 PM

Sep 2007
I've added Yukiji and Kanna from 20th century boys to the pending list. I think both are worthy but since I have yet to finish 20th century boys, I decided to put them on the pending list just in case. If you think they deserve to be added leave a post saying you want one of them or both added, and if you think they don't deserve to be added, leave a post saying no to both. Three votes each and they will be added. btw, this can be done with anyone on the pending list (but listing pros & cons is a little faster).
Dec 19, 2009 12:59 PM

Aug 2009
How about adding Lena from Saver?
-she's intelligent
-captain of the Kendo club
-When she's transported to another world, she doesn't panic and immediately assumes the situation with calm and stategic thoughts. She becomes a leader and the beacon of hope for many because of her strength and prowess in battle.
Dec 19, 2009 1:09 PM

Sep 2007
@Blasian Angel: wow she sounds really awesome and very noble. She shall be added :) I'll also add Savor to my plan to read list.
Dec 20, 2009 10:44 AM

Oct 2009
some other proposal; the Kisugi sisters from the anime/manga Cats Eye;

Hitomi Kisugi, Rui Kisugi, Ai Kisugi.

they're "gentelmen robbers" they robb actually their own posessions- their fathers pictures, in order to find some clue about their father.Also, they warn the police, and tell them the time and object they want to steal.
They're strongwilled, intelligent, also athletic and very clever.

Well, its something we could discuss about; but I would call them noble even if they are thieves; Hitomi once rescued a small girl thought the small one could see her face..
They care about other people lifes, dont use weapons that could kill or seriously injure somebody...They steal ony cause they want to find their father, not for money..
Dec 21, 2009 3:55 PM

Sep 2007
@antonique: They seem fine, but is Hitomi the only one who does something that is not for her own family's sake? Do they give the pictures back (after they are done with them/find their father)?
Jan 5, 2010 1:06 PM

Sep 2007
soaring_wings said:
I've added Yukiji and Kanna from 20th century boys to the pending list. I think both are worthy but since I have yet to finish 20th century boys, I decided to put them on the pending list just in case. If you think they deserve to be added leave a post saying you want one of them or both added, and if you think they don't deserve to be added, leave a post saying no to both. Three votes each and they will be added. btw, this can be done with anyone on the pending list (but listing pros & cons is a little faster).

I've finished reading it and since no body replied, I'll just go ahead and added them to the relations as well as Kiriko. I was really impressed by 20th Century Boys, not only was the story amazing, but all three major female characters turn out to be very strong (physically, emotionally and intellectually) with noble goals, a great sense of justice and compassion, and an indomitable spirit (although Kanna did at times fall into depression, she always overcame it).
Jan 5, 2010 2:13 PM

Mar 2009
Hey, how come none of the Digimon girls are there? We've got Mimi Tachikawa, Sora Takenouchi, Miyako/Yolei Inoue, Hikari Yagami/ Kari Kamiya, and Ruki Makino/Rika Nonoka.
They're all kinda similar in some ways but it tends to boil down to learning to have faith and trust in others and using it to help save the world. They're also all passionate in their own ways about certain other things, but Kari especially needs to be added because she's a very caring Waif and especially strong when it comes to dealing with bad guys.
Jan 8, 2010 1:20 PM

Sep 2007
@classica: sorry for the late reply.

1.Mimi Tachikawa: while she does have her moments of nobility and strength they are few and far between. I think her cons out weight her pros.

2.Sora Tekenouchi: shall be added.

3.Miyako/Yolei Inoue: shall be added.

4. Hikari Yagami: shall be added.

5.Ruki Makino: I don't really remember Digimon 3 (which is why I am re-watching it right now) but can you please give an example of her strength and nobility?

Digimon Seasons 1 & 2 will also be added to the relations.
Jan 15, 2010 11:28 AM

Mar 2009
soaring_wings said:
@classica: sorry for the late reply.
5.Ruki Makino: I don't really remember Digimon 3 (which is why I am re-watching it right now) but can you please give an example of her strength and nobility?.

....grr, it's been so damn long since I've seen season 3, I'd just let it be your best judgement if you're currently watching is and it was kinda my least favored season, I can't come up with anything right now, sorry.
Jan 15, 2010 7:51 PM

Sep 2007
classicalzawa said:
soaring_wings said:
@classica: sorry for the late reply.
5.Ruki Makino: I don't really remember Digimon 3 (which is why I am re-watching it right now) but can you please give an example of her strength and nobility?.

....grr, it's been so damn long since I've seen season 3, I'd just let it be your best judgement if you're currently watching is and it was kinda my least favored season, I can't come up with anything right now, sorry.

really? It was my favourite season. :3
I was never a big digimon fan until Tamers and I had high expectations after it and I was disappointed with the next season and stopped watching after that. I'm re-watching season 3 right now and I plan to give the other seasons (4 & 5) another chance as well. Digimon 1 & 2 were alright, but the story in 3 was superior and the ending much more emotional and beautiful in my opinion.
Jan 22, 2010 5:42 AM

Feb 2009
I also liked digimon till the 3rd season.After that I couldn't even see where are the digimons..-.- The whole story 'evolved' into something completely different!

As for Ruki. I liked her a lot. I also thought when watching the story that she is soo different than the others. ALl the other characters were pretty childish and immature compared to her. So I would give a vote for her to be added to the relations. ^^
Jan 22, 2010 8:15 AM

Sep 2007
since you both feel she deserves to be on the list and I vaguely remember her being a really well developed character (went from thinking digimon are nothing important to really caring about her partner). I'll go ahead and add her as well as digimon 3. :)
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